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Hume, David

(Edinburgh 1711-1776 Edinburgh) : Philosoph, Historiker


Index of Names : Occident / Philosophy : Europe : Great Britain

Chronology Entries (6)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1739-1740 1739-1740
Hume, David. A treatise of human nature [ID D26718].
Er schreibt : Antient busts and inscriptions are more valued than Japan tables: And not to mention the Greeks and Romans, it is certain we regard with more veneration the old Chaldeans and Egyptians, than the modem Chinese and Persians, and bestow more fruitless pains to dear up the history and chronology of the former, than it would cost us to make a voyage, and be certainly informed of the character, learning and government of the latter.
  • Document: Hume, David. A treatise of human nature ; being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects. (London : Printed for John Noon, 1739-1740). (Hum2, Publication)
2 1742-1748 Hume, David. Essays and treatises on several subjects [ID D26700].
Pt. 1 : Essays, moral, political, and literary.
Pt. 2 : Philosophical essays concerning human understanding.

Hume, David. Of superstition and enthusiasm. Pt. 1, X
The Chinese Literati have no priests or ecclesiastical establishment. [Confucius (551-479 B.C.) was a teacher and thinker whose ideas on virtue and human relationships profoundly influenced traditional Chinese life and thought. Included among the tenets of Confucianism is awe for Heaven as a cosmic spiritual power with moral significance.]

Hume, David. Of national characters. Pt. 1, XI
We may observe, that, where a very extensive government has been established for many centuries, it spreads a national character over the whole empire, and communicates to every part a similarity of manners. Thus the Chinese have the greatest uniformity of character imaginable: though the air and climate, in different parts of those vast dominions, admit of very considerable variations.
Shall we say, that the neighbourhood of the sun inflames the imagination of men, and gives it a peculiar spirit and vivacity. The French, Greeks, Egyptians, and Persians are remarkable for gaiety. The Spaniards, Turks, and Chinese are noted for gravity and a serious deportment, without any such difference of climate as to produce this difference of temper.

Hume, David. Of the rise and progress of arts and sciences. Pt. 1, XIV
In China, there seems to be a considerable stock of politeness and science, which, in the course of so many centuries, might naturally be expected to ripen into something more perfect and finished, than what has arisen from them. But China is one vast empire, speaking one language, governed by one law, and sympathizing in the same manners. The authority of any teacher, such as Confucius, was propagated easily from one corner of the empire to the other. None had courage to resist the torrent of popular opinion. And posterity was not bold enough to dispute what had been universally received by their ancestors. This seems to be one natural reason why the sciences have made so slow a progress in that mighty empire.
If we consider the face of the globe, Europe, of all the four parts of the world, is the most broken by seas, rivers, and mountains; and Greece of all countries of Europe. Hence these regions were naturally divided into several distinct governments. And hence the sciences arose in Greece; and Europe has been hitherto the most constant habitation of them.
If it be asked hinese, who have always been governed by a monarch, and can scarcely form an idea of a free government; I would answer, that though the Chinese government be a pure monarchy, it is not, properly speaking, absolute. This proceeds from a peculiarity in the situation of that country: They have no neighbours, except the Tartars, from whom they were, in some measure, secured, at least seemed to be secured, by their famous wall, and by the great superiority of their numbers. By this means, military discipline has always been much neglected amongst them; and their standing forces are mere militia, of the secured, at least seemed to be secured, by their famous wall, and by the great superiority of their numbers. By this means, military discipline has always been much neglected amongst them; and their standing forces are mere militia, of the worst kind; and unfit to suppress any general insurrection in countries so extremely populous. The sword, therefore, may properly be said to be always in the hands of the people, which is a sufficient restraint upon the monarch, and obliges him to lay his mandarins or governors of provinces under the restraint of general laws, in order to prevent those rebellions, which we learn from history to have been so frequent and dangerous in that government. Perhaps, a pure monarchy of this kind, were it fitted for defence against foreign enemies, would be the best of all governments, as having both the tranquillity attending kingly power, and the moderation and liberty of popular assemblies.

