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Poe, Edgar Allan

(Boston, Mass. 1809-1849 Baltimore, Md.) : Schriftsteller, Dichter


Index of Names : Occident / Literature : Occident : United States of America

Chronology Entries (12)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1838 Poe, Edgar Allen. How to write a blackwood article. In : American Museum (1838).
EXPRESSIONS. 'The Venerable Chinese novel Ju-Kiao-Li.' Good! By introducing these few words with dexterity you will evince your intimate acquaintance with the language and literature of the Chinese."
2 1844-1849 Poe, Edgar Allan. Marginalia. In : Graham's Magazine (Philadelphia 1844-1849).
I call to mind the preposterous " asides " and soliloquies of the drama among civilized nations, the shifts employed by the Chinese playwrights appear altogether respectable. If a general, on a Pekin or Canton stage, is ordered on an expedition, "he brandishes a whip," says [John Francis] Davis, " or takes in his hand the reins of a bridle, and striding three or four times around a platform, in the midst of a tremendous crash of gongs, drums, and trumpets, finally stops short and tells the audience where he has arrived."
3 1903-2000 Edgar Allan Poe and China : general
Hao, Ruijuan : In the first three decades of the twentieth century, many Chinese translators and scholars engaged themselves in translating and commenting actively on Poe's works in a free academic atmosphere.
Some of Poe's works were highly admired and imitated for their ingenious narrative structure and the psychological impact on readers. Poe's humanistic touch of sadness and melancholy was shared by many of the Chinese writers who struggled for survival in the 'long and cold darkness'.
From the 1940s to the 1970s, Poe studies came to a halt and received very little attention from scholars and readers alike. The national literature was censored by the 'Marxist' guideline that served for 'class struggle' and the Communist Party's political propaganda. Poe's works were categorized into the 'school of decadence', for they strayed away from 'reality' and practiced an 'art's for art's sake' that corrupted people's morality and consciousness.
This gloomy situation did not end until the 1980s and the 1990s when many of Poe's works were re-translated and published by some of the most influential state-owned presses. From that time on, the acceptance and study of Poe's works entered into a brand-new era with a considerable quantity and quality of academic papers and theses examining all aspects of Poe’s achievement. Contemporary Chinese critics are eager to seek various lyrical connections, direct or indirect, between Poe and Chinese culture.
The ten most popular Chinese writers of horror stories admit in interviews that they have read Poe's short stories and consciously put Poe's composing philosophy into practice. The construction of “effect” in unity and the 'horror of the soul' have become the cornerstone of the Chinese writing philosophy. Poe's 'art for art's sake' and his pursuit of beauty dominates. The thematic subjects and the narrative techniques are the two main areas that the young generation has attempted to imitate. Death, regarded by Poe as the most melancholy of all topics, is pursued almost to exhaustion in nearly all the Chinese horror stories.
The direct borrowing of Poe's structural techniques is mainly represented through the construction of 'horror effect' and the application of first person narrative. Chinese horror stories learn more from Poe by situating the stories in times and places that errify. The borrowing of Poe's 'firs-person' narrative, is one of the most significant breaks that contemporary horror story writers have mad in modernizing Chinese traditional culture.
The immense popularity of Poe's horror stories with young Chinese writers is interpreted as reflecting the deepening fragmentation and alienation China feels because of its fast-paced modernization and the invasion of commercialization. The increasing pressure of competition exaserbates each individual's uncertainties about the future as well as increase the psychological tension that fear, anxiety and trauma cause. Poe's stories externalize this mental complexity and deeply touch the uneasy pulse of China's progress towards material wealth and affluence. On the other hand, horror stories also provide a temporary escape for individuals overwhelmed by such dramatic cultural change. Poe and the world he constructs attract a large number of Chinese readers who encourage the commercialization of horror stories and popular culture. These historical and cultural circumstances quickly build a bridge between Poe and the young generation of writers who share the pain of the times.
Documenting and interpreting similarities between Poe and ancient Chinese poets is a main field of research for contemporary Chinese Poe studies, although there are suspicions and accusations that they have stripped off the historical and cultural specificity of these poems in order to pursue a “misreading” and subsume Poe into Chinese literary tradition.

Sheng Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow : Sheng Ning : Until 1949 Poe was regarded in China as one of the major nineteenth-century American writers. He was admired as the greates 19th-century American writer and as the founder of the short story and the precursor of aestheticism. His 'neurotic genre' was accepted by modern Chinese short story writers, who moved away from old conventions that merely presented a series of events to new experiments that employed psychological themes. Writers using abnormal psychological states were able to use veiled hints and indirection instead of writing directly, and readers could respond to these hints using their own imagination. Poe's theories on the musical qualities of poetry, on the suggestiveness and undercurrents in a poem and on the unity of effect were also of interest in the development of the New Chinese Poetry. Although the type of poetry that was influenced by Poe disappeared for almost forty years.
The general interest in Poe went into a decline in the 1930's, for several reasons. First, the New Literature Movement was from the start a socially-oriented cultural movement in China, aiming at eradi-cating feudalist ideology and bringing about radical social changes. As a result, realistic and naturalistic authors had a better chance of being popularized at that time. Second, most of the Chinese intellectuals, in the face of the social reality, had gone through a period of disillusionment and despair in the 1920's. They had lost faith in the old values, but had not yet acquired new beliefs. This momentary vacuum made it impossible for Poe's highly subjective, imaginary world to evoke a response in these readers. By the 1930's, this period of ideological wavering had, in the main, come to an end. The Communist Party of China, which was founded in 1921, had by this time become more mature, and had become the leading force of the New Culture Movement; meanwhile the split among the Chinese intellectuals became more and more apparent. In 1931, the Japanese invaded northeast China and a long period of national crisis began Chinese literature was deeply involved in these events; therefore the poets and writers had to take a more direct and utilitarian approach. Under such circumstances, Poe's works, which were detached from social reality, could be enjoyed only by a very small circle of readers who treated literature as a mere pastime. For the general reading public Poe was no longer of interest, and after the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan in 1937, translation and publication of Poe's works virtually stopped.
Poe is virtually unknown to the younger generation in China.
