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Zhou, Zuoren

(Shaoxing, Zhejiang 1885-1967 Beijing) : Schriftsteller, Übersetzer

Name Alternative(s)

Zhou, Kuishou
Zhou, Chuo


Index of Names : China / Literature : China / Periods : China : People's Republic (1949-) / Periods : China : Republic (1912-1949) / Translator

Chronology Entries (26)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1901-1906 Zhou Zuoren studiert an der Jingnan Naval Academy (Jingnan shui shi xue tang). Er lernt Englisch und liest die Übersetzungen von Yan Fu und Lin Shu.
  • Document: Boorman, Howard ; Howard, Richard C. Biographical dictionary of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1967-1979). (Boo, Publication)
  • Document: Denton, Kirk A. Lu Xun biography : http://mclc.osu.edu/rc/bios/lxbio.htm. (Dent2, Web)
2 1905 Zhou, Zuoren. Zhi tang hui xang lu. [Tagebuch].
The diary of the Yisi lunar year [1905] records something of my translation of tales, which include The tale of Ali Baba and The forty thieves and The gold bug by Allan Poe....The general heading is The study of English literature. There are four or five books altogether, one of which is a long poem by Longfellow, as I now remember. All of these books were sent by Lu Xun.
....Yisi Lunar year, the first month, the fourteenth day, "Finished the translation of American Poe's tale The kidd drawing (The gold bug), about eighteen thousand words". I sent it to Ding Chuwo, and received Chuwo's return letter on the fourth day, the second month, in which he promised me a remuneration of fifty copies after it was published.
....The twenty-ninth day, "Received Chuwo's letter of the twenty-sixth, saying that The kidd drawing had been sent to the printers, and its name had been changed to Yu chong xuan (The story of a jade bug).
  • Document: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Publication)
  • Person: Poe, Edgar Allan
3 1906-1911 Zhou Zuoren studiert Japanisch an der Hosei Universität. Dann englische, japanische und klassische griechische Literatur an der Rikkyo Universität in Tokyo.
  • Document: Boorman, Howard ; Howard, Richard C. Biographical dictionary of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1967-1979). (Boo, Publication)
4 1908 [Zhou, Zuoren] Zhong, Yao. Bai nian lai xi yang xue shu zhi hui gu [ID D26252].
Zhou Zuoren schreibt : "In the past one hundred years, Norway produced two writers : one is Ibsen, and the other Björnson. Ibsen is a great naturalist. His works are full of social criticism."
  • Document: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China 1908-1997 : a critical-annotated bibliography of criticism, translation and performance. (Hong Kong : Chinese Univesity Press, 2001). S. 52. (Ibs1, Publication)
  • Person: Bjornson, Bjornstjerne Martinius
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
5 1909 Yu wai xiao shuo ji. Zhou Zuoren yi. [ID D12489].
Earliest translation of Oscar Wilde was The happy prince by Zhou Zuoren in classical Chinese. In his short introduction, Zhou argues that the key point of Wilde's aestheticism is to 'transform life into an art. He himself practiced it by wearing eccentric clothes of an extraordinary shape and walking down in the street with a sunflower in hand'. According to Zhou, Wilde was an artist with a will to transcend ordinary life and elevate himself to the higher level of the kingdom of art.
Zhou Zuoren's efforts to promote Western humanist writing were unsuccessful at that time. A re-issue of these translations in 1921 was soon out of print, this time presumably because classical Chinese was now superseded by the vernacular.
  • Document: Dougall, Bonny S. Fictional authors, imagery audiences : "The importance of being earnest" in China. = McDougall, Bonnie S. The importance of being earnest in China : early Chinese attitudes towards Oscar Wilde. In : Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, vol. 9 (1972/73). (WilO7, Publication)
  • Document: Zhou, Xiaoyi. Oscar Wilde : an image of artistic self-fashioning in modern China, 1909-1949. In : Images of Westerners in Chinese and Japanese literature : proceedings of the XVth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association‚ Literature as cultural memory, Leiden 1997. Ed. by Hua Meng, Sukehiro Hirakawa. (Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2000). (WilO4, Publication)
  • Person: Wilde, Oscar
6 1912-1917 Zhou Zuoren ist Inspektor des Zhejiang Provinical Education Bureau und der Educatgion Society in Shaoxing (Zhejiang). Er unterrichtet später Englisch an der Fifth Middle Zhejiang Secondary School in Shaoxing.
  • Document: Boorman, Howard ; Howard, Richard C. Biographical dictionary of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1967-1979). (Boo, Publication)
  • Document: A biographical dictionary of modern Chinese writers. Compiled by the Modern Chinese Literary Archives. (Beijing : New World Press, 1994). (BioD, Publication)
7 1917-1920 Zhou Zuoren ist am National History Compilation Office in Beijing tätig und wird Professor für griechische, römische und europäische Literatur an der Faculty of Arts der Beijing-Universität.
  • Document: Boorman, Howard ; Howard, Richard C. Biographical dictionary of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1967-1979). (Boo, Publication)
8 1918 Zhou Zuoren schreibt über das chinesische Drama in Xin qing nian ; vol. 5, no 5 (Nov. 1918).
"On the constructive side, there is only adopting European-style New Drama. Now there are people who make a fuss over the European style and are afraid to talk about “Westernization”. Actually, transferring the literature, art, and academic studies to our country does not mean to be conquered by another country. It is only that civilized things evolving from the barbaric stage are first discovered in Europe. Therefore we make a leap and bring these things here to save much effort on our part. These things brought to our country become ours, and there is no question of Westernization or not."
