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Spinoza, Baruch de

(Amsterdam 1632-1677 Den Haag) : Philosoph

Name Alternative(s)

Spinoza, Benedictus
Spinzoa, Benedict de


Index of Names : Occident / Philosophy : Europe : Netherlands

Chronology Entries (3)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1913-1923 Guo Moruo studiert Medizin und ab 1915 Englisch, Deutsch und Lateinisch in Tokyo.
1913 liest er The arrow and the song von H.W. Longfellow.
1916 beginnt er sich für Literatur zu interessieren und liest Rabindranath Tagore, Dichtung und Wahrheit von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, William Shakespeare, Walt Whitman, Mozart auf der Reise nach Prag von Eduard Mörike, Ibsen, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche und Spinoza.
1919 liest er Hangyakusha von Arishima Takeo. Darin enthalten sind August Rodin, Jean-François Millet und Walt Whitman.
  • Document: Gálik, Marián. Kuo Mo-jo's "The goddesses" : creative confrontation with Tagore, Whitman and Goethe. In : Gálik, Marián. Milestones in Sino-Western literary confrontation, 1898-1979. – Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1986. (Asiatische Forschungen ; Bd. 98). [Guo Moruo]. (WhiW56, Publication)
  • Document: Li, Xilao. Whitman in China. In : Walt Whitman quarterly review ; vol. 3, no 4 (1986).
    http://ir.uiowa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1115&context=wwqr. (WhiW22, Publication)
  • Document: A biographical dictionary of modern Chinese writers. Compiled by the Modern Chinese Literary Archives. (Beijing : New World Press, 1994). (BioD, Publication)
  • Document: Zhu, Hong. Schiller in China. (Frankfurt a.M. : P. Lang, 1994). (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 1. Deutsche Sprache und Literatur ; Bd. 1440). Diss. Technische Hochschule Braunschwig, 1993. (Zhu1, Publication)
  • Document: Bartke, Wolfgang. Who was who in the People's republic of China : with more than 3,100 portraits. Vol. 1-2. (München : Saur, 1997). (BAW1, Publication)
  • Person: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
  • Person: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
  • Person: Guo, Moruo
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
  • Person: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
  • Person: Nietzsche, Friedrich
  • Person: Shakespeare, William
  • Person: Whitman, Walt
2 1932 Dem Andenken Spinozas. In : Deutsch-chinesische Nachrichten ; Sonderausgabe, 24. Nov. (1932).
"Selten erheben sich in unseren Tagen Stimmen der selbstlosen und unabhängigen Humanität, besonders selten klingen sie nach China hinüber aus den Ländern, die ihrerseits mit Leibenschaft und Selbstverständlichkeit die höchsten Werte philosophischen Denkens zu ihrer Belehrung und Bereicherung aus China hinübernahmen. Sei es der Stimme Spinozas vergönnt, ein edler Dank zu sein für das Edle, das es Europa gab ! Sei die Stimme Spinozas für China das selten gehörte, aber stets wirksame Bekenntnis Europas zu der Wahrheit, dass sich derselbe Himmel über Europa und China wölbt."

Marian Galik : The German part begins with the most diverse thoughts expressed about Spinoza between the years 1770 till 1831 by his propagator Goethe, follows with exceprts from Herder's Einige Gespräche über Spinozas System and winds up with the fragment Der Tod des Spinoza from the novel Amor dei von K.B. Kolbenheyer. The Chinese version starts with the Chinese ode Si bin no sha yu [Admiration before Spinoza's portrait] by He Lin. Then follows the Chinese translation of Spinoza's biograhy by Jean Maximillien Lucas. Then follows Si bin no sha yu Zhuangzi [Spinoza and Zuangzi] by Hu Shi and Si bin no sha zhi zheng zhi zhe xue [Spinoza's political philosophy by Zhang Junmai. The 'Festschrift' carried also the first chapter of Ethics in the translation of He Lin and the chapter XX of Tractatus theologico-politicus by Li Shuli (Pseud.).

Hu Shi begins his essay by noting the great similarity between Zhuangzi's and Spinoza's philosophy. "Would it not be a pleasant and rewarding work to investigate in what Spinoza and Zhuangzi agree and in what they differ, and why they agree or differ in individual pints ?"
