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Tolstoy, Leo

(Jasnaja Poljana 1828-1910 Astapowo) : Schriftsteller

Name Alternative(s)

Tolstoi, Leo
Tolstoj, Lew
Tolstoj, Lew


Index of Names : Occident / Literature : Occident : Russia

Chronology Entries (48)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1862 Tolstoy, Leo. Progress i opredelenie obrazovaniia. [Progress and the definition of education]. In : Yasnaya Polyana journal ; Dec. 1862).
"We know China with its 200 million people refuted our entire theory of progress, and we do not doubt for a moment that progress is the general law of all humanity, and that we, who believe in progress, are right, and those who do not believe in it are to blame, and we are going to instill the idea of progress in the Chinese with cannon and rifles."
  • Document: Lukin, Alexander. The bear watches the dragon : Russia's perceptions of China and the evolution of Russian-Chinese relations since the eighteenth century. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 2003). S. 32. (LukA1, Publication)
2 1869 Tolstoy, Leo. 1812 god v Vojne I mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
the wall of China-Town a smaller group of people were gathered round a man in a frieze coat who held a paper in his hand…
If it were an example taken from the history of China, we might say that it was not an historic phenomenon (which is the historians' usual expedient when anything does not fit their standards)…
Moscow, the Asiatic capital of this great empire, the sacred city of Alexander's people, Moscow with its innumerable churches shaped like Chinese pagodas...
All the kings, except the Chinese, wear military uniforms, and he who kills most people receives the highest rewards…
3 1883-1910 Leo Tolstoy general
Tolstoy's books about China
(Yasnaya Polyana) :
Abel-Rémusat, Jean-Pierre. Mélanges asiatiques [ID D1979]. [Auszüge].
Abel-Rémusat, Jean-Pierre. Mélanges posthumes d'histoire orientales [ID D5231]. [Auszüge].
Abel-Rémusat, Jean-Pierre. Mémoire sur la vie et les opinions de Lao-tseu [ID D11899].
Abel-Rémusat, Jean-Pierre. Nouveaux mélanges asiatiques [ID D1984]. [Auszüge].
Balfour, Frederic Henry. Taoist texts : ethical, political, and speculative [ID D5888].
Beal, Samuel. A catena of buddhist scriptures from the Chinese [ID D8375].
Beal, Samuel. The romantic legend os Sâkya Buddha [ID D8366].
Carus, Paul. Lao-tze. Tao-teh-king [ID D5896].
Chalmers, John. The origin of the Chinese [ID D7404].
Chalmers, John. The speculations on metaphysics, polity, and morality, of "the old philosopher", Lau-tsze [ID D4588].
Faber, Ernst. A systematical digest of the doctrines of Confucius, according to the Analects, Great learning, and Doctrine of the mean ; with an introduction on the authorities upon Confucius and Confucianism. (Hong Kong : China Mail Office, 1875).
Georgievskij, Sergej Michajlovic. Principy zizny Kitaja [ID D35697].
Gu, Hongming. Et nunc, reges, intelligite! : the moral causes of the Russo-Japanese war. (Shanghai : Shanghai Mercury, 1906).
Gu, Hongming. The great learning of higher education.
Gu, Hongming. Papers from a viceroy's yamen. A Chinese plea for the cause of good government and true civilization in China. (Shanghai : Shanghai Mercury, 1901).
Gu, Hongming. The universal order, or conduct of life [ID D10718].
Harlez, C[harles Joseph] de. Textes taoïstes [ID D5886].
Hearn, Lafcadio. Gleanings in Buddha-fields : studies of hand and soul in the Far East. (Boston : Houghton, Mifflin, 1897).
Heysinger, Isaac W. Lao, Tsze. The light of China : the Tao Teh King of Lao Tsze [ID D36183].
Julien, Stanislas. Les Avadânas [ID D5235].
Julien, Stanislas. Lao-tseu. Tao-te-king : le livre de la voie et de la vertu [ID D2060].
Karyagin, K.M. Konfutsi, yevo zhizn I filosofskaya deyatelnost. (S. Peterburg 1897).
Konishi, D.P. Konfutsi. (Moscow 1896).
Konishi, D.P. Laosi. Tao-teking. (Moscow 1895).
Konishi, D.P. Velikaya nauka Konfutsiya. In : Voprosy filosofii I psikhologii (1893).
Legge, James. The Chinese classics. Vol. 1 : The life and teachings of Confucius. Vol. 2 : The life and works of Mencius. Vol. 3 : The She king. (1867-1876). [Original = ID D2212].
Liang, Qichao. Likhunchzhan, ili politicheskaya istoriya Kitaya za posledniya. (1905).
Meadows, Thomas Taylor. The Chinese and their rebellions, viewed in connection with their national philosophy, ethics, legislation and administration, to which is added an essay on civilisation and its present state in the East and West [ID D4620].
Müller, F. Max. The religions of China [ID D36161].
Müller, F. Max. Sacred books of the East [ID D8367].
Pauthier, G[uillaume] ; Bazin, [Antoine]. Chine moderne, ou Description historique, geographique et littéraire de ce vaste empire, d'après des documents chinois [ID D5286].
Pauthier, Guillaume. Les livres sacrés de l'Orient [ID D2040].
Pauthier, Guillaume. Lao-tseu. Le Tao-te-king, ou, Le livre révéré de la raison suprëme et de la vertu [ID D5892].
Plaenckner, Reinhold von. Lao-tse. Tao-te-king : der Weg zur Tugend [ID D4608].
Rosny, Léon de. Le taoïsme [ID D36182].
Schott, Wilhelm. Khung-Fu-Dsü. Werke des chinsischen Weisen Khung-Fu-Dsü und seiner Schüler [ID D1373]. [Lun yu].
Simon, G. Eugène. La cité chinoise [ID D2437].
Strauss, Victor von. Lao-tse. Tao te king [ID D4587].
Vasil'ev, Vasilii Pavlovic. Religii vostoka : konfucianstvo, buddizm i daosizm [ID D35619].
The world's Chinese students' journal. Shanghai, no 4 (1906).

Derk Bodde : Leo Tolstoy's knowledge and appreciation of Chinese civilization, and specially of Chinese philosophy and religion, was deep and sincere. The interest in China came as a direct result of Tolstoy's religious 'crisis', which, beginning in the second half of the 1870s, caused him to turn away from a fruitful literary career and devote his remaining years to a search for the religious meaning of life and death. This search led him to China and her sages.
Tolsty – in addidtion to Christianity itself – at first confined himself to the study of Buddhism and Islam. Only in 1882 did his intellectual horizons expand to include the Far East.
What was it that made Tolstoy feel so akin to the Chinese people : In part, it was the warm and repeatedly expressed sympathy which he felt toward all peoples who were victims of Western imperialism. But more specifically it seems to have been the qualities of pacifism, frugality, industriousness, and simplicity of living for which he lauds them, quite justly, in his Chinese wisdom. The fact that China was a great agrarian country, made up in large part of hardworking peasants. The simple and close-to-earth life of these peasants was, in Tolstoy's eyes, far superior to the corruptions, artificialities and class struggles which he saw in the industrialized countries of Western Europe, with their great factories and crowded urban communities. In this agrarian mode of life, he recognized a factor of basic importance which not only linked China with Russia, but also brought these two nations into spiritual kinship with the other great agrarian countries of Asia, especially India. In China itself, Tolstoy found the highest spiritual expression of this 'genuine' way of life in the Confucian writings and the book of Lao Tzu.
In Taoism, as in Confucianism, Tolstoy was not satisfied merely to seek for self-perfection on the human plane. He looked further for a clue to that higher spiritual force which he believed with his whole being underlies all human activity and gives it its meaning and justification. In the case of Taoism, he did not need to seek far, for the essence of Lao Tzu's philosophy is that underlying the universe, as we see it, there is an absolute first cause or principle, called the 'Tao' or Way, from which all being is evolved, and to the eternal laws of which man must conform if he is to gain enlightenment and true happiness.

Alexander Lukin : For Tolstoy, Achina was an important example of a nonindustrial, nonviolent, nonprogressive and close-to-nature way of life. He had always admired Chinese thought, was involved in several translations of Chinese classics, and even once wanted to study Chinese. Tolstoy especially admired the concept of ‘nonaction’ (wuwei, which he translated as nedelanie) as stated by Laozi, and he used it to attack the European fascination with the advances in science and technology and the intensification of labor. He found ideas in both Laozi and many other Chinese popular sayings that were close to his own ideals : life in manual labor and unity with nature.
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 6-7, 62-63, 69. (Bod12, Publication)
  • Document: Lukin, Alexander. The bear watches the dragon : Russia's perceptions of China and the evolution of Russian-Chinese relations since the eighteenth century. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 2003). S. 32. (LukA1, Publication)
4 1883 Letters from Leo Tolstoy to Vladimir Grigoryevich Chertkov (Nov.)
"I have been rereading Lao Tzu and now have begun reading Legge, the volume containing Mo Ti. I should like to write a book about Chinese wisdom, and particularly a discussion about human nature being good, and human nature being evil, and that people must be either egoistic individualists, or must be loving. All this is very interesting and important to me, and I should like to make it accessible to all and to write about it. Please send me, if you do not need them, the remaining books of Legge and Pauthier, provided you have them." [Legge Mencius ; Pauthier Lao Tzu].
"I wrote you about the Chinese, asking you to send me Legge and Pauthier, and wanted to do this work. But now it is clear to me that it should be done by you, and that you will do it easily and beautifully. The work consists of translating Legge's two volumes on Confucius and Mencius, with all his investigations into the lives of these sages and of the philosophers contemporaneous and close to them. (I do not remember about the book of Confucius, but in Mencius there is an account of these philosophers, among them Mo Ti, which is extremely interesting as well as important.) Mencus himself is also exceptionally interesting. If you could manage and introduction for this book (it mus be written as a single book: 'Chinese sages', that would be fine. But if not, then simply a translation of Legge – omitting only some of the overly dogmatic Christian remarks – would be one of the best books for the intellectual 'Posrednik'. Firstly, because for most of the reading public all this is completely new ; secondly, the subjects discussed are the most important ones in the world and are treated with seriousness ; and thirdly, many highly moral ideas are beautifully espressed. So as soon as you tell me that you agree, I shall send you all I have. As for Budha, finish it up. You have made an excellent beginning and should not dig too deeply with the plow. Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien."
"I still want to look through the books on Chinese wisdom in order to work out a plan more clearly. As soon as I finish this one of these days, I shall send them to you. A marvelous work."
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 22-23. (Bod12, Publication)
  • Person: Chertkov, Vladimir Grigoryevich
5 1884 Leo Tolstoy read the books by Thomas Taylor Meadows : "I have read Meadows' work on China. He is entirely devoted to the Chinese civilization, like very sensible, sincere man who knows Chinese life. In nothing is the significance of ridicule seen better than in the case of China. When a man is unable to understand a thing, he ridicules it. China, a country of 360 millions of inhabitants, the richest, most ancient, happy, peaceful nation, lives by certain principles. We have ridiculed these principles, and it seems to us that we have settled China."
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 16. (Bod12, Publication)
6 1884 Letters from Leo Tolstoy to Vladimir Grigoryevich Chertkov
"I sit at home with fever and a severe cold in the head, and read Confucius for the second day. It is difficult to realize its extraordinary moral height. One delights in seeing how this teaching at times approaches the height of the Christian teaching."
I am very much occupied with Chinese wisdom. I should greatly like to tell you and everybody else of theat moral good which these books have done me."
"I am occupied with Chinese religion. I have found much that is good, useful and heartening for myself. I want to share it with oders, God willing." [Betr. Four books von Legge und Lao Tze von Julien]
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 20. (Bod12, Publication)
  • Person: Chertkov, Vladimir Grigoryevich
7 1884 Diary of Leo Tolstoy (March) :
"Having been translating Lao Tzu. Does not come out as I want."
"Remarkable indeed is Confucius' Doctrine of the Mean. In it, as with Lao Tzu, the fulfillment of natural law is what constitutes wisdom, strength and life. And this law fulfills itself silently, its meaning unrevealed. It is the Tao, which unfolds itself evenly, imperceptibly and without trace, and yet has powerful effect. I do not know what will result from my preoccupation with the teaching of Confucius, but it has already brought me much good. Its characteristic is truth, oneness, and not doubleness. He says that Heaven always acts genuinely."
"I ascribe my good moral state of mind to the reading of Confucius and Lao Tzu. I must arrange for myself a Cycle of reading' : Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Pascal, and the Evangelists. This would also be essential for everybody else."
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 21, 34. (Bod12, Publication)
8 1884 Tolstoy, Leo. My religion. (London : Walter Scott, 1884).
the philosophical doctrines of the pseudo-Christian world, all the philosophical and religious doctrines of which we have knowledge--Judaism, the doctrine of Confucius, Buddhism, Brahmanism, the wisdom of the Greeks--all aim to regulate human life, and to enlighten men with regard to what they must do to improve their condition. The doctrine of Confucius teaches the perfecting of the individual; Judaism, personal fidelity to an alliance with God; Buddhism, how to escape from a life governed by animal instincts; Socrates taught the perfecting of the individual through reason; the Stoics recognized the independence of
reason as the sole basis of the true life."
9 1887 Letter from Leo Tolstoy to Paul Biryukov
"Novosyolov also brought me the book of Simon [La cité chinoise] (in Russian translation) about China. Without fail, get it and read it. The reading simply delighted me, and to you, in particular, it will be very useful and heartening because he describes agriculture in it, as well as the whole life of the Chinese. Here is a book that should and must be rendered for Posrednik."
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 19. (Bod12, Publication)
  • Person: Birukoff, Paul
10 1889 Letter from Leo Tolstoy to Vladimir Grigoryevich Chertkov (March)
"I like very much the saying : 'Dans le doute abstiens toi'. I consider this to be a Christian rule. It is the same as the hightest virtue in Lao Tzu, 'le non-agir'. As I understand this, all our sins come from what we do, that is, from doing for ourselves what we ought not to have done."
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 82-83. (Bod12, Publication)
  • Person: Chertkov, Vladimir Grigoryevich
11 1889 Tolstoy, Leo. Kreitserova sonata (1889). = Die Kreutzersonate.
Chap. 23
"In China music is under the control of the State, and that is the way it ought to be."
  • Document: Internet (Wichtige Adressen werden separat aufgeführt) (Int, Web)
12 1890 Letter from Leo Tolstoy to Vladimir Grigoryevich Chertkov
"A very good work awaits someone who knows English and understands the meaning of Christ's teaching. It is this : In the Chinese books in English – I have forgotten the translator – which I had and which you now have, there is Mot Ti's doctrine of love. Do you remember ? In the teachings of Mencius and Confucius (especially Mencius) there is a refutation of this doctrine. Well, then, to translate all this and prepare a book, to show that this doctrine of love – as an extremely utilitarian doctrine – had been presented so long ago among the Chinese, and that it had been very poorly refuted, and that this doctrine – an earthly, utilitarian one, without the idea of a Father, or, most important, of life, i.e., eternal life – had a great influence. This would be excellent."
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 28. (Bod12, Publication)
  • Person: Chertkov, Vladimir Grigoryevich
13 1893 Letter from Leo Tolstoy to Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov, requesting the names of St. Petersburg sinologists whom he might apply for authoritative information about Lao Tzu.
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 24. (Bod12, Publication)
  • Person: Leskov, Nikolai Semyonovich
14 1893 Correspondence by Leo Tolstoy and Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov about Lao Tzu. (Oct.-Nov.)
Stasov collected book reviews of several Lao Tzu translations : Julien, Chalmers, Rémusat, Plaenckner, Harlez, Rosny and Balfour.
His verdict about Strauss was unfavorable : "The Professor of Chinese in our University, Ivanovski, says that Strauss is a 'third-rate' sinologist and that he cannot be trusted."
He recommende Legge's translation of the Tao te ching. Legge, Chalmers and Harlez were sent to Tolstoy.
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 24-25. (Bod12, Publication)
  • Person: Stasov, Vladimir Vasilievich
15 1894 Tolstoy, Leo. Tsarstvo bozhiye vnutri vas. (Berlin : [s.n.], 1894). = Tolstoy, Leo. The kingdom of God is within you : Christianity not as a mystic religion but as a new theory of life. (London, Walter Scott, 1894).
Among the Russian people, especially since the age of Peter I., the protest of Christianity against the government has never ceased, and the social organization has been such that men emigrate in communes to Turkey, to China, and to uninhabited lands, and not only feel no need of state aid, but always regard the state as a useless burden, only to be endured as a misfortune, whether it happens to be Turkish, Russian, or Chinese…
But this is just what wants proving. It would only be true if the custom of our society were what is, or rather is supposed to be, the custom in China; that is, that the good always rule, and that directly those at the head of government cease to be better than those they rule over, the citizens are bound to remove them. This is supposed to be the custom in China. In reality it is not so and can never be so. For to remove the heads of a government ruling by force, it is not the right alone, but the power to do so that is needed. So that even in China this is only an imaginary custom…
The Germans have dominated the Italians, now they dominate the Hungarians and Slavonians; the Turks have dominated and still dominate the Slavonians and Greeks; the English dominate the Hindoos, the Mongolians dominate the Chinese…
They say that the Christian life cannot be established without the use of violence, because there are savage races outside the pale of Christian societies in Africa and in Asia (there are some who even represent the Chinese as a danger to civilization), and that in the midst of Christian societies there are savage, corrupt, and, according to the new theory of heredity, congenital criminals…
To bring under the sway of Christianity all the savage nations outside the pale of the Christian world—all the Zulus, Mandchoos, and Chinese, whom many regard as savages—and the savages who live in our midst, there is only one means…
For the authority of one set of men over another to attain its object of restraining those who override public interests for their personal ends, power ought only to be put into the hands of the impeccable, as it is supposed to be among the Chinese, and as it was supposed to be in the Middle Ages, and is even now supposed to be by those who believe in the consecration by anointing…
It was not because it was a good thing, necessary and beneficial to men, and the contrary course would have been an evil, but simply because it was the will of those in power that Nice was incorporated into France, and Lorraine into Germany, and Bohemia into Austria, and that Poland was divided, and Ireland and India ruled by the English government, and that the Chinese are attacked and the Africans slaughtered, and the Chinese prevented from immigrating by the Americans, and the Jews persecuted by the Russians, and that landowners appropriate lands they do not cultivate and capitalists enjoy the fruits of the labor of others…
16 1894 Diary of Leo Tolstoy (Oct.-Nov.)
"Reading Chinese classics. Very important."
"Feeling fine. Writing nothing, but studying Confucius, and everything's fine. Derive spiritual strength." "Studying Confucius and all the rest is insignificant. Seems good. What is most important is that this teaching, which tells one to be particularly watchful over oneself, when alonge, has a powerful and beneficial effect on me. If only I could keep I in its freshness."
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 25. (Bod12, Publication)
17 1895 Leo Tolstoy collaborated with D.P. Konishi.
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 92. (Bod12, Publication)
  • Person: Konishi, D.P.
18 1899 Tolstoy, Leo. The first step : an essay on the morals of diet, to which are added two stories. (Manchester : Albert Broadbent, 1899).
"All moral teachings set up a ladder, as the Chinese wisdom puts it, reaching from earth to heaven, the ascent of which can only be accomplished by starting from the lowest step. As in the teaching of the Brahmins, Buddhists, Confucians, so also in the teaching of the Greek sages, steps were fixed, and a superior step could not be attained without the lower one having
been previously taken."
19 1905 [Liang, Qichao]. Likhunchzhan : ili, Politicheskaia istoriia Kitaia za posliedniia. [Transl. by]. A.N. Voznesenskii. (S. Peterburg : V. Berezovskii, 1905). Übersetzung von Liang, Qichao. Li Hongzhang. (1901). 李鸿章
Zhang Qingtong [unknown], while in S. Petersburg, translated the book together with A.N. Voznesenskii. He sent a copy of the translation with a letter to Leo Tolstoy.
Letter from Tolstoy to Zhang Qingtong :
"For a long time now I have worked fairly intimately with Chinese religion and philosophy, even if, as a European, far from sufficiently thoroughly. Quite aside from Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu, and the commentators on them, I have been especially captivated by the teaching of Mo Ti, agains whom Mencius turned himself… May God preserve China from the cours of Japan. The Chinese, like all of us, should develop their spiritual powers and not strive for technological improvements, which only create harm if the sould be turned the wrong way. I am wholly of your opinion that a spiritual bond exists between the two great peoples, Russian and Chinese, and that they should work hand in hand. But this should not be through political ties or any kind of governmental agreemets. Both, and especially their farmers, must work out for themselves a new way of life independently of government. They should not, however, strive for 'freedoms' of all sorts, such as freedom of thought and speech, popular political representation and the like. Rather it should be that true freedom which consists in the possibility of living without any need for government or anything else to decree moral law for them."
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 48-49. (Bod12, Publication)
  • Person: Liang, Qichao
20 1906 Gu Hongming sent to Leo Tolstoy through the intermediary of the Russian Consul-general his two works Papers from a Vieroy's yamen and Et nunc, reges, intelligite ! : the moral causes of the Russo-Japanese war.
Tolstoy, Leo. Letter to a Chinese (1906). [Letter to Gu Hongming].
"I have received your books and read them with great interest, especially the Papers from a Vieroy's yamen. The life of the Chinese people has always interested me to the hightest degree, and I have taken pains to become acquainted with the things in Chinese life which were accessible to me, for the most part Chinese religious wisdom : the books of Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu, and the commentaries on them. I have also read on Chinese Buddhism, as well as the books of Europeans on China.
The Chinese people, who have suffered so much from the immoral, crudely egoistic, and avaricious cruelty of the European peoples, have up to the present replied to all the violence committed against them with a majestic and wise composure, and have preferred patience in the struggle against force. I speak of the Chinese people and not of their government.
The successes of some thieves provoke the envy of others, and the seized prey becomes an object of wrangling and thus brings the thieves themselves to ruin. So it is with dogs, and so also it is with people who have lowered themselves to the level of animals.
I believe, that a great upheaval in the life of humanity is taking place in our time, and that in this upheaval China, at the head of the peoples of the Orient, must play an important rôle. It seems to me that the rôle of the oriental peoples of China, Persia, Turkey, India, Russia, and perhaps also Japan (if it is not completely entangled in the net of the corruption of European civilization) consists in showing to the world the right way to freedom, for which, as you write in your book, the Chinese language has no other word than 'Tao', a way, that is, an activity, which agrees with the eternal fundamental law of human life.
In our time, I believe the turn has now come likewise for orientals in general and Chinese in particular to become aware of the utter harm caused by despotic rule and to seek a means of liberation from it, since under present conditions of life it has become intolerable. I know that it is taught in China that the highest ruler, the Emperor, must be the wisest and most virtuous man, and if he is not, his subjects can and should refuse him allegiance. But I believe that this doctrine represents only an excuse for despotism. The Chinese people cannot know whether their emperor is wise or virtuous.
Especially is this true of China because of the peace-loving character of its people and the poor organization of its army, which give Europeans the opportunity to plunder Chinese territory with impunity under the pretext of various clashes and disagreement with the Chinese government. Thus the Chinese people cannot but feel the necessity of changing their relation to the ruling power. And here I can see from your book, as well as other sources of information, that some light-minded people in China, called the reform party, believe that this change should consist of doing just what the European nations have done, that is, of replacing a despotic government by a republican one, and establishing the same kind of army and industry as those of the West. This decision, which seems at first glance the simplest and most natural, is not only light-minded but very stupid, and, from all that I know about China, quite unnatural for the wise Chinese people.
