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James, Henry (1)

(New York, N.Y. 1843-1916 Chelsea, England) : Amerikanischer Schriftsteller


Index of Names : Occident / Literature : Occident : United States of America

Chronology Entries (9)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1874-1909 James, Henry. Works.
Eugene Pickering. In : Atlantic monthly ; vol. 34, no 204-205 (Oct.-Nov. 1874).
Chap. 1.
It was as if we had stumbled upon an ancient cupboard in some dusky corner, and rummaged out a heap of childish playthings--tin soldiers and torn story-books, jack-knives and Chinese puzzles. This is what we remembered between us.

A passionate pilgrim, and other tales. (Boston : J.R. Osgood, 1875).
"A memory of the past! There comes back to me a china vase that used to stand on the parlour mantel-shelf when I was a boy, with a portrait of General Jackson painted on one side and a bunch of flowers on the other.

Roderick Hudson. (Boston, Mass. ; New York, N.Y. : Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1875).
Chap. 1
It is still lotus-eating, only you sit down at table, and the lotuses are served up
on rococo china.
He advocated the creation of a public promenade along the sea, with arbors and little green tables for the consumption of beer, and a platform, surrounded by Chinese lanterns, for dancing.

The American. (Boston, Mass. : Houghton, Mifflin, 1877).
Chap. 20.
"It looks," said Newman to himself--and I give the comparison for what it is worth--"like a Chinese penitentiary."

The Europeans : a sketch. (London : Macmillan, 1878).
Chap. 3.
"Remember that I am very fastidious," said the Baroness. "Has he very good manners?"
"He will have them with you. He is a man of the world; he has been to China."
Madame Munster gave a little laugh. "A man of the Chinese world! He must be very interesting."

Hawthorne. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Bros., 1879).
Chap. 1 Early years.
Salem, at the beginning of the present century, played a great part in the Eastern trade; it was the residence of enterprising shipowners who despatched their vessels to Indian and Chinese seas.

The portrait of a lady. (Boston ; New York, N.Y. : Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1881 ; London : Macmillan, 1881).
Chap. 14.
For what do you take me, pray? Heaven help me, I'm not the Emperor of China!

A little tour in France. (New York, N.Y. : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1884).
Chap. 15.
The only thing in this particular Musee that I remember is a fine portrait of a woman, by Ingres, - very flat and Chinese, but with an interest of line and a great deal of style.

Pandora. In : The author of Beltraffio, Pandora, Georgina's reasons, The path of duty, Four meetings. (Boston, Mass. : J.R. Osgood, 1885). = Stories revived. (London : Macmillan, 1885).
Count Otto could joke a little on great occasions, and the present one was worthy of his humour. He maintained to his companion that the shallow painted mansion resembled a false house, a "wing" or structure of daubed canvas, on the stage; but she answered him so well with certain economical palaces she had seen in Germany, where, as she said, there was nothing but china stoves and stuffed birds, that he was obliged to allow the home of Washington to be after all really gemuthlich.

The Bostonians. In : Century illustrated monthly magazine ; vol. 29, nos. 4-6 ; vol. 30, nos. 1-6 ; vol. 31, nos 1-4 (1885-1886). = (New York, N.Y. ; London : Macmillan, 1886).
Chap. 27.
"If you rise from this sofa I will tell Olive what I suspect. She will be perfectly capable of carrying Verena off to China--or anywhere out of your reach."
Chap. 37.
She had learned to breathe and move in a rarefied air, as she would have learned to speak Chinese if her success in life had depended upon it; but this dazzling trick, and all her artlessly artful facilities, were not a part of her essence, an expression of her innermost preferences.

The lesson of the master. In : Universal review ; vol. 1, no 3-4 (1888). = The lesson of the master, The marriages, The pupil, Brooksmith, The solution, Sir Edmund Orme. (London ; New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1891).
Chap. 1
It marched across from end to end and seemed - with its bright colours, its high panelled windows, its faded flowered chintzes, its quickly-recognised portraits and pictures, the blue-and-white china of its cabinets and the attenuated festoons and rosettes of its ceiling – a cheerful upholstered avenue into the other century.

The reverberato. (London ; New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1888).
Chap. 1.
It was a plain clean round pattern face, marked for recognition among so many only perhaps by a small figure, the sprig on a china plate, that might have denoted deep obstinacy; and yet, with its settled smoothness, it was neither stupid nor hard.

