Bacon, Francis, Viscount Saint Albans
# | Year | Text | Linked Data |
1 | 1605 |
Bacon, Francis. The tvoo bookes of Francis Bacon : Of the proficience and aduancement of learning : diuine and humane [ID D26974]. Er schreibt : "The organ of tradition is either speech or writing: and we see the commerce of barbarous people, that understand not one another's language, and in the practice of divers that are dumb and deaf, that men's minds are expressed in gestures. And we understand that it is the use of China to write in characters which express neither letters nor words but things or notions; insomuch as provinces, which understand not one another's language, can nevertheless read one another's writings; and therefore they have a vast multitude of characters, as many, I suppose, as radical words." |
2 | 1620 |
Bacon, Francis. Novum organom = The new organon [ID D26975]. Chinese inventions of printing, gunpowder, and the mariner's compass were brought to Europe by Arab traders during the Renaissance and Reformation. Francis Bacon was unaware of the origins of these inventions but deeply impressed by their significance when he wrote : "It is well to observe the force and virtue and consequence of discoveries. These are to be seen nowhere more clearly than those three which were unknown to the ancients [the Greeks], and of which the origin, though recent, is obscure and inglorious ; namely printing, gunpowder, and the magnet. For these three have changed the whole face and stage of things throughout the world, the first in literature, the second in warfare, the third in navigation; whence have followed innumerable changes ; insomuch that no empire, no sect, no star, seems to have exerted greater power and influence in human affairs than these three mechanical discoveries." "At length then, we have come to an instance of the fingerpost in this case, and it is this. If we find for certain that when there is a flood on the opposite coasts of Florida and Spain in the Atlantic, there is also a flood on the coasts of Peru and the back of China in the South Sea…" "Again, if you observe the refinement of the liberal arts, or even that which relates to the mechanical preparation of natural substances, and take notice of such things as the discovery in astronomy of the motions of the heavens, of harmony in music, of the letters of the alphabet (to this day not in use among the Chinese) in grammar…" "And such it seems may be found by exposing bodies on steeples in sharp frosts; by laying them in subterranean caverns; by surrounding them with snow and ice in deep pits dug for the purpose; by letting them down into wells ; by burying them in quicksilver and metals ; by plunging them into waters which petrify wood; by burying them in the earth, as the Chinese are said to do in the making of porcelain, where masses made for the purpose are left, we are told, underground for forty or fifty years, and transmitted to heirs, as a kind of artificial minerals; and by similar processes." |
3 | 1623 |
Bacon, Francis. Francisci Baronis de Verulamio, Vice-Comitis Sancti Albani, Historia vitae & mortis [ID D26976]. Er schreibt : "The Japanese likewise live longer than the Chinese, though the latter have a mania for long life. And in this there is no wonder, seeing the sea-breeze warms and cherishes in cold countries, and cools in hot." |
4 | 1625 |
Bacon, Francis. Of Vicissitude of Things [ID D26977]. Er schreibt : "The changes and vicissitude in wars are many; but chiefly in three things; in the seats or stages of the war; in the weapons ; and in the manner of the conduct. Wars, in ancient time, seemed more to move from east to west ; for the Persians, Assyrians, Arabians, Tartars (which were the invaders) were all eastern people." "As for the weapons, it hardly falleth under rule and observation: yet we see even they have returns and vicissitudes. For certain it is, that ordnance was known in the city of the Oxidrakes in India; and was that which the Macedonians called thunder and lightning, and magic. And it is well known that the use of ordnance hath been in China above two thousand years. The conditions of weapons, and their improvement, are ; First, the fetching afar off ; for that outruns the danger; as it is seen in ordnance and muskets." |
5 | 1626 |