As soon as people recognize human power as superior to that of God and of His law (Tao), they then become slaves ; all the more so when that power becomes increasingly comples (as in the case of a constitution which they establish and obey). Freedom can exist only for that people for whom the law of God (Tao) is the only supreme law, to which all other laws are subordinate. If you, by refusing to bey your government, will give no help to the foreign powers in their aggressions agains you, and if you refuse to serve them, whether it be in a private, civil, or military capacita, then there will be none of those disasters from which you now suffer.
May the Chinese people but continue to live their peaceful, industrious, agricultural life as they have before, behaving in accordance with the fundamentals of their religions : Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, all three of which basically agree on liberation from all human power (Confucianism), not doing to others what you do not wish to be done to yourself (Taoism), and self-abnegation, humility and love to all people and creatures (Buddhism). Then all those disasters from which they supper will automatically disappear, and no power will be enough to conquer them."
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 51-57. (Bod12, Publication)
  • Person: Gu, Hongming
21 1907 Tolstoy, Leo. Kitaiskaya mudrost : mysli kitaiskikh myslitelei [ID D36257]. [The books of Confucius].
"The Chinese are the oldest people in the world. The Chinese are the most populous people in the world. There are 450 million of them, almost twice as many as Russians, Germans, French, Italians and English put together. The Chinese are the most peaceful people in the world. They seek nothing from others, nor do they wish to engage in war. The Chinese are tillers of the soil. Their ruler himself begins the plowing. And because of that the Chinese are the most peaceful people in the world.
"They say: If a man claims that he is skilled in warfare, know that this man is a great criminal.
"The Chinese live in their own way, not ours. They know how we live but they do not adopt our way of life, for they consider their life to be better. Neither French, Russian, German, Turk nor any other people in the world can, in eating so little and producing so much, compete in work with the Chinese. There is no single people in the world who can till the soil and gain a livelihood from it as well as do the Chinese-Whereas on one desyatina [2 ¾ English acres] a single Russian or two Germans can support them¬selves, on that same desyatina ten Chinese can do so.
"The Chinese have now begun to migrate to America, and the American workers do not know what to do.
"The Chinese work cheaper, better and more honestly than do the latter, but they demand less and so have brought down the wages for all work. Some Americans say: We should accept them. Others say: We should expel them. Like it or not, the work will be taken by him who works better. And he who is better is he who does no harm to anyone, takes less for himself, and gives more to others. The Chinese do no harm, fight with no one, and give more and take less. Therefore they are better. And if they are better, we must find out what is their faith.
"Here is their faith : They say (this is what their teacher Chu-khi says): All men have originated from the Heavenly Father, and therefore there is not a single man whose heart is not endowed with love, virtue, truth, propriety and wisdom. But although natural goodness exists in all people from birth, only a very few can nurture this goodness and develop it completely. That is why it so happens that not all people know, or can know, the goodness which lies in them, and develop it. Those, however, who have great sensibility, reason and wisdom, can develop in themselves their spiritual goodness, and it is they who differ from the mass of other people. It is to such men that the Heavenly Father gave a decree to be the leaders and teachers of the people. He decreed that from generation to generation they were to rule and teach the people, so that these might all return to their original purity.
"In this way Fukhi, Chanpunch, Goanti, Iao and Chun received their superior rank from the Heavenly Father, and in this way their assistants carried out their orders. From this their teachings spread everywhere.
"And thus it finally came to be that in the palaces of the rulers, as well as in the smallest hamlets, there was no place where the people did not study. As soon as a boy reached his ninth year—were he the son of an emperor or prince, or of a simple peasant—he entered a primary school where he was taught how to plant, water, cultivate, and keep things tidy. He was taught how to answer politely those who addressed him, how to come forth and greet people, and how to receive guests and see them off. He was taught how to ride horseback, shoot the bow, and how to read, write and count."
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 36-38. (Bod12, Publication)
22 1907 Tolstoy, Leo. Pismo k kitaitsu ; Kitaiskaya mudrost : mysli kitaiskikh myslitelei [ID D36257].
Tolstoy urged the Chinese to put an end to the despostism of the Manchurian emperor and recommended that they should continue living "a peaceful, arduous, and bucolic life, following in behavior the fundamental principles of their three religions : Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism".
  • Document: Lukin, Alexander. The bear watches the dragon : Russia's perceptions of China and the evolution of Russian-Chinese relations since the eighteenth century. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 2003). S. 33. (LukA1, Publication)
23 1910 Leo Tolstoy received a copy of The world's Chinese students' journal. In his Diary he commented that this 'interests me very much'. He penciled marginal notes to one of its articles : 'The Civilization of China'.
It is reported that he have remarked : "Were I young, I would go to China."
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 29. (Bod12, Publication)
24 1910 Laotse [Laozi]. Izrecheniya kitaiskovo mudretsa Laotze [ID D36253]. [On the essence of Laozi's techings].
"The foundation of Lao Tzu's teaching is the same as that of all the great and true religious teachings. It means : Man first of all recognizes himself as a corporeal being, distinct from all others and filled only with egoistic desires. But besides the fact that the individual man considers himself to be a Peter, a John, a Mary or a Catherine, he also recognizes each as an incorporeal spirit which lives in all beings and gives life and growth to all forms of existence. Thus man may exist either as a physical personality, distinct from all others, or as an incorporeal spirit which moves in him and desires the growth of all existing things. Man can live either for his body or for his soul. If he lives for his body, his life is a continual suffering, inasmuch as the body endures pain, becomes ill and dies. But if he lives for his soul, his life is blessed, inasmuch as for the soul there is no suffering, no illness and no death…
According to the teaching of Lao Tzu, the only way for man to unite with God is through Tao. Tao is achieved by abstinence from all that is personal and corporeal. The same teaching is to be found in the First Epistle of Saint John, and just as, by the word Tao in Lao Tzu's teaching, is to be understood not only the means of uniting oneself with Heaven, but also Heaven itself, so, according to Saint John, by the word love is to be understood not only love, but also God himself. (God is love.) The essence of both teachings consists in the fact that man can conceive of himself as either separate or indivisible, body or spirit, temporal or eternal, animal or divine. In order to gain consciousness of oneself as spiritual and divine, there is, according to Lao Tzu, only one means, which he defines with the word Tao, a word which also includes in itself the idea of the highest virtue."
Derk Bodde : When Tolstoy equates 'Tao' with Heaven, and through his term with God, this in itself could not be objected to, if by 'God' he really meant a naturalistic principle similar to what Lao Tzu and the other Taoists intended when they used the term 'T'ian' or 'Heaven'. When he introduces the love of Saint John into his equation and when he creates a dichotomy between spirit and body and advocates 'abstinence from all that is personal and corporeal', it is obvious that his view of Taoism has been colored by his own Christian spectacles.
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 69-70, 72. (Bod12, Publication)
25 1911 Tolstoy, Leo. Surratskaya kofeinaya [ID D36255]. [The Coffee-House of Surat].
one argued and shouted, except a Chinaman, a student of Confucius, who sat quietly in one corner of the coffee-house, not joining in the dispute. He sat there drinking tea and listening to what the others said, but did not speak himself.
The Turk noticed him sitting there, and appealed to him, saying:
"You can confirm what I say, my good Chinaman. You hold your peace, but if you spoke I know you would uphold my opinion. Traders from your country, who come to me for assistance, tell me that though many religions have been introduced into China, you Chinese consider Mohammedanism the best of all, and adopt it willingly. Confirm, then, my words, and tell us your opinion of the true God and of His prophet."
"Yes, yes," said the rest, turning to the Chinaman, "let us hear what you think on the subject."
The Chinaman, the student of Confucius, closed his eyes, and thought a while. Then he opened them again, and drawing his hands out of the wide sleeves of his garment, and folding them on his breast, he spoke as follows, in a calm and quiet voice.
Sirs, it seems to me that it is chiefly pride that prevents men agreeing with one another on matters of faith. If you care to listen to me, I will tell you a story which will explain this by an example.
I came here from China on an English steamer which had been round the world. We stopped for fresh water, and landed on the east coast of the island of Sumatra. It was midday, and some of us, having landed, sat in the shade of some cocoanut palms by the seashore, not far from a native village. We were a party of men of different nationalities.
26 1919.2 Guo, Moruo. Fei tu. [Hymne an die Banditen].
Among the 'bandits' just alluded to, he also ranked Cromwell, Washington and José Rizal as political revolutionaries. Buddha, Mozi and Luther as religious revolutionaires. Copernicus, Darwin and Nietzsche as revolutionaries in the realm of science and scholarship. Rodin, Whitman and Tolstoy as revolutionaries in the field of art and literature. Rousseau, Pestalozzi and Tagore as revolutionaries in the domain of pedagogy.
  • Document: Gálik, Marián. Kuo Mo-jo's "The goddesses" : creative confrontation with Tagore, Whitman and Goethe. In : Gálik, Marián. Milestones in Sino-Western literary confrontation, 1898-1979. – Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1986. (Asiatische Forschungen ; Bd. 98). [Guo Moruo]. (WhiW56, Publication)
  • Person: Darwin, Charles Robert
  • Person: Guo, Moruo
  • Person: Luther, Martin
  • Person: Nietzsche, Friedrich
  • Person: Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich
  • Person: Rodin, Auguste
  • Person: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
  • Person: Whitman, Walt
27 1919 Shen, Yanbing [Mao, Dun]. Tuoersitai yu jin ri zhi Eluosi [ID D36345].
"Modern Russian bolshevism has conquered the Eastern Europe and it will flood the Western Europe, too. The world stream of thought rushes forward and no one knows where it will end. And Tolstoy is its very initiator. Tolstoy was among the first to propagate the abolition of war."
Mark Gamsa : The article eulogized Tolstoy as the towering summit of Russian literature – a literature which, even after his death, he dominated so sompletely that it could be identified with his name.
  • Document: Ni, Ruiqin. Tolstoy and the May fourth literature. In : Interliterary and intraliterary aspects of the May fourth movement 1919 in China. (1990). (NiR1, Publication)
  • Document: Gamsa, Mark. The reading of Russian literature of China : a moral example and manual of practice. (New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). S. 18. (Gam2, Publication)
  • Person: Mao, Dun
28 1925 Lu, Xun. Lun zhao xiang zhi lei. [On photography]. 論照相之類
Er schreibt : "J'ai vu quelques dizaines de photos d'hommes célèbres, Tolstoï, Ibsen, Rodin, tous déjà âgés ; Schopenhauer, le visage tourmenté ; Wilde avec cet air un peu idiot qu'il avait déjà à l'époque où il porta des vêtements sophistiqués ; Romain Rolland un peu bizarre ; Gorki, un vrai clochard. Tous portaient sur leur visage les traces de souffrances et de luttes".
  • Document: Loi, Michelle. Romain Rolland et les chinois, Romain Rolland et Luxun. In : Europe ; vol. 60, no 633/634 (1982). (Rol5, Publication)
  • Person: Gorky, Maksim
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
  • Person: Lu, Xun
  • Person: Rolland, Romain
  • Person: Wilde, Oscar
29 1926 Film : Chan hui = 忏悔 [Repentance] unter der Regie von Bu Wancang nach Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie. (Purleigh, Maldon : V. Tchertkoff, 1899).
30 1926 Zhang, Yiping. A lian. In : Zhang, Yiping. Qing shu yi shu. (Beijing : Bei xin shu ju, 1926).
Er schreibt im Vorwort der russischen Übersetzung : "Modern Chinese literature has received abundant gifts from the great Russian works. The translations of your Tolstoy, Pushkin, Chekhov and Blok have been welcomed by many of our readers, have filled us with ferbour, and moved us."
  • Document: Ng, Mau-sang. The Russian hero in modern Chinese fiction. (Hong Kong : The Chinese University Press, 1988). (SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture). S. 31. (Ng1, Publication)
  • Person: Blok, Alexandr Alexandrovic
  • Person: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
  • Person: Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
  • Person: Zhang, Yiping
31 1927 Lu Xun schreibt : "L'Anglais Bertrand Russell et le Français Romain Rolland s'opposaient à la guerre et tout le monde les a admirés, mais en fait c'est une chance que leurs paroles n'aient pas été suivies d'effet, car l'Allemagne aurait conquis l'Angleterre et la France. En fait, à moins de réaliser dans le même temps le pacifisme an Allemagne aussi, c'était chose nulle et non avenue. C'est pour la même raison qu'on n'a pu mettre en acte la théorie de non-résistance de Tolstoï. Comme il était opposé à ce qu'on rendît le mal pour le mal, il proposait de ne pas suivre les ordres du tsar : s'il entrôlait des conscrits, qu'on refusât de partir soldat et de faire la guerre, s'il ordonnait aux policiers de faire des arrestations, que les policiers refusent d'arrêter, s'il ordonnait au bourreau de faire des exécutions, que les bourreaux refusent d'exécuter, que tous en comme cessent d'obéir aux ordres du tsar et lui-même finirait par perdre le goût d'en donner, il perdrait toute ambition et le monde connaîtrait une grande paix. Mais il suffisait qu'une petite partie de ces gens lui obéissent pour que ce beau mécanisme ne fonctionne plus."
  • Document: Loi, Michelle. Romain Rolland et les chinois, Romain Rolland et Luxun. In : Europe ; vol. 60, no 633/634 (1982). (Rol5, Publication)
  • Person: Lu, Xun
  • Person: Rolland, Romain
  • Person: Russell, Bertrand
32 1928-1958 Introduction to Tolstoy, L.N. [Tolstoy, Leo]. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii [ID D36346].
"Tolstoy's interest in Confucius can apparently be explained chiefly by the fact that the teaching of the Chinese philosopher was devoid of all that is vague, transcendental and miraculous. He was not interested in abstract problems or questions of religious metaphysics, but concentrated himself exclusively on the problem of practical morality and the fundamentals of human society. The high humaneness, and the doctrine of self-negation and love for others, which mark the teaching of Confucius, closely approached the ideas on these subjects held by Tolsoy himself."
[Lao Tzu. Tao te ching] : "In this book, Tolstoy was especially attracted by the preaching of bodily abstinence and of spiritual self-perfection which should form the basis of human life."
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 63, 68. (Bod12, Publication)
33 1928 Mao, Dun. Cong Guling dao Dongjing. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 19, no 10 (1928). [From Guling to Tokyo].
"Zola's attitude to life can at least be described as 'cold observation' and is contrary to Tolstoy's passion for life. I like Zola, and I like Tolstoy too. However, when I come to write my novels, I am closer to Tolstoy. Of course I am not so fanatical as to compare myself to Tolstoy, and my life and thought do not resemble this great Russian writer much."
  • Document: Ng, Mau-sang. The Russian hero in modern Chinese fiction. (Hong Kong : The Chinese University Press, 1988). (SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture). S. 170. (Ng1, Publication)
  • Person: Mao, Dun
  • Person: Zola, Emile
34 1931 Tolstoy, Leo. Shakespeare and the drama. Dong Sheng yi. [ID D23873].
"I remember the astonishment I felt when I first read Shakespeare. I expected to receive a powerful aesthetic pleasure, but having read, one after the other, works regarded as his best, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth, not only did I feel no delight, but I felt an irresistible repulsion and tedium, and doubted as to whether I was senseless in feeling works regarded as the summit of perfection by the civilized world to be trivial and positively bad, or whether the significance which this civilized world attributes to the works of Shakespeare was itself senseless. My consternation was increased by the fact that I always keenly felt the beauties of poetry in every form; then why should artistic works recognized by the whole world as those of a genius - the works of Shakespeare - not only fail to please me, but be disagreeable to me ?...
All his characters speak, not their own, but always one and the same Shakespearean pretentious and unnatural language, in which not only they could not speak, but in which no living man ever has spoken or does speak.... From his first words, exaggeration is seen: the exaggeration of events, the exaggeration of emotion, and the exaggeration of effects. One sees at once he does not believe in what he says, that it is of no necessity to him, that he invents the events he describes and is indifferent to his characters - that he has conceived them only for the stage and therefore makes them do and say only what may strike his public, and so we do not believe either in the events or in the actions or in the sufferings of the characters.
He alone can write a drama who has got something to say to men, and that something of the greatest importance for them: about man's relation to God, to the Universe, to the All, the Eternal, the Infinite. But when, thanks to the German theories about objective art, the idea was established that for the drama this was quite unnecessary, then it became obvious how a writer like Shakespeare - who had not got developed in his mind the religious convictions proper to his time, who, in fact, had no convictions at all, but heaped up in his drama all possible events, horrors, fooleries, discussions, and effects - could appear to be a dramatic writer of the greatest genius.
But these are all external reasons. The fundamental inner cause of Shakespeare's fame was and is this that his dramas corresponded to the irreligious and immoral frame of mind of the upper classes of his time and ours."
35 1932 Qu Qiubai schreibt in Wen xue yue bao : "Not only do works of literature function artistically to move the masses ; they also serve the broader purpose of setting high standards of writing. The beautiful, enjoyable language of Pushkin, Tolstoy, and Turgenev is useful even today and makes suitable textbook material."
  • Document: Ellen Widmer. Qu Qiubai and Russian literature. In : Modern Chinese Literature in the May Fourth Era. Ed. by Merle Goldman. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1977). (WidE11, Publication)
  • Person: Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
  • Person: Qu, Qiubai
  • Person: Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich
36 1936 Ba, Jin. Yi. (Shanghai : Wen hua sheng huo chu ban she, 1936). [Memory].

Ba Jin singled out three great writers who had helped him become 'a real human being'. These were Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Mikhail Artsybashev.
  • Document: Gamsa, Mark. The Chinese translation of Russian literature : three studies. (Leiden : Brill, 2008). (Sinica Leidensia ; vol. 90). S. 136. (Gam1, Publication)
  • Person: Artsybashev, Mikhail Petrovich
  • Person: Ba, Jin
  • Person: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
37 1937 Film : Yong yuan de weixiao = 永远的微笑 [Eternal smile] unter der Regie von Wu Cun nach Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie. (Purleigh, Maldon : V. Tchertkoff, 1899).
38 1941 Film : Fu huo = 复活 [The resurrection] unter der Regie von Mei Qian nach Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie. (Purleigh, Maldon : V. Tchertkoff, 1899).
39 1943 Film : Qing chao = 情潮 [Tide of passion] unter der Regie von Griffin Yue Feng nach Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878).
40 1944 Sun, Fuyuan. Lu Xun xian sheng er san shi [ID D18320].
Sun schreibt : Liu Bannongs Widmung 'Lehre von Tolstoy und Nietzsche, Stil der Wei-Jing-Zeit' an Lu Xun hielten Freunde jener Zeit für sehr angebracht. Lu Xun selbst war auch nicht dagegen. Der Titel bezieht sich auf zwei berühmte Persönlichkeiten im 19. Jahrhundert. Ihre zahlreichen Werke hatten grosse Wirkung auf die Gesellschaft. Lu Xun war in seinen Studienjahren sehr beeinflusst von den Lehren der beiden.
41 1946 Guo, Moruo. Sulian ji xing [ID D36307]. [Bericht seiner Reise nach Russland 1945].
Guo Moruo visited Vasnaya Polyana and wrote some words in the visitor's book :
"Like a pilgrim, I have come to Yasnaya Polyana to breathe the pure atmosphere left by the great wise man [Leo Tolstoy], and have here come to realize more concretely Tolstoy"s lofty personality. Although his study, bedroom, living room and books of all remain silent, they seem to tell me : 'The Master has just gone out. He is even now walking in the soods'.
All is so simple, natural, orderly and impressive. These spacious and pure surroundings are not unworthy to be Tolstoy's cradle, or the cradle of such great productions as War and peace and Anna Karenina.
All is preserved naturally. All is preserved for the people. Here in these surroundings it is easier for men to understand the greatness of the vast love of his for the peasants and for all mankind.
Unceasingly people come here to visit. If Tolstoy has consciousness, I believe it certainly makes him smile. Those lines of sadness, deeply engraved on his face, have probably already disappeared.
From far and near come the scholars, thinkers and creators of all lands. It is not for naught, for it causes them to ponder more deeply : What is the meaning of life ? How can our existence be perfected ?
But at the same time I realize more concretely the greatness of Lenin and Stalin, for it is under their leadership that this treasure of mankind has been preserved. All is for the people. They have caused this rich cultural relic to be left as a teaching, not only to their own people, but to all mankind.
For these overflowing thoughts of love for fellow countrymen and mankind, I from my heart sincerely express my gratitude."
Tolstoy's granddaughter Esenina Tolstaya, then at Yasnaya Polyana, presented Guo Moruo a book in which she wrote : 'On the happy occasion of Mr. Guo Moruo's visit to the home of Tolstoy I send love and respect to the people of China'.
  • Document: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 93-94. (Bod12, Publication)
  • Person: Guo, Moruo
42 1948 Shao Quanlin schreibt in Da zhong wen yi con kan ; no 1 (1948) : "Depuis 1941 Tolstoï et Flaubert sont idolâtrés sans critique par les gens. La recherche de la littérature classique st à la mode. Des personnages comme Anna Karénine deviennent l'idole rêvée des jeunes. Sous le prétexte de conserver le patrimoine littéraire, certaines personnes se réduisent en esclavage de l'idéologie archaïque. Les anciennes écoles littéraires telles que réalisme et naturalisme envahissent leur esprit et finissent par les conquérir."
  • Document: Zhou, Xiaoshan. La traduction, la reception et l'influence de "Madame Bovary" en Chine. (Paris : Université Paris VIII Vincenne-Saint-Denis, 2004). Diss. Univ. Paris VIII, 2004. [Gustave Flaubert]. S. 218. (Flau, Publication)
  • Person: Shao, Quanlin
43 1948 Film : Zai sheng yuan = 再生缘 [A reborn romance] unter der Regie von Hong Zhonghao nach Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie. (Purleigh, Maldon : V. Tchertkoff, 1899).
44 1949 Film : Dang fu xin = 荡妇心 [A forgotten woman] unter der Regie von Griffin Yue Fang nach Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie. (Purleigh, Maldon : V. Tchertkoff, 1899).
45 1955 Film : Chun can meng duan = 春残梦断 [Anna] unter der Regie von Li Chenfeng und dem Drehbuch von Li Chenfeng nach Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878).
46 1955 Film : Fu huo = 复活 [The Resurrection] unter der Regie von Chan Man und dem Drehbuch von Yu Kan-chi nach Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie. (Purleigh, Maldon : V. Tchertkoff, 1899). [Die Ausg. Moskva 1899 enthält nicht den ganzen Text].
47 1958 Film : Yi ye feng liu = 一夜风流 [The unforgettable night] unter der Regie von Bu Wancang nach Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie. (Purleigh, Maldon : V. Tchertkoff, 1899).
48 1981 Ba Jin said in an interview of May 1981 that Turgenev and Tolstoy were the first to teach how to be a good, upright person, to face life honestly and tell the truth to readers.