The tragic muse. (Boston, Mass. ; New York, N.Y. : Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1890).
Book 1, Chap. 2.
Her view of the gentleman's companions was less operative, save for her soon making the reflexion that they were people whom in any country, from China to Peru, you would immediately have taken for natives.
Chap. 4.
"She's so intelligent that she could judge if she recited Chinese," Peter declared.

The real thing. In : Black and white ; April 16 (1892).
They liked to lay hands on my property, to break the sitting, and sometimes the china--I made them feel Bohemian.

In the cage. (Chicago, Ill. ; New York, N.Y. : H.S. Stone, 1898).
Chap. 14.
He had announced at the earliest day--characterising the whole business, from that moment, as their "plans," under which name he handled it as a Syndicate handles a Chinese or other Loan--he had promptly declared that the question must be thoroughly studied, and he produced, on the whole subject, from day to day, an amount of information that excited her wonder and even, not a little, as she frankly let him know, her disdain.
Chap. 20.
The "anything, anything" she had uttered in the Park went to and fro between them and under the poked-out china that interposed.

The awkward age : a novel. (New York, N.Y. ; London : Harper & Bros., 1899).
Chap. 1.
Suggestive of panelled rooms, of precious mahogany, of portraits of women dead, of coloured china glimmering through glass doors and delicate silver reflected on bared tables, the thing was one of those impressions of a particular period that it takes two centuries to produce.

The wings of the dove. (New York, N.Y. : C. Scribner's Sons, 1902 ; Westminster : A. Constable, 1902).
Chap. 2.
She would have been meanwhile a wonderful lioness for a show, an extraordinary figure in a cage or anywhere; majestic, magnificent, high-coloured, all brilliant gloss, perpetual satin, twinkling bugles and flashing gems, with a lustre of agate eyes, a sheen of raven hair, a polish of complexion that was like that of well-kept china and that--as if the skin were too tight--told especially at curves and corners.

The golden bowl. (New York, N.Y. : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904).
Vol. 1, Chap. 1.
It mattered little that the girl had continued to demur--it was
the mere play of her joy. "I think he could make you like him in
Vol. 1, Chap. 11.
Treated on such occasions as at best a pair of dangling and merely nominal court-functionaries, picturesque hereditary triflers entitled to the petites entrees but quite external to the State, which began and ended with the Nursery, they could only retire, in quickened sociability, to what was left them of the Palace, there to digest their gilded insignificance and cultivate, in regard to the true Executive, such snuff-taking ironies as might belong to rococo
chamberlains moving among china lap-dogs.

Italian hours. (Boston, Mass. : H. Mifflin, 1909 ; London : W. Heinemann, 1909).
Oman rides.
In some places, where the huge brickwork is black with time and certain strange square towers look down at you with still blue eyes, the Roman sky peering through lidless loopholes,
and there is nothing but white dust in the road and solitude in the air, I might take myself for a wandering Tartar touching on the confines of the Celestial Empire. The wall of China must have very much such a gaunt robustness.

