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Scott, Walter

(Edinburgh 1771-1832 Abbotsford, Roxburghshire) : Schottischer Schriftsteller, Dichter

Name Alternative(s)

Scott, Walter Sir


Index of Names : Occident / Literature : Occident : Great Britain

Chronology Entries (4)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1827 Scott, Walter. Life of John Dryden. (Edinburgh : Cadell, 1827).
"Among other projects, Dryden seems to have had thoughts of altering and revising a tragedy called the Conquest of China by the Tartars, written by his ancient friend and brother-in-law, Sir Robert Howard… But Dryden never altered the Conquest of China
  • Document: Internet (Wichtige Adressen werden separat aufgeführt) (Int, Web)
  • Person: Dryden, John
2 1907 Sigede [Scott, Walter]. Shi zi jun ying xiong ji. Lin Shu yi. [ID D10420].
Lin Shu schreibt im Vorwort : "Today's China is feckless and declining. It's a great pity that I do not have a wide knowledge, so that I could come up with original works for publication to inspire my countrymen. What I can do now is to translate as many as I can of the stories of Western heroes in order that my people can, by learning from these heroes, get out of their state of lassitude and isolation, and catch up with the strong rival nations. Would that not bring me consolation any the less ?"
3 1908 Lu, Xun. Mo luo shi li shuo = On the power of Mara poetry. [ID D26228]. [Auszüge].
Lu Xun erwähnt George Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Thomas Carlyle, William Shakespeare, John Milton, Walter Scott, John Keats, Friedrich Nietzsche, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Henrik Ibsen [erste Erwähnung], Nikolai Wassil'evich Gogol, Platon, Dante, Napoleon I., Ernst Moritz Arndt, Friedrich Wilhelm III., Theodor Körner, Edward Dowden, John Stuart Mill, Matthew Arnold, John Locke, Robert Burns, Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin, Adam Mickiewicz, Sandor Petöfi, Wladimir Galaktionowitsch Korolenko.