Hume, David. Of the balance of trade. Pt. 2, V
Thus the immense distance of China, together with the monopolies of our India companies obstructing the communication, preserve in Europe the gold and silver, especially the latter, in much greater plenty than they are found in that kingdom. But, notwithstanding this great obstruction, the force of the causes above mentioned is still evident. The skill and ingenuity of Europe in general surpasses perhaps that of China, with regard to manual arts and manufactures, yet are we never able to trade thither without great disadvantage. And were it not for the continual recruits which we receive from America, money would soon sink in Europe, and rise in China, till it came nearly to a level in both places.

Hume, David. Of the populousness of ancient nations. Pt. 2, XI
If we may judge from the younger Pliny's account of his own house, and from Bartoli's plans of ancient buildings, the men of quality had very spacious palaces; and their buildings were like the Chinese houses at this day, where each apartment is separated from the rest, and rises no higher than a single storey.
China, the only country where this practice of exposing children prevails at present, is the most populous country we know of; and every man is married before he is twenty. Such early marriages could scarcely be general, had not men the prospect of so easy a method of getting rid of their children. I own, that Plutarch speaks of it as a very general maxim of the poor to expose their children; and as the rich were then averse to marriage, on account of the courtship they met with from those who expected legacies from them, the public must have been in a bad situation between them.

Hume, David. Of the original contract. Pt. 2, XII
We find also, every where, subjects, who acknowledge this right in their prince, and suppose themselves born under obligations of obedience to a certain sovereign, as much as under the ties of reverence and duty to certain parents. These connexions are always conceived to be equally independent of our consent, in PERSIA and CHINA; in FRANCE and SPAIN; and even in HOLLAND and ENGLAND, wherever the doctrines above-mentioned have not been carefully inculcated.

Hume, David. Variant readings.
On the other Hand, our Sectaries, who were formerly such dangerous Bigots, are now become our greatest Free-thinkers; and the Quakers are, perhaps, the only regular Body of Deists in the Universe, except the Literati or Disciples of Confucius in China.
3 1920 Cai, Yuanpei. Mei xue de jin hua [ID D1741].
Liu Gangji : Cai erläutert die Geschichte der westlichen, besonders der deutschen Ästhetik und gibt einen Überblick über die Entwicklung von der klassischen griechischen Ästhetik Platnons und Aristoteles' bis zur Ästhetik von David Hume und Edmund Burke. Dabei unterstreicht er die grosse Bedeutung des Buches Aesthetica von Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten. Es folgt eine prägnante Erläuterung der Ästhetik Immanuel Kants und der Bedeutung der Schriften Critik der reinen Vernunft, Critik der praktischen Vernunft und Critik der Urtheilskraft. Dann geht Cai auf den Beitrag von Friedrich Schiller zur Weiterentwicklung von Kants Theorien ein und anschlissend gibt er einen Überblick über die Ästhetik von Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel und Arthur Schopenhauer.
  • Document: Liu, Gangji. Verbreitung und Einfluss der deutschen Ästhetik in China. Hrsg. von Karl-Heinz Pohl. In : Trierer Beiträge : aus Forschung und Lehre an der Universität Trier. Sonderheft 10 (1996). S. 9-10. (LiuG1, Publication)
  • Person: Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb
  • Person: Burke, Edmund
  • Person: Cai, Yuanpei
  • Person: Kant, Immanuel
4 1980 International Conference about European Empiricism and Rationalism an der Wuhan-Universität.
The ideas concerning David Hume's anti-metaphysics and anti-induction were still strange to most of those attending. But now they have become hackneyed topics.