Poe's influence on modern Chinese short fiction was almost exclu-sively upon form, in three different ways. First of all, some of his well-known tales were used as models and their technical devices or structure were widely imitated. Second, there were elements of aes- theticism, symbolism and mysticism in his work which later influenced European writers of the late nineteenth century, such as the French Symbolists and the writers whom the Chinese considered 'neo-romantics'. This neo-romanticism was popular among Chinese writers in the 1920's. The third and most common kind of influence was his use of language, his use of certain kinds of emotional effects, and his psychological probing into men's minds.
Poe's influence on the Crescent Society school is limited to his ideas on formal structure and musical effects. His ideas on poetic form and on beauty had satisfied their aesthetic taste somewhat, but as a poet Poe was never regarded as a model for imitation, except by a very few decadent, symbolist poets. His theories on the musical qualities of poetry, on the suggestiveness and undercurrents in a poem, and on the unity of effect were also of interest in the development of the new Chinese poetry. Three writers were influenced by Poe : Chen Xianghe, Li Jianwu and Yu Dafu.
  • Document: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. Poe in China. In : Poe abroad : influence, reputation, affinities. Ed. by Lois Davis Vines. (Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1999). (Poe4, Publication)
  • Document: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Publication)
  • Document: Hao, Ruijuan. Edgar Allan Poe in contemporary China. In : The Edgar Allan Poe review ; vol. 10, no 3 (2009).
    http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/41506373.pdf?acceptTC=true. (Poe2, Publication)
4 1903-1938 Lu Xun and Edgar Allan Poe
Lu Xun's knowledge of Poe is by no means limited to The gold bug, however. In one of his early essays, he remarked that "The black cat in Edgar Allan Poe's tale is really horrible". Later, in an introduction to Mark Twain's Eve's diary, he made a judicious comparison between Twain and other nineteenth-century American writers : Poe, Hawthorne, and Whitman. He pointed out that Twain was outwardly a humorist, but inwardly a misanthrope, although Poe, Hawthorne and Whitman did not, like Twain, "think in one way, but behave in another". He also noticed that American writers before the Civil War could easily keep their individualist features, but after the Civil War they had to adapt themselves to the social requirements of a highly developed capitalist system. These remarks show that Lu Xun had read and understood Poe ; in later years in one of his talks with an American friend he admitted that in his early years he had been influenced by Poe.
  • Document: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Publication)
  • Person: Lu, Xun
  • Person: Twain, Mark
5 1905 Zhou, Zuoren. Zhi tang hui xang lu. [Tagebuch].
The diary of the Yisi lunar year [1905] records something of my translation of tales, which include The tale of Ali Baba and The forty thieves and The gold bug by Allan Poe....The general heading is The study of English literature. There are four or five books altogether, one of which is a long poem by Longfellow, as I now remember. All of these books were sent by Lu Xun.
....Yisi Lunar year, the first month, the fourteenth day, "Finished the translation of American Poe's tale The kidd drawing (The gold bug), about eighteen thousand words". I sent it to Ding Chuwo, and received Chuwo's return letter on the fourth day, the second month, in which he promised me a remuneration of fifty copies after it was published.
....The twenty-ninth day, "Received Chuwo's letter of the twenty-sixth, saying that The kidd drawing had been sent to the printers, and its name had been changed to Yu chong xuan (The story of a jade bug).
  • Document: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Publication)
  • Person: Zhou, Zuoren
6 1920 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Xie mi de xin. The tell-tale heart [ID D34933].
In his introduction Shen Yanbing declares that Poe is famous for his mysticism. "Poe distinguished himself by his idiosyncratic style among his contemporaries. He was entirely different from the general public in taste. His works – short stories in particular – are mostly visionary and unearthly things, which, however, are also those things that will impinge upon our souls from time to time".
  • Document: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Publication)
  • Person: Mao, Dun
7 1920 Hu, Xiansu. [The latest tendency in European-American modern literature] [ID D34934].
"Poe is a famours short story writer. It is Poe who made the short story a literary form. His writing techniques have been followed by the later short story writers. And his influence is particularly felt in the French short stories".
  • Document: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Publication)
  • Person: Hu, Xiansu
8 1922 Xie, Luyi. [Evolution of Western fiction]. [ID D34935].
"Allan Poe is a very important writer in the early period of American literary history. The style of his fiction has its influence in western Europe. It can well be said that he originated the short story".
  • Document: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Publication)
  • Person: Xie, Luyi
9 1925 Chen, Weimo. Edgar Allan Poe's fiction. In : Special issue of the Sunken Bell Society = Chen zhong she [ID D34942].
This review differs from early criticism in its conscientious study of all Poe's tales. It is divided into four parts : the development of critical opinion about Poe; Poe's mysticism and terror ; Poe's aesthetic principles; and Poe's influence abroad. According to Chen, Poe's art is 'conscious art', and 'his works are also a record of his own experience', which is nothing like the experience of ordinary people, but 'the extraordinary experience of horror and mystery'. Chen believes that Poe builds up 'a world of his own', in which his imagination was always lingering on death and tombs and the supernatural. On Poe's aesthetic views Chen Wei-mo writes that 'Poe is in pursuit of beauty', and his beauty is inseparable from strangeness on proportion. As a result, Chen believes one can hardly find anything resembling real life, except in 'X-ing a Paragrab' and a few others, in which there is a faint satire of reality. Likewise, 'most of the characters in Poe's tales are illusory'.
  • Document: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Publication)
10 1927 Zheng, Zhenduo. Wen xue da gang [ID D11275].
Erwähnung von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Hölderlin, Henrik Ibsen, Walt Whitman, Jane Austen, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, James Fenimore Cooper, Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Darin enthalten ist eine Abhandlung über Faust von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Zheng alluded to William Dean Howells' famous appellation for Mark Twain as 'the Lincoln of American literature'. He asserts that Huckleberry Finn is Twain's most important representative work.
He described Georg Brandes as 'the most important critic of Europe'.
Zheng mentioned Jane Austen, but said very briefly that her works have calm irony, delicate characterization, and pleasing style.
Washington Irving made American literature first recognized in Europe, while it is Edgar Allan Poe who first made American literature greatly influence European literature. In 1909, the year of Poe's centennial, the whole of Europe, from London to Moscow, and from Christiania to Rome, claimed its indebtedness to Poe and praised his great success.