Lu Xun schreibt :
"He who has searched out the ancient wellspring will seek the source of the future, the new wellspring. O my brothers, the works of the new life, the surge from the depths of the new source, is not far off". Nietzsche...
Later the poet Kalidasa achieved fame for his dramas and occasional lyrics ; the German master Goethe revered them as art unmatched on earth or in heaven...
Iran and Egypt are further examples, snapped in midcourse like well-ropes – ancient splendor now gone arid. If Cathay escapes this roll call, it will be the greatest blessing life can offer. The reason ? The Englishman Carlyle said : "The man born to acquire an articulate voice and grandly sing the heart's meaning is his nation's raison d'être. Disjointed Italy was united in essence, having borne Dante, having Italian. The Czar of great Russia, with soldiers, bayonets, and cannon, does a great feat in ruling a great tract of land. Why has he no voice ? Something great in him perhaps, but he is a dumb greatness. When soldiers, bayonets and cannon are corroded, Dante's voice will be as before. With Dante, united ; but the voiceless Russian remains mere fragments".
Nietzsche was not hostile to primitives ; his claim that they embody new forces is irrefutable. A savage wilderness incubates the coming civiliization ; in primitives' teeming forms the light of day is immanent...
Russian silence ; then stirring sound. Russia was like a child, and not a mute ; an underground stream, not an old well. Indeed, the early 19th century produced Gogol, who inspired his countrymen with imperceptible tear-stained grief, compared by some to England's Shakespeare, whom Carlyle praised and idolized. Look around the worls, where each new contending voice has its own eloquence to inspire itself and convey the sublime to the world ; only India and those other ancient lands sit motionless, plunged in silence...
I let the past drop here and seek new voices from abroad, an impulse provoked by concern for the past. I cannot detail each varied voice, but none has such power to inspire and language as gripping as Mara poetry. Borrowed from India, the 'Mara' – celestial demon, or 'Satan' in Europe – first denoted Byron. Now I apply it to those, among all the poets, who were committed to resistance, whose purpose was action but who were little loved by their age ; and I introduce their words, deeds, ideas, and the impact of their circles, from the sovereign Byron to a Magyar (Hungarian) man of letters. Each of the group had distinctive features and made his own nation's qualities splendid, but their general bent was the same : few would create conformist harmonies, but they'd bellow an audience to its feet, these iconoclasts whose spirit struck deep chords in later generations, extending to infinity...
Humanity began with heroism and bravado in wars of resistance : gradually civilization brought culture and changed ways ; in its new weakness, knowing the perils of charging forward, its idea was to revert to the feminine ; but a battle loomed from which it saw no escape, and imagination stirred, creating an ideal state set in a place as yet unattained if not in a time too distant to measure. Numerous Western philosophers have had this idea ever since Plato's "Republic". Although there were never any signs of peace, they still craned toward the future, spirits racing toward the longed-for grace, more committed than ever, perhaps a factor in human evolution...
Plato set up his imaninary "Republic", alleged that poets confuse the polity, and should be exiled ; states fair or foul, ideas high or low – these vary, but tactics are the same...
In August 1806 Napoleon crushed the Prussian army ; the following July Prussia sued for peace and became a dependency. The German nation had been humiliated, and yet the glory of the ancient spirit was not destroyed. E.M. Arndt now emerged to write his "Spirit of the Age" (Geist der Zeit), a grand and eloquent declaration of independence that sparked a blaze of hatred for the enemy ; he was soon a wanted man and went to Switzerland. In 1812 Napoleon, thwarted by the freezing conflagration of Moscow, fled back to Paris, and all of Europe – a brewing storm – jostled to mass its forces of resistance. The following year Prussia's King Friedrich Wilhelm III called the nation to arms in a war for three causes : freedom, justice, and homeland ; strapping young students, poets, and artists flocked to enlist. Arndt himself returned and composed two essays, "What is the people's army" and "The Rhine is a great German river, not its border", to strengthen the morale of the youth. Among the volunteers of the time was Theodor Körner, who dropped his pen, resigned his post as Poet of the Vienne State Theater, parted from parents and beloved, and took up arms. To his parents he wrote : "The Prussian eagle, being fierce and earnest, has aroused the great hope of the German people. My songs without exception are spellbound by the fatherland. I would forgot all joys and blessings to die fighting for it ! Oh, the power of God has enlightened me. What sacrifice could be more worthy than one for our people's freedom and the good of humanity ? Boundless energy surges through me, and I go forth ! " His later collection "Lyre and sword" (Leier und Schwert), also resonates with this same spirit and makes the pulse race when one recites from it. In those days such a fervent awareness was not confined to Körner, for the entire German youth were the same. Körner's voice as the voice of all Germans, Körner's blood was the blood of all Germans. And so it follows that neither State, nor Emperor, nor bayonet, but the nation's people beat Napoleon. The people all had poetry and thus the poets' talents ; so in the end Germany did not perish. This would have been inconceivable to those who would scrap poetry in their devotion to utility, who clutch battered foreign arms in hopes of defending hearth and home. I have, first, compared poetic power with rice and beans only to shock Mammon's disciples into seeing that gold and iron are far from enough to revive a country ; and since our nation has been unable to get beyond the surface of Germany and France, I have shown their essence, which will lead, I hope, to some awareness. Yet this is not the heart of the matter...
England's Edward Dowden once said : "We often encounter world masterpieces of literature or art that seem to do the world no good. Yet we enjoy the encounter, as in swimming titanic waters we behold the vastness, float among waves and come forth transformed in body and soul. The ocean itself is but the heave and swell of insensible seas, nor has it once provided us a single moral sentence or a maxim, yet the swimmer's health and vigor are greatly augmented by it"...
If everything were channeled in one direction, the result would be unfulfilling. If chill winter is always present, the vigor of spring will never appear ; the physical shell lives on, but the soul dies. Such people live on, but hey have lost the meaning of life. Perhaps the use of literaure's uselessness lies here. John Stuart Mill said, "There is no modern civilization that does not make science its measure, reason its criterion, and utility its goal". This is the world trend, but the use of literature is more mysterious. How so ? It can nurture our imagination. Nurturing the human imagination is the task and the use of literature...
Matthew Arnold's view that "Poetry is a criticism of life" has precisely this meaning. Thus reading the great literary works from Homer on, one not only encounters poetry but naturally makes contact with life, becomes aware of personal merits and defects one by one, and naturally strives harder for perfection. This effect of literature has educational value, which is how it enriches life ; unlike ordinary education, it shows concreteley a sense of self, valor, and a drive toward progress. The devline and fall of a state has always begun with is refusal to heed such teaching...
[The middle portion of this essay is a long and detailed description of Lu Xun's exemplary Mara poets, including Byron, Shelley, Pushkin, Lermontov, Michiewicz, Slowacki and Petöfi].
In 18th-century England, when society was accustomed to deceit, and religion at ease with corruption, literature provided whitewash through imitations of antiquity, and the genuine voice of the soul could not he heard. The philosopher Locke was the first to reject the chronic abuses of politics and religion, to promote freedom of speech and thought, and to sow the seeds of change. In literature it was the peasant Burns of Scotland who put all he had into fighting society, declared universal equality, feared no authority, nor bowed to gold and silk, but poured his hot blood into his rhymes ; yet this great man of ideas, not immediately the crowd's proud son, walked a rocky outcast road to early death. Then Byron and Shelley, as we know, took up the fight. With the power of a tidal wave, they smashed into the pillars of the ancien régime. The swell radiated to Russia, giving rise to Pushkin, poet of the nation ; to Poland, creating Mickiewicz, poet of revenge ; to Hungary, waking Petéfi, poet of patriotism ; their followers are too many to name. Although Byron and Shelley acquired the Mara title, they too were simply human. Such a fellowship need not be labeled the "Mara School", for life on earth is bound to produce their kind. Might they not be the ones enlightened by the voice of sincerity, who, embracing that sincerity, share a tacit understanding ? Their lives are strangely alike ; most took up arms and shed their blood, like swordsmen who circle in public view, causing shudders of pleasure at the sight of mortal combat. To lack men who shed their blood in public is a disaster for the people ; yet having them and ignoring them, even proceeding to kill them, is a greater disaster from which the people cannot recover...
"The last ray", a book by the Russian author Korolenko, records how an old man teaches a boy to read in Siberia : “His book talked of the cherry and the oriole, but these didn't exist in frozen Siberia. The old man explained : It's a bird that sits on a cherry branch and carols its fine songs”. The youth reflected. Yes, amid desolation the youth heard the gloss of a man of foresight, although he had not heard the fine song itself. But the voice of foresight does not come to shatter China's desolation. This being so, is there nothing for us but reflection, simply nothing but reflection ?