According to Hu Shi, Spinoza and Zhuangzi agree most in pantheism. That omnipresent Zhuangzi calls Way (Tao), and Spinoza God (Shen). Even though both make use of different terms, they nevertheless have something very similar in mind. Spinoza's word God is very close indeed in its significance to Zhuangzi's Way and is remote from the normal Christian or Jewish interpretation. Spinoza's God is 'substance' and here Hu Shi quotes from Spinoza's Ethics : it is something "which is in itself and is conceived through itself". Hu Shi sees Spinoza's concept of God or Nature as self-crating (natura naturans) in Zhuangi's self-creating Way that "gave spirituality to the spirits and gods". The second point of contact between Zhuangzi and Spinoza is, according to Hu Shi, in determinism, and this in absolute determinism. In his view, Zhuangzi and Spinoza differ in their approach to logic. Zhuangzi "did not scold over right and wrong", Spinoza believed in his "mathematico-logical" method and considered it to be absolutely reliable in determining what is 'right' and 'wrong' or 'good' and 'bad'.
Hu Shi does not document Spinoza's divergent view from the latter's philosophy, but from his life. He points out the fairly known case of Spinoza's sister who, on the death of their father, tried to appropriate the entire legacy. Spinoza won the lawsuit, but he renounced his share in favour of his sister. He was not interested in the inheritance, but held to show clearly the evident difference between 'right' and 'wrong', 'justice' and 'injustice'.
As to Spinoza's political philosophy, Hu Shi just does not refer to it by a single word. But he equally fails to make any reference to Zhuangzi's political views.

Zhang Junmai's essay Spinoza's political philosophy begins with a brief introduction into Spinoza's philosophy. It takes note of similar problems as Hu Shih : pantheism, determinism and others, for example, a mechanistic apprehension of the world-political issues are taken up in the second part. Zhang distinguishes two types of political scientists - those following Plato, who aim rather at ideal aspects of government, and those who are for Aristotle, concerned rather with the practical side. Spinoza belongs to the latter type. Zhang Junmai begins his analysis of Spinoza's political philosophy with a criticism of the first type of philosophers when he writes that they think of people "not as they are, but as they would like them to be", thus making use of Spinoza's own words. The result is that this most real of sciences, Zhang Junmai thus calls political science, does not originate in human nature and its expression in practical life. Zhang follows up with intent Chapter I of Spinoza's Tractatus politicus and applies his mind to politics. Human passions, like love and hate, jealousy, anger, pride, these he does not consider to be vices of human nature, but the properties as heat and cold, wind and storm. This, according to him, Spinoza holds in common with modern philosophy. The latter too is concerned with an objective, scientific approach to social phenomena.
Zhang Junmai devoted about two thirds of his essay to three important questions of Spinoza's philosophy: that of the identity of the concept of right and power, that of the state of nature and political State, and the question of the freedom of thought and speech.
While in the first part of his essay Zhang adhered strictly to the Tractatus politicus, now he calls to his aid also the Tractatus theologico-politicus. The statement concerning the identity of right and power is taken from the first book, while concrete illustration to it comes from Spinoza's second work. Both of them, power and right, are bound by a relationship of reciprocity. Right is determined by power. Man may enjoy as much right as he is able to win for himself or maintain ("he has as much right as he has power and strength"). Zhang illustrates this Spinoza's axiom from Spinoza's work about fish swimming in the water. Their life is determined by their presence in the natural element. At the same time big fish eat small ones, and with perfect right. Spinoza speaks of natural power and right. One has as much (natural) right as he has (natural) power. And Spinoza considers also man, as long as he is not firmly set in some State framework, only as a part of nature, "Right is the sphere of man's free movement", writes Zhang Junmai, faithfully interpreting Spinoza, "there is no other [right] except that whose basis is formed by power".
Considerations on State formations lead Zhang to the lenghtiest part of his essay that deals with the State, or the so-called contract, or social contract. In this part he compares Spinoza's views on social contract with those of Th. Hobbes, J. Locke and J.J. Rousseau. He could not be said to stick up for anyone of them. Naturally, Zhang's attention is focused on Spinoza's views on social contract and he justifies them from a relatively wide angle as being the consequence of Spinoza's methaphysics and his view on the psychophysical habitus of the "political animal".
Zhang's longest quotation from Spinoza and its application to Chinese conditions of the time:
"The best condition of a commonwealth (imperimn) is easily discovered from the purpose of political order: which is simply peace and security of life. Accordingly, the best commonwealth is one in which men live in harmony and the laws are kept unbroken. Rebellions, wars, and contemptuous disregard for law must certainly be attributed to the corrupt conditions of the commonwealth rather than to the wickedness of its subjects. For citizens are not born, but made. Besides, men's natural passions are the same everywhere; hence, if wickedness is more dominant and crime more prevalent in one commonwealth than in another, this certainly is due to the fact that the first has not done enough to promote harmony, has not framed its laws with sufficient foresight... For a political order which has not removed the causes of civil strife, where war is a constant threat, and laws are often broken, differs little from a veritable state of nature, where everyone lives as he pleases with great danger to his life."