  • Document: Li, Kay. Bernard Shaw and China : cross-cultural encounters. (Gainesville : University Press of Florida, 2007). (The Florida Bernard Shaw series). S. 73. (Shaw63, Publication)
9 1920 Zhou Zuoren hält den Vortrag Sheng shu yu Zhongguo wen xue über die Bibel in der chinesischen Literatur.
  • Document: Gálik, Marián. The reception of the Bible in mainland China (1980-1992) : observations of a literara comparatist. In : Asian and African studies, 4 (1995). (Gal, Publication)
10 1920-1937 Zhou Zuoren ist Herausgeber der New Tide Society, Leiter des Institute for the Research of Folks Songs der Beijing-Universität und übersetzt ausländische Literatur
  • Document: A biographical dictionary of modern Chinese writers. Compiled by the Modern Chinese Literary Archives. (Beijing : New World Press, 1994). (BioD, Publication)
11 1921-1932 Mao Dun, Ye Shengtao, Zhou Zuoren, Zheng Zhenduo und andere gründen im Januar 1921 die Wen xue yan jiu hui (Literary Association = Literary Research Association = Society for Literary Studies) in Beijing. Die Vereinigung besteht aus Schriftstellern, Übersetzern Professoren und gibt Bücher-Serien über Literatur und Übersetzungen aus der Weltliteratur heraus. Die meisten Bücher werden von der Commercial Press = Shang wu yin shu guan in Shanghai gedruckt. Ihre Ziele sind das Studium und die Verbreitung der Weltliteratur, die alte chinesische Literatur zu ordnen und einer neuen Bewegung zu unterziehen, sowie eine neue Literatur zu schaffen.
  • Document: Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig. Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur : die 3000jährige Entwicklung der poetischen, erzählenden und philosophisch-religiösen Literatur Chinas von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. (Bern ; München : Scherz, 1990). S. 511. (SH5, Publication)
  • Document: Hockx, Michel. The Literary Association (Wenxue yanjiu hui, 1920-1947) and the literary field of early Republican China. In : The China quarterly ; no 153 (1998). [Wen xue yan jiu hui]. (Hock1, Publication)
  • Document: Zheng Zhenduo : http://www.masterliness.com/a/Zheng.Zhenduo.htm. (ZheZ1, Web)
  • Person: Mao, Dun
  • Person: Ye, Shengtao
  • Person: Zheng, Zhenduo
12 1921 Zhou, Zuoren. San wen xiao shi [ID D22649].
Er schreibt : "Baudelaire published Les fleurs du mal in 1857, opening a new era in the history of modern literature. He uses the refined forms of the Parnassian school to write on the real experience of his disillusioned soul, an experience aptly represents the mood of modern man. He fills his poetry with the dark side of his caracter, the bitterness of his philosophy, and the grief of his despair. His vision is dark and horrible and a large part of his poems is quite unsuitable for the young and the ignorant. But the initiates can gain from his poetry the really uncommon power. He also has a volume of fifty Petits poèmes en prose, originally entitled Le spleen de Paris, which is of the same kind of exquisite language. The vogue of poem in prose in our time can be regarded as the result of his influence."
  • Document: Ma, Yiu-man. Translation and literary politics : Baudelaire in the new literature movement, 1921-1925. In : Tamkang review ; vol. 28, no 2 (1997). (BauC20, Publication)
  • Person: Baudelaire, Charles
13 1922 Zhou Zuoren ist Vorsteher des Literature Department der Yanjing-Universität.
  • Document: A biographical dictionary of modern Chinese writers. Compiled by the Modern Chinese Literary Archives. (Beijing : New World Press, 1994). (BioD, Publication)
14 1922 Zhou, Zuoren. Zi ji de yuan di [ID D27657].
Bonnie S. McDougall : By 1922 the new literary movement was undergoing its first internal debate, 'art for art's sake' versus 'art for life's sake'. Zhou Zuoren was among those who objected to the false distinction being made, although ultimately he had to declare himself on the side of life : “'Art for art's sake' will separate art from life and make life an appendage of art, or even make an art out of life as Oscar Wilde proposed – of course, this would not be very proper ; 'art for life's sake' will make art an appendage of life or make art into a tool for changing life and not an end in itself – surely this is separating life from art”.
Despite this disapproving tone, Zhou strongly defended Wilde's dialogue The decay of lying, and even remonstrated with one of Wilde's translators for rendering 'lying' by the more innocuous Chinese word for 'fabrication' (jia kong). Zhou Zuoren regarded beauty of Language and a ready wit as the special qualities of Wilde's plays and essays, but his favourite pieces were The happy prince and The fisherman and his soul, the tales with a strong element of fantasy. Zhou noted the thread of social compassion which ran through the fairy-tales, but he also described them as 'unchildlike', 'a poet's poem', and their author as a 'decadent aesthete'. Zhous literary sensibilities enabled him to appreciate Wilde's literary work and attitudes, but his moral seriousness was offended by the dissipation in Wilde's personal life which he read about in Western criticism.
  • Document: Dougall, Bonny S. Fictional authors, imagery audiences : "The importance of being earnest" in China. = McDougall, Bonnie S. The importance of being earnest in China : early Chinese attitudes towards Oscar Wilde. In : Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, vol. 9 (1972/73). (WilO7, Publication)
  • Person: Wilde, Oscar
15 1924 Zhou Zuoren will drei Formen des Theaters : ein Sprechtheater für eine anspruchsvolle Minderheit, ein Musiktheater im alten Stil und ein reformiertes Musiktheater für die Massen.
  • Document: Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig. Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur : die 3000jährige Entwicklung der poetischen, erzählenden und philosophisch-religiösen Literatur Chinas von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. (Bern ; München : Scherz, 1990). S. 508. (SH5, Publication)
16 1926 Zhou Zuoren kommt mit andern Dozenten der Beijing-Universität wegen radikalen Aktivitäten auf die "schwarze Liste".