Ergänzung von Guo Ting :
Byron behaved like violent weaves and winter wind. Sweeping away all false and corrupt customs. He was so direct that he never worried about his own situation too much. He was full of energy, and spirited and would fight to the death without losing his faith. Without defeating his enemy, he would fight till his last breath. And he was a frank and righteous man, hiding nothing, and he spoke of others' criticism of himself as the result of social rites instead of other's evil intent, and he ignored all those bad words. The truth is, at that time in Britain, society was full of hypocrites, who took those traditions and rites as the truth and called anyone who had a true opinion and wanted to explore it a devil.

Ergänzung von Yu Longfa :
Die Bezeichnung Mara stammt aus dem Indischen und bedeutet Himmelsdämon. Die Europäer nennen das Satan. Ursprünglich bezeichnete man damit Byron. Jetzt weist das auf alle jene Dichter hin, die zum Widerstand entschlossen sind und deren Ziel die Aktion ist, ausserdem auf diejenigen Dichter, die von der Welt nicht sehr gemocht werden. Sie alle gehören zu dieser Gruppe. Sie berichten von ihren Taten und Überlegungen, von ihren Schulen und Einflüssen. Das beginnt beim Stammvater dieser Gruppe, Byron, und reicht letztlich hin bis zu dem ungarischen Schriftsteller Petöfi. Alle diese Dichter sind in ihrem äusserlichen Erscheinungsbild sehr unterschiedlich. Jeder bringt entsprechend den Besoderheiten des eigenen Landes Grossartiges hervor, aber in ihrer Hauptrichtung tendieren sie zur Einheitlichkeit. Meistens fungieren sie nicht als Stimme der Anpassung an die Welt und der einträchtigen Freude. Sobald sie aus voller Kehle ihre Stimme erheben, geraten ihre Zuhörer in Begeisterung, bekämpfen das Himmlische und widersetzen sich den gängigen Sitten. Aber ihr Geist rührt auch tief an die Seelen der Menschen nachfolgender Generationen und setzt sich fort bis in die Unendlichkeit. Sie sind ohne Ausnahme vital und unnachgiebig und treten für die Wahrheit ein… Nietzsche lehnt den Wilden nicht ab, da er neue Lebenskraft in sich berge und gar nicht anders könne, als ehrlich zu sein. So stammt die Zivilisation denn auch aus der Unzivilisation. Der Wilde erscheint zwar roh, besitzt aber ein gütmütiges Inneres. Die Zivilisation ist den Blüten vergleichbar und die Unzivilisation den Knospen. Vergleicht man jedoch die Unzivilisation mit den Blüten, so entspricht die Zivilisation den Früchten. Ist die Vorstufe bereits vorhanden, so besteht auch Hoffnung.