Zhang Junmai applies these thoughts directly to China. He says that "our country still lives in barbarism and cannot even be called a State". Zhang deals not of "barbarism" any more, but of an ideal State, such as was, for example, the city of Amsterdam in Spinoza's time. In his exposition of the freedom of thought and speech, he adheres to Spinoza, but distorts him so some extent : he sets the ideal of a free development of the individual largely in an antithesis to the governing system of the society.
Zhang further states in agreement with Spinoza that the people have a right to the freedom of though and speech, but again distorts him in a certain measure when he says that this freedom 'cannot extend to acts'. According to Zhang, an analysis of things is a matter of 'right' and 'wrong' and belongs to the competence of philosophers and scholars, and who incites the masses against government is a 'rioter and rebel'. To maintain order and peace, the State must punish these rioters and rebels.
Zhang Junmai's essay was related to the fight for bourgeois democracy directly, even though it was not a consisten fight. He has distorted Spinoza's message in order to avoid direct confrontation with Chiang Kaishek and not to have to sympathize with the struggle of the Chinese communists. His demands for freedom of thought and speech must be evaluated as a very progressive one for that period.
  • Document: Gálik, Marián. Two modern Chinese philosophers on Spinoza. In : Orienx extremus ; vol. 22, no 1 (1975). (SpiB22, Publication)
  • Person: He, Lin
  • Person: Hu, Shi
  • Person: Zhang, Junmai
3 1932 Guo, Moruo. Chuang zao shi nian [ID D11361].
"Ich habe unter Johann Wolfgang von Goethes Einfluss begonnen, Versdramen zu schreiben. Nachdem ich den ersten Teil des Faust übersetzt habe, ging ich anschliessend daran, Tang di zhi hua (Geschwister Nie Ying und Nie Zheng) zu schaffen... Dann noch Die Wiedergeburt der Göttinnen, Xianglei und Die zwei Prinzen des Herrn Guzu. Alle diese Stücke sind unter Goethes Einfluss gestanden."
"During the first period I followed Tagore. This was before the May Fourth Movement, and I strove for brevity and tranquility in my poetry, with rather little success. During the second period I followed Whitman. This was during the high tide of the May Fourth Movement, and I strove to make my poems vigorous and robust. This must be counted my most memorable period. During the third period I followed Goethe, the passion of the second period was lost and I became one who played the game of versification. It was under the impact of Goethe that I began to write poetic dramas."
Er schreibt über Baruch Spinoza, dass er Ethica, Tractatus theologico-politicus und Tractatus de intellectus emendatione gelesen hat.
He admired most Die Wandlung by Ernst Toller and Die Bürger von Calais by Georg Kaiser and he states that in reading Spinoza and Goethe he discoverd for himelf 'pantheist' traditions in ancient Chinese philosophy of Zhuangzi.
  • Document: Gálik, Marián. Two modern Chinese philosophers on Spinoza. In : Orienx extremus ; vol. 22, no 1 (1975). (SpiB22, Publication)
  • Document: Gálik, Marián. Kuo Mo-jo's "The goddesses" : creative confrontation with Tagore, Whitman and Goethe. In : Gálik, Marián. Milestones in Sino-Western literary confrontation, 1898-1979. – Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1986. (Asiatische Forschungen ; Bd. 98). [Guo Moruo]. (WhiW56, Publication)
  • Document: Yang, Wuneng. Goethe in China (1889-1999). (Frankfurt a.M. : P. Lang, 2000). S. 93. (YanW1, Publication)
  • Person: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
  • Person: Guo, Moruo
  • Person: Tagore, Rabindranath
  • Person: Whitman, Walt

Bibliography (13)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1929 [Spinoza, Baruch]. Lun li xue. Sibinnosha zhu ; Wu Guangjian yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1929). (Han yi shi jie ming zhu). Übersetzung von Spinoza, Baruch. Ethica, more geometrico demonstrata. In : Benedicti de Spinoza. Opera omnia priora & posthuma : quorum seriem versa pagina indicat. ([Amstelodami : J. Rieuwertsz], 1677).