  • Document: Boorman, Howard ; Howard, Richard C. Biographical dictionary of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1967-1979). (Boo, Publication)
17 1927 Zhou Zuoren versteckt sich vor der japanischen Militärregierung.
  • Document: Boorman, Howard ; Howard, Richard C. Biographical dictionary of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1967-1979). (Boo, Publication)
18 1928 Zhou Zuoren ist Dekan des Literature Department, Leiter des Research Institute of Literature und Dekan des Japanese Literature Department der Beijing-Universität.
  • Document: A biographical dictionary of modern Chinese writers. Compiled by the Modern Chinese Literary Archives. (Beijing : New World Press, 1994). (BioD, Publication)
19 1937 Zhou Zuoren unterrichtet an der Yanjing-Universität, am National Beijing University Women's College of Arts and Sciences und an der Sino-French University.
  • Document: Boorman, Howard ; Howard, Richard C. Biographical dictionary of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1967-1979). (Boo, Publication)
20 1938 Zhou Zuoren wird Mitglied des Nanjing Nationalist Government unter der japanischen Regierung, Mitglied der North China Political Affairs Commission, Instpektor des General Education Bureau und des Council of the North China Branch of the Sino-Japanese Cultural Association.
  • Document: A biographical dictionary of modern Chinese writers. Compiled by the Modern Chinese Literary Archives. (Beijing : New World Press, 1994). (BioD, Publication)
21 1939 Zhou Zuoren ist Dekan der Faculty of Literature der Beijing-Universität.
  • Document: Boorman, Howard ; Howard, Richard C. Biographical dictionary of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1967-1979). (Boo, Publication)
22 1940 Zhou Zuoren ist Leiter des Bureau of Education der japanischen Regierung in Nord-China.
  • Document: Boorman, Howard ; Howard, Richard C. Biographical dictionary of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1967-1979). (Boo, Publication)
23 1945-1949 Zhou Zuoren ist in Gefangenschaft der Guomindang.
  • Document: A biographical dictionary of modern Chinese writers. Compiled by the Modern Chinese Literary Archives. (Beijing : New World Press, 1994). (BioD, Publication)
24 1949-1967 Zhou Zuoren geht zuerst nach Shanghai, dann nach Beijing und schreibt Bücher.
  • Document: A biographical dictionary of modern Chinese writers. Compiled by the Modern Chinese Literary Archives. (Beijing : New World Press, 1994). (BioD, Publication)
25 1966 Zhou Zuoren kommt in Gefangenschaft durch die Rotgardisten.
26 1988 Zhou, Zuoren. Alisi man you qi jing ji [ID D32104].
" As for the children themselves, since they need in deed this fancy work when their imagination is to be developed, it's beyond the right of us adults to deprive them of this need, no matter in what holy name, such as God, emperor or country, just as we mustn't deprive them of clothing and food."
Hu Rong : What Zhou requested from the adults was the respect for the psychological needs of children as vital as their physical needs. He argued that love for fantasy and daydream was in children's nature, and it would be the worst policy for adults to suppress this nature with their moralism or impose all the arbitrary restrictions upon children, while Chinese people has long taken for granted that any idea unpractical in the little heads was harmful and should be prohibited, let alone nonsense.
  • Document: Hu, Rong. Zhao Yuanren's translation of Alice's adventures in wonderland and its significance in modern Chinese literary history. In : Frontiers of literary studies in China ; vol. 4, no 3 (2010). (Carro1, Publication)
  • Person: Carroll, Lewis

Bibliography (50)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1905 [Hagarty, W.H. The gold bug : a melodrama in five acts]. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Xiao shuo lin (1905). Übersetzung von Hagarty, W.H. The gold bug : a melodrama in five acts. (Manuskript 1896). Publication / Zho10
  • Cited by: Boorman, Howard ; Howard, Richard C. Biographical dictionary of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1967-1979). (Boo, Published)
  • Person: Hagarty, W.H.
2 1908 Zhong, Yao [Zhou, Zuoren]. Bai nian lai xi yang xue shu zhi hui gu. In : Xue bao ; vol. 1, no 19 (1908). [A review of Western scholarship in the past one hundred years ; Erwähnung von Henrik Ibsen und Bjornstjerne Martinius Bjornson].
Publication / Ibs95
  • Cited by: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China 1908-1997 : a critical-annotated bibliography of criticism, translation and performance. (Hong Kong : Chinese Univesity Press, 2001). (Ibs1, Published)
  • Person: Bjornson, Bjornstjerne Martinius
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
3 1908 [Mór, Jókai]. Xiong nu qi shi lu. Zhou Zuoren yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1908). Übersetzung von Mór, Jókai. Egy magyar nábob. (Pest :1853-1854). = Ein ungarischer Nabob : Roman. (Pest : G. Emich, 1856). = An Hungarian nabob : a romance. (London : Jarrold, 1898).
Publication / MorJo1
4 1909-1920 Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji.
Publication / Zho4
  • Source: [Lermontov, Mikhail]. Yin niu bei. Laimentuifu zhu ; Wu Tao yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1907). (Xiu zhen xiao shuo). = In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Lermontov, Mikhail. Geroy nashego vremeni. (St Peterburg : Tip Glauzuniva, 1840). = A hero of our time. (Longon : Ingram, Cooke, & Co., 1853). = Lermontov, Mikhail. Der Held unserer Zeit : kaukasische Lebensbilder. Aus dem Russischen übersetzt von August Boltz. (Berlin : C. Schultze, 1852).