  • Document: Gamsa, Mark. The reading of Russian literature of China : a moral example and manual of practice. (New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). S. 57. (Gam2, Publication)
  • Person: Ba, Jin
  • Person: Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich

Bibliography (231)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1884 Tolstoy, Leo. Kitaiskaya mudrost. (1884). [Unifinished fragment]. [Chinese wisdom]. Publication / Tol7
  • Cited by: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). (Bod12, Published)
2 1885 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Ji Cairang yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1985). (Xin chao shi jie ming zhu ; 35.1-2). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869).= (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol222
3 1889 Tolstoy, Leo. Kak zhivut kitaitsy. (Moskva : Posrednika, 1889). [How the Chinese live. From G. Eugène Simon]. Publication / Tol5
  • Cited by: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). (Bod12, Published)
4 1900 Tolstoy, Leo. Poslaniye k kitaitsam. (1900). [Epistle to the Chinese]. Publication / Tol9
  • Cited by: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). (Bod12, Published)
5 1903 Boulanger, Pavel Aleksandrovich. Zhizn' i uchenie Konfutsiia. So stat'eigr. L.N. Tolstogo [Leo Tolstoy]. (Moskva : Posredika, 1903). [2nd ed. 1911]. [The life and teaching of Confucius. With an essay by Leo Tolstoy]. Publication / Tol10
  • Cited by: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). (Bod12, Published)
  • Person: Boulanger, Pavel Aleksandrovich
  • Person: Confucius
6 1907 Tolstoy, Leo. Pismo k kitaitsu ; Kitaiskaya mudrost : mysli kitaiskikh myslitelei. (Moscrow : Posrednik, 1907). [Letter to a Chinese ; Chinese wisdom : the thougths of Chinese thinkers].
[Enthält] : The books of Confucius, The great learning, Laozi The book of the way and truth].
Publication / Tol8
  • Cited by: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). (Bod12, Published)
  • Person: Confucius
  • Person: Laozi
7 1910 Laotse [Laozi]. Izrecheniya kitaiskovo mudretsa Laotze. [Selected by] Leo Tolstoy. (Moscow : Posrednik, 1910).
[Enthält] : Tolstoy, Leo. O suschnosti ucheniya Laotze. [On the essence of Laozi's techings]. Gorbunov-Posadov, Ivan. O mudretse Laotze. [About the sage Laozi].
Publication / Tol4
  • Cited by: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). (Bod12, Published)
  • Person: Gorbunov-Posadov, Ivan
  • Person: Laozi
8 1910 Boulanger, Pavel Aleksandrovich. Zamechatelnyie mysliteli vsekh vremyon i nardov : miti, kitaiski filosof : ucheniye o vseobshchei lyubvi. [Ed. by] Leo Tolstoy. (Moscow : Posrednik, 1910) [2nd ed. 1911]. [Remarkable thinkers of all times and peoples : Mo Ti, a Chinese philosopher : the Doctrine of universal love]. Publication / Tol11
  • Cited by: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). (Bod12, Published)
  • Person: Boulanger, Pavel Aleksandrovich
  • Person: Mozi
9 1910 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yi qie zui'e de gen yuan. Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Ot nei vsie kachestva. (1910). In : Posmertnyia khudozhestvennyia proizvedeniia. (Moskva : Sytin, 1911-1912). = The cause of it all. In : Tolstoy, Leo. Hadji Murad. (New York, N.Y. : Willey, 1904). [Unvollendet].
Publication / Tol325
10 1911 Tolstoy, Leo. Surratskaya kofeinaya ; Kitaiski mudrets Laotze. Ed. by Paul Birukoff. (Moscow : ID. Sytin Co., 1911). [The Coffee-House of Surat ; The Chinese sage Laozi]. Publication / Tol6
  • Cited by: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). (Bod12, Published)
  • Person: Birukoff, Paul
11 1912 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Guang zai hei an zhong shan yao. Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. I sviet vo t'mie svietit : drama. (Geschrieben 1890). (Berlin : Ladyschnikow, 1912). = The light shines in the darkness. In : Tolstoy, Leo. Hadji Murad. (New York, N.Y. : Willey, 1904-1912). [Unvollendet]. 光在黑暗中闪耀 Publication / Tol62
12 1913 Lao, Si. Tao-te-king, ili, Pisanie o nravstvennosti. Pod red. L.N. Tolstogo [Leo Tolstoy]. (Moskva : Sklad izd. v kn-vie "Musaget", 1913). [Laozi. Dao de jing]. Publication / TolL1
13 1913 Konishi, D.P. Lao-si, Tao-te-king : ili pisaniye o nravstvennosti. [Ed. by] Leo Tolstoy ; [with a note by] S.N. Durylin. (Moscow : [s.n.], 1913). [Laozi, Dao de jing : or the Scripture of morality]. Publication / Tol12
  • Cited by: Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). (Bod12, Published)
  • Person: Konishi, D.P.
  • Person: Laozi
14 1914 Tuo'ersitai [Tolstoy, Leo]. She hui sheng ying lu. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Lin Shu, Chen Jialing tong yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1914). (Shuo bu cong shu ; 3, 22). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Utro pomeshchika. In : Otecestvennye zapiski ; no 12 (1856). = A landowner's morning. In : Tolstoy, Leo. Three novellas. Transl. and introd. by Kyril and April FitzLyon. (London : Quartet, 1984). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Dva gusara. In : Sovremennik ; no 3 (1856). = In : Tolstoy, Leo. Sochineniia. (Moskva : V universitetskoi tip., 1873). = Deux générations. (Paris : Didier, Perrin, 1886). = Two hussars. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian propietor and other stories. Transl. From the Russian by Nathan Haskell Dole. (London : W. Scott, 1887).
Publication / Lin14
15 1914 Tuo'ersitai [Tolstoy, Leo]. Luosha yin guo lu : xin yi yan qing xiao shuo. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Lin Shu, Chen Jialin yi shu. In : Dong fang za zhi ; vol. 11, no 1-6 (1914). = (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1915). (Shuo bu cong shu ; 2, 39). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten von Tolstoy].
羅刹因果錄 : 筆記小說
Publication / Lin79
16 1915 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Biao qi fu zi : yi xia xiao shuo. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu zhe ; Zhu Dongrun yi shu zhe. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1915). (Shuo bu cong shu ; 2, 81). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Dva gusara. In : Sovremennik ; no 3 (1856). = In : Tolstoy, Leo. Sochineniia. (Moskva : V universitetskoi tip., 1873). = Deux générations. (Paris : Didier, Perrin, 1886). = Two hussars. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian propietor and other stories. Transl. From the Russian by Nathan Haskell Dole. (London : W. Scott, 1887).
Publication / Tol32
17 1915 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Piao qi fu zi. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Zhu Dongrun yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1915). (Shuo bu cong shu ; 2, 81). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Dva gusara. In : Sovremennik ; no 3 (1856). = In : Tolstoy, Leo. Sochineniia. (Moskva : V universitetskoi tip., 1873). = Deux générations. (Paris : Didier, Perrin, 1886). = Two hussars. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian propietor and other stories. Transl. from the Russian by Nathan Haskell Dole. (London : W. Scott, 1887).
Publication / Tol102
18 1915 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Xue hua wei : xing shi xiao shuo. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu zhe ; Xue Sheng yi shu zhe. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1915). (Shuo bu cong shu ; 2, 63). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Metel. In : Sovremennik (March 1856). = Tolstoy, Leo. The snowstorm. In : Tolstoy, Leo. The invaders and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : Crowell, 1887).
雪花圍 : 醒世小說
Publication / Tol186
19 1917 Tuo'ersitai [Tolstoy, Leo]. Luxi'en. Lin Shu yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 8, no 5 (1917). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Lyutsern. In : Sovremennik ; no 9 (1857). = Tolstoy, Leo. Lucerne. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian propietor and other stories. Transl. From the Russian by Nathan Haskell Dole. (London : W. Scott, 1887).
Publication / Lin106
  • Cited by: Zhang, Juncai. Lin Shu ping zhuan. (Tianjin : Nankai & Daxue, 1992).
    林纾评传 (Lin1, Published)
  • Person: Lin, Shu
20 1917 Tuo'ersitai [Tolstoy, Leo]. Ren gui guan tou. Lin Shu yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 8, no 7-10 (1917). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Smert' Ivana Il'icha. In : Socinenia grafa L. N. Tolstogo (1886).= Tolstoy, Leo. Smert' Ivana Il'icha : poviest. (Moskva : Tip. Vil'de, 1911). = Tolstoy, Leo. The death of Ivan Illyich. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian proprietor ; The death of Ivan Illyich and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1899). = La mort d'Ivan Iliitch. (Paris : E. Dentu, 1894).
Publication / Lin112
  • Cited by: Zhang, Juncai. Lin Shu ping zhuan. (Tianjin : Nankai & Daxue, 1992).
    林纾评传 (Lin1, Published)
  • Person: Lin, Shu
21 1917 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Ena xiao shi. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Chen Jialin, Chen Dadeng yi. Vol. 1-4. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju, 1917). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
Publication / Tol42
22 1917 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Kelimi zhan xie lu. Tuo'ersitai ; Zhu Shizhen yi. (Shanghai : Zhong hua, 1917). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Sevastopol'skie rasskazy. In : Sovremennik (1855-1856). = Tolstoy, Leo. Sevastopol. (London : W. Scott, 1870). = Les Cosaques : souvenirs de Sebastopol. (Paris : P.-V. Stock, 1901).
Publication / Tol86
23 1918 Tuo'ersitai [Tolstoy, Leo]. Hen lü qing si. Lin Shu, Chen Jialin yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 9, no 1-11 (1918). = Vol. 1-2. Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1918). (Shuo bu cong shu ; 2, 33).
Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kreitserova sonata. (Berlin : B. Berg, 1890). = Die Kreutzersonate. Übers. vom Bibliographischen Brueau zu Berlin ; mit einer Einl. von Raphael Lösenfeld. (Berlin : B. Behr, 1890). [Erstaufl. nach Zensur in Russland].= The Kreutzer sonata, and Family happiness. (London : Scott, 1890). = La sonate à Kreutzer. (Paris : A. Lemerre, 1890).
Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Semeinoe schaste = Semeynoye schast'ye (1859). In : Russky vestnik ; vol. 20 (1859). = Macha souvenirs et impressions d'une jeune femme. (St-Pétersbourg : Trenké & Fusnot, 1877). = Family happiness : a romance. (New York, N.Y. T.Y. Crowell, 1888).
Publication / Lin37
24 1918 Tuo'ersitai [Tolstoy, Leo]. Xian shen shuo fa. Tuo’ersitai yuan zhu ; Lin Shu, Chen Jialin yi shu. Vol. 1-3. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1918). (Shuo bu cong shu ; 3, 53). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Childhood, boyhood, youth. Translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1886). = Detstvo (1852) ; Otrochestvo (1854) ; Yunost (1856).
Publication / Lin38
25 1920 Tuo'ersitai [Tolstoy, Leo]. Gaojiasuo zhi qiu. Lin Shu yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 11, no 5 (1920). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kavkazskii plennik.In : Zarja ; no 2 (1872). = (Moskva : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. A prisoner of the Caucasus. Ed., with introd., notes and vocabulary by E.C. Underwood and Nevill Forbes. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1917). (Oxford Russian plain texts).
Publication / Lin92
26 1920 Tuo'ersitai [Tolstoy, Leo]. Qiu fang ji shi. Lin Shu yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 11, no 3 (1920). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Zapiski markera. In : Sovremennik ; no 1 (1855). In : Tolstoy, Leo. Sochineniia. (Moskva : V universitetskoi tip., 1873). = Tolstoy, Leo. Memoirs of a marker. (New York, N.Y. : [s.n.], 1887). = Le joueur. (Paris : A. Dupret, 1888).
Publication / Lin111
  • Cited by: Zhang, Juncai. Lin Shu ping zhuan. (Tianjin : Nankai & Daxue, 1992).
    林纾评传 (Lin1, Published)
  • Person: Lin, Shu
27 1920 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yue shi Yalubaite ji shi. In : Xiao shuo ye bao ; vol. 11, no 4 (1920). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Al'bert. In : Sovremennik, no 8 (1857). In : Tolstoy, Leo. Sochineniia. (Moskva : V universitetskoi tip., 1873). = Tolstoy, Leo. Albert. In : A Russian proprietor and other stories. (London : W. Scott, 1888).
Publication / Lin123
  • Cited by: Zhang, Juncai. Lin Shu ping zhuan. (Tianjin : Nankai & Daxue, 1992).
    林纾评传 (Lin1, Published)
  • Person: Lin, Shu
28 1920 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Russkaia kniga dlia chteniia. Vol. 1-4. (Berlin : I.P. Ladyzhnikov, 1920). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy]. Publication / Tol189
29 1921 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Hei an zhi shi li. Tuoersitai zhu ; Geng Jizhi yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1921). (Eguo xi ju gu ji ; 4). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Vlast' t'my, ili, kogotok uviaz, vsei ptichkie propast : drama. (S. Peterburg : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1887). = Tolstoy, Leo. The power of darkness. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1887). [Uraufführung Moskau 1902].
Publication / Tol70
30 1921 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Jiao yu zhi guo. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Shen Ying yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1921). (Gong he guo Eluosi wen xue cong shu. Eguo xi qu ji ; 5). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Plody prosveshcheniia : komedii. (Berlin : Bibliograficheskoe biuro, 1891). = Tolstoy, Leo. The fruits of enlightenment : a comedy in four acts. (London : W. Heinemann, 1891). = Die Früchte der Aufklärung : Lustspiel in vier Aufzügen. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi ; S. Fischer, 1891). = Les fruits de la science. (Paris : A. Lemerre, 1891). [Erstaufführung Theater der Moscow Society of Art and Literature, unter der Regie von Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavski, 1891].
Publication / Tol80
31 1921 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Jiu shu. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Zhang Mochi, Jing Meijiu yi. (Shanghai : Gong min shu ju, 1921). (Wen yi cong shu ; 5). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Zhivoi trup : drama v shesti dieistviiakh-12ti kartinakh. (Moskva : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1912). = Tolstoy, Leo. Der lebende Leichnam : Drama in sechs Aufzügen und 12 Bildern. (Leipzig : P. Reclam, 1911). = Le cadavre vivant : drame en six actes et douze tableaux. (Paris : L'illustration, 1911).= The man who was dead : the cause of it all : drama. = The living corpse. (New York, N.Y. : Dodd, Mead and Co., 1912). [Erstaufführung Moscow Art Theatre, 1911].
Publication / Tol81
32 1921 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai duan pian. Liu Renhang yi. (Shanghai : Gong min shu ju, 1921). (Wen yi cong shu ; 3). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol138
33 1922 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Chan hui. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Zhang Mochi, Jing Meijiu yi. (Shanghai : Da tong shu ju, 1922). (Xian dai wen xue cong kan). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Ispoved. In : Russkaya mysl ; no 5 (1882). = Ispovied' grafa. (Genève : M. Elpidine, 1884). = Tolstoy, Leo. My confession : the spirit of Christ's teaching. (London : Scott, 1884). = Ma confession. ((Paris : A. Savine, 1887). = Eine Beichte : Roman. (Berlin : J. Ladyschnikow, 1909). =
Publication / Tol34
34 1922 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Hei an zhi guang. Tuo'ersitai zhu, Deng Yancun yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1922). (Wen xue cong shu). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Vlast' t'my, ili, kogotok uviaz, vsei ptichkie propast : drama. (S. Peterburg : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1887). = Tolstoy, Leo. The power of darkness. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1887). [Uraufführung Moskau 1902].
Publication / Tol71
35 1922 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Jia li juan. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Yang Mingzhai yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1922). (Wen yi cong ke yi ji ; 1). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Fal'shivyi kupon. In : Tolstoy, Leo. Posmertnyia khudozhestvennyia proizvedeniia. (Moskva : Sytin, 1911-1912). = Le faux coupon. (Paris : Nelson, 1889). = Tolstoy, Leo. The forged coupon. In : Tolstoy, Leo. The forged coupon, and other stories and dramas. (London : T. Neolson, 1911). [Erstauflage nicht gefunden].
Publication / Tol74
36 1922 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai xiao shuo ji. Xin Renshe bian yi. (Shanghai : Tai dong tu shu ju, 1922). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol165
37 1923 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai er tong wen xue lei bian. Tang Xiaopu yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1923). [Übersetzung von Kindergeschichten von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol145
38 1924 [Tolstoy, Leo]. San zhong si fa. Lin Shu yi. In : Xiao shuo shi jie ; vol. 5, no 1 (1924). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Tri smerti (1858). In : Biblioteka dlja tschtenija (1859). = Tolstoy, Leo. Three deaths. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian propieter and other stories. Transl. From the Russian by Nathan Haskell Dole. (London : W. Scott, 1888).
Publication / Lin114
39 1924 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo shi duan pian xiao shuo : ling guang de san xiao. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu zhe ; Hu Yigu yi wen zhe. (Shanghai : Qing nian xie hui shu bao bu, 1924). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
托氏短篇小說 : 靈光的三笑
Publication / Tol131
40 1924 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai duan pian xiao shuo ji. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Qu Qiubai, Geng Jizhi yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1924). (Gong xue she Eluosi wen xue cong shu). [Übersetzung von gesammelten Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol142
41 1924 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Xiong lie. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Sun Fuyuan yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1924). (Xiao shuo yue bao cong kan ; 21). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Okhota pushche nevoli. (1875). In : Tolstoy, Leo. Razskazy dlia malen' kikh detei. (Berlin : Izd. A.S. Zaks : Ol'ga D'iakova, 1921). = Tolstoy, Leo. The bear hunt. In : Tolstoy, Leo. Twenty-three tales. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1906).
Publication / Tol185
42 1925 Jin dai Eguo xiao shuo ji. = Modern Russian short stories. Vol. 1, 2, 4-5. Don fang za zhi she. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1925). (Dong fang wen ku ; 77).
[Enthält] :
Vol. 1 : Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Fedor Mikahilovich Dostoyevsky.
Vol. 3 : Leo Tolstoy, Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko, Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin.
Vol. 4 : Fedor Sologub, Maksim Gorky.
Vol. 5 : Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin, Leonid Nikolaevich Andreyev, Mikhail Petrovich Artsybashev.
Publication / Turg58
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich
  • Person: Artsybashev, Mikhail Petrovich
  • Person: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
  • Person: Garshin, Vsevolod Michajlovic
  • Person: Gorky, Maksim
  • Person: Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich
  • Person: Kuprin, Aleksandr Ivanovich
  • Person: Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
  • Person: Sologub, Fjodor
  • Person: Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich
43 1926 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Er tong di zhi hui. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Chang Hui yi. (Beijing : Bei xin shu ju, 1926). (Er tong ju ji). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Detskaja mudrost. (1910). (Moskva : Izd. Posrednika, 1912). = Tolstoy, Leo. Kindliche Weisheit : kleine dramatische Szenen aus dem Nachlass. Übers. von Eduard Schiemann. (München : Hans Sachs-Verlag, 1913).
Publication / Tol44
44 1926 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tu di yu lao gong. Lang Xingshi, Zhang Guoren yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1926). (Xin shi ji wan you wen ku ; 1). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Land and labor. [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
Publication / Tol130
45 1928-1958 Tolstoy, L.N. [Tolstoy, Leo]. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. Pod obshchei red. V.G. Chertkova. 90 vol. in 72. (Moskva : Gos. Izd-vo, 1928-1958). [Jubiläums-Ausgabe]. Publication / Tol15
46 1928 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Kong da gu. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Zhou Zuoren yi. (Shanghai : Kai ming shu dian, 1928). [3rd ed. 1939]. Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Rabotnik Emel'ian i pustoi baraban. (Genève : M. Elpinine, 1891). = Tolstoy, Leo. The story of Yemilyan and the empty drum. In : Tolstoy, Leo. The death of Ivan Ilyitch and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : C. Scribner's Sons, 1904).
Publication / Tol88
47 1929 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Xiang jian de yun shi. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Wang Gujun yi. (Shanghai : Qi zhi shu ju, 1929). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
Publication / Tol183
48 1929 Eluosi duan pian jie zuo ji. Shui Moshe bian yi. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Shui mo shu dian, 1929). [Übersetzung russischer Erzählungen].
[Enthält] :
Vol. 1 : Mikhail Artsybashev, Mikhail Lermontov, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko, Vsevolod Michajlovic Garshin, Aleksandr Kuprin, Aleksei Ivanovich Kolosov.
Vol. 2 : Anton Chekhov, Aleksandr Pushkin, Vsevolod Michajlovic Garshin, Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov, Leo Tolstoy, Vyacheslav Shiskov.
Publication / Eluo1
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Cited by: Gamsa, Mark. The Chinese translation of Russian literature : three studies. (Leiden : Brill, 2008). (Sinica Leidensia ; vol. 90). (Gam1, Published)
  • Person: Artsybashev, Mikhail Petrovich
  • Person: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
  • Person: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
  • Person: Garshin, Vsevolod Michajlovic
  • Person: Kolosov, Aleksei Ivanovich
  • Person: Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich
  • Person: Kuprin, Aleksandr Ivanovich
  • Person: Lermontov, Mikhail
  • Person: Leskov, Nikolai Semyonovich
  • Person: Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
  • Person: Shishkov, Vyacheslav Yakovlevich
  • Person: Shui, Moshe
49 1930 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Gaojiasuo de qiu ren. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Liu Dajie yi. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju, 1930). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kavkazskii plennik. In : Zarja ; no 2 (1872). = (Moskva : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. A prisoner of the Caucasus. Ed., with introd., notes and vocabulary by E.C. Underwood and Nevill Forbes. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1917). (Oxford Russian plain texts).
Publication / Tol55
50 1930 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yifan zhi si. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Gu Shouchang yi. (Shanghai : Bei xin shu ju, 1930). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Smert' Ivana Il'icha. In : Socinenia grafa L. N. Tolstogo (1886). = The death of Ivan Ilyich. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian proprietor ; The death of Ivan Illytch and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1899). = La mort d'Ivan Iliitch. (Paris : E. Dentu, 1894).
Publication / Tol204
51 1931 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Mi tu = Master and man. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Liu Dajie yi. (Shanghai : Zhonghua shu ju, 1931). (Xian dai wen xue cong kan). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Khoziain i rabotnik : poviest'. (St. Petersburg : Tip. V.S. Balasheva i Ko., 1895). = Tolstoy, Leo. Master and man. (New York, N.Y. : D. Appleton, 1895). = Maîitre et serviteur. (Paris : L. Chailley, 1895). [Abhandlung über Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin und Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol].
Publication / LiuD10
  • Person: Gogol, Nikolai Vasil'evich
  • Person: Kuprin, Aleksandr Ivanovich
  • Person: Liu, Dajie
52 1931 Tolstoy, Leo. Shakespeare and the drama. Dong Sheng yi. In : Wen yi yue kan (1931). In : The fortnightly review ; Dec. 1, 1906-Jan. 1907). = (London : Free Age Press, 1907). [Geschrieben 1903].
Publication / Shak210
53 1931 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai xiao shuo ji. Ye Daosheng yi yi zhe ; Wang Bingkun shu wen zhe. (Shanghai : Guang xue hui, 1931). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol166
54 1931 Yin ying : lu xi ya duan pian ji. (Shanghai : Xin shi dai shu ju, 1931). [Anthologie]. [Enthält Erzählungen aus : Best Russian short stories. (New York, N.Y. : Boni and Liveright, 1917)].
Andreyev, Leonid Nikoaevich. Eleazar. (Stuttgart : J.H.W. Dietz, 1906). = Lazarus.
Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovic. The shades, a phantasy.
Garshin, Vsevolod Michajlovic. The signal.
Tolstoy, Leo. God sees the truth, but waits. (1872)
Sologub, Fjodor. Hide and seek.
Gorky, Maksim. Autumn night.