Bacon, Francis. New Atlantis [ID D26978]. [Enthält Eintragungen über China]. Mögliche Quellen : [Polo, Marco]. The most noble and famous trauels of Marcus Paulus [ID D26973]. Gonzáles de Mendoza, Juan. Historia de las cosas más notables, ritos y costumbres del gran reyno de la China [ID D1627]. Er schreibt : "We sailed from Peru, where we had continued by the space of one whole year, for China and Japan, by the South Sea, taking with us victuals for twelve months; and had good winds from the east, though soft and weak, for five months' space and more. " "Toward the east the shipping of Egypt and of Palestine was likewise great. China also, and the great Atlantis, (that you call America,) which have now but junks and canoes, abounded then in tall ships. This island, (as appeareth by faithful registers of those times,) had then fifteen hundred strong ships, of great content. Of all this, there is with you sparing memory, or none; but we have large knowledge thereof. At that time, this land was known and frequented by the ships and vessels of all the nations before named. And (as it cometh to pass) they had many times men of other countries, that were no sailors, that came with them; as Persians, Chaldeans, Arabians; so as almost all nations of might and fame resorted hither; of whom we have some stirps, and little tribes with us at this day. And for our own ships, they went sundry voyages, as well to your straits, which you call the Pillars of Hercules, as to other parts in the Atlantic and Mediterrane Seas; as to Paguin, (which is the same with Cambaline,) and Quinzy, upon the Oriental Seas, as far as to the borders of the East Tartary." "It is true, the like law against the admission of strangers without license is an ancient law in the Kingdom of China, and yet continued in use. But there it is a poor thing; and hath made them a curious, ignorant, fearful, foolish nation. But our lawgiver made his law of another temper." "Now for our travelling from hence into parts abroad, our lawgiver thought fit altogether to restrain it. So is it not in China. For the Chinese sail where they will, or can ; which showeth, that their law of keeping out strangers is a law of pusillanimity and fear. But this restraint of ours hath one only exception, which is admirable ; preserving the good which cometh by communicating with strangers, and avoiding the hurt: and I will now open it to you." "We have burials in several earths, where we put divers cements, as the Chinese do their porcelain. But we have them in greater variety, and some of them more fine. We also have great variety of composts and soils, for the making of the earth fruitful." Gwee, Li Sui. Westward to the Orient : the specter of scientific China in Francis Bacon's New Atlantis [ID D26972]. Chinese longevity was the basis for Bacon's fantasy of an enduring cultural alternative aligned with the West and reframed his adventure 'beyond both the old world and the new' as more than a metaphor in its desire to encroach upon the known sphere of Chinese socioeconomic influence. By depicting China as still polarized three thousand years ago between Quinzy and cambaline, or Manzian Hangchow and Tartar Peking, Bacon's grossest error was hardly his depiction of Peking as a sea-port, a notion possibly derived from John Mandeville's Voyages de Johan de Mandeville chevalier [ID D10209]. Rather, he revealed that the only Middle Kingdom he cared about was either recent or unchanging since Bensalem's age-old familiarity with China did not translate into a knowledge of its contours prior to the Yuan or Mongol dynasty of the late thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. His siting of Cathay and China as one and the same terrain further did away with a geographical indeterminacy that could not have been resolved before the clarifications of Jesuits Matteo Ricci and Bento de Gois, around the turn of the seventeenth century. These points fix the span of what Bacon knew about China firmly within the circulated narratives from Marco Polo's visit to the Orient. Although the Spanish threat was real, immediate, and textually noticeable, Bacon's greater instinct lay in his recognition of China's more enduring rivalry, this clarifying his actual contribution as an international socioeconomic outlook. His depictions of Spain and China bore tellingly distinct shapes of cultural Otherness : unlike Spanish dominance, Chinese superiority was not so much vilified, opposed, and negated as admired on all terms except those with regard to morality and an unframed scientific diversity. Bacon's use of fiction to secure a vantage point that could obscure the West's real limitations, weaken its cultural inertia, and shift the epicenter of its engagements stressed not just his individual originality but also the factor of neurosis arising from his anxiety over a truly inassimilable Other that seemed to undermine or overwhelm it. This ironic creative reliance on an agon challenges the common assumption that Bacon chose the mode of travel-writing for its inherent empirical rigor and highlights his likelier understanding that the leading travelogues then tended to, in the words of Robert Parke's printer, 'extoll their owne actions, even to the setting forth of many vntruthes and incredible things'. |
