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Verhaeren, Emile

(Sint-Amands bei Antwerpen-1916 Rouen) : Belgischer Dichter.

Name Alternative(s)

Verhaeren, Emile Adolphe Gustave


Index of Names : Occident / Literature : Occident : Belgium / Literature : Occident : France

Chronology Entries (2)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1918 Song, Chunfang. Jin shi ming xi bai zhong. [One hundred well-known modern plays]. [ID D27913].
Erwähnung von Les aubes von Emile Verhaeren.
  • Document: Xin qing nian ; Nr. 4 (April 1918). Ed. by Hu Shi. [Sondernummer über die Reformierung des chinesischen Theaters].
    [Enthält] : Song, Chunfang. Jin shi ming xi bai zhong. [One hundred well-known modern plays].
    近世名戲百種 (SongC1, Publication)
2 1939 Ai, Qing. Shi de san wen mei. In : Ding dian ; vol. 1, no 1 (1939). [Prose-style beauty in poetry].
"The one important reason why I like Whitman, Verhaeren, and many other modern poets, including Mayakovsky, is because they ushered poetry into a newer realm and raised it to a higher plane, and because prose is intrinsically more beautiful than verse. We must make all efforts to carry on the revolution started by Whitman, Verhaeren, and Mayakovsky, and we must mold poetry into something that adequately meets the needs of the new era – meet them with new forms."

Bibliography (2)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1962 Hu Pinqing yi shi ji xin shi xuan. Hu Pinqing yi. (Taibei : Zhong guo wen hua yan jiu suo, 1962). [Anthologie französischer Gedichte].
[Enthält] : Théophile Gautier, Millevoye, Marceline Desbords-Valmore, Charles Baudelaire, Paul Verlaine, Emile Verhaeren, Paul Claudel, Anna de Noailles, Francis Jammes, Guillaume Apollinaire, Paul Valéry, Victor Segalen, Jean Cocteau, Robert Desnos, Jules Gille, Saint-John Perse, Jules Supervielle, Patrice de la Tour du Pin, Ivan Goll.
Publication / HuP1
2 1980-1985 Verhaeren, Emile. Shi wu shou. Weierhalun ; Ai Qing yi. [Five poems]. In : Wai guo xian dai pai zuo pin xuan. Vol. 1 [ID D16726].
Publication / YuanK2.1
  • Cited by: Wai guo xian dai pai zuo pin xuan. Yuan Kejia, Dong Hengxun, Zheng Kelu xuan bian. Vol. 1-4. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen yi chu ban she, 1980-1985). [Übersetzungen ausländischer Literatur des 20. Jh.].
    Vol. 1 : [Modern literature].
    [Enthält] :
    Biao xian zhu yi. [Expressionism]. 表现主义
    Wei lai zhu yi. [Futurism]. 未来主义
    Vol. 2 :
    Yi shi liu. [Stream of consicousness]. 意识流
    Chao xian shi zhu yi. [Surrealism]. 超现实主义
    Cun zai zhu yi. [Extistentialism]. 存在主义
    [Enthält : Übersetzung von Woolf, Virginia. The mark on the wall und Auszüge aus Mrs. Dalloway.]
    Vol. 3 :
    Huang dan wen xue [Absurd literature]. 荒诞文学
    Xin xiao shuo. [The new novel]. 新小说
    Kua diao de yi dai. [Beat generation]. 垮掉的一代
    Hei se you mo. [Black humor]. 黑色幽默
    Vol. 4 : [Modern literature]. (YuanK2, Published)
  • Person: Ai, Qing