Zheng Zhenduo regarded Nathaniel Hawthorne as "the first person who wrote tragedy in America". It was Hawthorne's emphasis upon psychological description that led to Zheng's high praise. According to Zheng's theory, the American tradition in literature exerted a strong influence upon Hawthorne's exploration of the depth of the human soul. "Hawthorne's psychological description could be traced back to Charles Brown."
11 1928 Ren, Qiu. [The art of short fiction]. [ID D34945].
Account of the growth of short fiction beginning with Edgar Allan Poe, in the course of which various aspects of Poe's theories on short fiction are closely examined in raltion to his best-known tales. Ren suggests that Poe's tales are intended to three kinds of "narrative effects" : "the effect of action, the effect of character, and the effect of environment".
  • Document: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Publication)
  • Person: Ren, Qiu
12 1934 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Pu de duan pian xiao shuo. Wu Guangjian yi. [ID D34995].
In the preface Wu Guangjian calls Poe "The greatest literary genius in America" and "The inventor of the short story".
  • Document: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. Poe in China. In : Poe abroad : influence, reputation, affinities. Ed. by Lois Davis Vines. (Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1999). (Poe4, Publication)
  • Person: Wu, Guangjian

Bibliography (78)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1909 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Jin jia chong. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1909). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The gold bug. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1843).
Publication / PoeEA1
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Lu, Xun
2 1917 Ou Mei ming jia duan pian xiao shuo cong kan : duan pian xiao shuo. Zhou Shoujuan yi. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju, 1917). [Übersetzung von europäischen und amerikanischen Erzählungen].
[Enthält eine Erzählung von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Heinrich Zschokke and The tell-tale heart von Edgar Allan Poe].
歐美名家短篇小說叢刊 : 短篇小說初集三集
Publication / ZhouS2
3 1920 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Xie mi de xin. Shen Yanbing [Mao Dun] yi. In : Dong fang zha zhi ; vol. 17 (1920). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The tell-tale heart. In : The pioneer (1843).
Publication / Poe6
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. Poe in China. In : Poe abroad : influence, reputation, affinities. Ed. by Lois Davis Vines. (Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1999). (Poe4, Published)
  • Person: Mao, Dun
4 1920 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Mo. Lu Xun yi. In : Yu wai xiao shuo ji (1920). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Silence : a fable. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1837).
Publication / PoeEA2
  • Cited by: Yu wai xiao shuo ji = Wilde and other authors: foreign famous stories. Wei'erte zhu [et al.] ; Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Tokyo : Shinten insatsujo, 1909). = Erw. Aufl. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju,1920). [Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten].
    Einzelne Autoren siehe unter Yu wai xiao shuo ji. (Zho4, Published)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Lu, Xun
5 1923 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [Hei ya yi yun]. In : Wen xue zhou kan ; no 100 (1923). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The raven. In : Evening mirror ; 29 Jan. (1845).
Publication / Poe9
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Published)
6 1924 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [Hei ya yi yun]. In : Xue heng (1924). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The raven. In : Evening mirror ; 29 Jan. (1845).
Publication / Poe10
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. Poe in China. In : Poe abroad : influence, reputation, affinities. Ed. by Lois Davis Vines. (Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1999). (Poe4, Published)
7 1924 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [The bells]. Zhan Baifu yi. In : Chuang zao yue kan ; vol. 45 (1924). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The bells. In : Sartain's union magazine ; Nov. (1849). Publication / Poe11
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Published)
  • Person: Zhan, Baifu
8 1924 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Xin sheng. Yan Bing yi. In : Jin dai ying mei xiao shuo ji (ID D272016). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
Publication / Poe12
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. Poe in China. In : Poe abroad : influence, reputation, affinities. Ed. by Lois Davis Vines. (Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1999). (Poe4, Published)
  • Person: Yan, Bing
9 1924 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [The poetic principle]. In : Xiao shuo yue bao (1924). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The poetic principle. In : Sartain's union magazine of literature and art ; vol. 7, no 4 (1850). Publication / Poe13
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. Poe in China. In : Poe abroad : influence, reputation, affinities. Ed. by Lois Davis Vines. (Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1999). (Poe4, Published)
10 1925 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [Annabel Lee ; The bells]. In : Wen xue zhou kan ; no 17 (1925). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Annabel Lee. In : New York daily tribune ; 9 Oct. (1849). The bells. In : Sartain's union magazine ; Nov. (1849). Publication / Poe14
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Published)
11 1925 Special issue of the Sunken Bell Society = Chen zhong she. Devoted to Edgar Allan Poe and E.T.A. Hoffmann. (1925).
[Enthält] :
Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Ligeia. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1838).
Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Eleonora. In : The gift (1842).
Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The black cat. In : The Saturday Evening Post ; Aug. 19 (1843).
Transl. by Chen Weimo.
Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The bells. In : Sartain's union magazine ; Nov. (1849).
Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The raven. In : Evening mirror ; 29 Jan. (1845).
Transl. by Yang Hui.
Chen, Weimo. Edgar Allan Poe's fiction.
Publication / Poe15
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Published)
  • Person: Chen, Weimo
  • Person: Hoffmann, E.T.A.
  • Person: Yang, Hui
12 1926 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [The angel of the odd]. Fu Donghua yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 17 (1926). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The angel of the odd. In : Columbian magazine ; Oct. (1844). Publication / Poe16
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. Poe in China. In : Poe abroad : influence, reputation, affinities. Ed. by Lois Davis Vines. (Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1999). (Poe4, Published)
  • Person: Fu, Donghua
13 1927 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Jin jia chong. Tong Ye yi. In : Chen bao fu kan ; Febr. (1927). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The gold bug. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1843).
Publication / Poe17
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. Poe in China. In : Poe abroad : influence, reputation, affinities. Ed. by Lois Davis Vines. (Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1999). (Poe4, Published)
  • Person: Tong, Ye (Pseud.)
14 1928 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [The assignation]. Zhu Weiji yi. In : Shui xian. (Shanghai : Guang hua shu ju, 1928). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The assignation. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1934). Publication / Poe19
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. Poe in China. In : Poe abroad : influence, reputation, affinities. Ed. by Lois Davis Vines. (Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1999). (Poe4, Published)
  • Person: Zhu, Weiji
15 1928 Ou Mei xiao shuo. Anteliefu [et al.] zhu ; Zeng Xubai yi. (Shanghai : Zhen mei shan shu dian, 1928). [Übersetzung von europäischen und amerikanischen Short stories].