Julia Bride. (New York, N.Y. ; London : Harper, 1909).
But I can't get hold of Mr. Connery--Mr. Connery has gone to China. Besides, if he were here," she had ruefully to confess, "he'd be no good—on the contrary.
2 1959 [James, Henry]. Demofu fu ren. Hengli Zhanmushi zhu ; Nie Hualing yi. [ID D29928].
Nie Hualing writes in the 1980 edition : "At the beginning of the 1950s, the literary world of Taiwan was like a vacuum. The works from the May Fourth Period and by contemporary writers in the mainland were suddenly taken away from us, and we could only read Zhu Ziqing and Xu Zhimo. We 'literary bohemians' searched blindly and freely—when we found anything we just gulped it, for we were too hungry. I got Madame de Mauves like that. I did the translation immediately. Then in Taiwan, people engaging in literary studies seriously were very curious about and wanted to know more about modern novels like Madame de Mauves. My translation of James illustrates this special phenomenon: in the fifties, the literary world of Taiwan was filled with escapist literature and anti-communist literature. Brave intellects and young writers who were more aware of the situation felt great indignation."
  • Document: Lockard, Joe ; Qin, Dan. Translation ideologies of American literature in China. [Not yet publ.]. (Lond7, Publication)
  • Person: Nie, Hualing
3 1980-2000 Henry James and China general
Norman Michael Bock :
The American : James created a seemingly legendary figure, who incorporates an almost bewildering array of the most attenuated qualities of American selfhood. Chinese readers should not view Newman as a 'realistic' protagonist, but as an aggregate of all the most extreme tendencies of character assumed in a 'national type'. In Newman, we find a man who lacks antecedents, who displays industry and self reliance, who appreciates the future profit to be reaped from present sacrifice, who knows how to persevere, and who is driven to succeed solely for the sweet sake of success. Surreal Newman may seem to Americans, he may seem authentic to Chinese readers possessing little basis for comparison.
Daisy Miller : Winterbourne becomes extremely annoyed that Daisy is intimate with him, yet not devoted to him. This brings to mind his colleague's observation that 'American women [are] at once the most exacting in the world and the least endowed with a sense of indebtedness '. Chinese can appreciate in this passage the apparent tendency of Americans to believe that the world owes them much, but they owe the world little in exchange. Although Daisy at times appears shallow to Winterbourne, the mere maintenance of appearances does not satisfy this woman, who illustrates for Chinese readers what James regarded as a characteristic American desire to penetrate the surfaces of 'decorum'. Chinese readers will delight in the Euro-American debate over 'innocence'. When Winterbourne tells his aunt he is not innocent, she responds in typical Old World fashion, 'You are too guilty, then ?' For this man, who retains American sensibilities that even he does not appreciate, innocence connotes 'naivete' ; for his Europeanized aunt, it suggest the opposite of 'sinfulness'. In their understanding of the term 'innocence', Chinese will side squarely with the Americans. Daisy's demise at the end of the story suggests much about James's ambivalence as to the American proclivities toward spontaneity, experience, fresh exuberance, and freedom from social encumbrances. Intriguing these traits remain to him, they seem too impulsive and uninhibited to afford survival amidst a world of harsh physical and social realities. At this point in Daisy Miller, Chinese readers will recognize the many thematic parallels to The American. Some elemental urge in Daisy Miller, this all-too-obvious flowering of American youth, drives her to set aside safety and comfort for new experiences that lead to a fuller sense of being.
Dai Xianmei : Henry James remained largely unknown to Chinese readers even after 1949. Henry James studies in China formally began in 1980. With China's policy of reform and opening to foreign countries, James began to find his readers in China and he even became a hot topic of debate among some Chinese doctoral students. Chinese scholars read the foreign literary works for ideological instruction rather than for their aesthetic mould. Under such circumstances, Henry James, with his pursuit of an aesthetic and philosophical appreciation of the cream of life, seemed far away from Chinese needs. Quite a lot of Chinese intellectuals were unavoidably and understandably involved in political activities and political thinking about their country's future.
Zhao Luorui, Hou Wirui and Yang Xiaoping believed that Henry James gave preference to American innocence and morality between the conflicts of the two cultures. Almost all of the early Chinese James critics sensed the difficulty of his language and found themselves willing to accept H.G. Wells's view that James's magnificently artistic form is at the cost of life and content.
From political rejection to an artistic appreciation of Henry James, we can sense the change of the Chinese mind or China's attitude towards western culture. The conscious appreciation of James and some other western writers of his kind, sufficiently indicates the fact that Chinese people are becoming more and more open-minded in a new century with the development of economy, science and technology, more and more confident in combining her own ancient glorious civilization with all the other cultures to create a more lively Chinese culture, just like Henry James's enthusiastic pursuit of an ideal cultural combination of the cream of both American and European cultures.
Wang, Liya : The past decades have seen enormous efforts in China to study Henry James's corpus , which reflects a persistent enthusiasm on this literary figure among scholars in the field of foreign literature studies. This paper looks back at studies on Henry James in different historical periods, in China and attempts to uncover the interaction between the reception of foreign classics and China's historical background. From a heavy reliance on the 'traveling theories' in the 1980s to a selective use of Western paradigms later on critics of Henry James in China consistently show a general interest in his major novels and his novel theory. This paper is an historical review of studies on Henry James, works in China from the middle of twentieth century up to the present. Both the phase features of these studies and the factors which influence the formation of these features, in particular cultural background, are addressed in this research. Firstly, form 1934 to 1945, Henry James's works had been introduced into the literacy criticism in China by translators, but the research at that time was constrained by the historical conditions. Secondly, from 1949 to the 1970s, there was very little study done regarding Henry James. It was not until 1980's that scholars has begun to discuss Henry James's works from various perspectives. Henry James was originally regarded as a bourgeois writer who idealized the ruling class and neglected the working class. Influenced by the reflection on the political thinking in literature studies during the Cultural Revolution and the nation-wide revival of humanism in culture, Henry James was interpreted as a humanistic writer who had fully explored human consciousness. However, the aestheticism both in his novel theory and his late works was largely absent during that period. Finally, from the 1990s onward, Henry James has been interpreted according to various critical traditions, such as the formalist tradition and the deconstructive tradition .
