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“The religions of China” (Publication, 1900)




Müller, F. Max. The religions of China. In : Nineteenth century ; vol. 48 (1900).
I : Confucianism.
II : Taoism.
III : Buddhism and christianity. (MülF1)



Contributors (1)

Müller, F. Max  (Dessau 1823-1900 Oxford) : Orientalist, Professor of Comparative Philology, University of Oxford


Philosophy : China : General

Cited by (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1950 Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). Publication / Bod12
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Kitaiskaya mudrost. (1884). [Unifinished fragment]. [Chinese wisdom]. (Tol7, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Kak zhivut kitaitsy. (Moskva : Posrednika, 1889). [How the Chinese live. From G. Eugène Simon]. (Tol5, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Poslaniye k kitaitsam. (1900). [Epistle to the Chinese]. (Tol9, Publication)
  • Source: Boulanger, Pavel Aleksandrovich. Zhizn' i uchenie Konfutsiia. So stat'eigr. L.N. Tolstogo [Leo Tolstoy]. (Moskva : Posredika, 1903). [2nd ed. 1911]. [The life and teaching of Confucius. With an essay by Leo Tolstoy]. (Tol10, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Pismo k kitaitsu ; Kitaiskaya mudrost : mysli kitaiskikh myslitelei. (Moscrow : Posrednik, 1907). [Letter to a Chinese ; Chinese wisdom : the thougths of Chinese thinkers].
    [Enthält] : The books of Confucius, The great learning, Laozi The book of the way and truth]. (Tol8, Publication)
  • Source: Laotse [Laozi]. Izrecheniya kitaiskovo mudretsa Laotze. [Selected by] Leo Tolstoy. (Moscow : Posrednik, 1910).
    [Enthält] : Tolstoy, Leo. O suschnosti ucheniya Laotze. [On the essence of Laozi's techings]. Gorbunov-Posadov, Ivan. O mudretse Laotze. [About the sage Laozi]. (Tol4, Publication)
  • Source: Boulanger, Pavel Aleksandrovich. Zamechatelnyie mysliteli vsekh vremyon i nardov : miti, kitaiski filosof : ucheniye o vseobshchei lyubvi. [Ed. by] Leo Tolstoy. (Moscow : Posrednik, 1910) [2nd ed. 1911]. [Remarkable thinkers of all times and peoples : Mo Ti, a Chinese philosopher : the Doctrine of universal love]. (Tol11, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Surratskaya kofeinaya ; Kitaiski mudrets Laotze. Ed. by Paul Birukoff. (Moscow : ID. Sytin Co., 1911). [The Coffee-House of Surat ; The Chinese sage Laozi]. (Tol6, Publication)
  • Source: Konishi, D.P. Lao-si, Tao-te-king : ili pisaniye o nravstvennosti. [Ed. by] Leo Tolstoy ; [with a note by] S.N. Durylin. (Moscow : [s.n.], 1913). [Laozi, Dao de jing : or the Scripture of morality]. (Tol12, Publication)
  • Person: Bodde, Derk
  • Person: Tolstoy, Leo