[Enthält] : Leonid Andreyev, Anton Chekhov, Thomas Hardy, H.G. Wells, James Stephens, Theodore Dreiser, Edgar Allan Poe, O. Henry, Hermann Sudermann, Leopoldo Alas, Karoly Kisfaludy, Sholem Asch, Oscar Wilde, Prosper Mérimée.
Publication / And40
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Cited by: Gamsa, Mark. The Chinese translation of Russian literature : three studies. (Leiden : Brill, 2008). (Sinica Leidensia ; vol. 90). (Gam1, Published)
  • Person: Alas, Leopoldo
  • Person: Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich
  • Person: Asch, Sholem
  • Person: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
  • Person: Dreiser, Theodore
  • Person: Hardy, Thomas
  • Person: Henry, O.
  • Person: Kisfaludy, Karoly
  • Person: Mérimée, Prosper
  • Person: Stephens, James
  • Person: Sudermann, Hermann
  • Person: Wells, H.G.
  • Person: Wilde, Oscar
  • Person: Zeng, Xubai
16 1932 Zhong xue sheng fan yi. Gao'erji [et al.] zhu ; Zhang Tingzheng yi. (Shanghai : Zhong xue sheng shu ju, 1932). (Zhong xue sheng cong shu). [Übersetzung von Short stories und Gedichten].
[Enthält] : Ivan Vazov, Maksim Gorky, John Ruskin, Maria of Romania, August Strindberg, Leo Tolstoy, Karel Capek, Josef Capek, Alfred Tennyson, Edgar Allan Poe, Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Publication / Gork210
17 1934 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Pu de duan pian xiao shuo. Pu zhu ; Wu Guangjian yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1934). (Ying Han dui zhao ming jia xiao shuo xuan). [Tales by Edgar Allan Poe].
[Enthält] :
The tell-tale heart. In : The pioneer (1843).
The pit and the pendulum. In : The gift : a Christmans and New Year's present for 1843. (Philadelphia : Carey & Hart, 1842).
The purloined letter. In : The gift : a Christmans and New Year's present for 1845. (Philadelphia : Carey & Hart, 1844).
Publication / Poe68
18 1935 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ju fu. Bai He yi. In : Wai guo wen xue ji kan (1935). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The pit and the pendulum. In : The gift : a Christmas and New Year's present for 1843). (Philadelphia : Carey & Hart, 1842).
Publication / Poe20
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. Poe in China. In : Poe abroad : influence, reputation, affinities. Ed. by Lois Davis Vines. (Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1999). (Poe4, Published)
  • Person: Bai, He
19 1935-1936 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. E she gu wu de dao ta ; Xie mi de xin : cha tu zhong wen dao du ying wen Jian Xianyi, Chen Jialing yi. In : Shi jie wen ku. Zheng Zhenduo bian. (Shanghai : Sheng huo shu dian, 1935-1936). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The fall of the house of Usher. In : Burtons' gentleman's magazine and American monthly review ; vol. 5 (Sept. 1839). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The tell-tale heart. In : The pioneer (1843).
厄舍古屋的倒塌 / 泄密的心 : 插图·中文导读英文版
Publication / Poe21
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. Poe in China. In : Poe abroad : influence, reputation, affinities. Ed. by Lois Davis Vines. (Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1999). (Poe4, Published)
  • Person: Chen, Jialing
  • Person: Jian, Xianyi
20 1935 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Hei mao. Qian Gechuan yi zhu. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju, 1935). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The black cat. In : The Saturday Evening Post ; Aug. 19 (1843).
Publication / Poe47
21 1948 [Poe, Edgar Allen]. Huang liang tao. Zhang Menglin [et al.] yi. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ju, 1948). (Zhong hua shao nian cong shu). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Poe].
Publication / Poe54
22 1948 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Maige lu de xiong an. Aidijia Ailun Po ; Cheng Xiaoqing yi. (Shanghai : Da dong shu ju, 1948). (Shi jie ming jia zhen tan xiao shuo ji ; 1). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Murders in the Rue Morque. In : Graham's magazine (1841).
Publication / Poe60
23 1949 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po gu shi ji. Ailun Po ; Jiao Juyin yi. (Shanghai : Chen guang chu ban gong si, 1949). (Chen guang shi jie wen xue cong shu ; 7). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Short stories von Poe].
[Enthält] : The black cat, The mystery of Marie Roget, The gold bug, Lionizing.
Publication / Poe29
24 1949 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Hai shang li xian ji. Jiao Juyin yi. (Shanghai : Chen guang chu ban gong si, 1949). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Brothers, 1938).
Publication / Poe43
25 1951 [Fadeev, Aleksandr ; Poe, Edgar Allan]. Zuo jia yu sheng huo : di 2 jie quan Su qing nian zuo jia hui yi lun wen ji. Fajieyefu, Ailunbao deng zhu ; Liu Liaoyi yi. (Beijing : Wen yi fan yi chu ban she, 1951). (Wen yi li lun cong shu). [Übersetzung von Essays von Fadeev und Poe].
作家與生活 : 第2屆全蘇青年作家會議論文集
Publication / Poe73
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Fadeev, Alexandr Alexandrovic
26 1952 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po gu shi ji. Ailun Po zhu ; Shi jie wen xue jing hua bian ji wei yuan hui. (Xianggang : Ren ren chu ban she, 1952). (Shi jie wen xue jing hua xuan ; 2). [Übersetzung ausgewähler Short stories von Poe].
[Enthält]. : Black cat, Murder in Rue morgue, The mystery of Marie Roget, The gold bug, Lionizing.
Publication / Poe30
27 1958 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Hai shang li xian ji. Po Ailun zhuan ; Gu Yin yi. (Taibei : Xin xing, 1958). (Shi jie wen xue cong shu). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Brothers, 1938).
Publication / Poe44
28 1963 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Tuo yuan xing de xiao xiang. Po Ailun zhuan ; Lu Jinhui yi. (Taibei : Wu zhou, 1963). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu xuan yi). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The oval portrait. In : Graham's magazine ; April (1842).
Publication / Poe71
29 1969 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. : Hei mao : Ailun Po jie zuo xuan. Ailun Po zhu ; Wen Hong yi. (Taizhong : Yi wen chu ban shi, 1969). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The black cat. In : The Saturday Evening Post ; Aug. 19 (1843).