  • Document: Bock, Norman Michael. Expressions of selfhood in classic American fiction : readings from a Chinese cultural perspective. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International, 1989). Diss. Univ. of Connecticut, 1989. [Betr. Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, Henry James, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner]. S. 168-170, 183-186. (Twa18, Publication)
  • Document: Dai, Xianmei. From rejection to appreciation : Henry James studies in China. [Paper read at the 2002 International Henry James Conference in Paris]. (JamH3, Publication)
  • Document: Wang, Liya. Xin Zhongguo liu shi nian Hengli Zhanmusi xiao shuo yan jiu zhi kao cha yu fen xi. In : Journal of Zhejiang University (humanities and social sciences). Vol. 43 (2013). [A historical review of Henry James study in China].
    (JamH2, Web)
4 1982 [James, Henry]. Hua sheng dun guang chang. Zhanmusi ; Hou Weirui yi. [ID D34510].
While deeply appreciative of James' writing, Hou comments, "The reason that the characters and the social aspects are somehow 'narrow and restricted' is that the author had relatively little social experience. James knew little about the difficult lives of people in society's lower strata. Nor did he know much about the rising social struggles at that period when capitalism was turning into imperialism". Hou seeks to balance a laudatory approach to James qua modernist with criticism of James' conservative aestheticism. This is a balancing act that is fairly common in Chinese introductions to works written by centrist or conservative American writers as the translator seeks to reconcile literary and political reputations. What is often missing, however, is the integration and reconciliation of these reputations. Hou introduces the plot of Washington Square with the observations that "American capitalism developed quickly in the middle of the nineteenth century…[and]…The generation of Americans born at that period did not hesitate to use every method to pursue material profits: wealth-hunting was the basis of their system of virtues". The introduction does not synthesize its socio-historical information with the novel's plot, nor does this substantial discussion treat the gender aspects of the 'woman as capital' dispute between Dr. Sloper and Morris Townsend. Failure to discuss gender issues significantly distanced Hou's introduction from the feminist discussions that characterized Washington Square elsewhere in the world in 1982.
  • Document: Lockard, Joe ; Qin, Dan. Translation ideologies of American literature in China. [Not yet publ.]. (Lond7, Publication)
  • Person: Hou, Weirui
5 1983 Discussion of David Kuebrich with Zhao Luorui.
Zhao rejects the idea of a free translation in favor of being as faithful as possible to the original. Striving for a meticulous fidelity to both Walt Whitman's content and style, she revises repeatedly in search of a judicious blend of accuracy, fluency, and what she speaks of as 'idiomatic grasp'. Commenting on the relative difficulty of translating Whitman, Zhao says that Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was 'easy'. T.S. Eliot lent himself to a rather literal translation ; Henry James was 'very difficult', but Whitman is 'impossible'.
6 1985 Hou, Weirui. Xian dai Yingguo xiao shuo shi [ID D27602].
Hou Weirui takes Henry James as the pioneer of the modern English novel. The chapter about James covers almost every aspect of Henry James : his life, his artistic theories, his early and late novels, his plays, his short stories and tales. He presented a lot of western James critics among whom he seemed to stand with H.G. Wells in believing James sacrificed life for his artistic experiments.
  • Document: Dai, Xianmei. From rejection to appreciation : Henry James studies in China. [Paper read at the 2002 International Henry James Conference in Paris]. (JamH3, Publication)
  • Person: Hou, Weirui
7 1988 Zhang, Weishui. [On Henry James's satire of American culture through the scenic irony]. [ID D29918].
Zhang thought Henry James, using 'situational irony', 'satirized the vulgarity of American culture', thous 'showing the success of the higly cultured Europeans over the vulgar and simple Americans'.
  • Document: Dai, Xianmei. From rejection to appreciation : Henry James studies in China. [Paper read at the 2002 International Henry James Conference in Paris]. (JamH3, Publication)
  • Person: Zhang, Weishui
8 1994 Kenneth M. Price : Interview with Zhao Luorui.
Zhao, Luorui : I think the Chinese people, even the government, always considered Walt Whitman a democrat and a very good friend of the common people. T.S. Eliot was easier to translate, he could be done literally, word by word. It was not extremely difficult to translate The waste land. And I did some of Henry James's novellas, and I found them more difficult than Eliot – the sentences are so involved. But I found Whitman the most difficult. I had to know the man before I could translate him I didn't need to know Eliot to translate his poetry. But I did need to know Whitman as man – his habits of thought, his background, his idiosyncracies even – in order to be able to translate him.
9 1996 Zhao, Luorui. Wo de du shu sheng ya. (Beijing : Beijing da xue chu ban she, 1996). [My life with books]. 我的读书生涯
Henry James lacks a strong and profound perception of politics and society, once concerned about this aspect, he showed his extremely conservative attitude, he even satirized and mocked the progressive democratic movements (The Bostonians, The princess Casamassima), ignoring the social origin of morality and social surroundings ; although he knows the upper class well, he knows little about the lower class, furthermore, he has a spiritual aristocrat's prejudice against people and matters.
  • Document: Dai, Xianmei. From rejection to appreciation : Henry James studies in China. [Paper read at the 2002 International Henry James Conference in Paris]. (JamH3, Publication)
  • Person: Zhao, Luorui