5 1999 Gregory Blue : David Hume believed that the Chinese had the greatest uniformity of character imaginable, and he accounted for this in terms of their common language and their country’s geography. In his view, the natural divisions of Europe, and originally of Greece, had resulted at one lvel in a variety of political regimes and at another in achievement in the sciences and arts, whereas the lack of geographical dividions in China had led to stagnation in the sciences.
  • Document: China and historical capitalism : genealogies of sinological knowledge. Ed. by Timothy Brook and Gregory Blue. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999). (Studies in modern capitalism = Etudes sur le capitalisme moderne). S. 74. (Bro4, Publication)
6 2003 Zhou Xiaoliang : Nowadays David Hume's philosophy is more and more discussed by Chinese philosophers, including those who are studying Western analytical philosophy and the philosophy of sciences. In these two fields, as we know, Hume is regarded as either a precursor or an important contributor. One more reason for explaining the attraction of Hume's philosophy is, that in Chinese philosophy, there is a lack of a sceptical tradition. Chinese philosophers, therefore, have special interests in considering how to evaluate a theory like Hume's scepticism.

Bibliography (17)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1739-1740 Hume, David. A treatise of human nature ; being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects. (London : Printed for John Noon, 1739-1740). Publication / Hum2
2 1742-1748 Hume, David. Essays and treatises on several subjects. Pt. 1-2. (London : Printed for A. Millar, 1742-1748.
Pt. 1 : Essays, moral, political, and literary. Pt. 2 : Philosophical essays concerning human understanding. http://www.econlib.org/library/LFBooks/Hume/hmMPLCover.html.
Eintragungen über China].
Publication / Hum3
3 1757 Hume, David. Four dissertations. (London : Printed for A. Millar, 1757). I : The natural history of religion. II : Of the passions. III : Of tragedy. IV : Of the standard of taste. = Hume, David. Vier Abhandlungen. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt. (Quedlingsburg : Biesterfeld, 1759). 1 : Die natürliche Geschichte der Religion. 2 : Von den Leidenschaften. 3 : Vom Trauerspiel. 4 : Von der Grundregel des Geschmacks. Publication / Hume1
4 1930 [Hume, David]. Ren zhi wu xing lun. Xiumo zhu ; Wu Guangjian yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1930). (Wan you wen ku ; 1, 99). Übersetzung von Hume, David. Philosophical essays concerning human understanding = Enquiry concerning human understanding. (London : A. Millar, 1748).
Publication / WuG18
5 1936 [Hume, David]. Ren lei li jie yan jiu. Xiumo zhu ; Guan Qitong yi ; Zhonghua jiao yu wen hua ji jin dong shi hui bian yi wei yuan hui bian ji. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1936). Übersetzung von Hume, David. Philosophical essays concerning human understanding = Enquiry concerning human understanding. (London : A. Millar, 1748).
Publication / Hum7
6 1957 [Hume, David]. Ren lei li jie yan jiu. Xiumo zhu ; Guan Wenyun yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1957). (Han yi shi jie xue shu ming zhu cong shu). Übersetzung von Hume, David. Philosophical essays concerning human understanding = Enquiry concerning human understanding. (London : A. Millar, 1748).
Publication / Hum8
7 1962 [Hume, David]. Zi ran zong jiao dui hua lu. Xiumo zhu ; Chen Xiuzhai, Cao Mianzhi yi ; Zheng Zhixiang jiao. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1962). (Han yi shi jie xue shu ming zh cong shu). Übersetzung von Hume, David. Dialogues concerning natural religion. 2nd ed. (London : Baker & Taylor, 1779). = (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1976). [Manuskript der 1. Aufl. von 1757].
Publication / ChenX6
8 1980 [Hume, David]. Ren xing lun. Xiumo zhu ; Guan Wenyun yi ; Zheng Zhixiang jiao. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1980). Übersetzung von Hume, David. Treatise of human nature : being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects. (London : Printed for John Noon, 1739-1740).