6 | 1627 |
Bacon, Francis. Sylua syluarum [ID D26979]. Er schreibt : “And to help the matter, the alchemists call in likewise many vanities out of astrology, natural magic, superstitious interpretation of Scriptures, auricular traditions, feigned testimonies of ancient authors, and the like. It is true, on the other side, they have brought to light not a few profitable experiments, and thereby made the world some amends. But we, when we shall come to handle the version and transmutation of bodies, and the experiments concerning metals and minerals, will lay open the true ways and passages of nature, which may lead to this great effect. And we comment the wit of the Chinese, who despair of making of gold, but are mad upon the making of silver : for certain it is, that it is more difficult to make gold, which is the most ponderous and materiate amongst metals, of other metals less ponderous and less materiate, than via versa, to make silver of lead or quicksilver…” “It differeth much in greatness ; the samllest being fit for thatching of houses, and stopping the chinks of ships, better than glue or pitch. The second bigness is used for anglerods and staves ; and in China for beating of offenders upon the thigs.” “And we understand farther, that it is the use of China, and the kingdoms of the high Levant, to write in 'Characters Real', which express neither letters nor words in gross, but things or notions ; insomuch as countries and provinces, which understand not one another's language, can nevertheless read one another's writings, because the characters are accepted more generally than the languages do extend ; and therefore they have a vast multitude of characters, as many, I suppose, as radical words.” Sekundärliteratur Saussy, Haun. Great walls of discourse and other adventures in cultural China [ID D22144]. In classifying Chinese writing as 'ideographic', nineteenth-century grammatologists repeated Francis Bacon's view of Chinese 'Characters Real', which is to say, they repeated Aristotle. In 1605 Bacon observed of the Chinese character : For the organ of tradition, it is either Speech or Writing : and Aristotle saith well, 'Words are the images of cogitations, and letters are the images of words'. For Bacon, Chinese writing brought the possibility of eliminating one of the levels of mediation through which the 'De Interpretatione' had constructed its picture of mind, language, and world. If indeed words symbolized affections in the soul and phonetic writing symbolized words, then a writing that symbolized affections in the soul would symbolize things themselved, since both things and affections were 'the same for all'. Bacon divided such 'notes of cogitations' into 'two sorts : the one when the note hath some similitude or congruity with the notion ; the other 'ad placitum', having force only by contract or acceptation', and he put Chinese characters into the latter category – as indeed did most European writers on China before Fenollosa. For Bacon, at least, ideogrammatism does not imply resemblance. The fortunes of the 'Chinese model' of writing promoted by Bacon – the direct notation of reality, through conventional characters, without the interference of spoken words. Bacon, with debts to Aristotle, initiates a nonphonetic and potentially wholly conventional model of writing, for which Chinese script serves as the chief ethnographic example, seconded by gesture and numbers. Bacon supposed that a universal character might, but need not necessarily, express some 'similitude or congruity' with the things signified. For a rival understanding of universal conceptual writing in Bacon’s period and afterwards, convention was inadequate, because no set of conventional marks could ever equal the power of a language grounded in a prior kinship between signified and signifiers. |
7 | 1856 |
Muirhead, William. Da Yingguo zhi [ID D2152]. Erwähnung von William Shakespeare unter dem Namen 'Shekesibi' = 舌克斯畢 in China. Muirhead erwähnt auch Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser, Francis Bacon und Richard Hooker. Er schreibt : "Shakespeare was a well-know public figure in the Elizabethan age. His brilliant works represent both beauty and virtue. No one has outshone him so far". |