Bibliography (29)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1940 Ta you yi zhi lai fu qiang. Mei Yi yi. (Shanghai : Guang ming shu ju, 1940). (Guang ming wen yi cong shu). = Zhong. Gao'erji [et al.] zhu ; Mei Yi yi. (Shanghai : Guang ming shu ju, 1946). [Übersetzung von Short stories].
[Enthält] : Maksim Gorky, Ilya Ehrenburg, Paul Vaillant-Couturier, Henry James, Alexei Novikov-Priboi.
Publication / Gork144
2 1959 [James, Henry]. Demofu fu ren. Hengli Zhanmushi zhu ; Nie Hualing yi. (Taibei : Da xue za zhi she yin xing, 1959). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Madame de Mauves. In : The Galaxy ; Febr.-March (1874). = In : James, Henry. The siege of London, Madame de Mauves. (London : Macmillan, 1883).
Publication / JamH15
3 1963 [James, Henry]. Bi lu yuan nie. Qin Yu yi. (Xianggang : Jin ri shi jie she, 1963). (Meiguo wen ku). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Turn of the screw. In : James, Henry. The two magics : The turn of the screw, Covering end. (New York, N.Y., London : Macmillan ; New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1898).
[Enthält] :
James, Henry. Daisi Mile. Fang Xin yi. Übersetzung von James, Henry. Daisy Miller : an international episode. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Bros., 1878).
Publication / JamH7
4 1967 [James, Henry]. Daisi Mile. Fang Xin yi. (Xianggang : Jin ri shi jie she, 1967). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Daisy Miller : an international episode. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Bros., 1878).
Publication / JamH12
5 1969 [James, Henry]. Aisiben yi gao. Hengli Zhamusi zhu ; Chu Ru yi. (Taibei : Xian ren zhang chu ban she, 1969). (Xian ren zhang wen ku ; 46). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Aspern papers. In : Atlantic monthly ; vol. 61, nos 365-367 (March-May 1888).
Publication / JamH6
6 1969 [James, Henry]. Feng shi ji. Hengli Zhanmusi zhu ; Zhao Ming yi. (Xianggang : Jin ri shi jie she, 1969). (Meiguo wen xue ming chu yi cong). Übersetzung von James, Henry. The Ambassadors : a novel. In : North American review ; vol. 176-177 (Jan.-Dec 1903). = (New York, N.Y. ; London : Harper & Bros., 1903).
Publication / JamH16
7 1971 [James, Henry]. Bi lu yuan nie. Hengli Zhanmusi zhuang ; Li Lanzhi yi. (Taibei : Zheng wen, 1971). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Turn of the screw. In : James, Henry. The two magics : The turn of the screw, Covering end. (New York, N.Y., London : Macmillan ; New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1898).
Publication / JamH9
8 1972 [James, Henry]. Lin zhong ye shou. Zhanmusi zhuan ; Chen Huihua deng yi. (Taibei : Chen zhong, 1972). (Xiang ri kui xin kan ; 35). Übersetzung von James, Henry. The beast in the jungle. In James, Henry. The better sort. (New York, N.Y. : C. Scribner's Sons, 1903).
Publication / JamH22
9 1981 [James, Henry]. Bi lu yuan nie. Henli Zhanmusi zhu ; Zhang Guiyue yi. (Taibei : Hao shi nian, 1981). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Turn of the screw. In : James, Henry. The two magics : The turn of the screw, Covering end. (New York, N.Y., London : Macmillan ; New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1898).
Publication / JamH11
10 1982 [James, Henry]. Hua sheng dun guang chang. Zhanmusi ; Hou Weirui yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai wei yu jiao yu chu ban she, 1982). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Washington square. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & brothers, 1881).
Publication / JamH33
11 1983 [James, Henry]. Hengli Zhanmusi xiao shuo xuan. Zhanmusi ; Chen Jian yi. (Beijing : Xin hua chu ban she, 1983). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Short stories von James].
Publication / JamH20
12 1984 [James, Henry]. Yi wei nü shi de hua xiang. Xiangli Zhanmusi zhu ; Xiang Xingyao. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1984). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Portrait of a lady. In : Macmillan's magazine ; vol. 42 (Oct. 1880-Nov. 1881). In : Atlantic monthly ; (Nov. 1880-Dec. 1881). = (Boston, Mass. ; New York, N.Y. : Houghton, Mifflin and Co. ; London : Macmillan, 1881).