Publication / Hum13
9 1984 [Hume, David]. Xiumo jing ji lun wen xuan. Chen Wei yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1984). (Han yi shi jie xue shu ming zhu cong shu). Übersetzung von Hume, David. Essays and treatises on several subjects. Pt. 1-2. (London : Printed for A. Millar, 1742-1748.
Pt. 1 : Essays, moral, political, and literary.
Publication / Hum15
10 1988 [Hume, David]. Ren xing de gao gui yu bei lue : Xiumo san wen ji. Yang Shi [et al.] yi. (Shanghai : Sheng he du shu xin zhi san lian shu dian Shanghai fen dian, 1988). (Shi jie xian zhe ming zhu xuan yi. Mao tou ying wen ku ; 1). Übersetzung von Hume, David. Of the standard of taste. In : Hume, David. Four dissertations. (London : Printed for A. Millar, 1757). I. The natural history of religion. II. Of the passions. III. Of tragedy. IV. Of the standard of taste.
人性的高贵与卑劣 : 休谟散文集
Publication / Hum12
11 1993 [Hume, David]. Xiumo zheng zhi lun wen xuan. Xiumo ; Zhang Ruoheng yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1993). Übersetzung von Hume, David. Essays and treatises on several subjects. Pt. 1-2. (London : Printed for A. Millar, 1742-1748.
Pt. 1 : Essays, moral, political, and literary.
Publication / Hum16
12 1996 Xie, Fuya. Li xing shi dai de zong jiao guan. (Xianggang : Jidu jiao wen yi chu ban she, 1996). (Jidu jiao li dai ming zhu ji cheng ; 2, 319A).
[Enthält] :
[Descartes, René]. Li xing zhu yi zhi fu. Dika'er zhu ; Zhu Xin yi. Übersetzung von Descartes, René. Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire la raison, & chercher la verité dans les sciences : plus La dioptriqve, Les Meteores, et La geometrie ; qui sont des essais de cette methode. (Leyde : Ian Maire, 1637). [Auszüge]. Übersetzung von Descartes, René. Les meditations metaphysiques touchant la premiere philosophie, dans lesquelles l'existence de Dieu, & la distinction réelle entre l'ame & le corps de l'homme, sont demonstrées. (Paris : J. Camusat et P. Le Petit, 1647). [Auszüge]-
[Locke, John]. Chang shi zhe xue jia. Luoke zhu ; Zhao Shize, Wei Huang Ailing, Zhao Zhensong yi. Übersetzung von Locke, John. An essay concerning humane understanding : in four books. (London : Printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, and Samuel Manship, 1694). [Auszüge]. Übersetzung von Locke, John. The reasonableness of christianity, as delivered in the scriptures. (London : Awnsham & John Churchill, 1695). Übersetzung von Locke, John ; Popple, William. A letter concerning toleration : humbly submitted, etc. (London : Printed for Awnsham churchill, 1689).
[Tindall, Matthew]. Zi ran shen lun zhe. Tingdele zhu ; Zhao Zhensong yi. Übersetzung von Tindall, Matthew. Christianity not as old as the creation... (London : T. Warner, 1730). [Auszüge].
[Butler, Joseph]. Jidu jiao de bian hu zhe he dao de xue jia. Putuole zhu ; Ma Bingwen, Shen Xian Jizhen yi. Übersetzung von Butler, Joseph. Analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature. (London : Printed for James, John and Paul Knapton, 1736). [Auszüge].
[Hume, David]. Huai yi lun zhe. Xiumo zhu ; Ma Bingwen yi. Übersetzung von Hume, David. A letter concerning toleration : humbly submitted, etc.(London : [s.n.], 1779).
Publication / DesR16
13 1996 [Hume, David]. Ren xing de duan lie. Xiumo zhu ; Feng Yuan yi. (Beijing : Guang ming ri bao chu ban she, 1996). (Na lai zhu yi cong shu). Übersetzung von Hume, David. Philosophical essays concerning human understanding = Enquiry concerning human understanding. (London : A. Millar, 1748).