8 | 1917 |
Chen, Duxiu. Wen xue ge ming lun [ID11258] : Chen schreibt : "Die europäische Kultur hat freilich viel der Politik und der Wissenschaft zu verdanken, doch auch nicht weniger der Literatur. Ich habe das Frankreich von Rousseau und Pasteur lieb, aber noch mehr das von Goethe und Hauptmann ; ich liebe das England von Bacon und Darwin, aber noch mehr das von Dickens und Wilde. Ist unter unseren heldenhaften Literaten jemand da, der den Mut hat, ein Hugo oder Zola, ein Goethe oder Hauptmann, ein Dickens oder Wilde zu werden ?" = "European culture has benefited considerably from the many contributions of political thinkers and scientists, but the contribution of writers has not been small either. I love the France of Hugo and Zola ; I love the Germany of Kant and Hegel, but I love especially the Germany of Goethe and Hauptmann ; I love the England of Bacon and Darwin, but I love especially the England of Dickens and Wilde. Is there some outstanding writer in our own national literature who will take on the role of China's Hugo, Zola, Goethe, Hauptmann, Dickens or Wilde ? Is there anyone bold enough to make a public challenge to the 'eighteen demons', ignoring the criticism of reactionary scholars ? If so, I am willing to drag out the cannon to from his vanguard." [Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Louis Pasteur, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gerhart Hauptmann, Francis Bacon, Charles Galton Darwin, Victor Hugo, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Emile Zola]. Bonnie S. McDougall : Chen meant no more than a literature in which the material world is shown to affect people's lives, and in which concern is shown particularly for the sufferings of the poor. The demand for 'freshness' should be taken in the context of 'stale classicism' ; Chen was not opposed to rich and elaborate descriptions of scenery or emotions as such, he only rejected the euphuistic and allusive language typical of a great deal of classical Chinese poetry and essays. His final aim, to create a simple and popular literature to replace obscure scholarly or eremitic literature, shows the most obvious reason for classing Wilde among the literary giants. |
# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1605 |
Bacon, Francis. The tvoo bookes of Francis Bacon : Of the proficience and aduancement of learning : diuine and humane. To the King. (London : Printed for Henrie Tomes, 1605. = Bacon, Francis. The advancement of learning : Of the proficience and advancement of learning, divine and human. [Enthält eine Eintragung über China]. |
Publication / Baco3 |
2 | 1620 |
Bacon, Francis. Novum organom. In : Bacon, Francis. Francisci de Verulamio Instauratio magna : multi pertransibunt & augebitur scientia. (Londini : Apud Joannem Billium, Typographum Regium, 1620). = The new organon. [Enthält Eintragungen über China]. Francis Bacon on the significance of three Chinese inventions : Printing, Gunpowder, and the Compass. |
Publication / Baco4 |
3 | 1623 |
Bacon, Francis. Francisci Baronis de Verulamio, Vice-Comitis Sancti Albani, Historia vitae & mortis, sive, Tutulus secundus in Historia naturali & experimentali ad condendam philosophiam : quae est Instaurationis magnae pars tertia. (Londini : In officina Io. Haviland, impensis Matthaei Lownes, 1623). [Enthält eine Eintragung über China]. |
Publication / Baco1 |
4 | 1625 |
Bacon, Francis. Of Vicissitude of Things. In : The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). [Enthält eine Eintragung über China]. |
Publication / Baco5 |
5 | 1626 |
Bacon, Francis. New Atlantis. In : Bacon, Francis. Sylua syluarum : or, A naturall historie : in ten centuries. Written by the Right Honourable Francis Lo. Publ. after the authors death, by William Rawley. (London : Printed by John Haviland and Augustine Mathewes for William Lee, 1626). [Enthält Eintragungen über China]. |
Publication / Baco6 |
6 | 1627 |
Bacon, Francis. Sylua syluarum : or, A naturall historie : in ten centuries. Written by the Right Honourable Francis Lo. Verulam Viscount St. Alban. Published after the authors death, by William Rawley Doctor of Diuinitie, late his Lordships chaplain. (London : Printed by John Haviland and Augustine Mathewes for William Lee, 1626 [i.e. 1627]. = Sylva Sylvarum. [Enthält Eintragungen über China]. |
Publication / Baco7 |