Publication / JamH26
13 1985 [James, Henry]. Daiqian Mile. Xiangli Zhanmusi zhu ; Zhao Luorui, Wu Ningkun deng yi. (Wai guo wen yi cong shu). (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1985). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Daisy Miller : an international episode. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Bros., 1878).
Publication / MilH1
14 1986 [James, Henry]. Yi wei nü shi de hua xiang. Zhanmusi zhu ; Qin Huaizu yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1986). (Xin chao shi jie ming zhu ; 40). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Portrait of a lady. In : Macmillan's magazine ; vol. 42 (Oct. 1880-Nov. 1881). In : Atlantic monthly ; (Nov. 1880-Dec. 1881). = (Boston, Mass. ; New York, N.Y. : Houghton, Mifflin and Co. ; London : Macmillan, 1881).
Publication / JamH25
15 1987 Meiguo wen xue. = American literature. 1987. Shandong da xue. (Shandong : Shandong da xue chu ban she, 1987).
[Enthält] :
Hemingway, Ernest. In another country. Zhan Jian yi.
Cather, Willa. The sculptor's funeral. Bi Bingbin yi.
Malamud, Bernard. Four stories. Zhao Zhongyuan [et al.].
Warren, Robert Penn. Wilderness. Jin Xuefei yi.
Bellow, Saul. What kind of day did you live ? Yuan Yuan, Qi Zhiying yi.
Updike, John. Of the farm. Wang Zhikui yi.
James, Henry. The turn of the screw. Yu Xin yi.
Whitman, Walt. The centenarian's story. Zhao Luorui yi.
Huang, Jiade. Eugene O'Neill and his play Gold.
Yang, Qishen. Introduction to the Chinese edition of "A handbook of American literature"
Ouyang, Ji. Eugene O'Neill: founder of modern American drama.
Guo, Jide. American drama after World War II.
Wang, Yugong. Revieving "When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom'd".
Meng, Xianzhong. Style of Carl Sandburg's poetry.
Luo, Gouyuan. A comment on Henry Denker's novel "Error of judgement".
Publication / One9
16 1989 [James, Henry ; Faulkner, William]. Daixi Mile. Xiong. Hengli Zhanmusi ; Weilian Fukena ; Zhao Luorui, Li Wenjun yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1989). (Jia zuo cong shu ; 5). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Daisy Miller : an international episode. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Bros., 1878). Übersetzung von Faulkner, William. The bear. In : Faulkner, William. Go down, Moses, and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1942).
Publication / Faul42
17 1991 Shi jie wen xue ming zhu jing cui. Zhong ying dui zhao. Vol. 1-72. (Taibei : Lu qiao, 1991). (Lu qiao er tong di san zuo tu shu guan).
[Enthält] : Homer; Alexandre Dumas; Helen Keller; Mark Twain; Robert Louis Stevenson; Anthony Hope; Charles Dickens; Thomas Hardy; Edgar Allan Poe; Johanna Spyri; Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir; Jack London; Lew Wallace; Charlotte Bronte; Jules Verne; Emily Bronte; Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; Emma Orczy; Richard Henry Dana; William Shakespeare; Rudyard Kipling; Herman Melville; Sir Walter Scott, bart.; Victor Hugo; James Fenimore Cooper; Johann David Wyss; Jane Austen; Henry James; Jonathan Swift; Stephen Crane; Anna Sewell; Nathaniel Hawthorne; Bram Stoker; Daniel Defoe; H G Wells; William Bligh; Mary Wallstonecraft Shelley; Fyodor Dostoyevsky; O. Henry [William Sydney Porter]; Joseph Conrad.
Publication / Shijie
18 1994 [James, Henry]. Zhanmusi xin li xiao shuo. Qu Shijing bian xuan. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen yi chu ban she, 1994). (Shi jie wen xue da shi xiao shuo ming zuo dian cang ben). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Short stories von James].
[Enthält] :
James, Henry. Xue sheng. Übersetzung von James, Henry. The pupil. In : James, Henry. The lesson of the master, The marriages, The pupil, Brooksmith, The solution, Sir Edmund Orme. (London : Macmillan, 1891).
James, Henry. Si ci hui jian. Übersetzung von James, Henry. Four meetings. In : James, Henry. The author of Beltraffio, The middle years, Greville Fane, and other tales. (New York, N.Y. : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1909).