Publication / Hum11
14 1999 [Hume, David]. Dao de yuan li tan jiu. Xiumo ; Wang Shuqin yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 1999). (Wai guo lun li xue ming zhu yi cong). Übersetzung von Hume, David. An enquiry concerning the principles of morals. (London : Printed for A. Millar, 1751).
Publication / Hum6
15 1999 [Hume, David]. Ren lei li zhi yan jiu. Lü Daji yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1999). (Han yi shi jie xue shu ming zhu cong shu). Übersetzung von Hume, David. Philosophical essays concerning human understanding = Enquiry concerning human understanding. (London : A. Millar, 1748).
Publication / Hum9
16 2000 [Hume, David]. Ren xing lun. Xiumo zhu ; Feng Guochao zhu bian. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui chu ban she, 2000). (Han yi shi jie ming zhu jing dian wen ku). Übersetzung von Hume, David. Treatise of human nature : being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects. (London : Printed for John Noon, 1739-1740).
Publication / Hum14
17 2004 [Wartenberg, Thomas E.]. Lun yi shu de ben zhi : ming jia jing xuan ji. Tangmasi Huatengboge bian zhu ; Zhang Shujun, Liu Lanyu, Wu Peien yi zhe. Vol. 1-29. (Taibei : Wu guan yi shu guan li you xian gong si, 2004). Übersetzung von Wartenberg, Thomas E. The nature of art : an anthology. (Fort Worth : Harcourt College, 2002).
論藝術的本質 : 名家精選集
[Enthält] :
Vol. 1. Yi shu ji mo fang : Bolatu = Art as imitation : Plato.
Vol. 2. Yi shu ji ren zhi : Yalisiduode. = Art as cognition : Aristotle.
Vol. 3. Yi shu ji zai xian zi ran : Aboti. = Art as representing nature : Leon Battista Alberti
Vol. 4. Yi shu ji pin wei de dui xiang : Xiumo. = Art as object of taste : David Hume.
Vol. 5. Yi shu ji ke gou tong de yu yue : Kangde. = Art as Communicable pleasure : Immanuel Kant.
Vol. 6. Yi shu ji qi shi : Shubenhua. = Art as revelation : Arthur Schopenhauer.
Vol. 7. Yi shu ji li xiang de dian xing : Heige’er. = Art as the ideal : G.W.F. Hegel.
Vol. 8. Yi shu ji jiu shu : Nicai. = Art as redemption : Friedrich Nietzsche.
Vol. 9. Yi shu ji qing gan jiao liu : Tuoersitai. = Art as communication of feeling : Leo N. Tolstoy.
Vol. 10. Yi shu ji zheng zhuang : Fuluoyide. = Art as symptom : Sigmund Freud.
Vol. 11. Yi shu ji you yi han de xing shi : Beier. = Art as significant form : Clive Bell.
Vol. 12. Yi shu ji biao da : Kelinwu. = Art as expression : R.G. Collingwood.
Vol. 13. Yi shu ji jing yan : Duwei. = Art as experience : John Dewey.
Vol. 14. Yi shu ji zhen li : Haidege. = Art as truth : Martin Heidegger.
Vol. 15. Yi shu ji qi yun : Banyaming. = Art as auratic : Walter Benjamin.
Vol. 16. Yi shu ji zi you : Aduonuo. = Art as liberatory : Theodor Adorno.
Vol. 17. Yi shu ji wu ding yi : Weizi. = Art as indefinable : Morris Weitz.
Vol. 18. Yi shu ji qi shi : Gudeman. = Art as exemplification : Nelson Goodman.
Vol. 19. Yi shu ji li lun : Dantuo. = Art as theory : Arthur Danto.
Vol. 20. Yi shu ji ji gou : Diqi. = Art as institution : George Dickie.
Vol. 21. Yi shu ji mei xue chan wu : Biersili. = Art as aesthetic production : Monroe C. Beardsley.