Publication / Gork190
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Cited by: Gamsa, Mark. The Chinese translation of Russian literature : three studies. (Leiden : Brill, 2008). (Sinica Leidensia ; vol. 90). (Gam1, Published)
  • Person: Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich
  • Person: Garshin, Vsevolod Michajlovic
  • Person: Gorky, Maksim
  • Person: Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich
  • Person: Sologub, Fjodor
55 1932 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Xin yu. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Ma Junwu yi shu. Vol. 1-4. (Shanghai : Zhonghua shu ju, 1932). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie. (Purleigh, Maldon : V. Tchertkoff, 1899). [Die Ausg. Moskva 1899 enthält nicht den ganzen Text].
Publication / MaJ6
56 1932 Zhong xue sheng fan yi. Gao'erji [et al.] zhu ; Zhang Tingzheng yi. (Shanghai : Zhong xue sheng shu ju, 1932). (Zhong xue sheng cong shu). [Übersetzung von Short stories und Gedichten].
[Enthält] : Ivan Vazov, Maksim Gorky, John Ruskin, Maria of Romania, August Strindberg, Leo Tolstoy, Karel Capek, Josef Capek, Alfred Tennyson, Edgar Allan Poe, Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Publication / Gork210
57 1933 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai duan pian xiao shuo xuan. Zhang Jialun yi. (Shanghai : Shi jie shu ju, 1933). (Shi jie jin dai ying wen ming zhu ji ; 28). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol144
58 1933 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai tong hua ji. Wu Chengjun yi ; Yu Zhijie jiao. (Shanghai : Da dong shu ju, 1933). [Übersetzung von Märchen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol161
59 1935 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Guo Moruo yi. (Shanghai : Guang ming shu ju, 1935). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol220
60 1936 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Eguo duan pian xiao shou ji. Tuo'ersitai deng zuo ; Chen Jie deng yi. (Shanghai : Sheng huo shu dian, 1936). [Übersetzung der gesammelten Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol41
61 1936 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Fu huo : liu mu ju. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Tian Han bian ju. (Shanghai : Shanghai za zhi gong si, 1936). (Wen xue chuang zao cong shu). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie : roman. (Moskva : Pol'za, 1899). = Tolstoy, Leo. Resurrection : a novel. = The awakening. (New York, N.Y. : Grosset & Dunlap, 1899). = Résurrection. (Paris : E. Flammarion, 1900).
复活 : 六幕剧
Publication / Tol50
62 1939 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yu mo. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Ouyang Yuqian gai bian. (Xianggang : Zhong hua yi shu ju tuan, 1939). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Vlast' t'my : ili Kogotok Uviaz, vsei Ptichke propast' : drama v piati deistviiakh. (Moskva : Izd. Posrednika, 1887). = Die Macht der Finsterniss : dramatisches Sittenbild aus dem russischen Volksleben in 5 Akten. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1887). = The dominion of darkness : a drama in five acts. (London : Vizetelly, 1888).
Publication / Tol208
63 1940 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Keliecai chang qu. Tuo'ersitai ; Meng Kezhi yi. (Shanghai : Chang feng shu dian, 1940). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kreitserova sonata. (Berlin : B. Berg, 1890). = Die Kreutzersonate. Übers. vom Bibliographischen Brueau zu Berlin ; mit einer Einl. von Raphael Lösenfeld. (Berlin : B. Behr, 1890). [Erstaufl. nach Zensur in Russland].= The Kreutzer sonata, and Family happiness. (London : Scott, 1890). = La sonate à Kreutzer. (Paris : A. Lemerre, 1890).
Publication / Tol85
64 1941 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Hai zi men de zhi hui. Mu Jun yi. (Shanghai : Shao nian chu ban she, 1941). (Zhongguo jin xian dai fan yi wen xue zuo pin). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Devchonki umnee starikov (1885). = Tolstoy, Leo. Little girls wiser than men. In : Ivan Ilytch, and other stories. (London : Walter Scott, 1887). = The wisdom of children. In : Father Sergius ; The wisdom of children ; Miscellaneous stories. (Boston : D. Estes, 1912).
Publication / Tol64
65 1943 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Fu huo. Xia Yan gai bian. (Chongqing : Mei xue chu ban she, 1943). (Hai bin xiao ji ; 2). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie : roman. (Moskva : Pol'za, 1899). = Tolstoy, Leo. Resurrection : a novel. = The awakening. (New York, N.Y. : Grosset & Dunlap, 1899). = Résurrection. (Paris : E. Flammarion, 1900).
Publication / Tol47
66 1943 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Saibasituobo'er zhi wei. Tuo'ersitai [et al.] zhu ; Sun Yong yi. (Guilin : Wen xian chu ban she, 1943). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol106
67 1943 Xie zuo jing yan jiang hua. Gao'erji [et al.] zhu ; Xue xi chu ban she bian yi. (Guilin : Xue xi chu ban she, 1943). [Anthologie russischer Schriftsteller. Über das Schreiben].
[Enthält] :
Gorky, Maksim. Wo de chuang zuo jing yan. M. Gao'erji.
Tolstoy, Leo. Wo de chuang zuo jing yan . A. Tuo'ersitai.
Fadeev, Alexandr. Wo de chuang zuo jing yan. Fajieyefu.
Pilniak, Boris. Wo zen yang chuang zuo. Pinieke.
Mayakovsky, Vladimir. Wo zen yang xie zuo. Mayekefusiji.
Zoshchenko, Mikhail. Wo zen yang xie zuo. M. Zuoqinke.
Lavrenev, Boris. Wo zen yang chuang zuo de. Lafulieniefu.
Novikov-Pribol, A.S. Wo zen yang xie "Dui ma" de. N. Pulibaoyi.
Libedinskii, IUrii. Wo zen yang xie "Yi zhou jian" de. Libaidingsiji.
Gorky, Maksim. Gei qing nian zuo jia. M. Gao'erji.
Publication / Gork179
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Fadeev, Alexandr Alexandrovic
  • Person: Gorky, Maksim
  • Person: Lavrenev, Boris
  • Person: Libedinskii, IUrii Nikoolaevich
  • Person: Mayakovsky, Vladimir
  • Person: Novikov-Priboi, Alexei Silytch
  • Person: Pilniak, Boris Andreievitch
  • Person: Zoshchenko, Mikhail Mikhailovich
68 1946 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Gaojiasuo de hui yi. Tuo'ersitai ; Bei Zhi yi. (Nanjing : Du li, 1946). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kavkazskii plennik. In : Zarja ; no 2 (1872). = (Moskva : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. A prisoner of the Caucasus. Ed., with introd., notes and vocabulary by E.C. Underwood and Nevill Forbes. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1917). (Oxford Russian plain texts).
Publication / Tol57
69 1946 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai duan ju ji. Zhong Xuyuan yi. (Guangzhou : Xue hai bian yi she, 1946). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu). [Übersetzung von Dramen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol137
70 1946 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yifan Sudaliaofu de gu shi. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Lin Ling yi. (Shanghai : Su shang shi dai shu bao chu ban she, 1946). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Smert' Ivana Il'icha. In : Socinenia grafa L. N. Tolstogo (1886). = The death of Ivan Ilyich. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian proprietor ; The death of Ivan Illytch and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1899). = La mort d'Ivan Iliitch. (Paris : E. Dentu, 1894).
Publication / Tol203
71 1947 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Gou de gu shi. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Chen Yuan [Chen Xiying] yi. (Shanghai : Sheng huo shu dian, 1947). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Goud gushy. [Übersetzung der Hunde-Geschichten von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol60
72 1947 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Jia ting xing fu. Tuo'ersitai zuo ; Fang Jing yi. (Shanghai : Wen hua sheng huo, 1947). (Wen hua sheng huo cong kan ; 33). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Semeynoye chast'ye. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1859). = Tolstoy, Leo. Family happiness : a romance. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1888). = Bonheur intime. (Paris : E. Kolb, 1890).
Publication / Tol75
73 1948 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Nong cun gu niang. Tuo'ersitai ; Lin Yuan yi. (Shanghai : Li wen yin shu guan, 1948). [Übersetzung von vier Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol101
74 1948 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zao chun xu yu. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Meng Kezhi yi. (Shanghai : Chang feng shu dian, 1948).
Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kreitserova sonata. (Berlin : B. Berg, 1890). = Die Kreutzersonate. Übers. vom Bibliographischen Brueau zu Berlin ; mit einer Einl. von Raphael Lösenfeld. (Berlin : B. Behr, 1890). [Erstaufl. nach Zensur in Russland].= The Kreutzer sonata, and Family happiness. (London : Scott, 1890). = La sonate à Kreutzer. (Paris : A. Lemerre, 1890).
Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Semeinoe schaste = Semeynoye schast'ye (1859). In : Russky vestnik ; vol. 20 (1859). = Macha souvenirs et impressions d'une jeune femme. (St-Pétersbourg : Trenké & Fusnot, 1877). = Family happiness : a romance. (New York, N.Y. T.Y. Crowell, 1888).
Publication / Tol209
75 1948 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhu yu pu : fu nong cun de nü ren. Tuo'ersitai zhu zhe ; Zhang Baishan yi zhe. (Shanghai : Xian dai chu ban she yin xing, 1948). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
主與僕 附農村的女人
Publication / Tol225
76 1949 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Shao nian shi dai. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Jiang Lu yi. (Guilin : Wen hua gong yin she, 1949). (Shao nian wen ku). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Otrochestvo. In : Sovremennik (1854). = Tolstoy, Leo. Boyhood. (London : J.M. Dent, 1917).
Publication / Tol115
77 1950 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kalienina. Tuo'ersitai zhuan ; Zhou Yang yi. Vol. 1-2. (Beijing : San lian shu dian, 1950). (Shi jie wen yi ming zhu yi cong). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
Publication / Tol26
78 1950 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Guang zai hei an li tou fa liang. Li Jianwu yi. (Shanghai : Ping min chu ban she, 1950). (Xin yi wen cong kan). [Übersetzung von Dramen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol61
79 1950 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Huo shi. Wen Ying yi. (Shanghai : Ping ming chu ban she, 1950). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Zhivoi trup : drama v shesti dieistviiakh-12ti kartinakh. (Moskva : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1912). = Tolstoy, Leo. Der lebende Leichnam : Drama in sechs Aufzügen und 12 Bildern. (Leipzig : P. Reclam, 1911). = Le cadavre vivant : drame en six actes et douze tableaux. (Paris : L'illustration, 1911= The man who was dead : the cause of it all : drama. = The living corpse. (New York, N.Y. : Dodd, Mead and Co., 1912). [Erstaufführung Moscow Art Theatre, 1911].
Publication / Tol73
80 1950 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Wen ming de guo shi. Li Jianwu yi. (Shanghai : Ping ming chu ban she, 1950). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Plody prosveshcheniia : komedii. (Berlin : Bibliograficheskoe biuro, 1891). = Tolstoy, Leo. The fruits of enlightenment : a comedy in four acts. (London : W. Heinemann, 1891). = Die Früchte der Aufklärung : Lustspiel in vier Aufzügen. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1891). = Les fruits de la science. (Paris : A. Lemerre, 1891).[Erstaufführung Theater der Moscow Society of Art and Literature, unter der Regie von Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavski, 1891].
Publication / Tol179
81 1951 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tou yi ge zao jiu de. Tuomisitai zhuan ; Li Jianwu yi. (Shanghai : Ping ming chu ban she, 1951). (Xin yi wen cong kan tuo mi si tai xi ju ji, 1). [Übersetzung von Dramen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol129
82 1951 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai gu shi ji. Mao Zhi yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1951). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Povesti i rasskazy. (Moskva : Idz. T-Va I.D. Sytina, 1914). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol147
83 1952 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Kelaicai shuo na da. Tuo'ersitai ; Shen Fengwei yi. (Shanghai : Ping ming, 1952). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kreitserova sonata. (Berlin : B. Berg, 1890). = Die Kreutzersonate. Übers. vom Bibliographischen Brueau zu Berlin ; mit einer Einl. von Raphael Lösenfeld. (Berlin : B. Behr, 1890). [Erstaufl. nach Zensur in Russland].= The Kreutzer sonata, and Family happiness. (London : Scott, 1890). = La sonate à Kreutzer. (Paris : A. Lemerre, 1890).
Publication / Tol83
84 1952 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Xifasituobo'er de gu shi. Tuo'ersitai ; Yu Di yi. (Shanghai : Xin wen yi chu ban she, 1952). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Sevastopol'skie rasskazy. In : Sovremennik (1855-1856). = Tolstoy, Leo. Sevastopol. (London : W. Scott, 1870). = Les Cosaques : souvenirs de Sebastopol. (Paris : P.-V. Stock, 1901).
Publication / Tol184
85 1953 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Chuan zhu de er zi : Eluosi gu shi ji. Tuo'ersitai ; Wu Xinsi ji ; Qi Jian yi. (Shanghai : Zhen li shu dian, 1953). [Übersetzung von Erzählungen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol35
86 1953 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Haji Mula. Eguo L. Tuo'ersitai ; Han Shiheng [Shi Heng] yi. (Shanghai : Guo ji wen hua fu wu she, 1953). (Gu dian wen xue ming zhu xuan ji, di shi si zhong). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Khadzhi-Murat. (S. Peterburg : R. Golike i A. Vilborg, 1912). = Hadji Mur'ad. (Boston : D. Estes, 1912). = Chadshi Murat : Roman aus den Kämpfen im Kaukasus. (Leipzig : P. Reclam, 1912). = Hadji Mourad. (Paris : Nelson, 1912). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol65
87 1953 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Hei an de shi li. Wen Ying yi. (Shanghai : Ping ming chu ban she, 1953). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Vlast' t'my, ili, kogotok uviaz, vsei ptichkie propast : drama. (S. Peterburg : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1887). = Tolstoy, Leo. The power of darkness. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1887).
Publication / Tol68
88 1954 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Gesake : fu xi ji. Wu Yan yi. (Shanghai : Xin wen yi chu ban she, 1954). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kazaki. In : Russkij vestnik (1863). = Tolstoy, Leo. The Cossacks : a tale of the Caucasus in 1852. (New York, N.Y. : Scribner's, 1878). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Nabeg. In : Sovremennik ; vol. 3 (1853). = Les Cosaques : souvenirs de Sebastopol. (Paris : P.-V. Stock, 1901). = Au Caucase. (Paris : Perrin, 1883). = The raid. In : Tolstoy, Leo. Tales of army life. (London : Oxford University Press, 1932).
哥薩克 : 附襲撃
Publication / Tol58
89 1954 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Jiao yu de guo shi : si mu xi ju. Liefu Tuoersitai ; Fang Xin yi. (Beijing : Zuo jia chu ban she, 1954). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Plody prosveshcheniia : komedii. (Berlin : Bibliograficheskoe biuro, 1891). = Tolstoy, Leo. The fruits of enlightenment : a comedy in four acts. (London : W. Heinemann, 1891). = Die Früchte der Aufklärung : Lustspiel in vier Aufzügen. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi ; S. Fischer, 1891). = Les fruits de la science. (Paris : A. Lemerre, 1891). [Erstaufführung Theater der Moscow Society of Art and Literature, unter der Regie von Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavski, 1891].
教育的果實 : 四幕喜劇
Publication / Tol79
90 1954 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Ren kao shen me er sheng huo. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Jidu jiao fu qiao chu ban she. (Xianggang : Jidu jiao fu qiao chu ban she, 1954). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Chem liudi zhivy. In : Detskii otdykh ; vol. 12 (1885). = Tolstoy, Leo. What men live by. In : Tolstyo, Leo. Two tales : What men live by Put out the fire before it spreads. Transl. by R.T. Currall. (London : Harrap, 1885). (Bilingual series).
Publication / Tol103
91 1955 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anixia. Fu Hongming yi. (Shanghai : Ping ming chu ban she, 1955). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Bab'ia dolia. In : Vestnik evropy ; vol. 4 (1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Anissia, the life story of a peasant. Rev. and corr. by Leo Tolstoy ; transl. with notes and a pref. by Charles Salomon. (London : Geoffrey Bles, 1924).
Publication / Tol18
92 1955 [Tolstoy, Leo]. "Di yi ge zao jiu zhe" ji qi ta. Liefu Tuo'ersitai ; Fang Xin yi. (Beijing : Zuo jia chu ban she, 1955).
[Enthält] :
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Di yi ge zao jiu zhe. = Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Pervyi vinokur. (Moskva : Tip. I.D. Sytina i k, 1886). = The first distiller. In : Tolsoty, Leo. Plays. (London : G. Richards, 1903). 第一个造酒者
Publication / Tol39
93 1955 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Hei an de shi li : wu mu ju. Leifu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Fang Xin yi. (Beijing : Zuo jia chu ban she, 1955). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Vlast' t'my, ili, kogotok uviaz, vsei ptichkie propast : drama. (S. Peterburg : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1887). = Tolstoy, Leo. The power of darkness. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1887). [Uraufführung Moskau 1902].
黑暗的勢力 : 五幕劇
Publication / Tol69
94 1955 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Ma de gu shi : Hei'ersituomi'er. Lie Tuo'ersitai zhu. Zhao Xing, Xu Dong he yi. (Shanghai : Ping ming chu ban she, 1955). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kholstomer : istoriia loshadi. (1886). (Moskva : Academia, 1934). = Tolstoy, Leo. Strider : the story of a horse. In : Tolstoy, Leo. Nine stories. (London : Oxford University Press, 1933). [Geschrieben 1863-1886 ; unvollendet].
Publication / Tol98
95 1955 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Saiwasituoboer gu shi. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Wu Yan yi. (Shanghai : Xin wen yi chu ban she, 1955). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Sevastopol'skie rasskazy. In : Sowremennik (1855-1856). = Tolstoy, Leo. Sevastopol. (London : W. Scott, 1870). = Les Cosaques : souvenirs de Sebastopol. (Paris : P.-V. Stock, 1901). [Übersetzung von drei Kapiteln aus Tolstoy, Leo. Tales of army life. (London : H. Milford, 1935)].
Publication / Tol107
96 1956 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Liang ge piao qi bing. Tuo'ersitai zhuan ; Mao De, Hai Ge yi. (Shanghai : Xin wen yi chu ban she, 1956). (Xin yi wen cong kan). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Dva gusara. In : Sovremennik ; no 3 (1856). = In : Tolstoy, Leo. Sochineniia. (Moskva : V universitetskoi tip., 1873). = Deux générations. (Paris : Didier, Perrin, 1886). = Two hussars. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian propietor and other stories. Transl. From the Russian by Nathan Haskell Dole. (London : W. Scott, 1887).
兩個驃騎兵 : 一个故事
Publication / Tol89
97 1956 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai de qing shu. Wu Shutian yi. (Shanghai : Bei xin shu ju, 1956). [Übersetzung der Briefe von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol133
98 1956 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai duan pian jie zuo ji. Chen Deming, Xie Songgao he yi. (Xianggang : Jidu jiao fu qiao chu ban she yin xing, 1956). [Übersetzung der gesammelten Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol140
99 1957 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Gaojiasuo de fu lu. Tuo'ersitai ; Lou Shi yi. (Shanghai : Shao nian er tong chu ban she, 1957). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kavkazskii plennik. In : Zarja ; no 2 (1872). = (Moskva : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. A prisoner of the Caucasus. Ed., with introd., notes and vocabulary by E.C. Underwood and Nevill Forbes. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1917). (Oxford Russian plain texts).
Publication / Tol54
100 1957 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai zui hou de ri ji. Ren Jun yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen yi lian he chu ban she, 1957). [Übersetzung eines Tagebuchs von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol176
101 1958 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Fu huo. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Qing Hui gai xie. (Xingzhou : Xingzhou shi jie shu ju, 1958). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie : roman. (Moskva : Pol'za, 1899). = Tolstoy, Leo. Resurrection : a novel. = The awakening. (New York, N.Y. : Grosset & Dunlap, 1899). = Résurrection. (Paris : E. Flammarion, 1900).
Publication / Tol49
102 1958 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Wang shi sui bi. Tuo'ersitai ; Wu Junxie yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1958). [Übersetzung von Essays von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol177
103 1958 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Xian dai shi jie xiao shuo xuan. Tuo'ersitai deng zhuan ; Hu Wen yi. (Taibei : Taibei xian zhong he xiang, 1958). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu yi cong). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol182
104 1958 [Tolstoy, Leo]. You nian, Shao nian, Qing nian. Tuo'ersitai zhuan ; Ni Na yi. (Taibei : Xing xing shu ju yin xing, 1958). (Shi jie wen xue cong shu). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Dietstvo, Otrochestvo i iunost'. Dietstvo. In : Sovremennik (1852). Otrochestvo. In : Sovremennik (1854). Iunost. In : Sovremennik (1857). = (Moskva : A. I. Mamontova, 1886). = L'enfance et l'adolescence. (Paris : J. Hetzel, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Childhood, boyhood and youth. (London : J.M. Dent, 1917).
Publication / Tol207
105 1958 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping. Tuo'ersitai ; Wang Yuanxin yi. Vol. 1-4. (Taibei : Shi jie shu ju, 1958). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol213
106 1959 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai ke xue za wen ji. Chen Yuan [Chen Xiying] yi. (Beijing : Beijing ke xue ji zhu chu ban she, 1959). [Übersetzung der gesammelten Essays von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol150
107 1959 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai zi bai. Qiu Jinzhang yi. (Xianggang : Jian wen shu ju, 1959). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Ispoved. In : Russkaya mysl ; no 5 (1882). = Ispovied' grafa. (Genève : M. Elpidine, 1884). = Tolstoy, Leo. My confession : the spirit of Christ's teaching. (London : Scott, 1884). = Eine Beichte : Roman. (Berlin : J. Ladyschnikow, 1909). = Ma confession. ((Paris : A. Savine, 1887).
Publication / Tol174
108 1959 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai zi zhuan. Qi ming shu ju bian yi. (Taibei : Yi zhe, 1959). (Ming ren zhuan ji cong shu ; 1). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Dietstvo, Otrochestvo i Iunost'. Dietstvo. In : Sovremennik (1852). Otrochestvo. In : Sovremennik (1854). Iunost. In : Sovremennik (1857). = (Moskva : A. I. Mamontova, 1886). = L'enfance et l'adolescence. (Paris : J. Hetzel, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Childhood, boyhood and youth. (London : J.M. Dent, 1917).
Publication / Tol175
109 1960 Shi jie qi da ming zuo jia lun. Meng Zhideng yi. (Taibei : Taibei xian yong he zhen, 1960).
[Enthält Kommentare über] :
Tuo'ersitai = Leo Tolstoy
Qi da ming zuo jia wei Bailun = George Gordon Byron
Manshufeier = Katherine Mansfield
Huazihuasi = William Wordsworth
Mobosang = Guy de Maupassant
Gongsidang = Benjamin Constant
Hekesilei = Thomas Henry Huxley
Qiaoyishi = James Joyce
Publication / Tol122
110 1961 [Tolstoy, Leo]. San yin shi. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhuan ; Lu Jinhui yi. (Taibei : Xin lu, 1961). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Tri startsa. In : Niva (1886). = In : Tolstoy, Leo. Narodnyia legendy. (Moskva : Izd. Tva Rodnaia riech, 1916). = Tolstoy, Leo. The archbishop and the Three old men. Transl. by Rosamond Venning. (London : Eden, Remington & Co., 1893).
Publication / Tol110
111 1962 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kalienina. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Zhou Jian yi. (Taibei : Guo guang shu ju, 1962). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
Publication / Tol23
112 1967 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Dai zi Yifan : yu yan gu shi. Tuo'ersitai zhuan ; Meng Xiangsen yi. (Taibei : Shui niu, 1967). (Shui niu wen ku ; 149). [Übersetzung von Fabeln und Märchen von Tolstoy].
