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Xu, Tianhong

(1907-1958) : Übersetzer


Index of Names : China / Translator

Chronology Entries (1)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1933-1997 Jack London : Chinese commentaries
[London, Jack]. Shen yuan xia de ren men. Jiake Lundun zhu ; Qiu Yunduo yi. [ID D33499].
Qiu Yunduo describes London as an inspiration to socialism : "Dear readers, if you do not shut the door and your eyes, you would know that the dark side and difficulties of life can be seen everywhere. Rotten metal and rubbish, abyss and hell, these are not unique to the East End of London, but are common to modern society. In the so-called best districts of Shanghai, I see with my own eyes the hell-like miseries depicted in this book ; to tell the truth, reality sometimes is much worse than in the book. The only remaining road is to challenge – and in this lies the meaning of this novel".

[London, Jack]. Lao quan shi. Jiake Lundun zhu ; Zhang Menglin yi. [ID D34489].
Zhang compares London in his introduction to an American Gorky.

[London, Jack]. Ye xing de hu huan. Jiake Lundun zhu ; Liu Dajie, Zhang Menglin yi. [ID D34489].
Liu concludes in the preface "The American people and progressive forces worldwide are fighting agains capitalist reactionaries and warmongers, and London's literary legacy has become the former's powerful weapon." Liu identifies in London a contradiction between his "deep, irreconcilable hate for the capitalist world and passion for class struggles".

[London, Jack]. Mading Yideng. Zhou Xing yi. [ID D34490].
Zhou Xing argues that "London is more than a propagandist, he is an artist well versed in depicting characters too". Zhou pays particular attention to characterization of Martin Eden, asserting that his suicide represents a protest against decadent bourgeois society that envelops him He distinguishes London from Gorky by suggesting "There are those who accept collectivism and thus improve themselves, such as Gorky. There are thos who dither between rationalism and sentimentalism and eventually arrive at their own destruction. Jack London is a case in point".

[London, Jack]. Qiang zhe de li liang. Jieke Lundun ; Xu Tianhong yi. [ID D34497].
According to Xu Tianhong, London's political consciousness remains limited by excessive individualism and avoidance of revolutionary struggle through escape into the pristine simplicities of nature. For Xu, while serious flaws remain even in London's most revolutionary works they expose and denounce international imperialism.

[London, Jack]. Tie ti. Lundun zhu ; Wu Lao, Jin Lu yi. [ID D34500].
Wu Lao tells readers that when London published the novel in 1907 it was widely condemned "but the book is hugely popular among Soviet readers, especially the youth".
In the introduction to the 2003 edition Wu Lao and Jin Lu argue that with rapid changes in present-day social structures, the political base of Western communism is shrinking and disappearing. While many workers belong to the working-class in socio-economic terms, psychologically they identify with the middle class. In addition to this shift in the nature of the working class, change can emerge paeacefully in mature democracies. "Even in America, where two capitalist parties rule alternately, such severe class confrontation as depicted in The iron heel that forces revolutionaries to resort to armed uprisings against counter-revolutionary violence is unlikely to occur." Violent anti-government attack would be condemned as terrorism rather than liberation.

[London, Jack]. Mading Yideng. Wu Lao yi. [ID D34496].
Introduction by Wu Lao of the 1981 edition :
For Wu Lao, London was a genuine political revolutionary who might have been at the head of an American proletarian movement were it not for his career as a fiction-writer. He reads Martin Eden as a novel of working class self-identity and as an attack on bourgeois individualism energized by London's intellectual epiphany from reading Marx's Communist Manifesto. Yet Wu criticizes London for his vacillation between Marxism and the subversive attractions of Nietzsche's anti-socialist radical individualism. Even though London was caught in this contradiction, according to Wu Lao, his writing remained firmly committed to the working class and was a source of revolutionary confrontation with American capitalism.

[London, Jack]. Mading Yideng. Pan Shaozhong yi. [ID D34491].
In the preface Pan Shaozhong writes while the novel contributes "a penetrating revelation of the evil and ugliness of the bourgeoisie", its social significance remains limited by harmful individualism.

[London, Jack]. Jieke Lundun duan pian xiao shuo xuan. Wan Zi, Yu Ning yi. [ID D34493].
Wan Zi and Yu Ning appreciated London's critique of capitalism and colonialism while pointing to his 'shortcomings' and 'erroneous attitude of white supremacism', they were the first translators in nearly a half-century to discuss his racism.

[London, Jack]. Re ai sheng ming. Jieke Lundun zhu ; Wan Zi, Yu Ning yi. [ID D34498].
Wan Zi and Yu Ning : "Many of London's best works expost and criticize the darkness of capitalist society, decry the colonial exploitation of imperialism, and sing praise for the audacity of revolutionaries".

