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Mayakovsky, Vladimir

(Bahdati, Kutaisi 1893-1930 Moskau) : Dichter, Dramatiker, Schauspieler


Index of Names : Occident / Literature : Occident : Russia

Chronology Entries (4)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1924-1926 Mayakovsky, Vladimir. Gedichte.
Hands off China ! (1924).
Moscow's China. (1926).
I know that when the October repetitions come to China
And classes clash agains one another
The narrow-eyed people
Will give it to them hot.
Ne iubileyte. (1926).
Let the Chinese language be tricky and great
Everyone knows anyway that Canton
Is fighting the very fight than in October was fought
By our Ivan and Anton from Ryazan.
  • Document: Lukin, Alexander. The bear watches the dragon : Russia's perceptions of China and the evolution of Russian-Chinese relations since the eighteenth century. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 2003). S. 99-100. (LukA1, Publication)
2 1933 Ai, Qing. The sailor's tobacco pipe.
"If I am to paint a picture of Whitman or Mayakovsky, I will definitely add a sailor's tobacco pipe in their lifetimes."
3 1939 Ai, Qing. Shi de san wen mei. In : Ding dian ; vol. 1, no 1 (1939). [Prose-style beauty in poetry].
"The one important reason why I like Whitman, Verhaeren, and many other modern poets, including Mayakovsky, is because they ushered poetry into a newer realm and raised it to a higher plane, and because prose is intrinsically more beautiful than verse. We must make all efforts to carry on the revolution started by Whitman, Verhaeren, and Mayakovsky, and we must mold poetry into something that adequately meets the needs of the new era – meet them with new forms."
4 1943 Xu, Chi. Meiguo shi ge de chuan tong [ID D29887].
Xu Chi contended that the tradition in American poetry is none other than Whitman's tradition of democracy. He drew 'a historical parallel' between two pairs of poets and political leaders : Whitman and Lincoln, Mayakovsky and Lenin.

Bibliography (2)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1943 Xie zuo jing yan jiang hua. Gao'erji [et al.] zhu ; Xue xi chu ban she bian yi. (Guilin : Xue xi chu ban she, 1943). [Anthologie russischer Schriftsteller. Über das Schreiben].
[Enthält] :
Gorky, Maksim. Wo de chuang zuo jing yan. M. Gao'erji.
Tolstoy, Leo. Wo de chuang zuo jing yan . A. Tuo'ersitai.
Fadeev, Alexandr. Wo de chuang zuo jing yan. Fajieyefu.
Pilniak, Boris. Wo zen yang chuang zuo. Pinieke.
Mayakovsky, Vladimir. Wo zen yang xie zuo. Mayekefusiji.
Zoshchenko, Mikhail. Wo zen yang xie zuo. M. Zuoqinke.
Lavrenev, Boris. Wo zen yang chuang zuo de. Lafulieniefu.
Novikov-Pribol, A.S. Wo zen yang xie "Dui ma" de. N. Pulibaoyi.
Libedinskii, IUrii. Wo zen yang xie "Yi zhou jian" de. Libaidingsiji.
Gorky, Maksim. Gei qing nian zuo jia. M. Gao'erji.
Publication / Gork179
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Fadeev, Alexandr Alexandrovic
  • Person: Gorky, Maksim
  • Person: Lavrenev, Boris
  • Person: Libedinskii, IUrii Nikoolaevich
  • Person: Novikov-Priboi, Alexei Silytch
  • Person: Pilniak, Boris Andreievitch
  • Person: Tolstoy, Leo
  • Person: Zoshchenko, Mikhail Mikhailovich
2 1980-1985 Mayakovsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Shi san shou. Mayakefusiji ; Zhai Houlong yi. [Three poems]. In : Wai guo xian dai pai zuo pin xuan. Vol. 1 [ID D16726].
Publication / YuanK2.27
  • Cited by: Wai guo xian dai pai zuo pin xuan. Yuan Kejia, Dong Hengxun, Zheng Kelu xuan bian. Vol. 1-4. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen yi chu ban she, 1980-1985). [Übersetzungen ausländischer Literatur des 20. Jh.].
    Vol. 1 : [Modern literature].
    [Enthält] :
    Biao xian zhu yi. [Expressionism]. 表现主义
    Wei lai zhu yi. [Futurism]. 未来主义
    Vol. 2 :
    Yi shi liu. [Stream of consicousness]. 意识流
    Chao xian shi zhu yi. [Surrealism]. 超现实主义
    Cun zai zhu yi. [Extistentialism]. 存在主义
    [Enthält : Übersetzung von Woolf, Virginia. The mark on the wall und Auszüge aus Mrs. Dalloway.]
    Vol. 3 :
    Huang dan wen xue [Absurd literature]. 荒诞文学
    Xin xiao shuo. [The new novel]. 新小说
    Kua diao de yi dai. [Beat generation]. 垮掉的一代
    Hei se you mo. [Black humor]. 黑色幽默
    Vol. 4 : [Modern literature]. (YuanK2, Published)
  • Person: Zhai, Houlong