7 | 1878-1879 | [Bacon, Francis]. Ge zhi xin ji. Mu Weilian [William Muirhead] yi. In : Yi zhi xin lu (1878-1879). = (Shanghai : Tong wen shu hui, 1888). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. The Novum organon ; or, A true guide to the interpretation of nature. A new translation by the Rev. G.W. Kitchin. (Oxford : The University Press, 1855). | Publication / Muir-Baco1 |
8 | 1934 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Xin gong ju. Beigen zhu ; Shen Yinming yi. (Shanghai : Xin ken shu dian, 1934). (Zhe xue cong shu). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Novum organum. In : Bacon, Francis. Francisci de Verulamio Instauratio magna : multi pertransibunt & augebitur scientia. (Londini : Apud Joannem Billium, Typographum Regium, 1620). 新工具 |
Publication / Baco33 | |
9 | 1936 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Xin gong ju. Peigen zhu ; Guan Qitong yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1936). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Novum organum. In : Bacon, Francis. Francisci de Verulamio Instauratio magna : multi pertransibunt & augebitur scientia. (Londini : Apud Joannem Billium, Typographum Regium, 1620). 新工具 |
Publication / Baco34 | |
10 | 1937 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Xue wen zhi zeng jin. Peigen zhu ; Shao Peizi yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1937). (Wan you wen ku ; 2. Han yi shi jie ming zhu). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Francisci Baronis de Verulamio, Vice-Comitis Sancti Albani. De dignitate & augmentis scientiarum libri IX. (Londini : In officina Ioannis Hauiland, 1623). 學問之增進 |
Publication / Baco38 | |
11 | 1938 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Chong xue lun.Peigen zhu ; Guang Qitong yi. (Changsha : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1938). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. [The advancement of learning]. Pt. 1. In : Bacon, Francis. The tvoo bookes of Francis Bacon : Of the proficience and aduancement of learning : diuine and humane. To the King. (London : Printed for Henrie Tomes, 1605). 崇學論 |
Publication / Baco9 | |
12 | 1940 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen wen xuan. Peigen zhu ; Chen Deming bian yi. (Shanghai : Guang xue hui, 1940). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根文選 |
Publication / Baco26 | |
13 | 1944 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen dao de zhe xue lun wen ji. Peigen zhu ; Zhang Yintong bian yi. (Chongqing : Zhongguo wen hua fu wu she, 1944). (Qing nian wen ku). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根道德哲學論文集 |
Publication / Baco13 | |
14 | 1950 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen lun shuo wen ji. Peigen zhu ; Shui Tiantong yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan fa xing, 1950). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根論說文集 |
Publication / Baco15 | |
15 | 1957 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen lun wen ji. Fulanxisi Peigen zhu ; Li Guangyi yi. (Taibei : Xie zhi gong ye zhen xing hui, 1957). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by Iohn Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1626). 培根 論文集 |
Publication / Bac1 |
16 | 1959 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Xindaxi dao. Fu Peigen zhu ; He Xin yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1959). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. New Atlantis. In : Bacon, Francis. Sylua syluarum : or, A naturall historie : in ten centuries. Written by the Right Honourable Francis Lo. Publ. after the authors death, by William Rawley. (London : Printed by John Haviland and Augustine Mathewes for William Lee, 1626). 新大西島 |
Publication / Baco37 | |
17 | 1961 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen lun wen ji. = Complete essays of Francis Bacon. Yi Rangzhe yi. (Taipei : Wen-yan, 1961). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根論文集 |
Publication / Baco18 | |
18 | 1962 |
[Shakespeare, William ; Bacon, Francis]. Zhi hui de hua duo. Peigen, Shashibiya deng zhu ; Yi Zhi xuan yi.. (Tainan : Jing wei chu ban she, 1962). [Übersetzung der Zitate von Shakespeare und Bacon]. 智慧的花朵 |
Publication / Shak222 | |
19 | 1966 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen quan ji. Falanxisi Peigen zhu ; Ye Bozeng yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen chu ban she, 1966). (Xi yang wen xue ming zhu ; 10). [Übersetzung der gesammelten Werke von Francis Bacon]. 培根全集 |
Publication / Baco22 | |
20 | 1967 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen lun wen ji. Xue Baicheng yi. (Tainan : Jing wie shu ju, 1967). Übersetzung der Essays von Francis Bacon. Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根論文集 |