Yu Longfa : Lu Xun befasst sich zwar nicht ausführlich mit Friedrich Nietzsche, aber auf der Suche nach dem 'Kämpfer auf geistigem Gebiet', dessen charakteristische Eigenschaften, besonders die Konfiguration des Übermenschen, macht er ausfindig. Lu Xun ist überzeugt, dass die Selbststärkung eines Menschen und der Geist der Auflehnung kennzeichnend für den Übermenschen sind. In Anlehnung an den Übermenschen zitiert er aus Also sprach Zarathustra : "Diejenigen, die auf der Suche nach den Quellen des Altertums alles ausgeschöpft haben, sind im Begriff, die Quellen der Zukunft, die neuen Quellen zu suchen. Ach, meine Brüder, die Schaffung des neuen Lebens und das Sprudeln der neuen Quellen in der Tiefe, das dürft wohl nicht weit sein !"

Tam Kwok-kan : Earliest reference to Henrik Ibsen. This is the first Chinese article that discusses in a comprehensive manner the literary pursuits of the Byronic poets. Lu Xun ranks Ibsen as one of these poets and compares the rebellious spirit exemplified in Ibsen's drama to Byron's satanic tendency. Lu Xun had a particular liking for the play An enemy of the people, in which Ibsen presented his ideas through the iconoclast Dr. Stockmann, who in upholding truth against the prejudices of society, is attacked by the people. Lu Xun thought that China needed more rebels like Ibsen who dared to challenge accepted social conventions. By introducing Ibsen in the image of Dr. Stockmann, the moral superman, together with the satanic poets, Lu Xun believed that he could bring in new elements of iconoclasm in the construction of a modern Chinese consciousness. As Lu Xun said, he introduced Ibsen's idea of individualism because he was frustrated with the Chinese prejudice toward Western culture and with the selfishness popular among the Chinese.

Chu Chih-yu : Lu Xun adapted for the greater part of Mara poetry his Japanese sources (Kimura Katataro), he also added some of his own comments and speculations.

Guo Ting : Given Lu Xun's leading position in the Chinese literary field at that time, his defense of Byron was powerful and set the overarching tone for the time of Byron when he was first introduced to Chinese readers.

Liu Xiangyu : On the power of Mara poetry itself is an expression of Byronism to 'speak out against the establisment and conventions' and to 'stir the mind'. Lu Xun criticized traditional Chinese culture and literature.
  • Document: Von der Kolonialpolitik zur Kooperation : Studien zur Geschichte der deutsch-chinesischen Beziehungen. Hrsg. von Kuo Heng-yü. (München : Minerva Publikation, 1986). (Berliner China Studien ; 13).
    [Enthält] : Yin, Xuyi. Zur Verbreitung des Marxismus in China. S. 444. (KUH7, Publication)
  • Document: Chu, Chih-yu. Byron's literary fortunes in China. (Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1995). Diss. Univ. of Hong Kong, 1995.
    http://hub.hku.hk/bitstream/10722/34921/1/FullText.pdf. [Accept]. S. 24. (Byr1, Web)
  • Document: Yu, Longfa. Begegnungen mit Nietzsche : ein Beitrag zu Nietzsche-Rezeptionstendenzen im chinesischen Leben und Denken von 1919 bis heute. Diss. Univ. Wuppertal, 2000.
    http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?idn=959811869. S. 43-46. (Yu1, Publication)
  • Document: Tam, Kwok-kan. An unfinished project : Ibsen and the construction of a modern Chinese consciousness. In : East-West dialogue ; vol. 4, noa 2 (2000). (Ibs109, Publication)
  • Document: Liu, Xiangyu ; Ma, Hailiang. Byronism in Lu XunIn : Images of Westerners in Chinese and Japanese literature. Ed. by Hua Meng and Sukehiro Hirakawa. (Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2000). (Proceedings of the XVth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association ; vol. 10, Leiden 1997). (Byr5, Publication)
  • Document: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China 1908-1997 : a critical-annotated bibliography of criticism, translation and performance. (Hong Kong : Chinese Univesity Press, 2001). S. 34. (Ibs1, Publication)
  • Document: Hao, Tianhu. Ku Hung-ming, an early Chinese reader of Milton. In : Milton quarterly ; vol. 39, no 2 (2005). [Gu Hongming]. (Milt1, Publication)
  • Document: Guo, Ting. Translating a foreign writer : a case study of Byron in China. In : Literature compass ; vol. 7, no 9 (2010).
    http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1741-4113.2010.00727.x/full. (Byr3, Publication)
  • Person: Arndt, Ernst Moritz
  • Person: Arnold, Matthew
  • Person: Burns, Robert
  • Person: Byron, George Gordon
  • Person: Carlyle, Thomas
  • Person: Dante, Alighieri
  • Person: Dowden, Edward
  • Person: Friedrich Wilhelm III.
  • Person: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
  • Person: Gogol, Nikolai Vasil'evich
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
  • Person: Keats, John
  • Person: Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich
  • Person: Körner, Theodor
  • Person: Locke, John
  • Person: Lu, Xun
  • Person: Mickiewicz, Adam
  • Person: Mill, John Stuart
  • Person: Napoleon I.
  • Person: Nietzsche, Friedrich
  • Person: Petöfi, Sándor
  • Person: Platon
  • Person: Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
  • Person: Shakespeare, William
  • Person: Shelley, Percy Bysshe
4 1947 Guo, Moruo. Wo de tong nian. (Shanghai : Hai yan shu dian, 1947).
Guo remarked that he had been much influenced by Sir Walter Scott.
  • Document: Gálik, Marián. Kuo Mo-jo's "The goddesses" : creative confrontation with Tagore, Whitman and Goethe. In : Gálik, Marián. Milestones in Sino-Western literary confrontation, 1898-1979. – Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1986. (Asiatische Forschungen ; Bd. 98). [Guo Moruo]. (WhiW56, Publication)
  • Person: Guo, Moruo