黑貓 : 愛倫坡傑作選
Publication / Poe46
30 1970 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ai de cheng song. Ailun Po deng zhuan ; Zheng wen shu ju bian ji bu yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen shu ju, 1970). (Gao shui zhun de du wu ; 115). [Übersetzung von Gedichten von Poe].
Publication / Poe24
31 1970 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Hai shang li xian ji. Ailun Po zhu ; Li Xinsheng yi. (Tainan : Tian yi chu ban she, 1970). (Bei yi cong kan ; 10). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Brothers, 1938).
Publication / Poe45
32 1971 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po duan pian xiao shuo xuan. Ailun Po ; Chen Shuangjun yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen shu ju, 1971). [Edgar Allan Poe American scenes].
Publication / Poe27
33 1971 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po gu shi ji. Ailun Po yuan zhu ; Chu Hai yi shu. (Taibei : Zheng wen shu ju, 1971). (Gao shui zhun de du wu ; 135). [Übersetzung der gesammelten Short stories von Poe].
Publication / Poe28
34 1971 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Liu ge gu shi. Ailun Po zhu ; Chen Shuangjun yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen shu ju, 1971). (Shi jie ming zhu ; 50). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Six tales of fear. (New York, N.Y. : Bantam Books, 1961).
[Enthält] : The cask of Amontillado, The fall of the house Usher, The murders in the Rue Morgue, William Wilson, The gold bug, The mask of the red death.
Publication / Poe58
35 1975 Ying wen duan pian jie zuo xuan. = Outstanding short stories. Wang'erde [deng] zhu ; Zhuang Hongrong yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen shu ju, 1975). (Ying Han dui zhao ming zhu ; 152).
[Enthält] :
Wells, H.G. The man who could work miracles.
Wilde, Oscar. The model millionaire.
Wodehouse, P.G. Lord Emsworth and the girl friend.
Mansfield, Katherine. The doll's house.
Poe, Edgar Allen. X-ing a paragraph.
Trollope, Anthony. The courtship of Susan Bell.
Publication / Ying8
36 1978 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po kong bu xiao shuo xuan. Cai Weijian yi. (Taibei : Guo jia chu ban she, 1978). (Du shu ren cong kan ; 72). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Horror-Geschichten von Poe].
Publication / Poe32
37 1978 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Huan hun ji. Ailun Po zhuan ; Song Biyun yi. (Taibei : Yuan jing chu ban she, 1978). (Yuan jing cong kan ; 89). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Ligeia. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1838)
Publication / Poe52
38 1978 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ju fu. Po Ailun zhuan ; Song Biyun yi. (Taibei : Yuan xing, 1978). (Xiao cao cong kan ; 31). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The pit and the pendulum. In : The gift : a Christmas and New Year's present for 1843). (Philadelphia : Carey & Hart, 1842).
Publication / Poe56
39 1982 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po duan pian xiao shuo ji. Chen Liangting, Xu Ruchun yi. (Beijing : Wai guo wen xue chu ban she, 1982). [Übersetzung der gesammelten Short stories von Poe].
Publication / Poe26
40 1984 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Meiguo duan pian xiao shuo xin shang : 20 wie zuo jia de duan pian zhu yu ji. Ailun Po deng zhu ; Ji Shuming yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1984). (Xin chao wen ku ; 240). [Übersetzung der gesammelten Short stories von Poe].
美國短篇小說欣賞 : 20位作家的短篇珠玉集
Publication / Poe61
41 1985 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Mo'er jie guai an. Ailun Po yuan zuo ; Lian guang tu shu gong si bian ji bu. (Taibei : Lian guang tu shu gu fen you xian gong si, 1985). (Tui li zhen tan jie zuo xuan ji ; 4). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Murders in the Rue Morque. In : Graham's magazine (1841).
Publication / Poe62
42 1987 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Moerge jie xiong sha an. Ailun Po zhu ; Du Ruozhou yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1987). (Xin chao shi jie tui li ; 1). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Murders in the Rue Morque. In : Graham's magazine (1841).
Publication / Poe63
43 1990 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Pi mu li xian ji. Ailun Po ; Qiu Zhuchang yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1990).Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Brothers, 1938).
Publication / Poe67
44 1990 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Sheng ming mo ri de ti yan. Ailun Po ; Wang Liaonan yi. (Nanning : Guang xi ren min chu ban she, 1990). [Übersetzung von Kriminalgeschichten von Poe].
Publication / Poe70
45 1991 Shi jie wen xue ming zhu jing cui. Zhong ying dui zhao. Vol. 1-72. (Taibei : Lu qiao, 1991). (Lu qiao er tong di san zuo tu shu guan).
[Enthält] : Homer; Alexandre Dumas; Helen Keller; Mark Twain; Robert Louis Stevenson; Anthony Hope; Charles Dickens; Thomas Hardy; Edgar Allan Poe; Johanna Spyri; Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir; Jack London; Lew Wallace; Charlotte Bronte; Jules Verne; Emily Bronte; Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; Emma Orczy; Richard Henry Dana; William Shakespeare; Rudyard Kipling; Herman Melville; Sir Walter Scott, bart.; Victor Hugo; James Fenimore Cooper; Johann David Wyss; Jane Austen; Henry James; Jonathan Swift; Stephen Crane; Anna Sewell; Nathaniel Hawthorne; Bram Stoker; Daniel Defoe; H G Wells; William Bligh; Mary Wallstonecraft Shelley; Fyodor Dostoyevsky; O. Henry [William Sydney Porter]; Joseph Conrad.
Publication / Shijie
46 1992 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ai lun po kong bu xiao shuo xuan. Ailun Po zhu ; Cai Weikeng yi. (Taibei : Guo jia chu ban she, 1992). (Shu de shi jie ; 113). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Werke von Poe's Thrilling Stories].
Publication / Poe86
47 1993 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Mu nai yi jiao. Lin Dazhong yi. (Taibei : Wang xiang tu shu gong si, 1993). (Ling huan xi lie). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Some words with a Mummy. In : American review ; April (1845).
Publication / Poe84
  • Cited by: Project Yao : Database of American literature translations into Chinese. Iowa State University, Department of English / Sichuan University. (2005-today).
    (Yao, Published)
  • Person: Lin, Dazhong
48 1993 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po duan pian xiao shuo xuan. Tang Yinsun, Deng Yingjie, Ding Fangming yi. (Changsha : Hunan wen yi chu ban she, 1993). (Shi jie duan pian xiao shuo jing hua). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Poe].