Vol. 22. Yi shu ji wen ben : Bate. = Art as text : Roland Barthes.
Vol. 23. Yi shu ji lian wu : Paibo. = Art as fetish : Adrian Piper.
Vol. 24. Yi shu ji jie gou : Dexida. = Art as deconstructable : Jacques Derrida.
Vol. 25. Yi shu ji nü xing zhu yi : Han'en. = Art as feminism : Hilde Hein.
Vol. 26. Yi shu ji mai luo : Jiegede. = Art as contextual : Dele Jegede.
Vol. 27. Yi shu ji hou zhi min : Aipiya. = Art as postcolonial : Kwame Anthony Appiah.
Vol. 28. Yi shu ji xu ni : Daiweisi. = Art as virtual : Douglas Davis.
Vol. 29. Dao lun. = About the authors.
Publication / Schop20

Secondary Literature (22)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1923 [Driesch, Hans]. Dulishu jiang yan lu. Dulishu zhu ; Zhang Junmai, Qu Shiying yi ; Jiang xue she bian ji. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1923). (The Driesch lectures ; no 1-8). Abhandlungen über Francis Bacon, Jakob Sigismund Beck, George Berkeley, Charles Darwin, René Descartes, Albert Einstein, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Jacob Friedrich Fries, Arnold Geulincx, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, Emmanuel Kant, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Salomon Maimon, Nicolas de Malebranche, John Locke, Friedrich Schelling, Baruch Spinoza.
杜里舒講演錄. 第1期
Publication / ZhaJ2
2 1934 Guo, Bendao. Luoke, Bakelai, Xiumo. (Shanghai : Shi jie shu ju, 1934). (Zhe xue cong shu (Shi jie shu ju). [Abhandlung über John Locke, George Berkeley, David Hume].
洛克, 巴克萊, 休謨
Publication / Hum20
3 1956 Fang, Shuchun ; Ge, Fang ; Huang, Nansen. Pi pan Xiumo he Kangde de bu ke zhi lun. (Shanghai : Shanghai ren min chu ban she, 1956). [Abhandlung über Agnostizismus bei David Hume und Immanuel Kant].
Publication / Kant79
4 1972 Hu, Hongwen. Yingguo jing yan zhe xue. (Taibei : Hua gang shu ju, 1972). [Abhandlung über John Locke, George Berkeley, David Hume].
Publication / Hum21
5 1979 [MacNabb, D.G.C.]. Xiumo. Maikena zhu ; Huang Yimei yi. (Taibei : Chang qiao chu ban she, 1979). (Xi yang zhe xue cong shu ; 2). Übersetzung von MacNabb, D.G.C. David Hume : his theory of knowledge and morality. (New York, N.Y. : Hutchinson's University Library, 1951).
Publication / Hum24
6 1983 [Ayer, Alfred Jules]. Xiumo. Li Ruiquan yi. (Taibei : Lian jing chu ban shi ye gong si, 1983). (Xi fang si xiang jia yi cong ; 7). Übersetzung von Ayer, A[lfred] J[ules]. Hume. (New York, N.Y. : Hill and Wang, 1980).
Publication / Hum17
7 1990 [Ayer, Alfred Jules]. Xiumo. Aiyeer zhu ; Zeng Fuxing, Zheng Ying yi ; Zheng Hangsheng jiao. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 1990). (Wai guo zhu ming si xiang jia yi cong). Übersetzung von Ayer, A[lfred] J[ules]. Hume. (New York, N.Y. : Hill and Wang, 1980).
Publication / Hum18
8 1992 [Stroud, Barry]. Xiumo. Sitelaode ; Zhou Xiaoliang, Liu Jianrong yi. (Jinan : Shandong ren min chu ban she, 1992). (Xi fang zhe xue yan jiu fan yi cong shu). Übersetzung von Stroud, Barry. Hume. (London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977).