Publication / Baco19 | |
21 | 1967 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen yu lu. Yan Zu yi. (Taibei : Wu zhou chu ban she, 1967). [Übersetzung von Zitaten von Francis Bacon]. 培根語錄 |
Publication / Baco27 | |
22 | 1968 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Du shu de qing qu. Peigen deng zhu ; Lin Hengzhe, Liao Yunfan bian yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen chu ban she, 1968). (Xin chao wen ku ; 11). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. [The Pleasures of Reading]. [Enthält 19 Artikel bekannter chinesischer Intellektuellen ; der erste Artikel ist von Francis Bacon]. 讀書的情趣 |
Publication / Baco10 | |
23 | 1968 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Xin lun li xue. Ye Bozeng yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen chu ban she, 1968). (Gao shui zhun de du wu ; 42). [Übersetzung von Francis Bacon über Logik]. 新論理學 |
Publication / Baco36 | |
24 | 1970 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Jin yan xuan. Peigen zhu ; Luo Yunjia zhu bian. (Taibei : Zhe zhi chu ban she, 1970). (Xin zhen wen ku ; 8). [Übersetzung von Sprichwörtern von Bacon]. 金言選 |
Publication / Baco12 | |
25 | 1970 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Ying Mei xiao pin xuan du. Peigen deng zhu ; Chen Huiwen yi zhu. (Taibei : Hua lian chu ban she, 1970). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). [Text in Chinesisch und Englisch]. 英美小品選讀 |
Publication / Paco39 | |
26 | 1972 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen lun wen ji. Ye Bozeng yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen shu ju, 1972). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根論文集 |
Publication / Baco20 | |
27 | 1972 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen quan ji : da san wen jia, zheng zhi jia bi sheng xin xue jie zhu. (Taibei : Fa xing suo zheng wen shu ju, 1972). [Übersetzung der Werke von Bacon]. 培根全集 : 大散文家政治家畢生心血傑著 |
Publication / Baco23 |
28 | 1972 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Zhe xue ye hua. Peigen deng zhu ; Li Jiayi bian yi. (Taibei : Chang chun shu shu fang, 1972). [Übersetzung philosophischer Texte von Bacon]. 哲學夜話 |
Publication / Paco40 | |
29 | 1975 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Jin yan ji. Peigen deng zhu. (Tainan : Dong hai, 1975). [Übersetzung gesammelter Maxime von Bacon]. 金言集 |
Publication / Baco11 |
30 | 1983 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen lun ren sheng : Peigen lun shuo sui bia xuan. Fulanxisi Peigen zhu ; He Xin yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai ren min chu ban she, 1983). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根论人生 : 培根论说随笔选 |
Publication / Baco14 | |
31 | 1984 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Xin gong ju. Peigeng zhu ; Xu Baokui yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1984). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Novum organum. In : Bacon, Francis. Francisci de Verulamio Instauratio magna : multi pertransibunt & augebitur scientia. (Londini : Apud Joannem Billium, Typographum Regium, 1620). 新工具 |
Publication / Baco35 | |
32 | 1985 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen sui bi xuan. Fulanxisi Peigen zhu ; He Xin yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai ren min chu ban she, 1985). (Qing nian yi cong). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Essays von Bacon]. 培根随笔选 |
Publication / Baco24 | |
33 | 1986 |
[Shakespeare, William ; Bacon, Francis]. Zhi hui de hua duo. Shashibiya, Peigen deng zhu ; Wen Guang yi. (Tainan : Zong he chu ban she, 1986). [Übersetzung der Zitate von Shakespeare und Bacon]. 智慧的花朶 |
Publication / Baco8 | |
34 | 1986 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen lun wen ji. Peigen yuan zhu ; Wen guo shu ju bian yi zhe. (Tainan : Wen guo shu ju, 1986). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根論文集 |
Publication / Baco21 |
35 | 1990 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen zhe yan lu. Guo Jianhuai bian. (Changchun : Jilin jiao yu chu ban she, 1990). (Shi jie xian zhe zhen yan ji cui). [Übersetzung von Zitaten von Bacon]. 培根哲言录 |
Publication / Baco30 | |
36 | 1993 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen zuo pin jing cui. Huang Hongxu xuan bian. (Shijiazhuang : Hebei jiao yu chu ban she, 1993). (Shi jie wen xue bo lan cong shu). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根作品精粹 |
Publication / Baco31 | |