Li, Shuyan. Jieke Lundun yan jiu. Li Shuyan xuan bian [ID D34600].
Li Shuyan dismisses London as 'no great thinker', one influenced by pseudo-science as well as science, narrow-minded patriotism as well as internationalism, and by white supremacy. "Quite a few ideas in his works would turn out to be wrong. Some were confused and simplistic even at his time".

[London, Jack]. Jieke Lundun duan pian xiao shuo xuan. Jiang Jiansong yi. [ID D34494].
Jiang notes the racist themes of London's writing and attributes political contradictions to his 'eclectic reading'. Jiang distances himself from the selection contained in this collection of short stories with a caution that "We may not agree with ideologies reflected in certain works".

[London, Jack]. Yi kuai niu pai : Jieke Lundon zhong duan pian xiao shuo jing xuan. Jieke Lundon zhu ; Yu Bin, Wen Hong bian. [ID D34502].
[Enthält] : London, Jack. A piece of steak.
The enthusiastic indtroduction of Yu Bin and Wen Hong suggests that the reading public and critics were re-evaluating London to appreciate him more for narrative aesthetics, less as a propagandist. They too respond to the internationalism of London's writing : "Jack London is called a Red writer and he would call himself a socialist on account of the fact that he supported social revolution and hoped that the class into which he was born could lead a better life. What is more praiseworthy is that London also wrote stories such as The Mexican that commended socialist revolution and supported weak nations seeking independence. Stories on such topics have had huge influence on the under-class in America's readers, on the working class, and on readers in other countries who either belong to the working class or sympathize with social revolutions."

[London, Jack]. Jieke Lundun zhong duan pian xiao shuo jing xuan = Selected novelettes and short stories of Jack London. Jieke Lundun Zhu ; Lu Weimin yi [ID D34495].
Lu Weimin's afterword to a collection of stories argues "London's masterpiece Martin Eden and his political dystopian novel The iron heel both demonstrate certain proletarian characteristics. The former is penetrating in criticizing the decadence and emptiness of capitalist society, whereas the latter, besides denouncing the oligarchy of American capitalists, specifically opposes opportunism in workers' movements and is thus the first American literary work of proletarian character."

[London, Jack]. Mading Yideng. Jieke Lundun zhu ; Zhang Xumei, Xi Qingming deng yi. [ID D34492].
Zhang and Xu states that the novel "directly challenges the values of the bourgeoisie and has exposed the hypocrisy and decadence of the upper class", forming a dramatic contrast with conemporary "smiling faces" novels. For such critics, London represents a political cutting edge that can renew a lacking spirit in recent fiction.

[London, Jack]. Re ai sheng ming. Jieke Lundun zhu ; Hu Chunlan yi. [ID D34488].
Hu Chunlan suggests that contemporary Chinese readers can benefit from more balanced political appreciation of London : "During the McCarthy era when the Cold War mentality prevailed, views on Jack London's works once served as a benchmark dividing literary critics into leftists and rightists. Until this day America's mainstream critics still hold a lower evalutation of London than he deserves. But Chinese readers do not have to undervalue London's achievements on this account, nor do we have to ideologize overly Jack London and his works."
  • Document: Lockard, Joe ; Qin, Dan. Jack London, anti-Chinese racism, and structural censorship in Chinese translation. In : Translation quarterly ; no 69 (2013). (Lond6, Publication)
  • Document: Lockard, Joe ; Qin, Dan. Translation ideologies of American literature in China. [Not yet publ.]. (Lond7, Publication)
  • Person: Hu, Chunlan
  • Person: Jiang, Jiansong
  • Person: Jin, Lu
  • Person: Li, Shuyan
  • Person: Liu, Dajie
  • Person: London, Jack
  • Person: Lu, Weimin
  • Person: Pan, Shaozhong
  • Person: Qiu, Yunduo
  • Person: Wan, Zi
  • Person: Wen, Hong
  • Person: Wu, Lao
  • Person: Xu, Qingming
  • Person: Yu, Bin
  • Person: Yu, Ning
  • Person: Zhang, Menglin
  • Person: Zhang, Xuemei
  • Person: Zhou, Xing