Publication / Poe85
49 1994 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Hong si mo : Ailun Po shen mi xiao shuo ji. Aidejia Ailun Po Zhu ; Zhao Susu deng yi. (Beijing : Qun zhong chu ban she, 1994). [Übersetzung der gesamten Short stories und Gedichte von Poe].
红死魔 : 爱伦坡神秘小说集
Publication / Poe51
50 1994 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Liu ge kong bu de gu shi. Ailun Po zhu ; Yililuo Chabolai'en [Elinor Chamberlain] gai bian ; Yi Xin, Xu Ke yi. (Beijing : Beijing shi fan da xue chu ban she, 1994). (Meiguo Ying yu xi lie jie ti du wu). Adaptation von Poe, Edgar Allan. Six tales of fear. (New York, N.Y. : Bantam Books, 1961).
[Enthält] : The cask of Amontillado, The fall of the house Usher, The murders in the Rue Morgue, William Wilson, The gold bug, The mask of the red death.
Publication / Poe59
51 1995 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Poji : shi ge yu gu shi. Padike F. Kui'en [Patrick F. Quinn] bian ; Cao Minglun yi. Vol. 1-2. (Beijing : Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian shu dian, 1995). (Meiguo wen ku). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Poetry and tales. Patrick F. Quinn [ed.]. (New York, N.Y. : Viking Press, 1984).
爱伦坡集 : 诗歌与故事
Publication / Poe31
52 1995 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Na feng xin bu jian liao. Ailun Po yuan zu ; Qu Weisang hui tu ; Zhan Hongzhi yi xie. (Taibei : Taiwan mai ke, 1995). (Da shi ming zuo hui ben ; 14). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The purloined letter. In : The gift : a Christmans and New Year's present for 1845.
Publication / Poe66
53 1995 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po : Jin jia chong. Lin Foer zhu bian. (Jiayi : Shu ming shu ju, 1995). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allen. The gold bug. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1843).
Publication / Poe83
  • Cited by: Project Yao : Database of American literature translations into Chinese. Iowa State University, Department of English / Sichuan University. (2005-today).
    (Yao, Published)
  • Person: Lin, Foer
54 1996 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Hei mao ; Jin jia chong. Ailun Po zhu ; Du Ruozhou yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1996). (Xin chao wen ku ; 374). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The black cat. In : The Saturday Evening Post ; Aug. 19 (1843). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allen. The gold bug. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1843).
Publication / Poe48
55 1997 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po kong bu xiao shuo xuan. Ailun Po zhu ; Xie Limin yi. (Taizhong : Zhuan zhe, 1997). (Shi jie wen xue jing dian ku ; 28). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Tales of mystery and imagination. (New York, N.Y. : Heritage Press, 1941).
Publication / Poe36
56 1997 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po shen mi xiao shuo. Wang Fengzhen bian xuan. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen yi chu ban she, 1997). (Shi jie wen xue da shi xiao shuo ming zuo dian cang ben). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Poe].
Publication / Poe37
57 1997 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po zhen tan xiao shuo jing pin ji. Ailun Po ; Wang Fengzhen yi. (Taiyuan : Bei yue wen yi chu ban she, 1997). (Shi jie zhu ming zhen tan xiao shuo jing pin xi lie). [Übersetzung der gesamten Kriminalgeschichten von Poe].
Publication / Poe41
58 1997 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Huang dan gu shi ji. Wu Weidian yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo shao nian er tong chu ban she, 1997). [Collected absurd stories].
Publication / Poe53
59 1998 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po jing kong gu shi xuan. Ailunpo ; Wu Jianhua, Jia Tiepeng yi. (Beijing : Beijing shi fan da xue chu ban she, 1998). (Xue sheng ying yu wen xue xin shang). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Horror-Geschichten von Poe].
Publication / Poe33
60 1998 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po jing xuan ji. Ailun Po ; rewritten by David Oliphant. (Taibei : Lu qiao wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 1998). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu jing cui ; 50). [Übersetzung von Texten von Poe].
Publication / Poe35
61 1998 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po xiao shuo xuan. Ailun Po zhu ; Xie Limin yi. (Taizhong : San jiu, 1998). (Wo ke du xi lie ; 7). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Poe].
Publication / Poe39
62 1998 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po you mo xiao shuo ji. Po ; Cao Minglun yi. (Chengdou : Sichuan ren min chu ban she, 1998). [Übersetzung der humoristischen Geschichten von Poe].
Publication / Poe40
63 1998 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Hong si. Wu Jizheng yi. (Taibei : Tian tian wen hua gu fen you xian gong si, 1998). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The masque of the red death. In Graham's magazine, Philadelphia (1842).
Publication / Poe50
64 1998 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Kong bu guai chuang. Ailun Po deng zuo ; Jin Yafen, Jin Xincheng yi. (Taibei : Tian tian wen hua, 1998). (Kong bu da shi ; 1). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Great tales of terror and the supernatural.
Publication / Poe57
65 1998 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Moge jie xiong sha an. Aidejia Ailun Po zhu ; Zhao Susu, Wu Jizhen, Tang Xiao yi. (Beijing : Qun zhong chu ban she, 1998). (Shi jie zhen tan jing xian ming zhu wen ku). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Murders in the Rue Morque. In : Graham's magazine (1841).
Publication / Poe65
66 1998 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Shen mi ji huan xiang gu shi ji. Margaret Naudi gai xie ; Lei Ge yi ; Ian Miller cha tu. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1998). (Shu chong. Niu jin Ying Han dui zhao du wu). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Tales of mystery and imagination. (New York, N.Y. : Heritage Press, 1941). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Tales of mystery and imagination. Retold by Margaret Naudi ; ill. by Ian Miller. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996).
Enthält : The fall of the house of Usher, The black cat, The masque of the red death, William Wilson, The tell-tale heart.
Publication / Poe69
67 1998 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Moge jie mou sha an. Ai Ping yi. (Shanghai : Shao nian er tong chu ban she, 1998). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Murders in the Rue Morque. In : Graham's magazine (1841).
Publication / Poe82
  • Cited by: Project Yao : Database of American literature translations into Chinese. Iowa State University, Department of English / Sichuan University. (2005-today).