37 | 1995 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen lun shuo wen ji. Peigen ; Dong Xu yi. (Haikou : Hainan chu ban she, 1995). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根论说文集 |
Publication / Baco16 | |
38 | 1997 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen sui bi. Cao Minglun yi. (Chengdu : Sichuan ren min chu ban she, 1997). (Yu jin xiang yi cong). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根隨筆 |
Publication / Baco25 | |
39 | 1997 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen zhe li mei wen ji. Li Yuqing, Wang Xiyuan bian. (Hefei : Anhui wen yi chu ban she, 1997). (Da shi zhe li mei wen xi lie cong shu). [Übersetzung der Prosa-Werke von Bacon]. 培根哲理美文集 |
Publication / Baco28 | |
40 | 1998 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen lun shuo wen ji. (Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 1998). (Ta shi jing dian wen ku). ). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根论说文集 |
Publication / Baco17 |
41 | 1999 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Peigen zhe li san wen. Huang Mei bian xuan ; Ji Xianlin ming yu zhu bian. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Gus hi hui tu shu guan wen ku. Jing dian zhu zuo xi lie. Wai guo san wen). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 培根哲理散文 |
Publication / Baco29 | |
42 | 2000 |
[Bacon, Francis]. Shi shi zhen yan : Peigen lun shuo wen ji. Fulangxisi Peigen zhu ; Wang Yiguo yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo guang bo dian shi chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie wen hua ming ren wen ku jing xuan xi lie). Übersetzung von Bacon, Francis. Essayes : Religious meditations, Places of perswasion and disswasion : seene and allowed. (London : Printed [by John Windet] for Humfrey Hooper, 1597). = Bacon, Francis. The essays or covnsels, civill and morall of Francis Lo. Vervlam, viscovnt St. Alban. (London : Printed by John Haviland for Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625). 世事箴言培根論說文集 |
Publication / Baco32 |
# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1903 |
[Macaulay, Thomas Babington]. Peigen xin xue ge zhi lun. Makaolie zhu ; Malin, Li Yushu tong yi. (Jinling Zhonggulou Jidu shu yuan, 1903). Übersetzung von Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay. The life and writings of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England. (Edinburgh : The Edinburgh review, 1837). 培根新學格致論 |
Publication / Baco45 | |
2 | 1923 |
[Driesch, Hans]. Dulishu jiang yan lu. Dulishu zhu ; Zhang Junmai, Qu Shiying yi ; Jiang xue she bian ji. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1923). (The Driesch lectures ; no 1-8). Abhandlungen über Francis Bacon, Jakob Sigismund Beck, George Berkeley, Charles Darwin, René Descartes, Albert Einstein, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Jacob Friedrich Fries, Arnold Geulincx, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, Emmanuel Kant, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Salomon Maimon, Nicolas de Malebranche, John Locke, Friedrich Schelling, Baruch Spinoza. 杜里舒講演錄. 第1期 |
Publication / ZhaJ2 |
3 | 1929 |
[Durant, Will]. Folanxisi Peigen. Dulan zhu ; Zhan Wenhu yi. (Shanghai : Qing nian xie hui shu ju, 1929). Übersetzung von Durant, Will. The story of philosophy : the lives and opinions of the greater philosophers. (New York, N.Y. : Simon and Shuster, 1926). [Abhandlung über Baruch Spinoza, Platon, Aristoteles, Francis Bacon, Voltaire, Immanuel Kant, Herbert Spencer, Friedrich Nietzsche]. 斯賓諾莎 |
Publication / SpiB13 | |
4 | 1930-1931 |
Zhang, Dongsun. Xi yang zhe xue shi ABC. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Shi jie shu ju, 1930-1931). [Introduction à l'histoire de la philosophie occidentale. Vol. 1 : La philosophie grecque, ses écoles. Matérialisme et sensualisme. Socrate et Platon. Aristote. La philosophie du Moyen-âge. Vol. 2 : La philosophie moderne. Francis Bacon, René Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, Baruch de Spinoza, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Emmanuel Kant, George Wilhelm Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer]. 西洋哲學史ABC |
Publication / DesR17 | |
5 | 1946 | Zhang, Zhaopeng ; Ye, Yannong. Xiao xiang zhuo se hua ben : shi jie ming ren tu zhi. (Shanghai : Jiao yu hua ku chu ban she, 1946). [Portraits coloring book : world famous people]. [Betr. Francis Bacon, Benjamin Franklin, Louis Pasteur, Robert Edwin Peary, Michael Faraday, Marie Curie, Issac Newton]. | Publication / Baco57 | |
6 | 1958 |