Publication / WuG30
2 1943 [Spinoza, Baruch]. Zhi zhi pian. Sibinnuosha zhu ; He Lin yi. (Chongqing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1943). Übersetzung von Spinoza, Baruch. De emendatione intellectus. In : Benedicti de Spinoza Opera omnia priora & posthuma : quorum seriem versa pagina indicat. ([Amsterdam : J. Rieuwertsz], 1677).
Publication / SpiB10
3 1958 [Spinoza, Baruch]. Lun li xue. Sibinnuosha zhu ; He Lin yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1958). (Han yi shi jie xue shu ming zhu cong shu). Übersetzung von Spinoza, Baruch. Ethica, more geometrico demonstrata. In : Benedicti de Spinoza. Opera omnia priora & posthuma : quorum seriem versa pagina indicat. ([Amstelodami : J. Rieuwertsz], 1677).
Publication / SpiB4
4 1960 [Spinoza, Baruch de]. Zhi xing gai jin lun : Bing lun zui zu yi zhi dao ren da dao dui shi wu de zhen zhi shi de tu jing. Sibinuosha zhu ; He Lin yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1960). Übersetzung von Spinoza, Baruch de. De emendatione intellectus. In : Spinoza, Baruch de. B.D.S. Opera posthuma : quorum series post praefationem exhibetur. (Amsterdam : J. Rieuwertsz, 1677).
知性改进论 : 并论最足以指导人达到对事物的真知识的途径
Publication / Spin1
5 1980 [Spinoza, Baruch]. Dika'er zhe xue yuan li : yi ji he xue fang shi zheng ming : fu lu xing er shang xue si xiang. Sibinnuosa zhu ; Wang Yingting, Hong Handing yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1980). Übersetzung von Spinoza, Baruch. Renati des Cartes Principiorum philosophiae, pars I, et II, more geometrico demonstratae per Benedictum de Spinoza, Amstelodamensem : accesserunt eiusdem Cogitata metaphysica, in quibus difficiliores, quae tam in parte metaphysices generali, quam speciali occurrunt, quaestiones breviter explicantur. (Amstelodami : Apud Johannem Riewerts, in vico vulgo dicto, de Dirk van Affen-steeg, sub signo Martyrologii, 1663).
笛卡尔哲学原理 依几何学方式证明 : 附录形而上学思想
Publication / SpiB1
6 1982 [Spinoza, Baruch]. Shen ren ji qi xing fu jian lun. Sibinnuosha ; Hong Handing, Sun Zupei yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1987). Übersetzung von Spinoza, Baruch. Spinoza's Short treatise on God, man and his well-being. Translated and edited with an introduction and commentary, and a life of Spinoza by A. Wolf. (London : Adam and Charles Black, 1910).
Publication / SpiB5
7 1982 [Spinoza, Baruch]. Shen xue zheng zhi lun. Wen Xizeng yi. (Beijing : shang wu yin shu guan, 1982). Übersetzung von Spinoza, Baruch. Tractatus theologico-politicus ; continens Dissertationes aliquot, quibus ostenditur Libertatem philosophandi non tnantum salva pietate, & Reipublicae pace posse concedi : sed eandem nisi cum pace Reipublicae, ipsaque pietate tolli non posse. (Hamburgi [Amsterdam] : Apud Henricum Künrath, 1670).
Publication / SpiB6
8 1989 [Spinoza, Baruch]. Sibinnuosha zhe xue dao lun. Qian Zhichun zhu yi. (Taibei : Furen da xue chu ban she, 1989). (Furen da xue yan jiu cong shu ; 59). [Übersetzung der Philosophie von Spinoza].
Publication / SpiB8
9 1996 [Spinoza, Baruch]. Sibinnuosha shu xin ji. Hong Handing yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1996). (Han yi shi jie xue shu ming zhu cong shu). [Übersetzung gesammelter Werke von Spinoza].
Publication / SpiB7
10 1999 [Spinoza, Baruch]. Jian lun shang di, ji qi xin lin jian kang. Sibinnuosha zhu ; Gu Shouguan yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1999). Übersetzung von Spinoza, Baruch. Benedicti de Spinoza "Korte verhandeling van God, de mensch en deszelfs welstand" : Tractatuli deperditi de Deo et homine ejusque felicitate versio belgica : Cum Spinozae imagine chromolithographica. (Amstelodami : F. Muller, 1869).