    (Yao, Published)
  • Person: Ai, Ping
68 1999 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. A xia jia de mo luo. Ailun Po zhu ; Du Ruozhou yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1999). (Xin chao wen ku ; 404). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Short stories von Poe].
Publication / Poe23
69 1999 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po de gui yi wang guo : Ailun Po jing song duan pian jie zuo xuan. Ailun Po zhu ; Zhu Puxuan yi. (Taibei : Gao bao guo ji you xian gong si, 1999). (Wen xue xin xiang xi lie ; 10). [Edgar Allan Poe collection and his life].
愛倫坡的詭異王國 : 愛倫坡驚悚短篇傑作選
Publication / Poe25
70 1999 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po jing pin ji. Ailun Po ; Cao Minglun yi. (Hefei : Anhui wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Jing dian shu yuan). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Werke von Poe].
Publication / Poe34
71 1999 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po xiao shuo xuan. Ailun Po zhu ; Li Shuzhen bian yi. (Taibei : Jiu yi, 1999). (Zhen cang wen ku ; 26). [Edgar Allan Poe's scenes].
Publication / Poe38
72 1999 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Bei qie de xin. Wang Yuan bian zhu. (Taibei : Yuan dong tu shu, 1999). (Guo ji ying wen gu shi jing xuan ; 14). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The purloined letter. Retold by L.W. and M.G.M. Faucett. (London : Oxford University Press, 1958).
Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The purloined letter. In : The gift : a Christmans and New Year's present for 1845.
Publication / Poe42
73 1999 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Jin jia chong : tui li he huan xiang gu shi ji : jian xie ben. Aidejia Ailun Po yuan zhu ; Luolan Yuehan [Roland John] ; Maikeer Weisite [Michael West] gai xie ; Wang Minhua yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1999). (Lang wen ying han dui zhao jie ti yue du cong shu ; 4). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Tales of mystery and imagination. (New York, N.Y. : Heritage Press, 1941).
金甲虫 : 推理和幻想故事集 : 简写本
Publication / Poe55
74 1999 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Moge jie mou sha an. Ailun Po ; Cao Minglun yi. (Shenyang : Shenyang chu ban she, 1999). (Ying xiang shi jie de bai bu shu). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Murders in the Rue Morque. In : Graham's magazine (1841).
Publication / Poe64
75 1999 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po jing xuan ji. Liu Xiangyu bian xuan. (Jinan : Shandong wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Wai guo wen xue ming jia jing xuan shu xi). [Übersetzung der Werke von Poe].
Publication / Poe81
76 2000 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Zhan li de jiao luo. Ailun Po wen ; Gairui Kaili [Gary Kelley] tu ; Zhao Meihui yi. (Taibei : Gelin wen hua, 2000). (Meng xiang jia xi lie ; 35). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Tales of mystery and imagination. (New York, N.Y. : Heritage Press, 1941).
Publication / Poe72
77 2000 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Lao wu de dao ta. Aidejia Ailun Po zhu ; Wu Jun bian yi. (Jinan : Shandong wen yi chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The fall of the house of Usher. In : Burtons' gentleman's magazine and American monthly review ; vol. 5 (Sept. 1839).
老屋的倒塌 : 埃德加爱伦坡惊险故事新编
Publication / Poe79
78 2000 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Guai yi gu shi ji. Ailun Po zhu ; Cao Minglun yi. (Beijing : Beijing yan shan chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie wen xue wen ku). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Tales of the grotesque and arabesque. (Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1840).
Publication / Poe80

Secondary Literature (16)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1920 Hu, Xiansu. [The latest tendency in European-American modern literature]. In : Dong fang za zhi ; vol. 17 (1920). Publication / Poe7
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Published)
  • Person: Hu, Xiansu
2 1922 Xie, Luyi. [Evolution of Western fiction]. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 13 (1922). Publication / Poe8
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Published)
  • Person: Xie, Luyi
3 1925 Special issue of the Sunken Bell Society = Chen zhong she. Devoted to Edgar Allan Poe and E.T.A. Hoffmann. (1925).
[Enthält] :
Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Ligeia. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1838).
Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Eleonora. In : The gift (1842).
Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The black cat. In : The Saturday Evening Post ; Aug. 19 (1843).
Transl. by Chen Weimo.
Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The bells. In : Sartain's union magazine ; Nov. (1849).
Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The raven. In : Evening mirror ; 29 Jan. (1845).
Transl. by Yang Hui.
Chen, Weimo. Edgar Allan Poe's fiction.
Publication / Poe15
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Published)
  • Person: Chen, Weimo
  • Person: Hoffmann, E.T.A.
  • Person: Yang, Hui
4 1928 Ren, Qiu. [The art of short fiction]. Chen bao fu kan ; nos 2168-2171 (1928). Publication / Poe18
  • Cited by: Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. (Poe5, Published)
  • Person: Ren, Qiu
5 1964 Hu, Pinqing. Xian dai wen xue san lun = Essays on modern literature. (Taibei : Wen xing shu dian, 1964). (Wen xing cong kann ; 64).
[Enthält] : La littérature française : les mouvements littéraires importants du XXème siècle en France tels que l'existentialisme. Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Jules Supervielle, Henri Michaux, Friedrich Nietzsche, Rainer Maria Rilke, Karl Jaspers, Edgar Allan Poe.
Publication / Poe22
6 1969 Benton, Richard P. Poe’s acquaintance with Chinese literature. In : Poe’s newsletter, vol. 2, no 2 (1969).
Publication / Poe1
7 1972 [Porges, Irwin]. Ailun Po chuan. Boji Sierwen zhu ; Chen Shuangjun yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen shu ju, 1972) (Shi jie ming zhu ; 19). Übersetzung von Porges, Irwin. Edgar Allan Poe. (Philadelphia : Chilton Book Co., 1963).
Publication / Poe75
8 1981 Sheng, Ning. Edgar Allan Poe and modern Chinese literature (1900-1930). M.A. Beijing Univ., 1981. MS. Publication / Poe3
9 1982 Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. Poe in China. In : Poe abroad : influence, reputation, affinities. Ed. by Lois Davis Vines. (Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1999). Publication / Poe4
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Xie mi de xin. Shen Yanbing [Mao Dun] yi. In : Dong fang zha zhi ; vol. 17 (1920). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The tell-tale heart. In : The pioneer (1843).