獃子伊凡 : 寓言故事
Publication / Tol38
113 1968 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Natasha. Tuo'ersitai zhuan ; Bu Zhu yi zhe. (Taibei : Taibei xian yong he zhen, 1968). (Hai yan wen ku). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina I mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886). 戰爭與和平
Publication / Tol99
114 1968 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Sheng dan xiao shuo ji. Tuo'ersitai deng zhu ; Liu Hebei yi. (Taizhong : Guang qi chu ban she, 1968). [Übersetzung der Christmas stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol117
115 1968 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Sheng huo zhi lu. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Wang Zhigeng yi. (Guilin : Lijiang chu ban she, 1998). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Smert' Ivana Il'icha. In : Sočineniâ grafa L. N. Tolstogo (1886). = The death of Ivan Illytch. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian proprietor ; The death of Ivan Illytch and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1899). = La mort d'Ivan Iliitch. (Paris : E. Dentu, 1894).
Publication / Tol119
116 1968 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai zhu yu quan ji. Tuo'ersitai zhuan ; He Ruixiong yi. (Tainan : Kai shan, 1968). (Kai shan wen xue cong shu ; 2). [Übersetzung der gesammelten Werke von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol173
117 1968 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Wo de sheng ya. Tuo'ersitai zhuan ; Sha Luomen fa yi. (Taizhong : Xue sheng, 1968). (Jin yang wen ku ; 5). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kakova moia zhizn'. (Genève: M. Elpidine, 1886). = Quelle est ma vie ? (Paris : Librairie illustrée, 1888).
Publication / Tol180
118 1969 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai duan pian jie zuo quan ji. Chen Yonglin yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen, 1969). (Gao shui zhun de du wu, du zhe wen ku ; 23). [Übersetzung der gesammelten Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol141
119 1969 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yifan Yiliequzhisi. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Meng Xiangsen yi. (Taibei : Shui niu chu ban she, 1969). (Shui niu wen ku ; 105). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Smert' Ivana Il'icha. In : Socinenia grafa L. N. Tolstogo (1886). = The death of Ivan Ilyich. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian proprietor ; The death of Ivan Illytch and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1899). = La mort d'Ivan Iliitch. (Paris : E. Dentu, 1894).
Publication / Tol201
120 1969 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yifan Yiliqizhisi. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Chen Junyi yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen shu ju, 1969). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Smert' Ivana Il'icha. In : Socinenia grafa L. N. Tolstogo (1886). = The death of Ivan Ilyich. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian proprietor ; The death of Ivan Illytch and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1899). = La mort d'Ivan Iliitch. (Paris : E. Dentu, 1894).
Publication / Tol202
121 1970 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Sha zi Yifan : yu yan gu shi. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Meng Xiangsen zhong yi. (Taibei : Shui niu chu ban she, 1970). (Shui niu wen ku ; 149). [Übersetzung von Fabeln und Märchen von Tolstoy].
傻子伊凡 : 寓言故事
Publication / Tol112
122 1970 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yifan de gu shi. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Liao Qingxiu gai xie. (Taibei : Dong fang chu ban she, 1970). (Er tong wen xue ming zhu ; 5). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Smert' Ivana Il'icha. In : Socinenia grafa L. N. Tolstogo (1886). = The death of Ivan Ilyich. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian proprietor ; The death of Ivan Illytch and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1899). = La mort d'Ivan Iliitch. (Paris : E. Dentu, 1894).
Publication / Tol199
123 1971 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Nian san ge gu shi. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. Vol. 1-2. (Tainan : Hua ming chu ban she, 1971). (Da da yi cong ; 5). [Übersetzung von 23 Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol100
124 1971 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai tong hua quan ji. = 23 tales by Leo Tolstoy. Maote [Alymer Maude] ying yi ; Bu Zhu yi zhe. (Tainan : Hua ming, 1971). (Da da yi cong ; 5). [Übersetzung der vollständigen Märchen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol163
125 1973 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yi shu lun. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Geng Jizhi yi. (Taibei : Chen zhong chu ban she, 1973). (Chen zhong xin kan ; 44). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. What is art ? (Philadelphia : H. Altemus, 1898). [Erstaufl. nach Zensur in Russland] = Chto takoye iskusstvo?. (Moskva : Sitin, 1898).
Publication / Tol188
126 1974 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Jialinina. Vol. 1-2. (Hong Kong : Da guang chu ban she, 1974). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886). [= Anna Kalienina. 安娜卡列尼娜] Publication / Tol19
127 1975 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Er shi san ge gu shi. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Liu Hua yi. Vol. 1-2. (Taibei : Zheng wen, 1975). (Ying han dui zhao shi jie ming zhu ; 138-139). [Übersetzung von 23 Erzählungen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol43
128 1977 Shi jie qi da zuo jia. Lin Qing yi. (Taibei : Da han chu ban she, 1977). (Da han xin kan ; 7).
[Enthält] : Tolsoty
Publication / Tol123
129 1977 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yong heng de qiong yin : Tuo'ersitai de tong hua shi jie. Liu Lanyu yi. Vol. 1-2. (Taibei : De chang chu ban she, 1977). (De chang xin kan ; 52). [Übersetzung von Kindergeschichten von Tolstoy].
永恒的跫音 : 托爾斯泰的童話世界
[Enthält] :
Vol. 1 : Kuan shu. Wo yao tao hui qu. Xiong kou yu sheng.
Vol. 2 : Da zhong gu shi : Ren yi he wei sheng. Chao sheng. Ai ren ru ai wo zhu. Yuan yuan xiang bao he shi liao. Guo'ernei Waxiliyefu zhe ge ren.
Publication / Tol206
130 1978 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Gaojiasuo gu shi. Tuo'ersitai zhuan ; Lin Yue yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1978). (Xin chao wen ku ; 195). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kavkazskii plennik. In : Zarja ; no 2 (1872). = (Moskva : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. A prisoner of the Caucasus. Ed., with introd., notes and vocabulary by E.C. Underwood and Nevill Forbes. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1917). (Oxford Russian plain texts).
高加索故事 : 托爾斯泰小說選
Publication / Tol56
131 1978 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Hun yin sheng huo de xing fu : Tuo'ersitai xiao shuo xuan. Zheng Qingwen yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen chu ban she, 1978). (Xin chao wen ku ; 179). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Short stories von Tolstoy].
婚姻生活的幸福 : 托爾斯泰小說選
Publication / Tol72
132 1978 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai tong hua quan ji. Tang Yu yi. (Taibei : Nan jing, 1978). (Shi jie ming zhu). [Übersetzung von Märchen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol162
133 1978 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan cheng yu he ping. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Dong Jiusi yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1978). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol214
134 1979 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Bao feng xue. Tuo'ersitai deng zhu ; Cao Ying deng yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1979). (Yi wen cong kan ; 1). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol31
135 1979 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Gaojiasuo de fu lu. Lie Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Li Liangmin yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1979). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kavkazskii plennik. In : Zarja ; no 2 (1872). = (Moskva : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. A prisoner of the Caucasus. Ed., with introd., notes and vocabulary by E.C. Underwood and Nevill Forbes. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1917). (Oxford Russian plain texts).
[Enthält] :
[Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich]. Bai jing cao yuan. Tugeniefu.白净草原 [Original-Titel nicht gerfunden].
[Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich]. Ka shi tang ka. Qiehefu. 卡什唐卡 [Original-Titel nicht gerfunden].
Publication / Tol52
136 1979 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Saiwasituobao gu shi. Tuo'ersitai zhuan ; Lin Yue yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen chu ban she, 1979). (Xin chao wen ku ; 205). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Sevastopol'skie rasskazy. In : Sowremennik (1855-1856). = Tolstoy, Leo. Sevastopol. (London : W. Scott, 1870). = Les Cosaques : souvenirs de Sebastopol. (Paris : P.-V. Stock, 1901).
Publication / Tol108
137 1979 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tian shi yu xie jiang. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Ding Zhenwan yi. (Taizhong : Guang qi, 1979). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Gde liubov tami Bog. (Moskva : Posrednik, 1885). = Where love is there God is also. Transl. from the Russian by Nathan Haskell Dole. (New York, N.Y. : Crowell, 1887). = Martin the cobbler.
Publication / Tol126
138 1980 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Kelaicai zou ming qu. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Lin Chuping yi. (Hangzhou : Zhejiang ren min chu ban she, 1980). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kreitserova sonata. (Berlin : B. Berg, 1890). = Die Kreutzersonate. Übers. vom Bibliographischen Brueau zu Berlin ; mit einer Einl. von Raphael Lösenfeld. (Berlin : B. Behr, 1890). [Erstaufl. nach Zensur in Russland].= The Kreutzer sonata, and Family happiness. (London : Scott, 1890). = La sonate à Kreutzer. (Paris : A. Lemerre, 1890).
Publication / Tol84
139 1981 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yiwang de sha gua. Tuo'ersitai zhuan ; Chen Zongxian bian. (Taibei : Bian zhe, 1981). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Smert' Ivana Il'icha. In : Socinenia grafa L. N. Tolstogo (1886). = The death of Ivan Ilyich. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian proprietor ; The death of Ivan Illytch and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1899). = La mort d'Ivan Iliitch. (Paris : E. Dentu, 1894).
Publication / Tol205
140 1981 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping. Gao Jin yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai chu ban she, 1981). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol221
141 1981 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Zhi Gao yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1981). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol223
142 1982 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai. Tuo'ersitai zuo zhe ; Liang Shiqiu zhu bian ; Chen Mingyi yi zhe. (Taibei : Ming ren chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 1982). (Ming ren wei ren zhuan ji quan ji ; 54). [Autobiographie von Leo Tolstoy]. Publication / LiaS65
143 1982 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Liefu Tuo'ersitai lun chuang zuo. Dai Qihuang yi. (Nanning : Lijiang chu ban she, 1982). Übersetzung von Russkie pisateli o literaturnom trude. Red. Boris Solomonovitch Meilakh. Vol. 1-4. (Leningrad : Sovetskii pisatel', 1954-1956). [Russian writers on literary work]. Vol. 3 enthält Leo Tolstoy.
Publication / Tol94
144 1982 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Shi jie duan pian xiao shuo jing xuan. Tuo'ersitai deng zhu. (Taibei : Jiang men chu ban she, 1982). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol120
145 1982 Si de kuang wei. Shashibiya, Haimingwei, Fuloubei, Make Tuwen, Tuo'ersitai, Hexuli, Tang'enbi, Shitanbeike, Sandao Youjifu ; Xu Jinfu yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen chu ban she, 1982). (Xin chao wen ku ; 268). Übersetzung von We are but a moment's sunlight; understanding death. Ed. by Charles S. Adler, Gene Stanford, Sheila Morrissey Adler. (New York, N.Y. : Pocket Books, 1976). [William Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Gustave Flaubert, Mark Twain, Leo Tolstoy, Aldous Huxley, Arnold Joseph Toynbee, John Steinbeck. Experience of death].
Publication / Tol124
146 1982 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai lun ji. Zhejiang sheng wen xu xue hui wai guo yan jiu hui. Hangzhou da xue zhong guo yu yan wen xue xi. (Hangzhou : Zhejiang ren min chu ban she, 1982). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Theorien von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol152
147 1983 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Gaojiasuo de fu lu. (Tainan : Da kuai chu ban she, 1983). (Masterpieces for young people ; 25).Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kavkazskii plennik. In : Zarja ; no 2 (1872). = (Moskva : Tip. I.D. Sytina, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. A prisoner of the Caucasus. Ed., with introd., notes and vocabulary by E.C. Underwood and Nevill Forbes. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1917). (Oxford Russian plain texts).
Publication / Tol53
148 1983 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Jia ting de xing fu. Lin Chuping yi. (Hangzhou : Zhejiang ren min chu ban she, 1983). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Werke von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol76
149 1983 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai zhong duan pian xiao shuo xuan. Wu Yuqun, Shan Jida yi. (Guangzhou : Hua cheng chu ban she, 1983). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu xin yi cong shu). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol171
150 1983 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai zhong duan pian xiao shuo xuan. Di Xin yi. (Xianggang : Ji du jiao wen yi chu ban she, 1983). (Ji wen qing nian cong shui ; 3, 1). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol172
151 1984 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kalienina. Liefu Tuo'ersitai ; Frances Johnston, Michael West gai xie ; Shi Yanshan yi. (Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu, 1984). (Shi jie wen xue cong shu). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
Publication / Tol21
152 1984 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Shi jie ming jia duan pian xiao shuo xuan ji. Tuo'ersitai deng zhuan. (Taibei : Xi nian lai, 1984). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol121
153 1984 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tong nian, Shao nian, Qing nian. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Xie Sutai yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1984). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Dietstvo, Otrochestvo i iunost'. Dietstvo. In : Sovremennik (1852). Otrochestvo. In : Sovremennik (1854). Iunost. In : Sovremennik (1857). = (Moskva : A. I. Mamontova, 1886). = L'enfance et l'adolescence. (Paris : J. Hetzel, 1886).= Tolstoy, Leo. Childhood, boyhood and youth. (London : J.M. Dent, 1917).
Publication / Tol127
154 1984 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai san wen ji : zhe ren yu zhe yu. Liang Huiqun bian yi. (Taibei : Chang chun shu, 1984). (Mei de cong shu ; E49). [Übersetzung der gesammelten philosophischen Werke von Tolstoy].
托爾斯泰散文集 : 哲人與哲語
Publication / Tol157
155 1984 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai wen xue shu jian. Zhang Qi yi. (Changsha : Hunan ren min chu ban she, 1984). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Perepiska s russkimi. (Moskva, Gos. izd-vo khudozh. lit-ry, 1962). = Correspondance inédite réunie. (Parsi : Charpentier, 1907). [Übersetzung der Korrespondenz von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol164
156 1985 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Wu hui yi hou. Liefu Tuo'ersitai ; Cao Ying yi. (Hangzhou : Zhejiang wen yi chu ban she, 1985). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
[Enthält] : Lusai'en : Nieheliuduofu gong jue ri ji zhai ; Huosituomier : yi pi ma de shen shi ; Wu hui yi hou ;
Haji Mulate. Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Khadzhi-Murat. (S. Peterburg : R. Golike i A. Vilborg, 1912). = Hadji Mur'ad. (Boston : D. Estes, 1912). = Chadshi Murat : Roman aus den Kämpfen im Kaukasus. (Leipzig : P. Reclam, 1912). = Hadji Mourad. (Paris : Nelson, 1912). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy]. 哈澤穆拉特
Publication / Tol181
157 1985 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yi ge di zhu di zao chen : zhong duan pian xiao shuo 1852-1856. Cao Ying yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1985). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Povesti i rasskazy. (Moskva : Idz. T-Va I.D. Sytina, 1914). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
一个地主的早晨 : 中短篇小说1852-1856
Publication / Tol187
158 1986-2000 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Liefu Tuo'ersitai wen ji. Vol. 1-17. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1986-2000).
[Enthält] :
Vol. 1. Tong nian ; Shao nian ; Qing nian. Xie Sutai yi. Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Detstvo, Otrochestvo, Junost'. Detstvo. In : Sovremennik (1852). Otrochestvo. In : Sovremennik (1854). Junost. In : Sovremennik (1857). = L'enfance et l'adolescence. (Paris : J. Hetzel, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Childhood, boyhood and youth. (London : J.M. Dent, 1917). = L'enfance et l'adolescence. (Paris : J. Hetzel, 1886). = Souvenirs : enfance, adolescence, jeunesse. (Paris : Hachtte, 1887). 童年少年青年
Vol. 2. Zhong duan pian xiao shuo. Pan Anrong, Fang Xin yi. [Short stories]. 托尔斯泰中短篇小说选
Vol. 3. Zhong duan pian xiao shuo. Fang Xin, Liu Liaoyi yi.
Vol. 4. Zhong duan pian xiao shuo. Zang Zhonglun, Liu Liaoyi deng yi.
Vol. 5-8 Zhan zheng yu he ping. Liu Liaoyi yi. Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886). 戰爭與和平
Vol. 9-10 Anna Kalieningna. Zhou Yang, Xie Sutai yi. Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).安娜卡列尼娜
Vol. 11. Fu huo. Ru Long yi. Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie : roman. (Moskva : Pol'za, 1899). = Tolstoy, Leo. Resurrection : a novel. = The awakening. (New York, N.Y. : Grosset & Dunlap, 1899). = Résurrection. (Paris : E. Flammarion, 1900).复活
Vol. 12. Gu shi. Chen Fu yi. [Übersetzung von Stories von Tolstoy]. 故事
Vol. 13. Xi ju. Fang Xin, Bai Sihong yi. [Übersetzung der Dramen von Tolstoy]. 戲劇
Vol. 14. Wen lun. Chen Shen, Feng Chenbao deng yi. [Übersetzung von Literaturtheorie von Tolstoy]. 文论
Vol. 15. Zheng lun. Ni Ruiqin xuan bian ; Feng Zeng, Song Datu deng yi. [Übersetzung von politischen Kommentaren von Tolstoy]. 政论
Vol. 16. Shu xin. Zhou Sheng, Dan Jida deng yi. [Übersetzung der Briefe von Tolstoy]. 書信
Vol. 17. Ri ji. Chen Fu, Zheng Kui yi. [Übersetzung der Tagebücher von Tolstoy]. 日記
Publication / Tol16
159 1986 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kalienina. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Ji Cairang yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1986). (Xin chaos hi jie ming zhu ; 45). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
Publication / Tol20
160 1986 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Fu huo. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Ji Cairang yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1986). (Xin chaos hi jie ming zhu ; 39). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie : roman. (Moskva : Pol'za, 1899). = Tolstoy, Leo. Resurrection : a novel. = The awakening. (New York, N.Y. : Grosset & Dunlap, 1899). = Résurrection. (Paris : E. Flammarion, 1900).
Publication / Tol48
161 1986 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Liefu Tuo'ersitai gu shi ji. Wu Molan yi ; Wang Jieyin, Jiang Mingli cha tu. (Shanghai : Shao nian er tong chu ban she, 1986). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Erzählungen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol93
162 1986 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai he e guo zuo jia tong xin xuan. Tuo'ersitai ; Gan Yuze yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1986). [Übersetzung der Briefe von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol148
163 1986 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Huang Wenfan yi. Vol. 1-4. (Taibei : Taibei xian zhong he shi, 1986). (Shu hua shi jie wen xue quan ji ; 37). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol210
164 1988 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Ai yu sheng yu si. Tuo'ersitai ; Ye Shitao bian yi. (Taibei : Chun wen xue, 1988). (Chun wen xue cong shu ; 147. Da wen hao de zhi hui, Tuo'ersitai pian). [Übersetzung von Auszügen aus den Werken von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol17
165 1988 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Liefu Tuo'ersitai di ba juan, zhan zheng yu he huo ping. Liu Liao yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1988). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina I mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol92
166 1988 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tian guo zai ni men xin zhong : Tuo'ersitai wen ji. Li Zhengrong, Wang Jiaping yi ; Xu Xianxu jiao. (Shanghai : San lian shu dian, 1988). (Mao tou ying wen ku ; 1. Shi jie xian zhe ming zhu xuan yi). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. TSarstvo Bozhie vnutri vas. (Berlin : Izd. Bibliograficheskago biuro, 1894). = Tolstoy, Leo. The kingdom of God is within you : Christianity not as a mystic religion but as a new theory of life. (London : W. Heinemann, 1894). = Le salut est en vous. (Paris : Perrin, 1893).
天国在你们心中 : 托尔斯泰文集
[Enthält] :
Lun sheng ming.
Tian guo zai ni men xin zhong.
Publication / Tol125
167 1988 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai duan pian gu shi ji. Tang Yumei zhu bian. (Tainan : Wen guo shu ju, 1988). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu ; 29). [Übersetzung der gesammelten Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol139
168 1988 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai miao yu lu. Wen Qi yi. (Lanzhou : Gansu ren min chu ban she, 1988). [Übersetzung von Zitaten von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol153
169 1988 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai san wen san pian. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Xu Chi yi. (Changsha : Hunan ren min chu ban she, 1988). (San wen yi cong ; 3). [Übersetzung von Essays von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol158
170 1988 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Wei le hai zi men : Liefu Tuo'ersitai tong hua he yu yan. Liang, Jibo, Hu Xiaowen, Chen Depei yi. (Shijiazhuang : Hebei ren min chu ban she, 1988). [Übersetzung von Märchen und Kindergeschichten von Tolstoy].
为了孩子们 : 列夫托尔斯泰童话和寓言
Publication / Tol178
171 1989 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Lie Ni Tuo'ersitai yu Eguo zuo jia tong xin ji. Luozhanuowa [Susanna Abramovna Rozanova] ; Ma Zhaoyuan, Feng Mingxia. (Beijing : Wen hua yi zhu chu ban she, 1989). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Perepiska s russkimi pisateliami. Sostavlenie S.A. Rozanova. (Moskva : Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 1978). = Correspondance inédite réunie. (Parsi : Charpentier, 1907). [Übersetzung der Korrespondenz von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol97
172 1989 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai 366 ri jin yan : 1-12. Liang Xiangmei yi. Vol. 1-4. (Taibei : Zhi wen chu ban she, 1989). (Xin chao qi fa cong shu ; 11-14). [Übersetzung der Tagbücher von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol132
173 1989 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping : Tuo'ersitai ming zhu gai bian dian ying xiao shuo. Weng Hanguang zuo zhe. (Bangkok : Yi bao she, 1989). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
戰爭與和平 : 托爾斯泰名著改編電影小說
Publication / Tol218
174 1990 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kelienina. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Zhong Si yi. (Taibei : Yuan jing, 1990). (Shi jie wen xue quan ji ; 6). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
Publication / Tol25
175 1990 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Dai zi Yifan. Fang Suzhen gai xie ; Xie Wuzhang jian xiu. (Taibei : Guang fu shu ju gu fen you xian gong si, 1990). (21 shi ji shi jie tong hua jing xuan ; 35). [Übersetzung von Fabeln von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol37
176 1990 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Lie Tuo'ersitai zuo pin jing cui. Wu Yuqun xian bian. (Shijiazhuang : Hebei jiao yu chu ban she, 1990). (Shi jie wen xue bo lan). [Übersetzung der wichtigsten Werke von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol91
177 1990 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Shen me shi yi shu. Liefu Tuo'ersitai ; He Yongxiang yi. (Nanjing : Jiangsu mei shu chu ban she, 1990). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Chto takoe iskusstvo ? In : Tolstoy, Leo. Sochineniia. (Moskva : V universitetskoi tip., 1873). = Tolstoy, Leo. Was ist Kunst. Deutsch von Alexis Markoff. (Berlin : H. Steinitz, 1898). = Tolstoy, Leo. What is art. Transl. by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. (Philadelphia : H. Altemus, 1898). = Qu'est-ce que l'art ? (Paris : Didier, 1898).
Publication / Tol116
178 1990 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai yu lu. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Lin Yu zhu bian. (Taibei : Zhi hui da xue, 1990). (Zhi hui wen ku ; 5). [Übersetzung von Zitaten von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol168
179 1990 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping. Liao Qingxiu gai xie ; Yu Youfu nei wen hui tu. (Taibei : Dong fang chu ban she, 1990). (Shi jie shao nian wen xue jing xuan ; 12). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol211
180 1991 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai de zhi hui : yu yan, zhe li. Chen Cangduo bian yi. (Taibei : Ding yuan, 1991). (Li zhi fang ; 1). [Übersetzung von Short stories und Dramen von Tolstoy].
