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Letters from Leo Tolstoy to Vladimir Grigoryevich Chertkov (Nov.)
"I have been rereading Lao Tzu and now have begun reading Legge, the volume containing Mo Ti. I should like to write a book about Chinese wisdom, and particularly a discussion about human nature being good, and human nature being evil, and that people must be either egoistic individualists, or must be loving. All this is very interesting and important to me, and I should like to make it accessible to all and to write about it. Please send me, if you do not need them, the remaining books of Legge and Pauthier, provided you have them." [Legge Mencius ; Pauthier Lao Tzu].
"I wrote you about the Chinese, asking you to send me Legge and Pauthier, and wanted to do this work. But now it is clear to me that it should be done by you, and that you will do it easily and beautifully. The work consists of translating Legge's two volumes on Confucius and Mencius, with all his investigations into the lives of these sages and of the philosophers contemporaneous and close to them. (I do not remember about the book of Confucius, but in Mencius there is an account of these philosophers, among them Mo Ti, which is extremely interesting as well as important.) Mencus himself is also exceptionally interesting. If you could manage and introduction for this book (it mus be written as a single book: 'Chinese sages', that would be fine. But if not, then simply a translation of Legge – omitting only some of the overly dogmatic Christian remarks – would be one of the best books for the intellectual 'Posrednik'. Firstly, because for most of the reading public all this is completely new ; secondly, the subjects discussed are the most important ones in the world and are treated with seriousness ; and thirdly, many highly moral ideas are beautifully espressed. So as soon as you tell me that you agree, I shall send you all I have. As for Budha, finish it up. You have made an excellent beginning and should not dig too deeply with the plow. Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien."
"I still want to look through the books on Chinese wisdom in order to work out a plan more clearly. As soon as I finish this one of these days, I shall send them to you. A marvelous work."

Mentioned People (2)

Chertkov, Vladimir Grigoryevich  (St. Petersburg 1854-1935 Moskau) : Verleger

Tolstoy, Leo  (Jasnaja Poljana 1828-1910 Astapowo) : Schriftsteller


Literature : Occident : Russia

Documents (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1950 Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 22-23. Publication / Bod12
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Kitaiskaya mudrost. (1884). [Unifinished fragment]. [Chinese wisdom]. (Tol7, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Kak zhivut kitaitsy. (Moskva : Posrednika, 1889). [How the Chinese live. From G. Eugène Simon]. (Tol5, Publication)
  • Source: Müller, F. Max. The religions of China. In : Nineteenth century ; vol. 48 (1900).
    I : Confucianism.
    II : Taoism.
    III : Buddhism and christianity. (MülF1, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Poslaniye k kitaitsam. (1900). [Epistle to the Chinese]. (Tol9, Publication)
  • Source: Boulanger, Pavel Aleksandrovich. Zhizn' i uchenie Konfutsiia. So stat'eigr. L.N. Tolstogo [Leo Tolstoy]. (Moskva : Posredika, 1903). [2nd ed. 1911]. [The life and teaching of Confucius. With an essay by Leo Tolstoy]. (Tol10, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Pismo k kitaitsu ; Kitaiskaya mudrost : mysli kitaiskikh myslitelei. (Moscrow : Posrednik, 1907). [Letter to a Chinese ; Chinese wisdom : the thougths of Chinese thinkers].
    [Enthält] : The books of Confucius, The great learning, Laozi The book of the way and truth]. (Tol8, Publication)
  • Source: Laotse [Laozi]. Izrecheniya kitaiskovo mudretsa Laotze. [Selected by] Leo Tolstoy. (Moscow : Posrednik, 1910).
    [Enthält] : Tolstoy, Leo. O suschnosti ucheniya Laotze. [On the essence of Laozi's techings]. Gorbunov-Posadov, Ivan. O mudretse Laotze. [About the sage Laozi]. (Tol4, Publication)
  • Source: Boulanger, Pavel Aleksandrovich. Zamechatelnyie mysliteli vsekh vremyon i nardov : miti, kitaiski filosof : ucheniye o vseobshchei lyubvi. [Ed. by] Leo Tolstoy. (Moscow : Posrednik, 1910) [2nd ed. 1911]. [Remarkable thinkers of all times and peoples : Mo Ti, a Chinese philosopher : the Doctrine of universal love]. (Tol11, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Surratskaya kofeinaya ; Kitaiski mudrets Laotze. Ed. by Paul Birukoff. (Moscow : ID. Sytin Co., 1911). [The Coffee-House of Surat ; The Chinese sage Laozi]. (Tol6, Publication)
  • Source: Konishi, D.P. Lao-si, Tao-te-king : ili pisaniye o nravstvennosti. [Ed. by] Leo Tolstoy ; [with a note by] S.N. Durylin. (Moscow : [s.n.], 1913). [Laozi, Dao de jing : or the Scripture of morality]. (Tol12, Publication)
  • Person: Bodde, Derk
  • Person: Tolstoy, Leo