Bibliography (46)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1905 Sakexun [Scott, Walter]. Sakexun jie hou ying xiong lue. Lin Shu, Wei Yi yi. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1905). (Shanghai : Shang wu Yin shu guan, 1913). (Shuo bu chong shu ; 27). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe : a romance. Vol. 1-3. (Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable ; London : Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1820).
Publication / Lin13
2 1907 Sigede [Scott, Walter]. Shi zi jun ying xiong ji. Sigede yuan zhu ; Lin Shu, Wei Yi yi shu. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1907). (Shuo bu cong shu ; 2, 29). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Tales of the crusaders. Vol. 1-4. (Edinburgh : Archibald Constable ; London : Hurst, Robinson, and Co., 1825). Vol. 1-2 : The betrothed. Vol. 3-4 : The talisman.
Publication / Lin26
3 1907 Sigede [Scott, Walter]. Jian di yuan yang : yan qing xiao shuo. Sigede yuan zhu ; Lin Shu, Wei Yi yi shu. Vol. 1-4. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1907). (Shuo bu cong shu ; 2, 20). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Tales of the crusaders. Vol. 1-4. (Edinburgh : Archibald Constable ; London : Hurst, Robinson, and Co., 1825). Vol. 1-2 : The betrothed. Vol. 3-4 : The talisman.
劍底鴛鴦 : 言情小說
Publication / LinS10
  • Cited by: Zhang, Juncai. Lin Shu ping zhuan. (Tianjin : Nankai & Daxue, 1992).
    林纾评传 (Lin1, Published)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Lin, Shu
4 1915 [Scott, Walter]. Luxi zhuan. Chen Dadeng, Chen Jialin yi. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1915). (Shuo bu cong shu ; 2, 54). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. The bride of Lammermoor. In : Scott, Walter. Tales of my landlord. (Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable and Co., 1819).
Publication / Sco21
5 1934 [Scott, Walter]. Zhui lou ji. Sigetuo ; Wu Guangjian yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1934). (Ying Han dui zhao ming jia xiao shuo xuan). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Kenilworth : a romance. (Edinburgh : A. Constable, 1821). [Text in Chinesisch und Englisch].
Publication / Sco39
6 1937 [Scott, Walter]. Sakexun jie hou ying xiong lue. Sakexun zhu ; Xie Huang yi. (Shanghai : Qi ming shu ju, 1938). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe : a romance. Vol. 1-3. (Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable ; London : Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1820).
Publication / Scott1
7 1939 [Scott, Walter]. Jie hou ying xiong. Sigete ; Shi Zhecun yi. (Kunming : Zhong hua shu ju, 1939). (Shi jie shao nian wen xue cong shu). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe : a romance. Vol. 1-3. (Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable ; London : Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1820).
Publication / Sco14
8 1939 [Scott, Walter]. Jing hun ji. Sigetuo yuan zhu ; Wan Yixian yi. (Shanghai : Zhong hua shu ji, 1939). (Shi jie shao nian wen xue cong shu). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Quentin Durward. (Edinburg : Printed for Archibald Constable and Co. ; London : Hurst, Robinson, and Co., 1823).
Publication / Sco17
9 1947 [Scott, Walter]. Shigutuo jie zuo ben shi. Shigutuo zhu ; Shao Yin, Shi Bei yi. (Shanghai : Da dong shu ju, 1947). [Übersetzung der Meisterwerke von Scott].
Publication / Sco33
10 1958 [Scott, Walter]. Yi ge yi sheng de nü er. Sigete zhu ; Chen Yi yi. (Shanghai : Xin wen yi chu ban she, 1958). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Surgeon's daughter. In : Scott, Walter. Chronicles oft he Canongate. Vol. 1. (Edinburgh : Printed for Cadell and Co. ; London : Simpkin and Marshall, 1827).
Publication / Sco38
11 1959 [Scott, Walter]. Luobu Luoyi. Sigete ; Chen Zhenshi yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1959). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Rob Roy. Vol. 1-3. (Edinburgh : Printed by James Ballantyne and Co. for Archibald Constable and Co. ; London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1817).
Publication / Sco20
12 1963 [Scott, Walter]. Zhui lou ji. Sikaote zhuan ; Sun Zhumin yi. (Taibei : Wu zhou, 1963). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Kenilworth : a romance. (Edinburgh : A. Constable, 1821).
Publication / Sco41
13 1969 [Scott, Walter]. Sakexun jie hou ying xiong lue. Sigetuo. (Taibei : Tainan xin shi ji, 1969). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe : a romance. Vol. 1-3. (Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable ; London : Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1820).
Publication / Sco30
14 1971 [Scott, Walter]. Sakexun jie hou ying xiong lue. Shikaosi zhuan ; Chen Shuangjun yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen shu ju yin xing, 1971). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe : a romance. Vol. 1-3. (Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable ; London : Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1820).
Publication / Sco27
15 1971 [Scott, Walter]. Zhui lou ji. Sigetuo zhuan ; Chen Shuangjun yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen, 1971). (Ying han Dui zhao. Shi jie ming zhu). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Kenilworth : a romance. (Edinburgh : A. Constable, 1821).
Publication / Sco40
16 1978 [Scott, Walter]. Aifanhe. Gordon Browne cha tu ; Liu Zunqi, Zhang Yi yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1978). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe : a romance. Vol. 1-3. (Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable ; London : Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1820).
