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Hou, Weirui

(um 1990) : Professor of English Literature, Shanghai University


Index of Names : China

Chronology Entries (3)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1982 [James, Henry]. Hua sheng dun guang chang. Zhanmusi ; Hou Weirui yi. [ID D34510].
While deeply appreciative of James' writing, Hou comments, "The reason that the characters and the social aspects are somehow 'narrow and restricted' is that the author had relatively little social experience. James knew little about the difficult lives of people in society's lower strata. Nor did he know much about the rising social struggles at that period when capitalism was turning into imperialism". Hou seeks to balance a laudatory approach to James qua modernist with criticism of James' conservative aestheticism. This is a balancing act that is fairly common in Chinese introductions to works written by centrist or conservative American writers as the translator seeks to reconcile literary and political reputations. What is often missing, however, is the integration and reconciliation of these reputations. Hou introduces the plot of Washington Square with the observations that "American capitalism developed quickly in the middle of the nineteenth century…[and]…The generation of Americans born at that period did not hesitate to use every method to pursue material profits: wealth-hunting was the basis of their system of virtues". The introduction does not synthesize its socio-historical information with the novel's plot, nor does this substantial discussion treat the gender aspects of the 'woman as capital' dispute between Dr. Sloper and Morris Townsend. Failure to discuss gender issues significantly distanced Hou's introduction from the feminist discussions that characterized Washington Square elsewhere in the world in 1982.
  • Document: Lockard, Joe ; Qin, Dan. Translation ideologies of American literature in China. [Not yet publ.]. (Lond7, Publication)
  • Person: James, Henry (1)
2 1985 Hou, Weirui. Xian dai Yingguo xiao shuo shi [ID D27602].
Hou Weirui takes Henry James as the pioneer of the modern English novel. The chapter about James covers almost every aspect of Henry James : his life, his artistic theories, his early and late novels, his plays, his short stories and tales. He presented a lot of western James critics among whom he seemed to stand with H.G. Wells in believing James sacrificed life for his artistic experiments.
  • Document: Dai, Xianmei. From rejection to appreciation : Henry James studies in China. [Paper read at the 2002 International Henry James Conference in Paris]. (JamH3, Publication)
  • Person: James, Henry (1)
3 1998 Hou, Weirui. Yu zhen shi yu huang dan : shi lun Saimiaoer Beikete de huang dan [ID D30782].
Using Murphy, Watt, and Trilogy as examples, Hou points out the Beckett appeals to absurd narrative forms to dramatise the real existential conditions facing Westerners in the modernist era of civilization ; that is, Beckett sheds light on the reality ghrough the medium of absurdity. This esay became a pioneering example for the study of Beckett's fiction as absurdist. It offers a positive assessment of Beckett as a fiction writer : 'Just as the fictional works of Joyce have changed the fate of modernist fiction, the fictional works of Beckett have cast a decided influence on post-war fiction.
  • Document: Lin, Lidan ; Zhang, Helong. The Chinese response to Samuel Beckett (1906-89). In : Irish studies review ; vol. 19, no 4 (2011). (Beck22, Publication)
  • Person: Beckett, Samuel

Bibliography (4)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1982 [James, Henry]. Hua sheng dun guang chang. Zhanmusi ; Hou Weirui yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai wei yu jiao yu chu ban she, 1982). Übersetzung von James, Henry. Washington square. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & brothers, 1881).
Publication / JamH33
2 1985 Hou, Weirui. Xian dai Yingguo xiao shuo shi. (Shanghai : Shanghai wai yu jiao yu chu ban she, 1985). (Ying yu wen xue wen ku). [History of modern English fiction].
Publication / HouW2
3 1990 Xian dai Yingguo xiao shuo xuan du. Hou Weirui zhu bian. (Shanghai : Shanghai wai yu jiao yu chu ban she, 1990). [An anthology of modern English fiction].
Publication / HouW1
4 1998 Hou, Weirui. Yu zhen shi yu huang dan : shi lun Saimiaoer Beikete de huang dan. In : Hangzhou da xue xue bao ; no. 2 (1998). [The absurd reality : a study of Samuel Beckett's absurd].
寓真实于荒诞 : 试论塞缪尔贝克特的荒诞小说
Publication / Beck38
  • Cited by: Lin, Lidan ; Zhang, Helong. The Chinese response to Samuel Beckett (1906-89). In : Irish studies review ; vol. 19, no 4 (2011). (Beck22, Published)
  • Person: Beckett, Samuel