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“Translation and literary politics : Baudelaire in the new literature movement, 1921-1925” (Publication, 1997)




Ma, Yiu-man. Translation and literary politics : Baudelaire in the new literature movement, 1921-1925. In : Tamkang review ; vol. 28, no 2 (1997). (BauC20)



Mentioned People (1)

Baudelaire, Charles  Paris 1821-1867 Paris) : Dichter, Kunstkritiker


Literature : Occident : France / References / Sources

Chronology Entries (2)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1919 Zhou, Zuoren. Xiao he xu [ID D22655]. [Erste Erwähnung von Baudelaire in China].
Er schreibt im Vorwort über eines seiner Gedichte : "Someone asked me what the genre of this poem is. Even I myself don't know the anser. It slightly fresembles the poem in prose advocated by Baudelaire in France. But he wrote in prose, and I write in separate lines. The content in general imitates that of the European folk songs. Folks songs should have end-rhymes, but this does not rhyme. It is doubtful wheter it is still a poem that doesn't matter."
2 1921 Zhou, Zuoren. San wen xiao shi [ID D22649].
Er schreibt : "Baudelaire published Les fleurs du mal in 1857, opening a new era in the history of modern literature. He uses the refined forms of the Parnassian school to write on the real experience of his disillusioned soul, an experience aptly represents the mood of modern man. He fills his poetry with the dark side of his caracter, the bitterness of his philosophy, and the grief of his despair. His vision is dark and horrible and a large part of his poems is quite unsuitable for the young and the ignorant. But the initiates can gain from his poetry the really uncommon power. He also has a volume of fifty Petits poèmes en prose, originally entitled Le spleen de Paris, which is of the same kind of exquisite language. The vogue of poem in prose in our time can be regarded as the result of his influence."

Sources (5)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1919 Zhou, Zuoren. Xiao he xu. In : Xin Qing nian ; 6.2 (1919). [Erste Erwähnung von Baudelaire in China].
Publication / BauC21
2 1921-1922 Zhou, Zuoren. San wen xiao shi. In : Chen bao fu kan ; no 2-3 (Nov. 1921-April 1922). [Darin enthalten sind Übersetzungen von acht Gedichten aus Le spleen de Paris von Charles Baudelaire].
Publication / BauC19
3 1922 Liu, Yanling. Faguo shi zhi xiang zheng zhu yi yu zi you shi. In : Shi ; Vol. 1, no 4 (1922). [Symbolism and free verse in French poetry ; darin enthalten ist die Übersetzung von Baudelaire, Charles. Correspondances. Aus : Fleurs du mal].
Publication / BauC18
4 1924 [Baudelaire, Charles]. Si shi. Xu Zhimo yi. In : Yu si ; vol. 3 (1924). Übersetzung von Baudelaire, Charles. Une charogne. Aus : Les fleurs du mal. Publication / BauC17
5 1925 Xian he ji. Li Sichun yi. In : Xue heng ; vol. 11 (1925). [Übersetzung französischer Gedichte 14.-19. Jh. ; darin enthalten 10 Gedichte von Baudelaire, Charles. Les fleurs du mal. (Paris : Poulet-Malassis et De Broise, 1857). = Ed. définitive. (Paris : Calmann-Lévy, 1868). Publication / BauC16

Cited by (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2000- Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich Organisation / AOI
  • Cited by: Huppertz, Josefine ; Köster, Hermann. Kleine China-Beiträge. (St. Augustin : Selbstverlag, 1979). [Hermann Köster zum 75. Geburtstag].

    [Enthält : Ostasieneise von Wilhelm Schmidt 1935 von Josefine Huppertz ; Konfuzianismus von Xunzi von Hermann Köster]. (Huppe1, Published)