Publication / Sco1
17 1980 [Scott, Walter]. Mideluoxi'en jian yu. Sigete zhu ; Wang Ji, Ren Daxiong yi. (Nanjing : Jiangsu ren min chu ban she, 1980). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. The heart of Midlothian. In : Scott, Walter. Tales of my landlord. (Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable & Co., 1818).
Publication / Sco23
18 1981 [Scott, Walter]. Xiu mu lao ren. Wang Peide yi ; Liu Zunqi jiao. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1981). (Sigete xuan ji). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. The old mortality. In : Scott, Walter. Tales of my landlord. Vol. 2-4. (Edinburgh : Printed for W. Balckwood ; London : J. Murray, 1816).
Publication / Sco37
19 1982 [Scott, Walter]. Huang jia lie cong. Sigete zhu ; Gao Diansen yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1982). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Woodstock, or The cavalier : a tale of the year sixteen hundred and fifty-one. Vol. 1-2. (Edinburg : A. Constable ; London Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1826).
Publication / Sco12
20 1982 [Scott, Walter]. Kenna'erwosi bao. Wang Peide yi ; Zhang Yousong jiao. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1982). (Sigete xuan ji). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Kenilworth : a romance. (Edinburgh : A. Constable, 1821).
Publication / Sco18
21 1983 [Scott, Walter]. Cheng bao feng yun. Huate Sigete zhu ; Gao Changrong yi. (Jinan : Shandong ren min chu ban she, 1983). (Wai guo gu jin wen xue ming zhu cong shu). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Quentin Durward. (Edinburg : Printed for Archibald Constable and Co. ; London : Hurst, Robinson, and Co., 1823).
Publication / Sco3
22 1983 [Scott, Walter]. Hong qiu Luo Bo. Sigete zhu ; Li Liangmin yi. (Shanghai : Yi wen chu ban she, 1983). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Rob Roy. Vol. 1-3. (Edinburgh : Printed by James Ballantyne and Co. for Archibald Constable and Co. ; London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1817).
Publication / Sco10
23 1985 [Scott, Walter]. Sakexun ying xiong chuan : Aifanhe. Sigete zhuan ; Lai Yili yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1985). (Xin chao shi jie ming zhu ; 29). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe : a romance. Vol. 1-3. (Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable ; London : Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1820).
撒克遜英雄傳 : 艾凡赫
Publication / Sco29
24 1986 [Scott, Walter]. Gu dong jia. Sigete zhu ; Chen Yi, Chen Tifang yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1986). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. The antiquary. (Edinburgh : Printed by James Ballantyne and Co. for Archibald Constable and Co. ; London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1816).
Publication / Sco6
25 1986 [Scott, Walter]. Hu shang fu ren. Sigete zhu ; Cao Minglun yi. (Changsha : Hunan ren min chu ban she, 1986). (Shi yuan yi lin). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. The lady of the lake : a poem. (Edinburgh : Printed for John Ballantyne and Co. ; London : Longman, Hurst, rees, and Orme, and William Miller, 1810).
Publication / Sco11
26 1987 [Scott, Walter]. Mo dai xing yin shi ren zhi ge. Sigete zhu ; Huang Gaoxin yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1987). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Lay of the last minstrel. (London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1812).
Publication / Sco24
27 1988 [Scott, Walter]. Sakexun jie hou ying xiong zhuan. Sikaote zhu. [Rewritten by David Oliphant]. (Taibei : Lu qiao, 1988). (Lu qiao er tong di san zuo tu shu guan. Shi jie wen xue ming zhu jing cui ; 44). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe : a romance. Vol. 1-3. (Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable ; London : Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1820).
Publication / Sco28
28 1988 [Scott, Walter]. Shi wang Licha. Ma Jingxian jian xiu ; Zheng Qingwen bian yi. (Taibei : Guang fu shu ju, 1988). (Xin bian shi jie er tong wen xue quan ji ; 25). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. The talisman. In : Scott, Walter. Tales oft he crusaders. (Edinburgh : A. Constable and Co. ; London : Hurst, Robinson, 1825).
Publication / Sco31
29 1988 [Scott, Walter]. Zui hou yi ge yin you shi ren de ge. Sigete zhu ; Cao Minglun yi. (Changsha : Hunan ren min chu ban she, 1988). (Shi yuan yi lin). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. The lay of the last minstrel. (London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, & Orme, 1805).
Publication / Sco42
30 1990 [Scott, Walter]. Hai dao. Huate Sigete zhu ; Ye Dongxin yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1990). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. The pirate. (London : T. Nelson, 1821).
Publication / Sco8
31 1991 Shi jie wen xue ming zhu jing cui. Zhong ying dui zhao. Vol. 1-72. (Taibei : Lu qiao, 1991). (Lu qiao er tong di san zuo tu shu guan).
[Enthält] : Homer; Alexandre Dumas; Helen Keller; Mark Twain; Robert Louis Stevenson; Anthony Hope; Charles Dickens; Thomas Hardy; Edgar Allan Poe; Johanna Spyri; Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir; Jack London; Lew Wallace; Charlotte Bronte; Jules Verne; Emily Bronte; Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; Emma Orczy; Richard Henry Dana; William Shakespeare; Rudyard Kipling; Herman Melville; Sir Walter Scott, bart.; Victor Hugo; James Fenimore Cooper; Johann David Wyss; Jane Austen; Henry James; Jonathan Swift; Stephen Crane; Anna Sewell; Nathaniel Hawthorne; Bram Stoker; Daniel Defoe; H G Wells; William Bligh; Mary Wallstonecraft Shelley; Fyodor Dostoyevsky; O. Henry [William Sydney Porter]; Joseph Conrad.