James, Henry. Daixi Mile. Übersetzung von James, Henry. Daisy Miller : an international episode. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Bros., 1878).
Publication / JamH28
19 1996 [James, Henry]. Luo si zai ning jin. Xiangli Zhanmusi zhu ; Alaishi Aike'ersi [Alethe Echols] gai xie ; Rao Keding yi. (Beijing : Beijing shi fan da xue chu ban she, 1996. (Meiguo Ying yu xi lie jie ti du wu). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Turn of the screw. In : James, Henry. The two magics : The turn of the screw, Covering end. (New York, N.Y., London : Macmillan ; New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1898). = Adapted by Alethe Echols. (New York, N.Y. : Popular Library, 1966).
Publication / JamH23
20 1998 [James, Henry]. Bi lu yuan nie. Hengli Zhanmushi ; rewritten by David Oliphant. (Taibei : Lu qiao wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 1998). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu jing cui ; 59). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Turn of the screw. In : James, Henry. The two magics : The turn of the screw, Covering end. (New York, N.Y., London : Macmillan ; New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1898).
Publication / JamH10
21 1998 [James, Henry]. Shi jie. Hengli Zhanmusi zhu ; Ao Fan, Yuan Decheng, Zeng Lingfu yi. (Chengdou : Sichuan ren min chu ban she, 1998). (Ju fu jing dian yi cong). Übersetzung von James, Henry. The Ambassadors : a novel. In : North American review ; vol. 176-177 (Jan.-Dec 1903). = (New York, N.Y. ; London : Harper & Bros., 1903).
Publication / JamH24
22 1998 [James, Henry]. Zhanmusi duan pian xiao shuo xuan. Dai Yin, Yang Hongbo yi. (Changsha : Hunan wen yi chu ban she, 1998). (Shi jie duan pian xiao shuo jing hua). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Short stories von James].
Publication / JamH27
23 1999 [James, Henry]. Bi lu yuan nie. (Taibei : Lu qiao wen hua, 1999). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu jing cui ; 59). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Turn of the screw. In : James, Henry. The two magics : The turn of the screw, Covering end. (New York, N.Y., London : Macmillan ; New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1898).
Publication / JamH8
24 1999 [James, Henry]. Daixi Mile. Zhanmusi ; Gao Xing, Zou Hailun yi. (Beijing : Jie fang jun wen yi chu ban she, 1999). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Daisy Miller : an international episode. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Bros., 1878). Übersetzung von Faulkner, William. The bear. In : Faulkner, William. Go down, Moses, and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1942).
Publication / JamH14
25 1999 [James, Henry]. Gui fu ren hua xiang. Xiangli Zhangmusi zhu ; Hong Zengliu, Shang Xiaojin yi. Vol. 1-2. (Beijing : Da zhong wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu bai bu). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Portrait of a lady. In : Macmillan's magazine ; vol. 42 (Oct. 1880-Nov. 1881). In : Atlantic monthly ; (Nov. 1880-Dec. 1881). = (Boston, Mass. ; New York, N.Y. : Houghton, Mifflin and Co. ; London : Macmillan, 1881).
Publication / JamH18
26 2000 [James, Henry]. Daisi Mile. Hengli Zhanmusi zhu ; Zhang Qiyuan yi. (Taibei : Ji tian wen hua, 2000). (Cosmos readers ; 15). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Daisy Miller : an international episode. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Bros., 1878).
Publication / JamH13
27 2000 [James, Henry]. Gui fu hua xiang. Zhanmusi ; Tang Kai yi. (Beijing : Wai wen chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Portrait of a lady. In : Macmillan's magazine ; vol. 42 (Oct. 1880-Nov. 1881). In : Atlantic monthly ; (Nov. 1880-Dec. 1881). = (Boston, Mass. ; New York, N.Y. : Houghton, Mifflin and Co. ; London : Macmillan, 1881).
Publication / JamH17
28 2000 [James, Henry]. Hengli Zhanmusi zhong pian xiao shuo xuan. Hengli Zhanmusi zhu ; Wu Qiancheng deng yi ; Wu Ningkun dao du. (Taibei : Gui guan, 2000). (Gui guan shi jie wen xue ming zhu). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Romane von James].
Publication / JamH21
29 2013 The literature network : Henry James.
Web / JamH1