    銀鈕碑 (Ler3, Publication)
  • Source: [Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich]. Mo. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji ; vol. 1 (1909). Enl. ed. (Shanghai : Qun yi shu she (March 1921). Übersetzung von Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich. Molchanie. In : Zhurnal dlia vsekh ; no 12 (Dec. 1900). = Das Schweigen. Übers. von D. Treller. In : Aus fremden Zungen ; Jg. 16, Bd. 1 (1906). = Silence. In : Andreev, Leonid Nikolaevich. Silence and other stories. (London : F. Griffiths, 1910).
    默 (LuX15, Publication)
  • Source: [Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich]. Qi shi. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. Dom s mezoninom : rasskaz khudozhnika. In : Russkie vedomosti ; no 237 (28. Aug. 1894). = In : Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. Rasskazy. (S. Peterburg : A.F. Marksa, 1899). = Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. The house with the mezzanine and other stories. (New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1917).
    戚施 (Chek156, Publication)
  • Source: [Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich]. Sai wai. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. V ssylke. In : Russkie vedomosti ; no 237 (28. Aug. 1894). = Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. In exile. In : Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. The black monk, and other stories. (London : Duckworth, 1903).
    塞外 (Chek157, Publication)
  • Source: [Aho, Juhani]. Xian qu. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Aho, Juhani. Pioneers. In : Squire Hellman and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : Cassell, 1893).
    先驱 (Aho1, Publication)
  • Source: [Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich]. Man. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Andreev, Leonid Nikolaevich. Lozh'. In : Andreyev, Leonid. Razskazy. (S.-Peterburg : Izd.vo Znanie, 1901). = The lie. In : Andreev, Leonid Nikolaevich. Silence and other stories. (London : F. Griffiths, 1910).
    谩 (And5, Publication)
  • Source: [Sienkiewicz, Henryk]. Yue ren yang ke. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Janko Muzykant. In : Kurierze Warszawskim (1879). = Janko der Musikant. In : Ums liebe Brot und 10 andere Novellen. (Einsiedeln : Benziger, 1906).
    乐人扬珂 (Sien2, Publication)
  • Source: [Wilde, Oscar]. An le wang zi. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Wilde, Oscar. The happy prince. In : Wilde, Oscar. The happy prince, and other stories. Ill. By Walter Crane and Jacomb Hood. (London : D. Nutt, 1888).
    安樂王子 (WilO125, Publication)
  • Source: [Garshin, Vsevolod Michajlovic]. Xie hou. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji ; vol. 2 (1909). Übersetzung von Garsin, Vsevolod Michajlovic. Cetyre dnja. In : Otecestvennyja zapiski (1877). = In : Garsin, V.M. Rasskazy. (S. Peterburg : [s.n.], 1882). = Vier Tage. In : Russische Soldatengeschichten. (Berlin : Schorss, 1890). = Four days. In : The signal and other stories. (London : Duckworth, 1915). = Vier Tage. In : Die rote Blume und andere Novellen. (Leipzig : P. Reclam, Vorw. dat. 1906).
    邂逅 (Gars1, Publication)
  • Source: [Maupassant, Guy de]. Yue ye. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Maupassant, Guy de. Clair de lune. (Paris : Monnier, 1884). [Geschrieben 1882].
    月夜 (Maup83, Publication)
  • Source: [Mulabdic, Edhem]. Bu chen. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
    不辰 (MulE2, Publication)
  • Source: [Mulabdic, Edhem]. Mo he mo weng. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
    摩诃末翁 (MulE3, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Jin jia chong. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The gold bug. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1843).
    金甲蟲 (PoeEA1, Publication)
  • Source: [Sienkiewicz, Henryk]. Tian shi. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Angel. In : Angel : i drugie rasskazy. (S.-Peterburg : S.-Peterburgskaia elektropechatnia, 1902). = Der Engel und andere Geschichten. (Berlin : Globus-Verl., 1903).
    天使 (Sien1, Publication)
  • Source: [Stepniak, Sergey]. Yi wen qian. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Stepniak, Sergey. Skazka o kopeike. In : Stepniak, Sergey. Sobranie sochinenii. (S.-Peterburg : M.IA. Minkova, 1907-1908).
    一文錢 (Step1, Publication)
  • Source: [Garshin, Vsevolod Michajlovic]. Si ri. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji ; vol. 2 (1909). Übersetzung von Garshin, Vsevolod Michajlovic. Chetyre dnia. In : Otechestvenny zapiski (1877). = (Moskva : I. D. Sytina", 1886). = Four days. In : Poet lore ; vol. 3 (1891). = Vier Tage. In : Die rote Blume und andere Novellen. (Leipzig : P. Reclam, Vorw. dat. 1906).
    四日 (Gars2, Publication)
  • Source: [Jókai, Mór]. Xiong nu qi shi lu. Yuke Mo'er zhu ; Zhou Chou [Zhou Zuoren] yi. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1915). (Shuo bu cong shu ; 2, 51). = In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von von Jókai, Mór. Egy az Isten : regény. Vol. 1-2. (Budapest : Franklin-tárzulat, 1889). = Die nur einmal lieben : Roman. (Berlin : O. Janke, 1878).
    匈奴奇士錄 (Zho13, Publication)
  • Source: [Andersen, Hans Christian]. Huang di de xin yi. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Andersen, Hans Christian. Keiserens nye Klaeder. In : Eventyr fortalte for born (7. April 1837). = Des Kaisers neue Kleider. In : Andersen, Hans Christian. Mährchen und Erzählungen für Kinder. (Braunschweig : Fr. Vieweg und Sohn, 1840).
    皇帝的新衣 (AndAC1, Publication)
  • Source: [Gorky, Maksim]. Ying ge. Tian Tui yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Gorky, Maksim. Pesnya o burevestnike. In : Zhizn magazine (April 1901). = Song of the stormy petrel. In : Cosmopolitan ; no 40 (Jan. 1906). = L'annonciateur de la tempête. (Paris : Mercure de France, 1905).