Publication / SpiB2
11 1999 [Spinoza, Baruch]. Lun Dika'er zhe xue yuan li. Sibinnuosa zhu. (Xinzhu : Yang zhe chu ban she, 1983). (Xi yang zhe xue jia yi cong ; 9). Übersetzung von Spinoza, Baruch. Renati des Cartes Principiorum philosophiae, pars I, et II, more geometrico demonstratae per Benedictum de Spinoza, Amstelodamensem : accesserunt eiusdem Cogitata metaphysica, in quibus difficiliores, quae tam in parte metaphysices generali, quam speciali occurrunt, quaestiones breviter explicantur. (Amstelodami : Apud Johannem Riewerts, in vico vulgo dicto, de Dirk van Affen-steeg, sub signo Martyrologii, 1663). [René Descartes].
Publication / SpiB3
12 1999 [Spinoza, Baruch]. Zheng zhi lun. Sibinnuosha ; Feng Bingkun yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1999). Übersetzung von Spinoza, Baruch. Tractatus theologico-politicus ; continens Dissertationes aliquot, quibus ostenditur Libertatem philosophandi non tnantum salva pietate, & Reipublicae pace posse concedi : sed eandem nisi cum pace Reipublicae, ipsaque pietate tolli non posse. (Hamburgi [Amsterdam] : Apud Henricum Künrath, 1670).
Publication / SpiB9
13 1999 [Spinoza, Baruch]. Zheng zhi lun. Sibinnuosha ; Feng Bingkun yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1999). Übersetzung von Spinoza, Baruch. Tractatus theologico-politicus ; continens Dissertationes aliquot, quibus ostenditur Libertatem philosophandi non tnantum salva pietate, & Reipublicae pace posse concedi : sed eandem nisi cum pace Reipublicae, ipsaque pietate tolli non posse. (Hamburgi [Amsterdam] : Apud Henricum Künrath, 1670).
Publication / SpiB11

Secondary Literature (19)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1902 Liang, Qichao. Yin bing shi wen ji. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Guang zhi shu ju, 1902). [Enthält Eintragungen über Thomas Hobbes, Baruch Spinoza, Jean-Jacques Rousseau].
Publication / Rous114
2 1906 Zhang, Taiyan [Zhang, Binglin]. Jian li zong jiao lun. In : Min bao ; no 8 (Nov. 1906). [Über die Gründung einer Religion ; betr. Johann Gottlieb Fichte und Baruch de Spinoza].
Publication / Fich49
3 1923 [Driesch, Hans]. Dulishu jiang yan lu. Dulishu zhu ; Zhang Junmai, Qu Shiying yi ; Jiang xue she bian ji. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1923). (The Driesch lectures ; no 1-8). Abhandlungen über Francis Bacon, Jakob Sigismund Beck, George Berkeley, Charles Darwin, René Descartes, Albert Einstein, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Jacob Friedrich Fries, Arnold Geulincx, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, Emmanuel Kant, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Salomon Maimon, Nicolas de Malebranche, John Locke, Friedrich Schelling, Baruch Spinoza.
杜里舒講演錄. 第1期
Publication / ZhaJ2
4 1929 [Durant, Will]. Folanxisi Peigen. Dulan zhu ; Zhan Wenhu yi. (Shanghai : Qing nian xie hui shu ju, 1929). Übersetzung von Durant, Will. The story of philosophy : the lives and opinions of the greater philosophers. (New York, N.Y. : Simon and Shuster, 1926). [Abhandlung über Baruch Spinoza, Platon, Aristoteles, Francis Bacon, Voltaire, Immanuel Kant, Herbert Spencer, Friedrich Nietzsche].
Publication / SpiB13
5 1930-1931 Zhang, Dongsun. Xi yang zhe xue shi ABC. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Shi jie shu ju, 1930-1931). [Introduction à l'histoire de la philosophie occidentale. Vol. 1 : La philosophie grecque, ses écoles. Matérialisme et sensualisme. Socrate et Platon. Aristote. La philosophie du Moyen-âge. Vol. 2 : La philosophie moderne. Francis Bacon, René Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, Baruch de Spinoza, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Emmanuel Kant, George Wilhelm Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer].
Publication / DesR17
6 1932-1936 Da lu za zhi, De hua ri bao = Deutsch-chinesische Nachrichten. Vol. 1-7. (Beijing : Beijing da xue, 1932-1936). Sondernummer 1932 zur Feier von Goethes 100. Todestag in Beijing. Darin enthalten : Dem Andenken [Johann Wolfgang von] Goethes (1932). Dem Andenken [Baruch de] Spinozas (1932). Dem Andenken [Christoph Martin] Wielands (1933). Dem Andenken [Friedrich von] Schillers (1934). Dem Andenken [Wilhelm von] Humboldts (1935). Dem Andenken [August von] Platens (1935). Dem Andenken des Horaz (1936). Publication / Goe34
7 1934 Shi, Youzhong. Dika'er Sibinnuosha Laibonizi. (Shanghai : Shi jie shu ju, 1934). (Zhe xue cong shu). Abhandlung über Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, René Descartes, Baruch de Spinoza.