Publication / Hum26
9 1994 Yan, Jida. Xiumo si xiang yan jiu. (Shanghai : Shanghai yuan dong chu ban she, 1994). [Abhandlung über David Hume].
Publication / Hum28
10 1995 Fu, Peirong. Ai zhi di qu wei : Yalisiduode, Duomasi, Xiumo, Huaidehai. (Taibei : Hong Jianquan jiao yu wen hua ji jin hui, 1995). (Xi fang xin ling di pin wie ; 3. Ren wen cong shu (Hong Jianquan ji jin hui). [Abhandlung über Aristoteles, Thomas von Aquin, David Hume, Alfred North Whitehead].
愛智的趣味 : 亞里斯多德多瑪斯休謨懷德海
Publication / Hum19
11 1995 Luo, Zhongshu. Ren xing de tan jiu : Xiumo zhe xue shu ping. (Chengdu : Sichuan da xue chu ban she, 1995). [Abhandlung über David Hume].
人性的探究 : 休谟哲学述评
Publication / Hum23
12 1995 Yin, Xingfan. Li xing de chuan zao yu chao yue : ren lei ren shi zhi mi. (Beijing : Ren min chu ban she, 1995). [Abhandlung über David Hume].
理性的创造与超越 : 人类认识之谜
Publication / Hum29
13 1996 Zhou, Xiaoliang. Xiumo ji qi ren xing zhe xue. (Beijing : She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she, 1996). [Abhandlung über David Hume].
Publication / Hum31
14 1997 Huang, Zhending. Tong wang ren xue tu zhong : Xiumo ren xing lun yan jiu. (Changsha : Hunan jiao yu chu ban she, 1997). (Bo shi lun cong). [Toward humanics : Hume's theory of human nature].
通往人学途中 : 休谟人性论硏究
Publication / Hum22
15 1998 Zhang, Zhilin. Yingguo guan nian yu Xiumo wen ti. (Changsha : Hunan jiao yu chu ban she, 1998). (Zhongguo ke xue zhe xue lun cong). [Abhandlung über David Hume].
Publication / Hum30
16 1999 [Quinton, Anthony]. Xiumo. Andongni Kundeng zhu ; Shi Guoming yi. (Taibei : Mai tian chu ban gong si, 1999). (Yue du zhe xue jia ; 5). Übersetzung von Quinton, Anthony. Hume. (London : Phoenix, 1998).
Publication / Hum25
17 1999 Zhou, Xiaoliang. Xiumo. (Changsha : Hunan jiao yu chu ban she, 1999). (Xi fang si xiang jia yan jiu cong shu). [Abhandlung über David Hume].
Publication / Hum32
18 1999 Zhou, Xiaoliang. Xiumo zhe xue yan jiu. (Beijing : Ren min chu ban she, 1999). (Zhe xue shi jia wen ku). [Abhandlung über David Hume].
Publication / Hum33
19 2000 Sun, Weiping. Shi shi yu jia zhi : Xiumo wen ti ji qi jie jue chang shi. Li Seshun dao shi ; Chen Yunquan shen gao. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2000). (Zhongguo she hui ke xue bo shi lun wen wen ku). [Abhandlung über David Hume].
事实与价值 : 休谟问题及其解決尝试
Publication / Hum27
20 2003 Zhou, Xiaoliang. China's reception of Hume.
Web / Hum1
21 2007 Lei, Depeng. Zou chu zhi shi lun kun jing zhi tu : Xiumo, Kangde he Husai’er de xiang xiang lun tan xi. (Beijing : Ren min chu ban she, 2007). Diss. [Abhandlung über David Hume, Immanuel Kant und Edmund Husserl].
走出知识论困境之途 : 休谟康德和胡塞尔的想象论探析
Publication / Kant116
22 2007 Hont, Istvan. David Hume and Adam Smith on China : past futures and long prospects. John Dunn : International Conference in honor of Professor John Dunn, Academi Sinica, Taipei. http://www.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/politics2007/P4.pdf. Web / SmitA1