    鹰歌 (GorM5, Publication)
  • Source: [Mickiewicz, Adam]. Deng tai shou yi shi. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Mickiewicz, Adam. Latarnik. (1834). In : Niwie (1881). = The lighthouse keeper.
    灯台守 (Mick1, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Mo. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Silence : a fable. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1837).
    默 (PoeEA2, Publication)
  • Source: [Schwob, Marcel]. Hun xi. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Schwob, Marcel. La veillée nuptiale. In : Mimes. L'écho de Paris (1892). = In : Schwob, Marcel. La lampe de Psyché. (Paris : Marcure de France, 1906).
    婚夕 (Schwo1, Publication)
  • Source: [Schwob, Marcel]. Zhou shi. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Schwob, Marcel. Le marin. In : Mimes. L'écho de Paris (1892). = In : Schwob, Marcel. La lampe de Psyché. (Paris : Marcure de France, 1906).
    舟师 (Schwo2, Publication)
  • Source: [Schwob, Marcel]. Samo shi zhi jiu. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Schob, Marcel. Le vin de Samos. In : Mimes. L'écho de Paris (1892). = In : Schwob, Marcel. La lampe de Psyché. (Paris : Marcure de France, 1906).
    萨摩思之酒 (Schwo3, Publication)
  • Source: [Schwob, Marcel]. Xi si mei. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Schob, Marcel. Sismé. In : Mimes. L'écho de Paris (1892). = In : Schwob, Marcel. La lampe de Psyché. (Paris : Marcure de France, 1906).
    昔思美 (Schwo4, Publication)
  • Source: [Schwob, Marcel]. Ming qi. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Schob, Marcel. Les présents funéraires. In : Mimes. L'écho de Paris (1892). = In : Schwob, Marcel. La lampe de Psyché. (Paris : Marcure de France, 1906).
    明器 (Schwo5, Publication)
  • Source: [Sologub, Fjodor]. Wei sheng zhe zhi ai. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
    未生者之爱 (Solo1, Publication)
  • Source: [Sologub, Fjodor]. Yu yan. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). [Übersetzung von Fabeln von Sologub].
    寓言 (Solo2, Publication)
  • Source: [Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich]. Fu yu zi. Lan Haiwen yi. (1896). In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Turgenev, Ivan. Ottsy i deti. In : Russkiy vestnik (Febr. 1862) = Pères et enfants. (Paris : Charpentier, 1863).= Fathers and sons : a novel. (New York, N.Y. : Leypoldt & Holt, 1867). = Väter und Söhne. Aus dem Russischen von Wilhelm Lange. 2. Aufl. mit einem Nachwort des Verfassers. (Leipzig : Reclam, 1876).
    父與子 (Turg11, Publication)
  • Source: [Ephtaliotes, Argyres]. Lao tai nuo si. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
    老泰诺思 (Eph1, Publication)
  • Source: [Ephtaliotes, Argyres]. Mi mi zhi ai. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). = Ephtaliotes, Argyres. Secret love. In : Ephtaliotes, Argyres. Tales from the isles of Greece. (London : J.M. Dent, 1897). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
    秘密之爱 (Eph2, Publication)
  • Source: [Ephtaliotes, Argyres]. Tong ming. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
    同命 (Eph3, Publication)
  • Cited by: Liang, Yea-jen. Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm in China : Rezeption und Wirkung. (Wiesbaden : O. Harrassowitz, 1986). (LiaY, Published)
  • Cited by: A biographical dictionary of modern Chinese writers. Compiled by the Modern Chinese Literary Archives. (Beijing : New World Press, 1994). (BioD, Published)
  • Cited by: Findeisen, Raoul D. Lu Xun (1881-1936) : Texte, Chronik, Bilder, Dokumente. (Basel : Stroemfeld / Nexus, 2001). (Nexus ; 19). (FiR5, Published)
  • Cited by: Denton, Kirk A. Lu Xun biography : http://mclc.osu.edu/rc/bios/lxbio.htm. (Dent2, Web)
  • Person: Lu, Xun
5 1909 [Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich]. Qi shi. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. Dom s mezoninom : rasskaz khudozhnika. In : Russkie vedomosti ; no 237 (28. Aug. 1894). = In : Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. Rasskazy. (S. Peterburg : A.F. Marksa, 1899). = Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. The house with the mezzanine and other stories. (New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1917).
Publication / Chek156
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
6 1909 [Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich]. Sai wai. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. V ssylke. In : Russkie vedomosti ; no 237 (28. Aug. 1894). = Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. In exile. In : Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. The black monk, and other stories. (London : Duckworth, 1903).
Publication / Chek157
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
7 1909 [Mulabdic, Edhem]. Bu chen. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
Publication / MulE2
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Person: Mulabdic, Edhem
8 1909 [Mulabdic, Edhem]. Mo he mo weng. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
Publication / MulE3
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Person: Mulabdic, Edhem
9 1913 Zhou, Zuoren. Tong hua yan jiu ; Tong hua lue lun. In : Jiao yu bu pian zuan chu yue kan ; vol. 1, no 7-8 (1913). [Erste Abhandlungen über Märchen, erste Erwähnung der Brüder Grimm]. Publication / ZhoZ1
  • Cited by: Liang, Yea-jen. Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm in China : Rezeption und Wirkung. (Wiesbaden : O. Harrassowitz, 1986). (LiaY, Published)
  • Person: Grimm, Jacob
  • Person: Grimm, Wilhelm
10 1914 [Haggard, H. Rider ; Lang, Andrew]. Hong xing yi shi. Luoda Hagede, Andulanju zhu ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1907). (Shuo bu cong shu chi ji ; 78). Übersetzung von Haggard, H. Rider ; Lang, Andrew. The world's desire. (London : Longmans, Green, 1890).