Publication / Shijie
32 1992 [Scott, Walter]. Fu lu shi chuan qi. Sigete ; Sun Fali yi. (Chongqing : Chongqing chu ban she, 1992). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. The talisman. In : Scott, Walter. Tales oft he crusaders. (Edinburgh : A. Constable and Co. ; London : Hurst, Robinson, 1825).
Publication / Sco4
33 1992 [Scott, Walter]. Po si li ren. Sigete ; Chen Zhaolin yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1992). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. St Valentine's day ; or The fair maid of Perth. (Edinburg : Printed for Cadell and co. ; London : Simpkin and Marshall, 1828).
Publication / Sco26
34 1994 [Scott, Walter]. Sigete duan pian xiao shuo xuan. Sigete ; Zhang Jinghao yi. (Changsha : Hunan wen yi chu ban she, 1994). (Shi jie duan pian xiao shuo jing hua). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Short stories von Scott].
Publication / Sco34
35 1995 [Scott, Walter]. Sigete xiao shuo gu shi zong ji. Wen Meihui gu wen. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen yi chu ban she, 1995). [Übersetzung von Prosa-Werken von Scott].
Publication / Sco36
36 1996 [Scott, Walter]. Gu bao qing chou. Huate Sigete zhu ; Gao Changrong yi. (Zhuhai : Zhuhai chu ban she, 1996). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
Publication / Sco5
37 1996 [Scott, Walter]. Guai ai. Sigete zhu ; Pan Yifu deng yi. (Zhuhai : Zhuhai chu ban she, 1996). (Shi jie wen xue bao ku cang shu). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
Publication / Sco7
38 1996 [Scott, Walter]. Hai dao. Wa'erte Sigete zhu ; Wang Fan [et al.] yi. (Hebei : Hua shan, 1996). (Shi jie chang pian xiao shuo jing dian shu xi). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. The pirate. (London : T. Nelson, 1821).
Publication / Sco9
39 1998 [Scott, Walter]. Kunding Dawode. Sigete ; Xiang Xingyao yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1998). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Quentin Durward. (Edinburg : Printed for Archibald Constable and Co. ; London : Hurst, Robinson, and Co., 1823).
Publication / Sco19
40 1998 [Scott, Walter]. Mamien. Sigete ; Cao Minglun yi. (Chengdou : Sichuan ren min chu ban she, 1998). (Yu jin xiang yi cong). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Marmion : a tale of flodden field. (Edinburgh : Printed by J. Ballantyne and Co. for Archibald Constable and Co. ; London : William Miller, and John Murray, 1808).
Publication / Sco22
41 1998 [Scott, Walter]. Sigete jing xuan ji. Yang Hengda bian xuan. (Jinan : Shandong wen yi chu ban she, 1998). (Wai guo wen xue ming jia jing xuan shu xi). [Übersetzung von Prosa-Werken von Scott].
Publication / Sco35
42 1999 [Scott, Walter]. Huate Sigete zuo pin shang xi. Sigete ; Hu Jiahao yi. (Wuhan : Wuhan ce hui ke ji da xue chu ban she, 1999). (Shi jie ming jia zuo pin shang xi cong shu). [Übersetzung der Werke von Scott].
Publication / Sco13
43 1999 [Scott, Walter]. Jing hun ji. Wa'erte Sigete zhu ; Xie Baikui yi. (Nanjing : Yilin chu ban she, 1999). (Yilin shi jie wen xue ming zhu. Gu dian xi lie). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Quentin Durward. (Edinburg : Printed for Archibald Constable and Co. ; London : Hurst, Robinson, and Co., 1823).
Publication / Sco15
44 1999 [Scott, Walter]. Shi wang Licha. Waerda Sigete yuan zhu ; Guo Man gai xie. (Beijing : Hai tun chu ban she, 1999). (Shi jie er tong wen xue ming zhu jing xuan. Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. The talisman. In : Scott, Walter. Tales oft he crusaders. (Edinburgh : A. Constable and Co. ; London : Hurst, Robinson, 1825).
Publication / Sco32
45 2000 [Scott, Walter]. Aifanhe. Wa'erte Sigete yuan zhu ; Liu Yun gai xie. (Yanji : Yan bian da xue, 2000). (Shao nian bi du wen xue ming zhu ; 4). Übersetzung von Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe : a romance. Vol. 1-3. (Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable ; London : Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1820).
Publication / Sco2
46 2000 [Scott, Walter]. Nei pa si de nü lang. Huate Sigete zhu ; Hu Jiahao, Xiang Zongping bian yi. (Wuhan : Wuhan ce hui ke ji da xue chu ban she, 2000). (Wen xue da shi zuo pin jing xuan).
[Enthält Übersetzung von] :
Scott, Walter. The maid of Neidpath. In : The golden treasury. Ed. Francis T. Palgrave. (London : Macmillan, 1875).
Scott, Walter. The lay of the las minstrel. (London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1812).
Scott, Walter. William and Helen. (Edinburgh : Manners and Miller, 1796).
Scott, Walter. Sir Tristrem : a metrical romance of the thirteenth century. By Thomas of Ercildoune, called the rhymer. (Edinburgh : Printed by James Ballantyne, for Archibald Constable ; London : Longman and Rees, 1804).
Scott, Walter. The lady of the lake : a poem. (Edinburgh : Printed for John Ballantyne and Co. ; London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, and William Miller, 1810).
Scott, Walter. The two drovers. In : Scott, Walter. Chronicles of the Canongate. (Edinburgh : Printed for Cadell and Co. ; London : Simpkin and Marshall, 1827).
Scott, Walter. The tapestried chamber , or, The lady in the sacque. In : The keepsake. (1829).
Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe : a romance. Vol. 1-3. (Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable ; London : Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1820).
Publication / Sco25

Secondary Literature (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1998 Chen, Xu ; Zhao, Xiao. Sigete. (Shenyang : Lao hai chu ban she, 1998). (Bu lao hu chuan ji wen ku, ju ren bai chuan cong shu). [Abhandlung über Walter Scott]. 司各特 Publication / Sco43