托爾斯泰的智慧 : 寓言哲理
Publication / Tol135
181 1992 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Jiu se yu sheng ming. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Xu Chi yi. (Changsha : Hunan wen yi chu ban she, 1992). [Übersetzung von Essays von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol82
182 1992 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai jing xuan 365 tian zhen yan. Liang Ren yi. (Nanning : Guangxi min zu chu ban she, 1992). [Übersetzung von Maximen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol149
183 1992 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Li Hong gai xie ; Chen Xiaozhong tu. Vol. 1-2. (Tainan : Da qian wen hua, 1992). (Shi jie wen xue zhu yin ban quan ji ; 35-36). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol212
184 1993 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Fu huo de sheng zhe : Tuo'ersitai ds ling si miao yu. Li Renfan bian. (Taibei : Bai guan chu ban she, 1993). (Ming ren zhu ji ji cui ; 1). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie : roman. (Moskva : Pol'za, 1899). = Tolstoy, Leo. Resurrection : a novel. = The awakening. (New York, N.Y. : Grosset & Dunlap, 1899). = Résurrection. (Paris : E. Flammarion, 1900).
復活的聖哲 : 托爾斯泰的靈思妙語
Publication / Tol51
185 1993 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai ru shi shuo. Lin Yu yi. Shi wu xian yong heng de yi bu fen. (Beijing : Zhongguo you yi chu ban gong si, 1993). (Da shi yu lu xi lie). [Übersetzung von Auszügen aus Tolstoy's Gesamtwerken].
Publication / Tol155
186 1993 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai yu yan. Chen Manrong yi. (Tainan : Han feng, 1993). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu ; 72). [Übersetzung von Fabeln und Märchen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol169
187 1993 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai zhen yan lu. Xi Yu, Lü Jia yi. (Beijing : Xue yuan chu ban she, 1993). (Wei ren zhen yan lu cong shu). [Übersetzung der Maxime von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol170
188 1994 [Stendhal ; Brontë, Charlotte ; Tolstoy, Leo]. Hong yu hei. (Haikou : Hainan chu ban she, 1994). (Wai guo si da ming zhu).
[Enthält] :
[Stendhal]. Hong yu hei. Sitangda zhu ; Zang Bosong yi. Übersetzung von Stendhal. Le rouge et le noir. (Paris : Librairie Larousse, 1830). 红与黑
[Brontë, Charlotte]. Jian Ai. Xialuote Bolangdi zhu ; Liu Qinglin yi. Übersetzung von Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre : an autobiography. Vol. 1-3. (London : Smith, Elder, 1847). 简爱
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kalienina. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Lü Zhenggui yi. Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). 安娜卡列尼娜
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Fu huo. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Qiu Mingyun, Xin Hua yi. Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie : roman. (Moskva : Pol'za, 1899). ). = Tolstoy, Leo. Resurrection : a novel. = The awakening. (New York, N.Y. : Grosset & Dunlap, 1899). 复活
Publication / Sten74
189 1994 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kalienina. Lie Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Chen Cun suo xie. (Beijing : Hua xia xhu ban she, 1994). (Wai guo chang pian xiao shuo ming zhu jing cui). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
[Enthält] :
[Dostoyevsky, Fyodor]. Kalamazuofu xiong di. Tuosituoyefusiji zhu ; Sun Shaozhen, Wang Guangming suo xie. Übersetzung von Dostoyevsky, Fyodor. Brat'ia Karamazovy : roman v chetyrekh chastiakh s'epilogom. (St. Petersburg : Panteleevykh, 1882). = The brothers Karamazov. Transl. from the Russian by Constance Garnett. (New York, N.Y. : Modern Library, 1879-1880). = Les frères Karamazov. (Paris : E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1888). = Die Brüder Karamasoff. (München : Piper, 1906)
[Zola, Emile]. Nana. Zuola zhu ; Jin Jian yi ; Lu Xing'er, Mao Zhicheng suo xie. Übersetzung von Zola, Emile. Nana. (Paris : G. Charpentier, 1880). 娜娜
Publication / Zola4
190 1994 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kalienina. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1994). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
Publication / Tol24
191 1994 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Fu huo. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Zhong Si yi. (Taibei : Shu hua chu ban Taibei, 1994). (Gui quan shi jie wen xue ming zhu ; 27). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie : roman. (Moskva : Pol'za, 1899). = Tolstoy, Leo. Resurrection : a novel. = The awakening. (New York, N.Y. : Grosset & Dunlap, 1899). = Résurrection. (Paris : E. Flammarion, 1900).
Publication / Tol45
192 1994 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tong nian, Shao nian, Qing nian. Leifu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Wen Bingxun yi. (Guangzhou : Hua zheng, 1994). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Dietstvo, Otrochestvo i iunost'. Dietstvo. In : Sovremennik (1852). Otrochestvo. In : Sovremennik (1854). Iunost. In : Sovremennik (1857). = (Moskva : A. I. Mamontova, 1886). = L'enfance et l'adolescence. (Paris : J. Hetzel, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Childhood, boyhood and youth. (London : J.M. Dent, 1917).
Publication / Tol128
193 1994 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Zi Ran suo xie. (Taibei : Ye qiang, 1994). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu jing hua ben ; 13). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol215
194 1995 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kalienina. Liefu Tuo'ersitai ; Li Dong, Xu Junwei suo xie. (Chengdu : Sichuan ren min chu ban she, 1995). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu jing hua ben). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
Publication / Tol22
195 1995 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Duo shao di cai gou. Chen Ruolian yi xie ; Yabosinuowa [Elena Abesinova] hui tu. (Taibei : Taiwan mai ke, 1995). (Da shi min zuo hui ben ; 2). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Mnogo-li celoveku zemli nuzno. (Petrograd : Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo, 1920). = Tolstoj, Leo. Wieviel Erde braucht der Mensch. Mit Bildern von Elena Abesiova. (Zürich : Speer Verlag, 1993).
Publication / Tol40
196 1995 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Gesake : zhong duan pian xiao shuo 1857-1863. Tuoersitai zhu ; Cao Ying yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1995). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
哥萨克 : 中短篇小说1857-1863
Publication / Tol59
197 1995 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Lie Tuo'ersitai hou qi lun wen jing xuan ji. Wang Ke yi. (Chengdou : Tian di chu ban she, 1995). [Selected essays of L. Tolstoy in his later years].
Publication / Tol90
198 1995 [Tolstoy, Leo]. San zhi xiong. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Chen Mucheng gai xie ; Huang Yuwen Jian xiu. (Taibei : Guang fu, 1995). (21 shi ji shi jie tong hua jing xuan ; 105). [Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Tri medvedia. In : Novaya azbuka (1875). Adaptation von Robert Southey. The story of the three bears. (London : Porter and Wright, 1837)].
Publication / Tol111
199 1995 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Cao Ying yi. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1995). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol217
200 1996 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kalienina. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Cao Ying yi ; Zhu Lichun suo gai. (Jinan : Ming tian chu ban she, 1996). (Shi jie wen hao jing dian jin ku). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
Publication / Tol28
201 1996 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kalienina. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Li Gang yi. (Taibei : Lin yu wen hua, 1996). (Xin bian. Shi jie wen xue ming zhu ; 41). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
Publication / Tol29
202 1996 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Fu huo. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Cao Ying yi ; Zhang Jie suo gai. (Jinan : Ming tian chu ban she, 1996). (Shi jie wen hao jing dian jin ku). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voskresenie : roman. (Moskva : Pol'za, 1899). = Tolstoy, Leo. Resurrection : a novel. = The awakening. (New York, N.Y. : Grosset & Dunlap, 1899). = Résurrection. (Paris : E. Flammarion, 1900).
Publication / Tol46
203 1996 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai san wen. Liu Ning zhu bian. Vol. 1-2. (Beijing : Zhongguo guang bo dian shi chu ban she, 1996). (Shi jie wen hua ming ren wen ku). [Übersetzung von Essays von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol156
204 1997 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Haji Mulate : zhong duan pian xiao shuo 1903-1910. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Cao Ying yi. (Beijing : Wai wen chu ban she, 1997). (Tuo'ersitai xiao shuo quan ji, 12). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Khadzhi-Murat. (S. Peterburg : R. Golike i A. Vilborg, 1912). = Hadji Mur'ad. (Boston : D. Estes, 1912). = Chadshi Murat : Roman aus den Kämpfen im Kaukasus. (Leipzig : P. Reclam, 1912). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
哈吉穆拉特 : 中短篇小说
Publication / Tol66
205 1997 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Kelucai zou ming qu : zhong duan pian xiao shuo. Liefu Tuo'ersitai ; Cao Ying yi. (Beijing : Wai wen chu ban she, 1997). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kreitserova sonata. (Berlin : B. Berg, 1890). = Die Kreutzersonate. Übers. vom Bibliographischen Brueau zu Berlin ; mit einer Einl. von Raphael Lösenfeld. (Berlin : B. Behr, 1890). [Erstaufl. nach Zensur in Russland].= The Kreutzer sonata, and Family happiness. (London : Scott, 1890). = La sonate à Kreutzer. (Paris : A. Lemerre, 1890).
克鲁采奏鸣曲 : 中短篇小说
Publication / Tol87
206 1997 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Liefu Tuo'ersitai tong hua. Zhang Zhixiong, Yang Qingyu yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo fu nü chu ban she, 1997). (Shi jie jing dian tong hua yu yan zhen cang wen ku). [Übersetzung von Märchen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol95
207 1997 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Ren sheng lun. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Xu Haiyan yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1997). (Xin chao wen ku ; 392). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. O zhizni. (Moskva : Tip. A. Mamontov, 1888). = On life. Transl. by Isabel F. Hapgood. (New York, N.Y. : T. Crowell, 1888).
Publication / Tol104
208 1997 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai duan pian xiao shuo ji. Yi Lin yi. (Taizhong : San jiu, 1997). (Shi jie wen xue jing dian ku ; 29). [Übersetzung von gesammelten Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol143
209 1997 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Yifan Yilliqizhisi. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Xu Haiyan yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1997). (Xin xhao wen ku ; 390). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Smert' Ivana Il'icha. In : Socinenia grafa L. N. Tolstogo (1886). = The death of Ivan Ilyich. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian proprietor ; The death of Ivan Illytch and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1899). = La mort d'Ivan Iliitch. (Paris : E. Dentu, 1894).
Publication / Tol200
210 1998 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Cun zhong san ri : Lie Tuo'ersitai san wen ji. Diao Shaohua yi. (Shenyang : Liaoning jiao yu chu ban she, 1998). (Xin shi ji wan you wen ku. Wai guo wen hua shu yi). [Übersetzung der gesammelten Werke von Tolstoy].
村中三日 : 列托尓斯泰散文集
Publication / Tol36
211 1998 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Guo wang yu chen shan. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Ji'aofanni [Giovanni Manna] tu ; Guo Enhui yi. (Taibei : Taiwan mai ke, 1998). (Hui ben shi jie shi da tong hua ; 12, 2). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
[Enthält] : San kuai mian bao he yi kuai cui bing. Zhu zai gu cang xia mian de lao shu. Liang wei shang ren. Liang xiong di. Gong zheng de fa guan. Ci wei he tu zi. Shang ren he qian bao. Guo wang yu chen shan. Du ya he xiao du ya. Nong ren ru he fen ya. Nong fu he bao shi. Jin fa gong zhu.
Publication / Tol63
212 1998 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Sha zi Yifan. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Yifanjisita [Mauro Evangelista] zhu ; Zhang Lingling yi. (Taibei : Taiwan mai ke, 1998). (Hui ben shi jie shi da tong hua ; 11). [Übersetzung von short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol114
213 1998 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Sheng huo zhi lu. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Wang Zhigeng yi. (Guilin : Lijiang chu ban she, 1998). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Smert' Ivana Il'icha. In : Socinenia grafa L. N. Tolstogo (1886). = The death of Ivan Illytch. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian proprietor ; The death of Ivan Illytch and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1899). = La mort d'Ivan Iliitch. (Paris : E. Dentu, 1894).
Publication / Tol118
214 1998 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai ri ji. Lei Chengde yi. Vol. 1-2. (Xian : Shanxi ren min chu ban she, 1998). [Übersetzung des Tagebuchs von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol154
215 1998 Mei te shu : wei da li zhi gu shi de bao zang. William J. Bennett bian zhu ; Wu Meizhen yi. (Taibei : Yuan shen chu ban she, 1998). (Li zhi shu xi ; 27). Übersetzung von The book of virtues : a treasury of great moral stories. Ed., with commentary by William J. Bennett. (New York, N.Y. : Simon & Schuster, 1993).
美德書 : 偉大勵志故事的寶藏
[Enthält Texte von] : Aesop, Charles Dickens, Leo Tolstoy, William Shakespeare, James Baldwin.
Publication / Tol227
216 1999 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Ren wei shen me er huo. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Xu Haiyan yi (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1999). (Xin chao wen ku ; 366. Tuo'ersitai duan pian jie zuo xuan ; 1). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol105
217 1999 [Tolstoy, Leo]. San yin shi. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Geluobona [Dominic Groebner] hui tu ; Guo Enhui yi xie. (Xianggang : Shan bian chu ban she, 1999). (Da shi ming zuo hui ben). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Tri startsa. In : Niva ; no 13 (1886). = In : Tolstoy, Leo. Narodnyia legendy. (Moskva : Izd. Tva Rodnaia riech, 1916). = Tolstoy, Leo. The archbishop and the Three old men. Transl. by Rosamond Venning. (London : Eden, Remington & Co., 1893).
Publication / Tol109
218 1999 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Sha zi Yifan. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Xu Haiyan yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen chu ban she, 1999). (Xin chao wen ku ; 367). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol113
219 1999 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai de sang ge gu shi. Zhu Hui yi. (Chengdou : Sichuan ren min chu ban she, 1999). [Übersetzung von drei Erzählungen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol134
220 1999 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai jing xuan ji. Qian Shanxing bian xuan. (Jinan : Shandong wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Wai guo wen xue ming jia jing xuan shu xi). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Werke von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol151
221 1999 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai si xiang xiao pin. Chen Jianhua bian. (Shanghai : Shanghai she hui ke xue yuan chu ban she, 1999). (Ming ren si xiang xiao pin cong shu). [Übersetzung von 55 Auszügen der Werke von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol160
222 1999 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai yi ri yi shan. Liang Xiangmei yi. Vol. 1-4. (Taibei : Zhi wen chu ban she, 1999). (Xin chao wen ku ; 408-411). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Krug chtenia. (Moskva : Posrednik, 1910). = (New York, N.Y. : Izd. Obshchestvo "Vsemirnoe bratstvo", 1921). = Tolstoy, Leo. The pathway of life. Transl. by Archibald John Wolfe. (New York, N.Y. : International Book Publ. Co., 1919). = A calendar of wisdom : daily thoughts to nourish the soul. (New York, N.Y. : Scribner, 1997). [Geschrieben 1903-1910].
Publication / Tol167
223 2000 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kalienina. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Fei Ruming gai xie ; Chen Lin cha tu. (Hefei : Anhui shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2000). (Wai guo wen xue ming zhu shao nian du ben). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
Publication / Tol27
224 2000 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Annuo Kalienina. Yu Yizhong zhu shi. (Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 2000). (E yu wen xue ming zhu cong shu). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886).
Publication / Tol30
225 2000 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Liefu Tuo'ersitai tong hua quan ji. Li Xiaofan zhu bian. (Huhehaote : Nei Menggu ren min chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie tong hua da xi). [Übersetzung der vollständigen Märchen von Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol96
226 2000 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai fu yin shu. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Bai Ruoxue yi. (Taibei :Jiu jing chu ban she gu fen you xian gong si, 2000). (Zong jiao ; 2). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kratkoe izlozhenie Evangheliia. (1883). = (Genève : M. Elpidine, 1890). = The gospel in brief. (Croydon : Brotherhood Publ. Co.; London : Walter Scott, 1896).
Publication / Tol146
227 2000 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping. Liufu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Song Yirui cuo xie ; Li Chengyu feng mian ; Huang Suizhong, Li Xiang cha hua. (Xianggang : Xin ya wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 2000). (Shi jie ming zhu zhi lü cong shu). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol216
228 2000 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhan zheng yu he ping. Liao Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Lin Shuling gai xie. (Tainan : Qi ren chu ban, 2000). (Shi jie wen xue quan ji ; 24). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Voina i mir = Vojne i mire. In : Russkiy Vestnik (1869). = (S. Peterburg : V. Tip. Departamenta udelov, 1869). = La guerre et la paix : roman historique. (Paris : Hachette, 1879). = Tolstoy, Leo. War and peace. Vol. 1-3. (London : Vizetelly, 1886). = Tolstoy, Leo. Krieg und Frieden : historischer Roman. (Berlin : A. Deubner, 1885-1886).
Publication / Tol219
229 2000 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Zhi hui li shu. Bide Saiqilin [Peter Sekirin] ying yi ; Chen Chenghe yi. (Taibei : Lian jing, 2000). (Yi sheng de li shu ; 1). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Krug chtenia. (Moskva : Posrednik, 1910). (New York, N.Y. : Izd. Obshchestvo "Vsemirnoe bratstvo", 1921). = Tolstoy, Leo. The pathway of life. Transl. by Archibald John Wolfe. (New York, N.Y. : International Book Publ. Co., 1919). = A calendar of wisdom : daily thoughts to nourish the soul. (New York, N.Y. : Scribner, 1997). [Geschrieben 1903-1910].
Publication / Tol224
230 2000 [Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich]. Tuo'ersitai yu Tuosituoyefusiji. Meilierikefusiji. Yang Deyou yi. (Shenyang : Liaoning jiao yu chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich. L. Tolstoy i Dostoevskii. (S.-Peterburg : Izd-nie Zhurnala "Mir Iskusstva", 1901-1902). [Fyodor Dostoyevsky].
Publication / Tol279
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
  • Person: Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich
231 2004 [Wartenberg, Thomas E.]. Lun yi shu de ben zhi : ming jia jing xuan ji. Tangmasi Huatengboge bian zhu ; Zhang Shujun, Liu Lanyu, Wu Peien yi zhe. Vol. 1-29. (Taibei : Wu guan yi shu guan li you xian gong si, 2004). Übersetzung von Wartenberg, Thomas E. The nature of art : an anthology. (Fort Worth : Harcourt College, 2002).
論藝術的本質 : 名家精選集
[Enthält] :
Vol. 1. Yi shu ji mo fang : Bolatu = Art as imitation : Plato.
Vol. 2. Yi shu ji ren zhi : Yalisiduode. = Art as cognition : Aristotle.
Vol. 3. Yi shu ji zai xian zi ran : Aboti. = Art as representing nature : Leon Battista Alberti
Vol. 4. Yi shu ji pin wei de dui xiang : Xiumo. = Art as object of taste : David Hume.
Vol. 5. Yi shu ji ke gou tong de yu yue : Kangde. = Art as Communicable pleasure : Immanuel Kant.
Vol. 6. Yi shu ji qi shi : Shubenhua. = Art as revelation : Arthur Schopenhauer.
Vol. 7. Yi shu ji li xiang de dian xing : Heige’er. = Art as the ideal : G.W.F. Hegel.
Vol. 8. Yi shu ji jiu shu : Nicai. = Art as redemption : Friedrich Nietzsche.
Vol. 9. Yi shu ji qing gan jiao liu : Tuoersitai. = Art as communication of feeling : Leo N. Tolstoy.
Vol. 10. Yi shu ji zheng zhuang : Fuluoyide. = Art as symptom : Sigmund Freud.
Vol. 11. Yi shu ji you yi han de xing shi : Beier. = Art as significant form : Clive Bell.
Vol. 12. Yi shu ji biao da : Kelinwu. = Art as expression : R.G. Collingwood.
Vol. 13. Yi shu ji jing yan : Duwei. = Art as experience : John Dewey.
Vol. 14. Yi shu ji zhen li : Haidege. = Art as truth : Martin Heidegger.
Vol. 15. Yi shu ji qi yun : Banyaming. = Art as auratic : Walter Benjamin.
Vol. 16. Yi shu ji zi you : Aduonuo. = Art as liberatory : Theodor Adorno.
Vol. 17. Yi shu ji wu ding yi : Weizi. = Art as indefinable : Morris Weitz.
Vol. 18. Yi shu ji qi shi : Gudeman. = Art as exemplification : Nelson Goodman.
Vol. 19. Yi shu ji li lun : Dantuo. = Art as theory : Arthur Danto.
Vol. 20. Yi shu ji ji gou : Diqi. = Art as institution : George Dickie.
Vol. 21. Yi shu ji mei xue chan wu : Biersili. = Art as aesthetic production : Monroe C. Beardsley.
Vol. 22. Yi shu ji wen ben : Bate. = Art as text : Roland Barthes.
Vol. 23. Yi shu ji lian wu : Paibo. = Art as fetish : Adrian Piper.
Vol. 24. Yi shu ji jie gou : Dexida. = Art as deconstructable : Jacques Derrida.
Vol. 25. Yi shu ji nü xing zhu yi : Han'en. = Art as feminism : Hilde Hein.
Vol. 26. Yi shu ji mai luo : Jiegede. = Art as contextual : Dele Jegede.
Vol. 27. Yi shu ji hou zhi min : Aipiya. = Art as postcolonial : Kwame Anthony Appiah.
Vol. 28. Yi shu ji xu ni : Daiweisi. = Art as virtual : Douglas Davis.
Vol. 29. Dao lun. = About the authors.
Publication / Schop20

Secondary Literature (128)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1919 Cai, Yuanpei. Da zhan yu zhe xue. In : Xin chao ; vol. 1, no 1 (1918). [Der Weltkrieg und die Philosophie ; Abhandlung über Nietzsche, Tolstoy, Kropotkin].
Publication / Nie33
  • Cited by: Cheung, Chiu-yee. Nietzsche in China (1904-1992) : an annotated bibliography. (Canberra : Australian National University, 1992). (Faculty of Asian Studies monographs new series ; no 19). (Nie12, Published)
  • Person: Cai, Yuanpei
  • Person: Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich
  • Person: Nietzsche, Friedrich
2 1919 Shen, Yanbing [Mao, Dun]. Tuoersitai yu jin ri zhi Eluosi. In : Xue sheng za zhi ; vol. 6 (1919). [Tolstoy and contemporary Russia]. Publication / Tol14
  • Cited by: Ni, Ruiqin. Tolstoy and the May fourth literature. In : Interliterary and intraliterary aspects of the May fourth movement 1919 in China. (1990). (NiR1, Published)
  • Person: Mao, Dun
3 1920 Chen, Daqi ; Guo, Yaogen. Jin dai si xiang (shang xia ce). Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1920). (Shang zhi xue hui cong shu). [Abhandlung über Gustave Flaubert, Leonardo da Vinci, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Friedrich Nietzsche, Leo Tolstoy, Max Stirner, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Henrik Ibsen, Charles Darwin, Emile Zola, Rudolph Eucken, Henr Bergson, Rabindranath Tagore, Romain Rolland].
近代思想 ( 上 , 下册 )
Publication / Nie183
4 1921 [Hunter, Robert]. Tuo'ersitai zhi she hui xue shuo. Xu Songshi bian yi. (Shanghai : Guang xue hui, 1921). Übersetzung von Hunter, Robert. Why we fail as Christians. (New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1919). [A study of Tolstoy's social theory].