Publication / Zho3
11 1914 [Sienkiewicz, Henryk]. Tuo lu. Zhou Zuoren yi. ([S.l. : s.n.], 1914). = (Beijing : Xin chao she, 1925). Übersetzung von Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Hania. Transl. from the Polish by Jeremiah Curtin. (London : J.M. Dent, 1897). Darin enthalten : Charcoal sketches.
Publication / Zho11
  • Cited by: Boorman, Howard ; Howard, Richard C. Biographical dictionary of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1967-1979). (Boo, Published)
  • Person: Sienkiewicz, Henryk
12 1918 Zhou, Zuoren. Ou zhou wen xue shi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1918). (Beijing da xue cong shu ; 3). [Geschichte der europäischen Literatur]. [Darin enthalten ist ein Kapitel über Sturm und Drang-Periode, über Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Die Leiden des jungen Werther und Faust].
Publication / Goe10
  • Cited by: Yip, Terry Siu-han. Test and contexts : Goethe's works in Chinese translation prior to 1985. In : Asian and African studies ; 6 (1997). (Yip1, Published)
  • Cited by: Yip, Terry Siu-han. Goethe in China : the reception of Faust and Werther in 20th century China. In : East-West dialogue : special issue ; vol. 4, no 2 - vol. 5, no 1 (2000). (Yip2, Published)
  • Person: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
13 1919 Zhou, Zuoren. Xiao he xu. In : Xin Qing nian ; 6.2 (1919). [Erste Erwähnung von Baudelaire in China].
Publication / BauC21
  • Cited by: Ma, Yiu-man. Translation and literary politics : Baudelaire in the new literature movement, 1921-1925. In : Tamkang review ; vol. 28, no 2 (1997). (BauC20, Published)
  • Person: Baudelaire, Charles
14 1919 [Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich]. Chi tong. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Xin qing nian ; vol. 7, no 1 (1919). Übersetzung von Andreyev, Leonid. Ben Tobit. In : Nizhegorodskii sbornik (St Peterburg 1905). = Ben Tobit. In : Andreyev, Leonid. Judas Iscariot. (London : F. Griffiths, 1910).
Publication / And15
  • Cited by: Ng, Mau-sang. The Russian hero in modern Chinese fiction. (Hong Kong : The Chinese University Press, 1988). (SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture). (Ng1, Published)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich
15 1920 Zhou, Zuoren. Bei xing fu wang que de ren men. In : Xin qing nian, Bd. 8, Nr. 3 (1920). Übersetzung von Pinski, David. Six plays of the Yiddish theatre. Transl. and ed. by Isaac Goldberg. (Boston : Luce, 1916). [Vermutlich die älteste Übersetzung eines literarischen jiddischen Werkes, jedoch nicht nach dem Original]. Publication / Zhou-Pins1
  • Cited by: From Kaifeng... to Shanghai : jews in China. Ed. by Roman Malek. (Sankt Augustin : Monumenta Serica Institute ; China-Zentrum, 2000). (Monumenta serica monograph series ; 46). (MalR5, Published)
  • Person: Pinski, David
16 1920 Dian di : jin dai ming jia duan pian xiao shuo. Tuoersitai zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren ji yi. Vol. 1-2. (Beijing : Guo li Beijing da xue chu ban bu, 1920. (Xin chao cong shu). [Übersetzungen von westlichen Kurzgeschichten].
點滴 : 近代名家短篇小說
Publication / Zho5
17 1920 [Andersen, Hans Christian]. Huang di de xin yi. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Andersen, Hans Christian. Keiserens nye Klaeder. In : Eventyr fortalte for born (7. April 1837). = Des Kaisers neue Kleider. In : Andersen, Hans Christian. Mährchen und Erzählungen für Kinder. (Braunschweig : Fr. Vieweg und Sohn, 1840).
Publication / AndAC1
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Andersen, Hans Christian
18 1920 [Mickiewicz, Adam]. Deng tai shou yi shi. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Mickiewicz, Adam. Latarnik. (1834). In : Niwie (1881). = The lighthouse keeper.
Publication / Mick1
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Person: Mickiewicz, Adam
19 1920 [Schwob, Marcel]. Hun xi. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Schwob, Marcel. La veillée nuptiale. In : Mimes. L'écho de Paris (1892). = In : Schwob, Marcel. La lampe de Psyché. (Paris : Marcure de France, 1906).
Publication / Schwo1
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Cited by: Internet (Wichtige Adressen werden separat aufgeführt) (Int, Web)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Schwob, Marcel
20 1920 [Schwob, Marcel]. Zhou shi. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Schwob, Marcel. Le marin. In : Mimes. L'écho de Paris (1892). = In : Schwob, Marcel. La lampe de Psyché. (Paris : Marcure de France, 1906).
Publication / Schwo2
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Cited by: Internet (Wichtige Adressen werden separat aufgeführt) (Int, Web)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Schwob, Marcel
21 1920 [Schwob, Marcel]. Samo shi zhi jiu. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Schob, Marcel. Le vin de Samos. In : Mimes. L'écho de Paris (1892). = In : Schwob, Marcel. La lampe de Psyché. (Paris : Marcure de France, 1906).
Publication / Schwo3
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Cited by: Internet (Wichtige Adressen werden separat aufgeführt) (Int, Web)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Schwob, Marcel
22 1920 [Schwob, Marcel]. Xi si mei. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Schob, Marcel. Sismé. In : Mimes. L'écho de Paris (1892). = In : Schwob, Marcel. La lampe de Psyché. (Paris : Marcure de France, 1906).