    泄密的心 (Poe6, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [Hei ya yi yun]. In : Xue heng (1924). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The raven. In : Evening mirror ; 29 Jan. (1845).
    黑鴉疑雲 (Poe10, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Xin sheng. Yan Bing yi. In : Jin dai ying mei xiao shuo ji (ID D272016). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
    心聲 (Poe12, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [The poetic principle]. In : Xiao shuo yue bao (1924). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The poetic principle. In : Sartain's union magazine of literature and art ; vol. 7, no 4 (1850). (Poe13, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [The angel of the odd]. Fu Donghua yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 17 (1926). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The angel of the odd. In : Columbian magazine ; Oct. (1844). (Poe16, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Jin jia chong. Tong Ye yi. In : Chen bao fu kan ; Febr. (1927). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The gold bug. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1843).
    金甲蟲 (Poe17, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [The assignation]. Zhu Weiji yi. In : Shui xian. (Shanghai : Guang hua shu ju, 1928). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The assignation. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1934). (Poe19, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ju fu. Bai He yi. In : Wai guo wen xue ji kan (1935). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The pit and the pendulum. In : The gift : a Christmas and New Year's present for 1843). (Philadelphia : Carey & Hart, 1842).
    巨斧 (Poe20, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. E she gu wu de dao ta ; Xie mi de xin : cha tu zhong wen dao du ying wen Jian Xianyi, Chen Jialing yi. In : Shi jie wen ku. Zheng Zhenduo bian. (Shanghai : Sheng huo shu dian, 1935-1936). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The fall of the house of Usher. In : Burtons' gentleman's magazine and American monthly review ; vol. 5 (Sept. 1839). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The tell-tale heart. In : The pioneer (1843).
    厄舍古屋的倒塌 / 泄密的心 : 插图·中文导读英文版 (Poe21, Publication)
  • Cited by: Zentralbibliothek Zürich (ZB, Organisation)
  • Person: Sheng, Ning
  • Person: Stauffer, Donald Barlow
10 1986 [Symons, Julian]. Wen tan guai jie : Ailun Po zhuan. Zhuli'an Ximengsi zhu ; Wen Gang, Wu Yue yi. (Xi'an : Shanxi ren min chu ban she, 1986). Übersetzung von Symons, Julian. The tell-tale heart : the life and works of Edgar Allan Poe. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Row, 1978).
文壇怪杰 : 愛倫坡傳
Publication / Poe76
11 1996 Zhou, Qichao. Ailun Po chuan. (Taibei : Ye qiang, 1996). (Wai guo wen hua ming ren zhuan ji ; 19). [Abhandlung über Edgar Allan Poe].
Publication / Poe78
12 1999 Sheng, Ning ; Stauffer, Donald Barlow. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern Chinese literature. In : The University of Mississippi studies in English ; N.S., vol. 3 (1982).[This article is adapted from the M.A. thesis by Mr. Sheng Ning for the Department of Western Languages and Literature of Peking University in 1981]. Publication / Poe5
  • Source: Hu, Xiansu. [The latest tendency in European-American modern literature]. In : Dong fang za zhi ; vol. 17 (1920). (Poe7, Publication)
  • Source: Xie, Luyi. [Evolution of Western fiction]. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 13 (1922). (Poe8, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [Hei ya yi yun]. In : Wen xue zhou kan ; no 100 (1923). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The raven. In : Evening mirror ; 29 Jan. (1845).
    黑鴉疑雲 (Poe9, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [The bells]. Zhan Baifu yi. In : Chuang zao yue kan ; vol. 45 (1924). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The bells. In : Sartain's union magazine ; Nov. (1849). (Poe11, Publication)
  • Source: [Poe, Edgar Allan]. [Annabel Lee ; The bells]. In : Wen xue zhou kan ; no 17 (1925). Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Annabel Lee. In : New York daily tribune ; 9 Oct. (1849). The bells. In : Sartain's union magazine ; Nov. (1849). (Poe14, Publication)
  • Source: Special issue of the Sunken Bell Society = Chen zhong she. Devoted to Edgar Allan Poe and E.T.A. Hoffmann. (1925).
    [Enthält] :
    Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Ligeia. (South Bend, Ind. : Virginia Tech, 1838).
    Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. Eleonora. In : The gift (1842).
    Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The black cat. In : The Saturday Evening Post ; Aug. 19 (1843).
    Transl. by Chen Weimo.
    Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The bells. In : Sartain's union magazine ; Nov. (1849).
    Übersetzung von Poe, Edgar Allan. The raven. In : Evening mirror ; 29 Jan. (1845).
    Transl. by Yang Hui.
    Chen, Weimo. Edgar Allan Poe's fiction.
    沉钟社 (Poe15, Publication)
  • Source: Ren, Qiu. [The art of short fiction]. Chen bao fu kan ; nos 2168-2171 (1928). (Poe18, Publication)
  • Cited by: Zentralbibliothek Zürich (ZB, Organisation)
  • Person: Sheng, Ning
  • Person: Stauffer, Donald Barlow
13 1999 [Poe, Edgar Allan]. Ailun Po de gui yi wang guo : Ailun Po jing song duan pian jie zuo xuan. Ailun Po zhu ; Zhu Puxuan yi. (Taibei : Gao bao guo ji you xian gong si, 1999). (Wen xue xin xiang xi lie ; 10). [Edgar Allan Poe collection and his life].
愛倫坡的詭異王國 : 愛倫坡驚悚短篇傑作選
Publication / Poe25
14 1999 Peng, Guiju ; Xiong, Rongbin ; Yu, Fei. Aidejia Ailun Po zuo pin shang xi. (Wuhan : Wuhan ce hui ke ji da xue chu ban she, 1999). [Appreciations on works of Edgar Allan Poe].
Publication / Poe74
15 1999 Wu, Lingyao. Guai yi ku tian cai : shen mi xiao shuo zhi fu Ailun Po. Gao Xin, Ni Jing hui. (Taibei : San min, 1999). (Er tong wen xue cong shu. Wen xue jia xi lie). [Abhandlung über Edgar Allan Poe].
怪異酷天才 : 神祕小說之父愛倫坡
Publication / Poe77
16 2009 Hao, Ruijuan. Edgar Allan Poe in contemporary China. In : The Edgar Allan Poe review ; vol. 10, no 3 (2009).
Publication / Poe2