Secondary Literature (10)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1977 [Edel, Joseph]. Hengli Zhanmusi. Chen Zuwen yi. (Taibei : Xue sheng Ying wen za zhi she, 1977). (Meiguo zuo jia zhuan ji). Übersetzung von Edel, Leon. Henry James. Vol. 1-5. (Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1953-1972). [Text in Englisch und Chinesisch].
Publication / JamH29
2 1988 Zhang, Weishui. Hengli Zhanmusi bei ju miao si zhong di xing bie yu zhi min yi shi. In : Xiamen da xue xue bao ; no 4 (1988). [On Henry James's satire of American culture through the scenic irony].
Publication / JamH5
  • Cited by: Dai, Xianmei. From rejection to appreciation : Henry James studies in China. [Paper read at the 2002 International Henry James Conference in Paris]. (JamH3, Published)
  • Person: Zhang, Weishui
3 1989 Bock, Norman Michael. Expressions of selfhood in classic American fiction : readings from a Chinese cultural perspective. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International, 1989). Diss. Univ. of Connecticut, 1989. [Betr. Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, Henry James, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner]. Publication / Twa18
4 1991 Xia, Dingguan. Meiguo wen xue zai Zhongguo. In : Xinjiang da xue xue bao ; vol. 4 (1991). [[American literature in China. Enthält Henry James].
Publication / JamH4
  • Cited by: Dai, Xianmei. From rejection to appreciation : Henry James studies in China. [Paper read at the 2002 International Henry James Conference in Paris]. (JamH3, Published)
  • Person: Xia, Dingguan
5 1992 Guo, Jian. Confrontation and withdrawal : initiation in the novels of Mark Twain, Henry James, and Cao Xueqin. Dissertation University of Connecticut, 1992. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International, 1992).
Doctoral dissertations : http://digitalcommons.uconn.edu/dissertations/AAI9310279/.
Publication / Twa7
6 1992 Guo, Jian. Confrontation and withdrawal : initiation in the novels of Mark Twain, Henry James, and Cao Xueqin. Dissertation University of Connecticut, 1992. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International, 1992). Doctoral dissertations : http://digitalcommons.uconn.edu/dissertations/AAI9310279/. Publication / JamH31
7 1997 [Kinoian, Vartkis]. Hengli Zhanmusi de gui fu hua xiang. Zhang Ruwen yi. (Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 1997). (Shi jie jing dian wen xue zuo pin shang xi). Übersetzung von Kionian, Vartkis. Henry James' The portrait of a lady. (New York, N.Y. : Monarch press, 1965). [Text in Chinese and English].
Publication / JamH32
8 2000 [Freedman, Jonathan]. Hengli Zhanmusi. Fulideman bian. (Shanghai : Shanghai wai yu jiao yu chu ban she, 2000). (Jian qiao wen xue zhi nan). Übersetzung von Freedman, Jonathan. The Cambridge companion to Henry James. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998). (Cambridge companions to literature).
Publication / JamH30
9 2002 Dai, Xianmei. From rejection to appreciation : Henry James studies in China. [Paper read at the 2002 International Henry James Conference in Paris]. Publication / JamH3
  • Source: Zhang, Weishui. Hengli Zhanmusi bei ju miao si zhong di xing bie yu zhi min yi shi. In : Xiamen da xue xue bao ; no 4 (1988). [On Henry James's satire of American culture through the scenic irony].
    亨利詹姆斯悲剧缪斯中的性别与殖民意识 (JamH5, Publication)
  • Source: Xia, Dingguan. Meiguo wen xue zai Zhongguo. In : Xinjiang da xue xue bao ; vol. 4 (1991). [[American literature in China. Enthält Henry James].
    美国文学在中国 (JamH4, Publication)
  • Person: Dai, Xianmei
10 2013 Wang, Liya. Xin Zhongguo liu shi nian Hengli Zhanmusi xiao shuo yan jiu zhi kao cha yu fen xi. In : Journal of Zhejiang University (humanities and social sciences). Vol. 43 (2013). [A historical review of Henry James study in China].
Web / JamH2