Publication / Schwo4
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Cited by: Internet (Wichtige Adressen werden separat aufgeführt) (Int, Web)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Schwob, Marcel
23 1920 [Schwob, Marcel]. Ming qi. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Schob, Marcel. Les présents funéraires. In : Mimes. L'écho de Paris (1892). = In : Schwob, Marcel. La lampe de Psyché. (Paris : Marcure de France, 1906).
Publication / Schwo5
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Cited by: Internet (Wichtige Adressen werden separat aufgeführt) (Int, Web)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Schwob, Marcel
24 1920 [Sologub, Fjodor]. Wei sheng zhe zhi ai. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
Publication / Solo1
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Person: Sologub, Fjodor
25 1920 [Ephtaliotes, Argyres]. Lao tai nuo si. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
Publication / Eph1
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Person: Ephtaliotes, Argyres
26 1920 [Ephtaliotes, Argyres]. Mi mi zhi ai. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). = Ephtaliotes, Argyres. Secret love. In : Ephtaliotes, Argyres. Tales from the isles of Greece. (London : J.M. Dent, 1897). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
Publication / Eph2
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Cited by: Internet (Wichtige Adressen werden separat aufgeführt) (Int, Web)
  • Person: Ephtaliotes, Argyres
27 1920 [Ephtaliotes, Argyres]. Tong ming. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
Publication / Eph3
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Person: Ephtaliotes, Argyres
28 1920 Zhou, Zuoren. Wen xue shang de Eguo yu Zhongguo. In : Eguo wen xue yan jiu (1920). = In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; Sept. (1921). [Russia and China in literature]. Publication / ZhouZ11
  • Cited by: Gamsa, Mark. The reading of Russian literature of China : a moral example and manual of practice. (New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). (Gam2, Published)
29 1921-1922 Zhou, Zuoren. San wen xiao shi. In : Chen bao fu kan ; no 2-3 (Nov. 1921-April 1922). [Darin enthalten sind Übersetzungen von acht Gedichten aus Le spleen de Paris von Charles Baudelaire].
Publication / BauC19
  • Cited by: Ma, Yiu-man. Translation and literary politics : Baudelaire in the new literature movement, 1921-1925. In : Tamkang review ; vol. 28, no 2 (1997). (BauC20, Published)
  • Person: Baudelaire, Charles
30 1921 [Wilde, Oscar]. [Zi si de ju ren]. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Xin chao ; Sept. (1921). Übersetzung von Wilde, Oscar. The selfish giant. In : Wilde, Oscar. The happy prince, and other stories. Ill. By Walter Crane and Jacomb Hood. (London : D. Nutt, 1888).
Publication / WilO102
  • Cited by: Dougall, Bonny S. Fictional authors, imagery audiences : "The importance of being earnest" in China. = McDougall, Bonnie S. The importance of being earnest in China : early Chinese attitudes towards Oscar Wilde. In : Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, vol. 9 (1972/73). (WilO7, Published)
  • Person: Wilde, Oscar
31 1921 Eguo wen xue yan jiu. In : Special issue of Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 12, Sept. (1921). [The study of Russian literature].
[Enthält] : Zhou Zuoren. Wen xue shang de Eguo yu Zhongguo.
Zheng Zhenduo was placing the photographs of eleven writers and artists.
Publication / Eguo1
  • Cited by: Gamsa, Mark. The reading of Russian literature of China : a moral example and manual of practice. (New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). (Gam2, Published)
  • Person: Zheng, Zhenduo
32 1922 Xian dai xiao shuo yi cong. Antelaifu deng zhu ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1922). (Xian dai xiao shuo yi cong). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten aus Russland und Osteuropa].
Publication / Zho7
33 1922 Zhou, Zuoren. Zi ji de yuan di. In : Chen bao fu kan ; Jan.-Oct. (1922). = (Beijing : Chen bao she chu ban bu, 1923). (Chen bao she cong shu ; 11). [One's own garden]. [Enthält Eintragungen über Oscar Wilde].
Publication / ZhouZ10
  • Cited by: Dougall, Bonny S. Fictional authors, imagery audiences : "The importance of being earnest" in China. = McDougall, Bonnie S. The importance of being earnest in China : early Chinese attitudes towards Oscar Wilde. In : Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, vol. 9 (1972/73). (WilO7, Published)
  • Person: Wilde, Oscar
34 1922 Zhou, Zuoren. Alisi man you qi jing ji. In : Chen bao fu juan ; 12.3.1922. Repr. In : Zhou, Zuoren. Zi ji de yuan di yu tian de shu. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1988). [Betr. Alice's adventures in wonderland von Lewis Carroll].
Publication / Carro4
  • Cited by: Hu, Rong. Zhao Yuanren's translation of Alice's adventures in wonderland and its significance in modern Chinese literary history. In : Frontiers of literary studies in China ; vol. 4, no 3 (2010). (Carro1, Published)
  • Person: Carroll, Lewis
35 1924 Ouzhou da lu xiao shuo ji = Modern continental short stories. Zhou Zuoren yi [et al.]. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1924). (Dong fang wen ku ; 78).
Publication / Zho8
36 1924 Zhou, Zuoren. Sheng shu yu Zhongguo wen xue = Bible and literature. Sheng jing zhi wen xue de yan jiu. W[illiam] H. Hudson zhu ; Tang Chengbo, Ye Qifang he yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1924). (Xiao shuo yue bao cong kan ; 25).
Publication / Zho9
37 1925 Tuo luo : shi ge xiao pin ji. Zhou Zuoren yi. (Beijing : Xin chao she, 1925). (Xin chao she wen yi cong shu ; 7). Übersetzungen westlicher Lyrik.