Publication / Tol253
5 1922 Xiang, Wo. Jindai san da mingren zhuan : Nicai, Kelupaotejin, Tuo’ersitai. In : Xue hui ; 82-93, 95-99 (1922). [Biographie von Nietzsche, Kropotkin, Tolstoy].
近代三大名人傳 (尼采, 克魯泡特金. 托爾斯泰)
Publication / Nie288
6 1922 Gan, Zhexian. Zhongguo zhi Tuo'ersitai. In : Chen bao fu juan ; Aug. (1922). [The Chinese Tolstoy]. Publication / Tol240
  • Cited by: Gamsa, Mark. The reading of Russian literature of China : a moral example and manual of practice. (New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). (Gam2, Published)
  • Person: Gan, Zhexian
7 1924 Ye, Shengtao. Yi ge qing nian. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; Febr. (1924). [Enthält] : The wall of the main hero's room is decorated with photographs of Hans Christian Andersen, Anton Chekhov and Leo Tolstoy. Publication / YeS10
  • Cited by: Gamsa, Mark. The reading of Russian literature of China : a moral example and manual of practice. (New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). (Gam2, Published)
  • Person: Andersen, Hans Christian
  • Person: Chekhov, Aleksandr Pavlovich
  • Person: Ye, Shengtao
8 1928 Tuo'ersitai yan jiu. Liu Dajie bian yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1928). (Xin zhi shi cong shu ; 1). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / LiuD4
9 1928-1929 [Lunacarskij, Anatolij Vasilevic]. Tuo'ersitai yu Makesi. Lu Xun yi. In : Ben liu ; vol. 1, no 7-8 (1928-1929). Übersetzung von Lunacarskij, Anatolij Vasilevic. Tolstoj i Marks. (1924).
Publication / LuX80
  • Cited by: Findeisen, Raoul D. Lu Xun (1881-1936) : Texte, Chronik, Bilder, Dokumente. (Basel : Stroemfeld / Nexus, 2001). (Nexus ; 19). (FiR5, Published)
  • Person: Lu, Xun
  • Person: Lunacarskij, Anatolij Vasilevic
10 1928 [L'vov Rogacevskij, Vasilij]. Zui jin Eguo wen xue shi lüe de yi zhang. Lu Xun yi. In : Ben liu ; vol. 1, no 7 (1928).. Übersetzung von L'vov Rogacevskij, Vasilij. Lev Tolstoj. In : Noveishaia russkaia literatura. (Moskva : Izd. Vserossiiskogo tsentr. soiuza potr. obshchestv, 1922).
最近俄國文學史略 的一章
Publication / LuX85
  • Cited by: Findeisen, Raoul D. Lu Xun (1881-1936) : Texte, Chronik, Bilder, Dokumente. (Basel : Stroemfeld / Nexus, 2001). (Nexus ; 19). (FiR5, Published)
  • Person: L'vov Rogacevskij, Vasilij
  • Person: Lu, Xun
11 1928 [Majskij, Ivan Michajlovic]. Leov Tolstoi - yi jiu er ba nian jiu yue shi wu ri zhu Ri Sulian da shi guan can zan. Maiski zhu ; Lu Xun yi. In : Ben liu ; vol. 1, no 7 (1928). Übersetzung von Majskij, Ivan Michajlovic. Lev Tolstoj. (1928). [Rede an einer Gedenkfeier zum Geburtstag von Leo Tolstoy in Tokyo].
Publication / LuX89
  • Cited by: Findeisen, Raoul D. Lu Xun (1881-1936) : Texte, Chronik, Bilder, Dokumente. (Basel : Stroemfeld / Nexus, 2001). (Nexus ; 19). (FiR5, Published)
  • Person: Lu, Xun
  • Person: Majskij, Ivan Michajlovic
12 1928 [Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich]. Tuo'ersitai lun. Kelupaotejin zhu ; L.L. Anun yi. (Shanghai : Nan hua shu dian, 1928). (Xian dai wen hua she cong shu). Übersetzung von Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich. Tolstoy. In : Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich. Russian literature. (New York, N.Y. : McClure, Phillips & Co., 1905). [Abhandlung über die Theorie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol258
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich
13 1928 Liu, Dajie. Tuo'ersitai yan jiu. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1928). (Xin zhi shi cong shu ; 1). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol268
14 1929 [Lunacarskij, Anatolij Vasilevic]. Tuo'ersitai zhi si yu shao nian Ouluoba. Lu Xun yi. In : Chun chao ; vol. 1, no 3 (1929). Übersetzung von Lunacarskij, Anatolij Vasilevic. Smert' Toltogo i molodaja Evropa. In : Novaja zizni ; Febr. (1911). [Der Tod von Tolstoy und das junge Europa].
Publication / LuX81
  • Cited by: Findeisen, Raoul D. Lu Xun (1881-1936) : Texte, Chronik, Bilder, Dokumente. (Basel : Stroemfeld / Nexus, 2001). (Nexus ; 19). (FiR5, Published)
  • Person: Lu, Xun
  • Person: Lunacarskij, Anatolij Vasilevic
15 1929 Lang, Qingxiao ; Gao, Mingkai. Tuo'ersitai sheng ping ji qi xue shuo. (Shanghai : Da dong shu ju, 1929). (Shi jie da si xiang jia). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol261
16 1932-1936 Wen xue lun wen suo yin. Chen Biru, Zhang Chenqing, Li Weixu bian ji. (Beijing : Zhonghua tu shu guan xie hui, 1932-1936). Vol. 1-3 (Zhonghua tu shu guan xie hui cong shu ; 5). (Eur). [Bibliographie. Darin enthalten sind 36 Aufsätze über Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 16 über Henrik Ibsen, 16 über Tagore Rabindrananth, 11 über Hans Christian Andersen, 8 über Honoré de Balzac, 7 über Leo Tolstoy, 3 über William Shakespeare und 1 über Dante Alighieri].
Publication / Goe37
  • Cited by: Yang, Wuneng. Goethe in China (1889-1999). (Frankfurt a.M. : P. Lang, 2000). (YanW1, Published)
  • Person: Andersen, Hans Christian
  • Person: Balzac, Honoré de
  • Person: Chen, Biru
  • Person: Dante, Alighieri
  • Person: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
  • Person: Shakespeare, William
17 1932 [Gorky, Maksim]. Tuoersitai yin xiang ji. Chen Shouzhu yi. In : Wen tan yin xiang ji. (Shanghai : Le hua tu shu gong si, 1932). = Übersetzung von Gorky, Maksim. Vospominaniia o L've Nikolaeviche Tolstom. (Peterburg : Izd. Z.I. Grzhebin, 1919). = Reminiscences of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. (New York, N.Y. : B.W. Huebsch, 1920). = Erinnerungen an Lew Nikolajewitsch Tolstoi. (München : Der Neue Merkur, 1920).
Publication / Gork152
18 1933 Xu, Maoyong. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. (Shanghai : Hua tong shu ju, 1933). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol316
19 1934 Lenin, Vladimir Il'ich ; Plekhanov, Georgii Valentinovich. Tuo'ersitai lun. Wuliyanuofu, Puliehanuofu zhu ; He Wei, Ke Yihe yi. (Shanghai : Si chao chu ban she, 1934). Übersetzung von Lenin, Vladimir Il'ich ; Plekhanov, Georgii Valentinovich. L.N. Tolstoi im Spiegel des Marxismus. (Wien : Verlag für Literatur und Politik, 1928).
Publication / Tol263
20 1935 [Rolland, Romain]. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. Luolan zhu ; Fu Lei yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1935). Übersetzung von Rolland, Romain. Vie de Tolstoi. (Paris : Hachette, 1911).
Publication / Fu8
21 1935 [Green, Katherine R.]. Tuo'ersitai xiao zhuan. Qingjieli zhu ; Chen Deming yi. (Shanghai : Guang xue hui, 1935). (Yi jiao cong shu ; 1). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol248
22 1936 Lu, Xun. Tuosituo yi fu si ji de shi. (1936). In : Lu Yun quan ji ; vol. 7 (1981). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy]. Publication / LuX177
  • Cited by: Ng, Mau-sang. The Russian hero in modern Chinese fiction. (Hong Kong : The Chinese University Press, 1988). (SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture). (Ng1, Published)
  • Person: Lu, Xun
23 1937 Yu, Zhenkun. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. (Shanghai : Shi jie shu ju, 1937). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol317
24 1939 Fu'ai'aokelitewo. Tuo'ersitai zhi si. Hai Ni chong yi. (Changsha : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1939). [Autor nicht gefunden].
Publication / Tol242
25 1939 Wang, Tiran. Tuo'ersitai sheng huo. (Shanghai : Shi jie shu ju, 1939). (Yun chen sheng huo cong shu). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol309
26 1940 [Zweig, Stefan]. Tuo'ersitai. Chuweige ; Xu Tianhong yi. (Yongan : Gai jin chu ban she, 1940). (Shi jie ta si xiang jia cong shu ; 2). Übersetzung von Zweig, Stefan. Tolstoi. In : Zweig, Stefan. Drei Dichter ihres Lebens : Casanova, Stendhal, Tolstoi. (Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1928). (Die Baumeister der Welt ; Bd. 3).
Publication / Tol323
27 1944 Sun, Fuyuan. Lu Xun xian sheng er san shi. (Chongqing : Zuo jia shu wu, 1944). (Lu Xun yan jiu cong kann ; 1). [Lu Xun – einige Ereignisse ; Tolstoy, Nietzsche].
Publication / Nie55
28 1946 [Tolstoy, Sofia Andreevna]. Jie hun sheng huo zhi gao bai. S.A. Tolstaia Tolstoy ; Shi Heng yi. (Shanghai : Guo ji wen hua fu wu she, 1946). = Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Sofia Andreevna. Meine Ehe mit Leo Tolstoi. Deutsch von B. Hirschberg-Schrader. (Leipzig : Weller, 1928).
Publication / Tol301
29 1950 Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). Publication / Bod12
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Kitaiskaya mudrost. (1884). [Unifinished fragment]. [Chinese wisdom]. (Tol7, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Kak zhivut kitaitsy. (Moskva : Posrednika, 1889). [How the Chinese live. From G. Eugène Simon]. (Tol5, Publication)
  • Source: Müller, F. Max. The religions of China. In : Nineteenth century ; vol. 48 (1900).
    I : Confucianism.
    II : Taoism.
    III : Buddhism and christianity. (MülF1, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Poslaniye k kitaitsam. (1900). [Epistle to the Chinese]. (Tol9, Publication)
  • Source: Boulanger, Pavel Aleksandrovich. Zhizn' i uchenie Konfutsiia. So stat'eigr. L.N. Tolstogo [Leo Tolstoy]. (Moskva : Posredika, 1903). [2nd ed. 1911]. [The life and teaching of Confucius. With an essay by Leo Tolstoy]. (Tol10, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Pismo k kitaitsu ; Kitaiskaya mudrost : mysli kitaiskikh myslitelei. (Moscrow : Posrednik, 1907). [Letter to a Chinese ; Chinese wisdom : the thougths of Chinese thinkers].
    [Enthält] : The books of Confucius, The great learning, Laozi The book of the way and truth]. (Tol8, Publication)
  • Source: Laotse [Laozi]. Izrecheniya kitaiskovo mudretsa Laotze. [Selected by] Leo Tolstoy. (Moscow : Posrednik, 1910).
    [Enthält] : Tolstoy, Leo. O suschnosti ucheniya Laotze. [On the essence of Laozi's techings]. Gorbunov-Posadov, Ivan. O mudretse Laotze. [About the sage Laozi]. (Tol4, Publication)
  • Source: Boulanger, Pavel Aleksandrovich. Zamechatelnyie mysliteli vsekh vremyon i nardov : miti, kitaiski filosof : ucheniye o vseobshchei lyubvi. [Ed. by] Leo Tolstoy. (Moscow : Posrednik, 1910) [2nd ed. 1911]. [Remarkable thinkers of all times and peoples : Mo Ti, a Chinese philosopher : the Doctrine of universal love]. (Tol11, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Surratskaya kofeinaya ; Kitaiski mudrets Laotze. Ed. by Paul Birukoff. (Moscow : ID. Sytin Co., 1911). [The Coffee-House of Surat ; The Chinese sage Laozi]. (Tol6, Publication)
  • Source: Konishi, D.P. Lao-si, Tao-te-king : ili pisaniye o nravstvennosti. [Ed. by] Leo Tolstoy ; [with a note by] S.N. Durylin. (Moscow : [s.n.], 1913). [Laozi, Dao de jing : or the Scripture of morality]. (Tol12, Publication)
  • Person: Bodde, Derk
30 1950 [Gorky, Maksim]. Hui yi Tuo'ersitai. Gaoerji ; Ba Jin yi. (Shanghai : Ping ming chu ban she, 1950). (Xin yi wen cong kan). Übersetzung von Gorky, Maksim. Vospominaniia o L've Nikolaeviche Tolsom. (Peterburg : Izd. Z.I. Grzhebin, 1919). = Reminiscences of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. (New York, N.Y. : B.W. Huebsch, 1920). = In : Erinnerungen an Zeitgenossen. Übers. von Erich Boehringer. (Berlin : Malik-Verlag, 1928).[Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol247
31 1950 Gudzii, N.K. Tuo'ersitai ping zhuan. Gudeji zhu ; Zhi Ji yi. (Beijing : Shi dai chu ban she, 1950). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol249
32 1950 [Tolstoy, Sofia Andreevna ; Dostoyevsky, Anna Grigor'evna Snitkina]. Tuo'ersitai yu Duosituoyefusiji. Suo Fu yi. (Shanghai : Guo ji wen hua fu wu she, 1950). [Betr. Leo Tolstoy und Fyodor Dostoyevsly].
Publication / Tol303
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Dostoyevsky, Anna Grigor'evna Snitkina
  • Person: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
  • Person: Tolstoy, Sofia
33 1950 [Gorky, Maksim]. Hui yi Qiehefu. Gao'erji zhu ; Ba Jin yi. (Shanghai : Ping ming chu ban she, 1950). (Xin yi wen cong kan). Übersetzung von Gorky, Maksim. Vospominaniia : N.E. Karonin-Petropavlovskii, A.P. Chekhov, Lev Tolstoi, M.M. Kotsiubinskii, Leonid Andreev. (Berlin : Kniga, 1923). = Reminiscences of Anton Chekhov. (New York, N.Y. : B.W. Huebsch, 1921).
Publication / Chek143
34 1951 [Zweig, Stefan]. Tuo'ersitai de sai xiang. Zhiweige ; Xu Tianhong yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen hua gong zuo she, 1951). Übersetzung von Zweig, Stefan. The living thoughts of Tolstoi. Presented by Stefan Zweig. (New York, N.Y. : Longmans, Green and Co., 1939).
Publication / Tol324
35 1952 Lie, Ning ; Lin, Hua. Lun Tuo'ersitai. (Beijing : Zhong wai chu ban she, 1952). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol267
36 1954 Li, Zhaozhi. Tuo'ersitai di gu shi. (Xianggang : Xue wen shu dian, 1954). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol264
37 1955 Veikshan, V.A. Tuo'ersitai lun jiao yu. Weikeshan zhu ; Lu Yu yi. (Shanghai : Zheng feng chu ban she, 1955). Übersetzung von Veikshan, V.A. L.N. Tolstoi o vospitanii i obuchenii. (Moskva : Izd-vo Akademii pedagog Nauk, 1953).
Publication / Tol307
38 1957 Shmarinov, Dementii Alekseevich. "Zhan zheng yu he ping" cha tu. Shimalinuofu zuo. (Beijing : Zhao hua mei chu chu ban she, 1957). [Über Krieg und Frieden von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol293
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Shmarinov, Dementii Alekseevich
39 1958 [Bychkov, S.P.]. Lun Tuo'ersitai chuan zuo. Beiqikefu ; Gao Zhi yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen yi chu ban she, 1958). Übersetzung von Bychkov, S.P. L.N. Tolstoi : v susskoi kritike : sbornik statei. (Moskva : Gos. izd-stvo khudozh lit-ry, 1960). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol231
40 1959 [Bychkov, S.P.]. Tuo'ersitai ping zhuan. Beiqikefu zhu ; Wu Junxie yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1959). Übersetzung von Bychkov, S.P. L.N. Tolstoi : ocherk tvorchestva. (Moskva : Gos. Izd-vo khudozh lit-ry, 1954). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol232
41 1959 Ma, Zhao. Tuo'ersitai de gu shi. (Xianggang : Zhong hua shu ju, 1959). (Zhong hua tong su wen ku). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol277
42 1960 Li, Zhaozhi. Tuo'ersitai. (Xianggang : Da guang chu ban she, 1960). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol272
43 1962 [Rolland, Romain]. Wei da yi shu jia de sheng ya. Luolan zhuan ; Feng Zuomin chong yi. (Taibei : Shi jie wen wu chu ban she, 1962 /1978). (Shi jie wen cong ; 18).
[Enthält] :
[Rolland, Romain]. Beiduofen zhuan. Übersetzung von Rolland, Romain. Beethoven. (Paris : Cahiers de la quinzaine, 1903) = Vie de Beethoven. (Paris : Hachette, 1903). 貝多芬傳
[Rolland, Romain]. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. Übersetzung von Rolland, Romain. Vie de Tolstoi. (Paris : Hachette, 1911). 托爾斯泰傳
[Rolland, Romain]. Migailangqi zhuan. Übersetzung von Rolland, Romain. Michel-Ange. (Paris : Librairie de l'art ancien et moderne, 1905). 彌蓋朗琪羅傳
Publication / Rol58
44 1964 Li, Zhiping. Tuo'ersitai : sheng ping ji qi dai biao zuo. (Taibei : Wu zhou, 1964). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
托爾斯泰 : 生平及其代表作
Publication / Tol265
45 1968 [Rolland, Romain]. Ju ren san zhuan. Luolan zhuan ; Mo Ye yi. (Taibei : Le tian, 1968).
[Enthält] :
[Rolland, Romain]. Beiduofen zhuan. Übersetzung von Rolland, Romain. Beethoven. (Paris : Cahiers de la quinzaine, 1903) = Vie de Beethoven. (Paris : Hachette, 1903). 貝多芬傳
[Rolland, Romain]. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. Übersetzung von Rolland, Romain. Vie de Tolstoi. (Paris : Hachette, 1911). 托爾斯泰傳
[Rolland, Romain]. Migailangqi zhuan. Übersetzung von Rolland, Romain. Michel-Ange. (Paris : Librairie de l'art ancien et moderne, 1905). 彌蓋朗琪羅傳
Publication / Rol33
46 1968 [Rolland, Romain]. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. Ping Mei yi. (Taibei : Tian ren chu ban she, 1968). Übersetzung von Rolland, Romain. Vie de Tolstoi. (Paris : Hachette, 1911). [Eur]
Publication / Rol57
47 1969 [Tolstoy, Sofia Andreevna]. Tuo'ersitai fu ren ri ji. Zhang Huisen, Chen Xi, Cai Shiji yi. Vol. 1-2. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 1983-1984). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Sofia Andreevna. Dnevniki. Vol. 1 : 1862-1900. (Moskva : Chudozestvennaja Literatura, 1900). Dnevniki 1891-1897. (Leningrad : Izd. M.i S. Sabashnikovykh, 1928-1936). = The Countess Tolstoy's later diary, 1891-1897. (New York, N.Y. : Payson and Clarke, 1929).
Publication / Tol300
48 1969 [Tolstoy, Sofia Andreevna]. Jie hun sheng huo zhi gao bai. Tuo'ersitai fu ren zhuan ; Xiang Mu yi ; Jiang Sha tu. (Taibei : Lin bai, 1969). (He ma wen ku ; 3). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Sofia Andreevna. Meine Ehe mit Leo Tolstoi. Deutsch von B. Hirschberg-Schrader. (Leipzig : Weller, 1928).
Publication / Tol302
49 1970 [Mann, Thomas]. Gede yu Tuo’ersitai : guan yu ren xing wen ti de lun gao. Tuomasi Man yuan zhu ; Li Yongchi yi. (Taibei : Shui niu chu ban she, 1970). (Shui niu wen ku ; 170). Übersetzung von Mann, Thomas. Goethe und Tolstoi. In : Deutsche Rundschau ; März 1922. = Mann, Thomas. Goethe und Tolstoi : zum Problem der Humanität. Neue, veränderte Ausg. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1932).
歌德与托尔斯泰 : 关于人性问题的论稿
Publication / TM11
  • Cited by: Thomas Mann : eine Chronik seines Lebens. Zusammengestellt von Hans Bürgin und Hans-Otto Mayer. (Frankfurt a.M. : S. Fischer, 1965). (TM3, Published)
  • Cited by: Shu, Changshan. Die Rezeption Thomas Manns in China. (Frankfurt a.M. : P. Lang, 1994). (Trierer Studien zur Literatur ; Bd. 25). Diss. Univ. Trier, 1994. (TM, Published)
  • Person: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
  • Person: Li, Yongchi
  • Person: Mann, Thomas
50 1970 Chu, Ning. Tuo'ersitai di yi sheng. (Taibei : Zheng wen shu ju, 1970). (Du zhe wen ku ; 30). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol236
51 1975 Tuo'ersitai. (Xianggang : Shanghai shu ju you xing gong si fa xing, 1975). (Zuo jia yu zuo ping cong shu). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol304
52 1977 Liening Lun Tuo'ersitai. Wuhan shi fan xue yuan zhong wen xi wen yi li lun zu. (Wuhan : Wuhan shi fan xue yuan zhong wen xi, 1977). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol273
53 1980 Zhdanov, V.A. "Anna Kalienina" di chuang zuo guo cheng. Fu Ridannuofu zhu ; Lei Chengde yi. (Huhehaote : Nei Menggu ren min chu ban she, 1980). Übersetzung von Zhdanov, V.A. Tvorcheskaia istoriia "Anny Kareninoi". (Moskva : Sovetskii pisatel', 1957). [Abhandlung über Anna Karenina von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol320
54 1981 [Lomunov, Konstantin Nikolaevich]. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. Kang Luomunuofu zhu ; Li Wei yi. (Tianjin : Tianjin ren min chu ban she, 1981). Übersetzung von Lomunov, Konstantin Nikolaevich. Lev Tolstoi : Ocherk zhizni i tvorchestvo. (Moskva : Detskaia litra, 1984). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol254
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Lomunov, Konstantin Nikolaevich
55 1981 Zhang, Hua. Lu Xun he wai guo zuo ji. (Xian : Shanxi ren min chu ban she, 1981). (Lu Xun yan jiu cong shu. Lu Xun yan jiu cong shu).
[Enthält] :
Lu Xun he Nicai [Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche].
Lu Xun he Yi Busheng [Henrik Ibsen].
Lu Xun he Xiao Bona [George Bernard Shaw].
Lu Xun he Ailuo Xianke [Vasili Yakovlevich Eroshenko].
Lu Xun he Youdao Wufu.
Lu Xun he Duo'ersitai [Leo Tolstoy].
Lu Xun he Chuchuan Baicun [Kuriyagawa Hakuson].
Lu Xun he Qihefu. [Anton Pavlovich Chekhov].