[Farrington, Benjamin]. Fulanxisi Peigen. Falingdun ; Zhang Jingming. (Beijing : San lian shu dian, 1958). Übersetzung von Farrington, Benjamin. Francis Bacon, philosopher of industrial science. (New York, N.Y. : Schuman, 1949). 弗兰西斯•培根 |
Publication / Baco43 | |
7 | 1961 |
Peigen lun wen ji ; Xin da xi yang ; Xue wen de jin bu ; Xin gong ju. Peigen yuan zhu. (Taibei : Qi ming, 1961). (Shi jie wen xue da xi. Wai guo zhi bu). [Betr. Francis Bacon ; Tagungsband]. 培根論文集 ; 新大西洋 ; 學問的進步 ; 新工具 |
Publication / Baco46 |
8 | 1961 |
Peigen zhe xue si xiang : Peigen dan sheng si bai zhou nian ji nian wen ji. Zhongguo ke xue yuan zhe xue yan jiu suo xi fang zhe xue shi zu bian. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1961). [Abhandlung über Francis Bacon]. 培根哲學思想 : 培根誕生四百週年紀念文集 |
Publication / Baco47 |
9 | 1973 |
Chen, Jianxun. Peigen zhe xue si xiang yu jiao yu guan dian zhi yan jiu. (Taibei : Wen jing chu ban she, 1973). [Abhandlung über Francis Bacon]. 培根哲學思想與教育觀點之硏究 |
Publication / Paco41 | |
10 | 1983 |
[Quinton, Anthony]. Qi meng cai zi Peigen. Kundun zhu ; Zhuang Wenrui, Zhang Wangshan yi. (Taibei : Shi bao wen hua chu ban shi ye you xian gong si, 1983). (Shi jie li dai jing dian bao ku). Übersetzung von Quinton, Anthony. Francis Bacon. (New York, N.Y. : Hill and Wang, 1980). (Past masters series). 啟蒙才子培根 |
Publication / Baco48 | |
11 | 1984 |
[Quinton, Anthony]. Peigen. Sun Zhihua yi. (Taibei : Lian jing chu ban she ye gong si, 1984). (Xi fang si xiang jia yi cong ; 17). Übersetzung von Quinton, Anthony. Francis Bacon. (New York, N.Y. : Hill and Wang, 1980). (Past masters series). 培根 |
Publication / Baco49 | |
12 | 1987 |
Yu, Lichang. Peigen ji qi zhe xue. (Beijing : Ren min chu ban she chu ban fa xing, 1987). (Xi fang zhe xue shi yan jiu cong shu). [Abhandlung über Francis Bacon]. 培根及其哲学 |
Publication / Baco54 | |
13 | 1989 |
[Durant, Will]. Xi fang zhe xue shi hua. Wei'er Dulan yuan zhu. (Beijing : Shu mu wen xian chu ban she, 1989). (Wen shi cong shu ; 6). Übersetzung von Durant, Will. The story of philosophy : the lives and opinions of the greater philosophers. (New York, N.Y. : Simon and Shuster, 1926). [Abhandlung über Baruch Spinoza, Platon, Aristoteles, Francis Bacon, Voltaire, Immanuel Kant, Herbert Spencer, Friedrich Nietzsche]. 西方哲學史話 |
Publication / Paco42 | |
14 | 1991 |
Yi, Jiexiong. Peigen. (Taibei : Shu quan chu ban she, 1991). (Dian cang si xiang jia ; 4). [Abhandlung über Francis Bacon]. 培根 |
Publication / Baco53 | |
15 | 1992 |
[Quinton, Anthony]. Peigen. Andongni Kunden zhu ; Xu Zhongshi, Liu Qing yi ; Wang Bo jiao. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 1992). Übersetzung von Quinton, Anthony. Francis Bacon. (New York, N.Y. : Hill and Wang, 1980). (Past masters series). 培根 |
Publication / Baco50 | |
16 | 1996 |
Wang, Yijun. Peigen zhuan. (Shijiazhuang : Hebei ren min chu ban she, 1996). (Shi jie shi ta si xiang jia). [Biographie von Francis Bacon]. 培根传 |
Publication / Baco52 | |
17 | 2000 |
[Farrington, Benjamin]. Lusuo zhuan. Leimeng Telusong zhu ; Tian Wei yi. Peigen zhuan / Banjiaming Falingdun zhu ; Liang Chunsheng yi. (Beijing : Zhong gong zhong yang dang xiao chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie ming ren ming jia ming zhuan ; 6). [Biographie von Jean-Jacques Rousseau und Francis Bacon]. 卢梭传 |
Publication / Rous102 | |
18 | 2000 |
[Farrington, Benjamin]. Lusuo zhuan. Leimeng Telusong zhu ; Tian Wei yi. (Beijing : Zhong gong zhong yang dang xiao chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie ming ren ming jia ming zhuan ; 6). Übersetzung von Farrington, Benjamin. Francis Bacon, philosopher of industrial science. (New York, N.Y. : Schuman, 1949). 卢梭传 |
Publication / Baco44 | |
19 | 2000 |
Su, Ning. Qi meng ren ge : Peigen. (Wuhan : Changjiang wen yi chu ban she, 2000). (Xi fang zhi zhe ren ge cong shu ; 2). [Abhandlung über Francis Bacon]. 启蒙人格培根 |
Publication / Baco51 | |
20 | 2000 |
Zhang, Bingkui. Peigen. (Xianggang : Zhong hua shu ju (Xianggang) you xian gong si, 2000). (Xi fang si xiang jia bao ku ; 11). [Abhandlung über Francis Bacon]. 培根 |
Publication / Baco55 | |
21 | 2000 |
Zhang, Lei ; Lei, Xinping. Peigen (1561-1626). (Shenzhen : Hai tian chu ban she, 2000). [Abhandlung über Francis Bacon]. 培根(1561-1626) |
Publication / Baco56 | |
22 | 2009 | Gwee, Li Sui. Westward to the Orient : the specter of scientific China in Francis Bacon's New Atlantis. In : The English Renaissance, Orientalism, and the idea of Asia. Debra Johanyak, Walter S.H. Lim, eds. (Houndmills, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009). | Publication / Baco2 |