笛卡兒 斯賓挪莎 萊伯尼兹
Publication / Lei14
8 1935 [Hoffding, Harald]. Sibinnuosha. Huofuding zhu ; Peng Jixiang yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1935). (Bai ke xiao cong shu). Übersetzung von Hoffding, Harald. Spinoza Liv og Laere : et Bidrag il Taenkningens Historie i det 17de Aarhundrede. (Kobenhavn : R. Klein, 1877).
Publication / SpiB15
9 1936 [Mitin, Mark Borisovich]. Sibinnuosha zhe xue pi pan. Miding ; Lu Xinyuan yi. (Shanghai : Xin ken shu dian, 1936). [Abhandlung über Baruch Spinoza].
Publication / SpiB17
10 1936 Sibinnuosha zhe xue pi pan. Lu Xinyuan yi. (Shanghai : Xin ken shu dian, 1936. [Abhandlung über Baruch Spinoza].
Publication / SpiB20
11 1975 Gálik, Marián. Two modern Chinese philosophers on Spinoza. In : Orienx extremus ; vol. 22, no 1 (1975). Publication / SpiB22
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
12 1976 Shi, Youzhong. Zhe xue lun cong. (Taibei : Lian jing chu ban shi ye gong si, 1976). [Abhandlung über Philosophie und Baruch Spinoza].
Publication / SpiB19
13 1978 [Hampshire, Stuart]. Sibinnuosha. Hanpuxia zhu ; Yang Feihua yi. (Taibei : chang qiao chu ban she, 1978). (Xi yang zhe xue cong shu ; 1). Übersetzung von Hampshire, Stuart. Spinoza and the idea of freedom. (London : Oxford University Press, 1960).
Publication / SpiB14
14 1989 [Durant, Will]. Xi fang zhe xue shi hua. Wei'er Dulan yuan zhu. (Beijing : Shu mu wen xian chu ban she, 1989). (Wen shi cong shu ; 6). Übersetzung von Durant, Will. The story of philosophy : the lives and opinions of the greater philosophers. (New York, N.Y. : Simon and Shuster, 1926). [Abhandlung über Baruch Spinoza, Platon, Aristoteles, Francis Bacon, Voltaire, Immanuel Kant, Herbert Spencer, Friedrich Nietzsche].
Publication / Paco42
15 1992 Hong, Handing. Sibinnuosha. (Taibei : Dong da tu shu gong si, 1992). (Shi jie zhe xue jia cong shu). [Abhandlung über Baruch Spinoza].
Publication / SpiB16
16 1992 [Roth, Leon]. Sibinnuosha. Luosi ; Tan Xintian yi. (Jinan : Shandong ren min chu ban she, 1992). (Xi fang zhe xue yan jiu fan yi cong shu). Übersetzung von Roth, Leon. Spinoza. (London : Benn, 1929). (Leaders of philosophy).
Publication / SpiB18
17 1995 Fu, Peirong. Li xing di zhuang yan : Shibinnuosha, Kangde, Heige'er, Yashipei. (Taibei : Hong Jianquan jiao yu wen hua ji jin hui, 1995). (Xi fang xin ling di pin wei. Ren wen cong shu). [Abhandlung über Baruch Spinoza, Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Karl Jaspers].
理性的莊嚴 : 史賓諾莎康德黑格爾雅士培
Publication / Kant69
18 1998 [Cottingham, John]. Li xing zhu yi zhe. Yuehan Ketinghan zhu ; Jiang Yi yi. (Shenyang : Liaoning jiao yu chu ban she, 1998). (Niujin Oxford jing xuan). [Übersetzung con Cottingham, John. The rationalists. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1988). (A history of Western philosophy ; 4). [Abhandlung über René Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz].
Publication / SpiB12
19 2000 Billeter, Jean-François. Chine trois fois muette : essai sur l'histoire contemporaine et la Chine ; suivi de, Brèf essai sur l'histoire chinoise, d'après Spinoza . (Paris : Ed. Allia, 2000). [Baruch Spinoza]. Publication / BJ5
  • Person: Billeter, Jean-François