Publication / Chek190
56 1982 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai. Tuo'ersitai zuo zhe ; Liang Shiqiu zhu bian ; Chen Mingyi yi zhe. (Taibei : Ming ren chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 1982). (Ming ren wei ren zhuan ji quan ji ; 54). [Autobiographie von Leo Tolstoy]. Publication / LiaS65
57 1982 Kuang, Xing. Tuo'ersitai he ta de chuang zuo. (Beijing : Beijing chu ban she, 1982). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol259
58 1982 Liang, Shiqiu. Sugeladi Suoluo. (Taibei : Ming ren, 1982). (Ming ren wei ren zhuan ji quan ji ; 32). [Abhandlung über Huiteman = Walt Whitman, Tuo'ersitai = Leo Tolstoy, Suoluo = Henry David Thoreau].
Publication / Tol266
59 1982 Ni, Ruiqin. Eguo zuo jia pi ping jia lun Liefu Tuo'ersitai. Zhongguo she hui ke xue yuan wai guo wen xue yan jiu suo wai guo wen xue yan jiu zi liao cong kan bian ji wei yuan hui bian ; Ni Ruiqin bian xuan. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 1982). (Wai guo wen xue yan jiu zi liao cong kan). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol281
60 1982 Tuo'ersitai lun ji. Zhejiang sheng wen xue xue hui wai guo wen xue yan jiu hui, Hangzhou da xue Zhongguo yu yan wen xue xi bian. (Hangzhou : Zhejiang ren min chu ban she, 1982). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol305
61 1983 Chen, Shen. Ou Mei zuo jia lun Liefu Tuo'ersitai. Zhongguo she hui ke xue yuan wai guo wen xue yan jiu suo wai guo wen xue yan jiu zi liao cong kan bian ji wei yuan hui bian. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 1983). (Wai guo wen xue yan jiu zi liao cong kan). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol235
62 1983 [Gifford, Henry]. Tuo'ersitai. Wang Meiyin yi. (Taibei : Lian jing chu ban shi ye gong si, 1983). (Xi fang si xiang jia yi cong ; 10). Übersetzung von Gifford, Henry. Tolstoy. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1982).
Publication / Tol245
63 1983 Ni, Ruiqin. Tuo'ersitai yan jiu lun wen ji. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1983). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol283
64 1983 Qin, Deru. Liefu Tuo'ersitai : Eguo zhu ming wen xue jia. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1983). (Wai guo li shi xiao cong shu). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
列夫托尔斯泰 : 俄国著名文学家
Publication / Tol289
65 1983-1984 [Tolstoy, Sofia Andreevna]. Tuo'ersitai fu ren ri ji. Zhang Huisen, Chen Xi, Cai Shiji yi. Vol. 1-2. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 1983-1984). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Sofia Andreevna. Dnevniki. Vol. 1 : 1862-1900. (Moskva : Chudozestvennaja Literatura, 1900). Dnevniki 1891-1897. (Leningrad : Izd. M.i S. Sabashnikovykh, 1928-1936). = The Countess Tolstoy's later diary, 1891-1897. (New York, N.Y. : Payson and Clarke, 1929).
Publication / Tol299
66 1983 Tuo'ersitai yan jiu lun wen ji. Shanghai yi wen chu ban she. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1983). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol306
67 1984 Liao, Qingxiu ; Lan Xiangyun. Tuo'ersitai ; Hailun Kaile. (Taibei : Guang fu shu ju, 1984). (Li ti zhuan ji. Shi jie er tong zhuan ji wen xue quan ji ; 2). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy und Helen Keller].
托爾斯泰 ; 海倫凱勒
Publication / Kell39
68 1984 [Bulgakov, Valentin]. Chui mu zhi nian : Tuo'ersitai wan nian sheng huo ji shi. Wa Fei Bu'erjiakefu zhu ; Chen Kang yi. (Huhehaote : Nei Menggu ren min chu ban she, 1984). Übersetzung von Bulgakow, Valentin. U.L.N. Tolstogo v posliednii god ego zhizni. (Moskva : Kn-vo I.D. Sytina, 1911). = Bulgakov, Valentin. The last year of Leo Tolstoy. (New York, N.Y. : Dial Press, 1971).
垂幕之年 托爾斯泰晚年生活紀事
Publication / Tol230
69 1984 Diao, Shaohua. Tuo'ersitai di qing shao nian shi dai. (Ha'erbin Shi : Heilongjiang ren min chu ban she, 1984). (Wai guo ming zuo jia tong nian). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol237
70 1984 Feng, Lianfu. Tong shi dai ren hui yi Tuo'ersitai. Feng Lianfu, Zhang Yunjie, Pei Zhaoshun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1984). (Zuo jia huai yi lu). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol241
71 1984 [Gifford, Henry]. Eluosi de liang xin : Tuo'ersitai. Tang Xinmei yi zhu. (Taibei : Shi bao, 1984). (Shi jie li dai jing dian bao ku ; 18). Übersetzung von Gifford, Henry. Tolstoy. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1982).
俄羅斯的良心 : 托爾斯泰
Publication / Tol246
72 1984 [Maude, Aylmer]. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. Ai'ermo Mode zhu ; Song Shubi, Xu Chi yi. Vol. 1-2. (Beijing : Beijing shi yue wen yi chu ban she, 1984). Übersetzung von Maude, Aylmer. The life of Tolstoy. Vol. 1 : First fifty years. Vol. 2 : Later years. (London : A. Constable, 1908-1910.
Publication / Tol278
73 1984 Mo, De ; Song Shubi ; Xu Chi. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. (Beijing : Beijing shi yue wen yi chu ban she, 1984). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol280
74 1984 [Popovkin, Aleksandr Ivanovic]. Lie Ni Tuo'ersitai zhuan lüe. Ya Bobofujing zhu ; Weng Yiqin yi. (Taiyuan : Shanxi ren min chu ban she, 1984). Übersetzung von Popovkin, A.L. L.N. Tolstoj. (Moskva : Gosudarstvannoe Izdatel'vo Detskoj literatury, 1963). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
列. 尼. 托尔斯泰传略
Publication / Tol284
75 1984 Tang, Xinmei. Tuo'ersitai : Eluosi de liang xin. (Taibei : Shi bao, 1984). (Shi jie li dai jing dian bao ku ; 1, 18). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
托爾斯泰 : 俄羅斯的良心
Publication / Tol296
76 1985 Lei, Chengde ; Jin Liuchun ; Hu, Rijia. Tuo'ersitai zuo pin yan jiu. (Xi'an : Shanxi ren min chu ban she, 1985). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol262
77 1985 Sukhotina-Tolstaia, Tat'iana L'vovna. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhang nü hui yi lu. Ta Li Suhaojinna zhu ; Chen Xi, Cai Shiji yi. (Beijing : Beijing chu ban she, 1985). Übersetzung von Sukhotina-Tolstaia, Tat'iana L'vovna. Vospominaniia. (Moskva : Moskva, Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 1976). = Sukhotina-Tolstaia, Tat'iana L'vovna. Tolstoy remembered. (New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, 1977).
Publication / Tol294
78 1985 Sukhotina-Tolstaia, Tat'iana L'vovna. Hui yi. Suhuojingna Tuo'ersitaya ; Xie Hairen, Wang Ren, Wu Zhou yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo zhan wang chu ban she, 1985). Übersetzung von Sukhotina-Tolstaia, Tat'iana L'vovna. Vospominaniia. (Moskva : Moskva, Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 1976). = Sukhotina-Tolstaia, Tat'iana L'vovna. Tolstoy remembered. (New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, 1977).
Publication / Tol295
79 1985-1986 [Tolstoy, Alexandra]. Fu qin. Tuoersitaiya ; Qin Deru yi. (Changsha : Hunan ren min chu ban she, 1985-1986). (Zuo jia huai yi lu). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Alexandra. Otets. (New York, N.Y. : Chekhov Publ. House, 1953. = Tolstoy, Alexandra. Tolstoy : a life of my father. (New York, N.Y. : Harper, 1953).
Publication / Tol297
80 1985 Wang, Zhiliang. Lun Puxijin, Tugeniefu, Tuo'ersitai. (Beijing : Guang ming ri bao chu ban she, 1985). [Abhandlung über Alexandr Sergeevich Pushkin, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol312
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
  • Person: Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich
  • Person: Wang, Zhiliang
81 1986 Ge, Xingchun. Anna Kalienina dao du. (Beijing : Beijing shi fan xue yuan chu ban she, 1986). (Wai guo wen xue zuo pin zuo du cong shu ; 1). [Abhandlung über Anna Karenina von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol243
82 1987 [Rolland, Romain]. Shang di de yan jing : Tuo'ersitai. Liu Zhentian yi zhe. (Taibei : Bei chen wen hua gu fen you xian gong si, 1987). (Shi ji ren wu zhuan ji ; 1). Übersetzung von Rolland, Romain. Vie de Tolstoï. (Paris : Hachette, 1911).
上帝的眼睛 : 托爾斯
Publication / Rol31
83 1987 [Bulgakov, Valentin]. Tuo'ersitai de zui hou yi nian. Buerjiakefu ; Sa Shi, Zhao Kunceng, Zong Yucai, Huang Xuezhen. (Beijing : Xin hua chu ban she, 1987). Übersetzung von Bulgakov, Valentin. U.L.N. Tolstogo v posliednii god ego zhizni. (Moskva : Kn-vo I.D. Sytina, 1911) = Bulgakov, Valentin. The last year of Leo Tolstoy. (New York, N.Y. : Dial Press, 1971).
Publication / Tol228
84 1987 [Khrapchenko, Mikhail Borisovich]. Yi shu jia Tuo'ersitai. Mi Helapuqinke ; Liu Fenggi, Zhang Jie yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1987). Übersetzung von Khrapchenko, Mikhail Borisovich. Lev Tolstoi kak khudozhnik. (Moskva : Sov. Pisatel, 1963). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol257
85 1987 Lan, Qing. Yi ge bo jue de li cheng : E Tuo'ersitai de sheng ping yu chuang zuo. (Beijing : Beijing da xue chu ban she, 1987). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol260
86 1987 Lu, Renhao. A Tuo'ersitai di sheng ping he chuang zuo. (Beijing : Beijing chu ban she, 1987). (Wai guo wen xue ji shi cong shu). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol270
87 1987 [Lukacs, Georg]. Tuo'ersitai lun. Qiaozhi Lukaqi zhu ; Huang Dafeng deng yi. (Taibei : Nan fang chu ban, 1987). (Xin yi wen cong shu ; 4). Übersetzung von Lukacs, Georg. Tolstoi und die westliche Literatur. In : Heute und Morgen ; Bd. 1 (1953).
Publication / Tol275
88 1987 [Popovkin, Aleksandr Ivanovic]. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhuan. Ya Bobofujin zhu ; Lei Weiqing, Xin Shougui yi. (Ha'erbin Shi : Heilongjiang ren min chu ban she, 1987). (Wai guo wen xue ming jia zhuan ji). Übersetzung von Popovkin, A.L. L.N. Tolstoj. (Moskva : Gosudarstvannoe Izdatel'vo Detskoj literatury, 1963). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol285
89 1987 [Sergeenko, Aleksei Petrovich]. Tuo weng yi ying. Abi Xie'ergaiyanke zhu ; Chen Xiaoying, Cheng Jiajun yi. (Xian : Shanxi ren min chu ban she, 1987). Übersetzung von Sergeenko, Aleksei Petrovich. Rasskazy o L.N. Tolstom. (Moskva : Sov. pisatel', 1978). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol290
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Sergeenko, Aleksei Petrovich
90 1987 [Sergeenko, Aleksei Petrovich]. Tuo'ersitai wan nian sheng huo ji shi. Xie'ergaiyanke zhu ; Liu Guanghuai, Huang Suhua yi. (Chongqing : Chongqing chu ban she, 1987). Übersetzung von Sergeenko, Aleksei Petrovich. Rasskazy o L.N. Tolstom. (Moskva : Sov. pisatel', 1978). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol291
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Sergeenko, Aleksei Petrovich
91 1988 Ni, Ruiqin. Liefu Tuo'ersitai bi jiao yan jiu. (Shanghai : Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she, 1988). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol282
92 1988 Yang, Sicong. "Anna Kalienina" jian shang. (Chongqing : Chongqing chu ban she, 1988). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu jian shang). [Abhandlung über Anna Karenina von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol315
93 1989 [Shestov, Lev]. Zai Yuebo de tian ping shang : ling hun zhong man you. Liefu Shesituofu zhu ; Dong You, Xu Rongqing, Liu Jiyue yi. (Beijing : Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian shu dian, 1989). (Xian dai xi fang xue shu wen ku). Übersetzung von Shestov, Lev. Dobro v uchenii gr. Tolstogo i F. Nitshe : filosofii’a i propovi’e’d. (St. Peterburg : M.M. Stasi’u’levicha, 1900). = Shestov, Lev. Tolstoi und Nietzsche. (Köln : Marcan-Block-Verlag, 1923).
在约伯的天平上 : 灵魂中漫游
Publication / Nie268
94 1990 Ni, Ruiqin. Tolstoy and the May fourth literature. In : Interliterary and intraliterary aspects of the May fourth movement 1919 in China. (1990). Publication / NiR1
  • Source: Shen, Yanbing [Mao, Dun]. Tuoersitai yu jin ri zhi Eluosi. In : Xue sheng za zhi ; vol. 6 (1919). [Tolstoy and contemporary Russia]. (Tol14, Publication)
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Ni, Ruiqin
95 1990 He, Junli ; Liu Yaoxin. Liefu Tuo'ersitai xiao nü er hui yi lu. (Beijing : Wen hua yi shu chu ban she, 1990). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol252
96 1990 Zhang, Hailing. Wen xue ju ren Tuo'ersitai. (Shanghai : Shanghai jiao yu, 1990). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol318
97 1992 [Tolstoy, Alexandra]. Tian di you zheng yi : Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhuan. Tuoersitaiya zhu ; Qi Huang deng yi. Vol. 1-2. (Changsha : Hunan wen yi chu ban she, 1992). (Shi jie ming ren wen xue zhuan ji cong shu). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Alexandra. Otets. (New York, N.Y. : Chekhov Publ. House, 1953. . = Tolstoy, Alexandra. Tolstoy : a life of my father. (New York, N.Y. : Harper, 1953).
天地有正义 : 列夫托尔斯泰传
Publication / Tol298
98 1993 Ma, Wanhui. Eluosi da di zhi zi : Liefu Tuo'ersitai. (Haikou : Hainan chu ban she, 1993). (Shi jie wen xue ping jie cong shu). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol276
99 1993 Wang, Zhaowen. "Fu huo" di fu huo. (Beijing : Shou du shi fan da xue chu ban she, 1993). (Dang dai Zhongguo xue zhe wen ku). [Revival of "Resurrection" von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol311
100 1994 [Bulgakov, Valentin]. Lie Tuo'ersitai yi sheng de zui hou yi nian. Buerjiakefu ; Wang Gengnian yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1994). (Zuo jia huai yi lu). Übersetzung von Bulgakov, Valentin. U.L.N. Tolstogo v posliednii god ego zhizni. (Moskva : Kn-vo I.D. Sytina, 1911) = Bulgakov, Valentin. The last year of Leo Tolstoy. (New York, N.Y. : Dial Press, 1971).
Publication / Tol229
101 1994 Chen, Jianhua. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. (Taibei : Ye qiang chu ban she, 1994). (Wai guo wen hua ming ren quan ji ; 11). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol234
102 1994 [Lomunov, Konstantin Nikolaevich]. Tuo'ersitai : bei tian min ren de wen sheng. Kang Luomunuofu zhu ; Li Wei yi. (Taibei : Bai guan chu ban, 1994). (Shi jie ming ren xian shen xi lie ; 2). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
托爾斯泰 : 悲天憫人的文聖
Publication / Tol255
103 1996 Fan, Xiaohua. Shang di zhi yan : Tuo'ersitai. (Beijing : Shu mu wen xian chu ban she, 1996). (Shi ji ren wu zhuan ji gu schi cong shu ; 1). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
上帝之眼 : 托尔斯泰
Publication / Tol238
104 1996 Ge, Xingchun. Tuo'ersitai. Ge Xingchun bian zhu. (Beijing : Zhongguo he ping chu ban she, 1996). (Zhong wai ming ren zhuan jig u shi cong shu ; 48). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol244
105 1996 Wang, Jingsheng. Dong zhu xin ling : Liefu Tuo'ersitai xin li miao xie yi shu xin lun. (Beijing : Zhong yang bian yi chu ban she, 1996). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol313
106 1996 Sellin, Hansjörg. Immanuel Gottlieb Genähr : deutscher Tolstoj-Übersetzer in China. (Mainz : Liber, 1996). (Deutsch-russische Literaturbeziehungen, Bd. 8).
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/003302497. [Limited search].
Publication / GenI2
107 1997 Liu, Jianhua ; Lin, Qian. Tuo'ersitai de qing shao nian shi dai. (Beijing : xian dai chu ban she, 1997). (Zhong wai ming ren de qing shao nian shi dai xi lie cong shu. Wen xue jia juan). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol269
108 1997 Wang, Xianfeng. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. (Shenyang : Shenyang chu ban she, 1997). (Shi jie feng yun ren wu cong shu). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol310
109 1998 Chen, Dianxing. Liefu Tuo'ersitai. (Shenyang : Liaohai chu ban she, 1998). (Bu lao hu chuan ji wen ku, ju ren bai chuan cong shu). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol233
110 1998 [Shirer, William L.]. Ai yu hen : Tuo'ersitai fu qi sheng huo zhong de en en yuan yuan. Weilian ; Xia Yile zhu ; Zhao Wenxue, Zhang Meimei, Qi Qi yi. (Changchun : Jilin ren min chu ban she, 1998). Übersetzung von Shirer, William L. Love and hatred : the troubled marriage of Leo and Sony Tolstoy. (New York, N.Y. : Simon & Schuster, 1994).
爱与恨 : 托尔斯泰夫妻生活中的恩恩怨怨
Publication / Tol292
111 1998 Wang, Jiaming. Ling hun ku lü : Liefu Tuo'ersitai. (Xian : Tai bai wen yi chu ban she, 1998). (Bai nian zuo fang cong shu). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
灵魂酷旅 : 列夫托尔斯泰
Publication / Tol308
112 1998 Zhang, Pingguang. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhuan. (Shijiazhuang : Hua shan wen yi chu ban she, 1998). (Wai guo wen hua ming ren chuan ji shu cong). [Biographie von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol319
113 1999 [Zweig, Stefan]. Zi hua xiang. Sidifen Ciweige zhu ; Xu Chang yi. (Taibei : Zhi shu fang chu ban she, 1999). (Famous ; 5). Übersetzung von Zweig, Stefan. Drei Dichter ihres Lebens : Casanova, Stendhal, Tolstoi. (Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1928). (Die Baumeister der Welt ; Bd. 3).
Publication / Zwe42
114 1999 [Johnson, Paul]. Zhi shi fen zi. Baoluo Yuehanxun ; Yang Zhengrun yi. (Nanjing : Jiangsu ren min chu ban she, 1999). (Han yi ta zhong jing pin wen ku; wen hua lei). Übersetzung von Johnson, Paul. Intellectuals. (London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1988). [Enthält Artikel über Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Karl Marx, Henrik Ibsen, Leo Tolstoy, Ernest Hemingway, Bertolt Brecht, Bertrand Russell, Jean-Paul Sartre, Edmund Wilson, Victor Gallancz, Lillian Hellman].
Publication / Rous111
115 1999 Cao, Yongyang. Xin bian si de kuang wei. (Taibei : Zhi wen chu ban she, 1999). (Xin chao wen ku ; 268). [The experience of death by Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol226
116 1999 Fang, Weijin ; Ye, Qin. Ai bi lian geng leng. (Beijing : Zhongguo dian ying chu ban she, 1999). [Abhandlung über Anna Karenina von Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol239
117 1999 [Gusev, Nikolai Nikolaevich]. Bei liang chu zou : Tuo'ersitai de zui hou sui yue. Guxiefu zhu ; Zhang Hailing yi. (Hefei : Anhui wen yi chu ban she, 1999). [Leo Tolstoy in den letzten Jahren].
悲凉出走 : 托尔斯泰的最後岁月
Publication / Tol250
118 1999 Liu, Nianzi ; Sun, Mingxia. Ai de xian zhi : Tuo'ersitai zhuan. (Shijiazhuang : Hebei ren min chu ban she, 1999). (Shi jie shi da wen xue jia). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol274
119 1999 Zou, Zhengxian. Hou ai ren jian : Tuo'ersitai qi ren qi zuo. (Hefei : Anhui wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Dao yu wen cong). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol321
120 2000 [Zweig, Stefan]. San zuo jia. Ciweige zhu ; Wang Xuefei yi. (Heifei : Anhzui wen yi chu ban she, 2000). (Ci wei ge chuan ji xi lie). Übersetzung von Zweig, Stefan. Drei Dichter ihres Lebens : Casanova, Stendhal, Tolstoi. (Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1928). (Die Baumeister der Welt ; Bd. 3).
Publication / Sten90
121 2000 [Gusev, Nikolai Nikolaevich]. Bei Tuo'ersitai yi shu cai hua de ding feng. Ni Ni Guxiefu ; Qin Deru yi. (Wuhan : Hubei ren min chu ban she, 2000). [Literature and art bei Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol251
122 2000 Liu Wenrong ; Yu, Ye. Tuo'ersitai (1823-1920). (Shenzhen : Hai tian chu ban she, 2000). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol271
123 2000 [Popovkin, Aleksandr Ivanovic]. Tuo'ersitai zhuan. Bobofujin ; Fu Jin yi. (Beijing : Zhong gong zhong yang dang xiao chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie ming ren ming jia ming chuan, Wen xue jia juan ; 44). Übersetzung von Popovkin, A.L. L.N. Tolstoj. (Moskva : Gosudarstvannoe Izdatel'vo Detskoj literatury, 1963). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol286
124 2000 Pu, Ning ; Chen, Fu. Tuo'ersitai de jie tuo. (Shenyang : Liaoning jiao chu ban she, 2000). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol287
125 2000 Qiu, Yunhua. Shi xing qi shi : Tuo'ersitai xiao shuo shi xue yan jiu. (Beijing : Xue yuan chu ban she, 2000). (Xue yuan xue shu lun tan). [Abhandlung über Prosa und Lyrik von Tolstoy].
诗性启示 : 托尔斯泰小说诗学硏究
Publication / Tol288
126 2000 Wu, Zelin. Tuo'ersitai he Zhongguo gu dian wen hua si xiang. (Beijing : Beijing shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2000). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy].
Publication / Tol314
127 2000 [Zweig, Stefan]. Ren wen zhi guang : Tuo'ersitai, Yilasimo. Ciweige zhu ; Wei Yuqing, Yu Zhouming yi. (Guilin : Lijiang chu ban she, 2000). (Ciweige chuan ji ji jing hua. Huang min jia, liu ze gui zhu bian). Übersetzung von Zweig, Stefan. Tolstoi. In : Zweig, Stefan. Drei Dichter ihres Lebens : Casanova, Stendhal, Tolstoi. (Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1928). (Die Baumeister der Welt ; Bd. 3). Übersetzung von Zweig, Stefan. Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam. (Wien : Reichner, 1935).
人文之光 : 托尔斯泰伊拉斯谟
Publication / Tol322
128 2004 [Zweig, Stefan]. Miao shu zi wo de san zuo jia. Ciweige zhu ; Zhang Yushu, Guan Huiwen yi. (Beijing : Hua xia chu ban she, 2004). (Si tai fen Ciweige ji). Übersetzung von Zweig, Stefan. Drei Dichter ihres Lebens : Casanova, Stendhal, Tolstoi. (Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1928). (Die Baumeister der Welt ; Bd. 3).
Publication / Sten89