陀螺 : 詩歌小品集
Publication / Zho12
38 1926 [Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich. Makár's dream]. Zhou Zuoren yi. ([S.l. : s.n., 1926). Übersetzung von Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich. Makár's dream and other stories. (London : T. Fischer Unwin, 1892). (Pseudonym library ; 13. Russian stories ; 1). Publication / Zho14
  • Cited by: Boorman, Howard ; Howard, Richard C. Biographical dictionary of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1967-1979). (Boo, Published)
  • Person: Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich
39 1928 Kong da gu. Tuoersitai zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren yi. (Shanghai : Kai ming shu dian, 1928). Neuauflage von Dian di : jin dai ming jia duan pian xiao shuo. Tuoersitai zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren ji yi. (Beijing : Guo li Beijing da xue chu ban bu, 1920. (Xin chao cong shu). Übersetzungen von westlichen Kurzgeschichten von Leo Tolstoy und anderen.
Publication / Zho6
40 1928 [Tolstoy, Leo]. Kong da gu. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Zhou Zuoren yi. (Shanghai : Kai ming shu dian, 1928). [3rd ed. 1939]. Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Rabotnik Emel'ian i pustoi baraban. (Genève : M. Elpinine, 1891). = Tolstoy, Leo. The story of Yemilyan and the empty drum. In : Tolstoy, Leo. The death of Ivan Ilyitch and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : C. Scribner's Sons, 1904).
Publication / Tol88
41 1929 Zen yang ren shi xi fang wen xue ji qi ta. Cai Zhen, Zhou Zuoren, Jing Tian, Tian Yi yi. (Beijing : Pu she, 1929). [Übersetzung aus Werken von Stephen Leacock, T. Barker, Lewis Chase, Oliver Goldsmith, Lafcadio Hearn, Samuel Johnson, William Matthews, John Ruskin, Thomas Walker, Pierre Baudelaire].
Publication / GolO6
42 1939 Shi jie ming zhu dai biao zuo. Zhou Zuoren, Hu Shi yi [et al.]. (Shanghai : Guo guang shu dian, 1939). (Shi jie ming zhu dai biao zuo). [Übersetzung von Short stories].
Publication / Zho15
43 1941 [Zeromski, Stefan]. Huang hun. Shilangsiqi zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren yi [et al.]. (Shanghai : San tong shu ju, 1941). (San tong xiao cong shu). Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten von Stefan Zeromski.
Publication / Zho16
44 1948 [Rouse, W.H.D. Xila de shen yu ying xiong. Laosi zhu ; Zhou Xiashou, Zhou Zuoren yi. (Shanghai : Wen hua sheng huo chu ban she, 1950). Übersetzung von Rouse, W[illiam] H[enry] D[enham]. Gods, heroes and men of ancient Greece. (London : J. Murray, 1934).
Publication / Zho17
45 1951 [Weigall, Arthur]. Xila nü shi ren Sabo. Weigeer zhu ; Zhou Xiashou [Zhou Zuoren] bian yi. (Shanghai : Shang chu ban gong si, 1951). (Wen yi fu xing cong shu ; 1). Übersetzung von Weigall, Arthur. Sappho of Lesbos : her life and times. (London : Butterworth, 1932).
Publication / Zho19
46 1952 [Pelevoi, Petr Nikolaevich]. Eluosi min jian gu shi. Zhitang [Zhou Zuoren] yi. (Xianggang : Da gong shu ju, 1952). Übersetzung von Bain, R. Nisbet. Russian fairy tales. (London : Lawrence and Bullen, 1892. = Pelvoi, Petr Nikolaevich. Narodnuya russkiya skazki. (St. Petersburg : [s.n.], 1874).
Publication / Zho18
47 1953 [Bain, R. Nisbet]. Wukelan min jian gu shi. Zhitang [Zhou Zuoren] yi. (Xianggang : Da gong shu ju, 1953). (Da gong fan yi cong shu ; 1). Übersetzung von Bain, Robert Nisbert. Cossack fairy tales and folk tales. Seleced, ed. and transl. by R. Nesbit Bain ; illustrated by E.W. Mitchell. (London : Lawrence and Bullen, 1894). [Ukrainische Märchen].
Publication / Zho20
48 1955 [Aesop]. Yisuo yu yan. Zhou Qiming [Zhou Zuoren] yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1955). Übersetzung der Fabeln von Aesop.
Publication / Zho21
49 1959 [Aristophanes]. Cai shen. Alisiduofan zhu ; Luozesi bian ; Zhou Qiming [Zhou Zuoren] yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo xi ju chu ban she, 1959). Übersetzung von Aristophanes. Plutos. (388).
Publication / Zho1
50 2006 Zhou, Zuoren. Selected essays = Zhou Zuoren san wen xuan. Original Chinese text by Zhou Zuoren ; transl. by David E. Pollard. (Hong Kong : Chinese University press, 2006).
Publication / Pol11

Secondary Literature (4)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1966 Wolff, Ernst. Chou Tso-jen. (New York, N.Y. : Twayne, 1971). Diss. Univ. Of Washington, 1966. [Zhou Zuoren]. Publication / WE1
2 1970 Pollard, David E. The literary values of Chou Tso-jen and their place in the Chinese tradition. (London : University of London, 1970). Diss. Univ. of London, 1970. [Zhou Zuoren]. Publication / Pol1
3 1973 Pollard, David E. A Chinese look at literature : the literary values of Chou Tso-jen in relation to the tradition. (London : C. Hurst, 1973). [Zhou Zuoren]. Originally Diss. Univ. of London, 1970. Publication / Pol2
4 2010 Bê Duc, Georges. Zhou Zuoren et l'essai chinois moderne. (Paris : Harmattan, 1010). Publication / BêDuc1