Bibliography (9)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1940 [Zweig, Stefan]. Tuo'ersitai. Chuweige ; Xu Tianhong yi. (Yongan : Gai jin chu ban she, 1940). (Shi jie ta si xiang jia cong shu ; 2). Übersetzung von Zweig, Stefan. Tolstoi. In : Zweig, Stefan. Drei Dichter ihres Lebens : Casanova, Stendhal, Tolstoi. (Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1928). (Die Baumeister der Welt ; Bd. 3).
Publication / Tol323
2 1943 [Maurois, André]. Diegengsi ping zhuan. Moluoya ; Xu Tianhong yi. (Guilin : Wen hua sheng huo chu ban she, 1943). (Yi wen cong shu). Übersetzung von Maurois, André. Un essai sur Dickens. (Paris : Grasset, 1927. (Les cahiers verts ; sér. 2, no 3).
Publication / MauA8
3 1945 [London, Jack]. Hong zhi wei. Jieke Lundun deng zhu ; Xu Tianhong deng yi. (Yong'an : Shi ri tan she, 1945). (Shi ri tan ji cong xuan ji). Übersetzung von London, Jack. Übersetzung von London, Jack. At the rainbow's end. In : London, Jack. The god of his fathers & other stories. (New York, N.Y. : McClure, Phillips & Co., 1901).
Publication / Lond50
4 1950 [Dickens, Charles]. Shuang cheng ji. Xu Tianhong yi. (Shanghai : Shen chou kuo kuang she, 1950). Übersetzung von Dickens, Charles. A tale of two cities. With illustrations by H.K. Browne. (London : Chapman and Hall, 1859). [Weekly 30 April-26 Nov. 1859].
Publication / Dick152
5 1951 [Zweig, Stefan]. Tuo'ersitai de sai xiang. Zhiweige ; Xu Tianhong yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen hua gong zuo she, 1951). Übersetzung von Zweig, Stefan. The living thoughts of Tolstoi. Presented by Stefan Zweig. (New York, N.Y. : Longmans, Green and Co., 1939).
Publication / Tol324
6 1952 [London, Jack]. Qiang zhe de li liang. Jieke Lundun ; Xu Tianhong yi. (Shanghai : Wen hua gong zuo she, 1952). (Wen hua gong zuo she shi jie wen xue xuan cong ; 37). Übersetzung von London, Jack. The strength of the strong. (New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1914).
Publication / Lond17
7 1953 [Dickens, Charles]. Dawei Gaobofei'er zi shu. Diegengsi zhu ; Xu Tianhong yi. Vol. 1-3. (Shanghai : Wen hua sheng huo chu ban she, 1953). (Yi wen cong shu). Übersetzung von Dickens, Charles. The personal history of David Copperfield. (London : Bradbury & Evans, 1850). [Issued in 20 monthly parts, May 1849-Nov. 1850].
Publication / Dick23
8 1957 [London, Jack]. Jieke Lundun duan pian xiao shui xian ji. Jieke Lundon ; Xu Tianhong yi. (Shanghai : Xin wen yi chu ban she, 1957). [Übersetzung von Short stories von London].
Publication / Lond57
9 2000 [London, Jack]. Jieke Lundun wen ji. Hu Jialuan zhu bian. (Shijiazhuang : Hebei jiao yu chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie wen hao shu xi).
[Enthält] :
Vol. 1 : Hai lang. Qiu Zhuchang yi. Übersetzung von London, Jack. The sea-wolf. (New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1904). 海狼
Vol. 2 : Tie ti. Yang Weidong yi. Übersetzung von London, Jack. The iron heel. (New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1908). 鐵蹄
Vol. 3 : Mading Yideng. Übersetzung von London, Jack. Martin Eden. (New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1913). 馬丁伊登
Vol. 4 : Du ri tou. Qiu Zhuchang yi. Übersetzung von London, Jack. Burning daylight. (New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1910). 毒日頭
Vol. 5 : Yue liang gu. Mao Zhuoliang yi. Übersetzung von London, Jack. The valley of the moon. (New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1913). 月亮谷
Vol. 6 : Hun you. Qian Jiyang, Luo Zhiqiang yi. Übersetzung von London, Jack. The star rover. (New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1915). 魂游
Vol. 7 : Huang ye de hu huan. Jiang Tianzuo ; Hou Yilin yi. Übersetzung von London, Jack. The call of the wild. In : The Saturday Evening Post ; vol. 175, no 51-vol. 176, no 3 = June 20-July 18 (1903). 荒野的呼唤
Vol. 8 : Zai Yadang zhi qian. Miao Meizhen, Cui Xinjuan, Wang Xiaoying yi. Übersetzung von London, Jack. Before Adam. (New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1907). 亚当之前
Vol. 9 : Shen gu meng shou deng. Zhu Gelin, Yu Mu, Li Sumiao, Long Maozhong yi. Übersetzung von London, Jack. The abysmal brute. In : The popular magazine ; vol. 21, no 4 (Sept. 1, 1911). 深谷猛兽等
Vol. 10 : Ji jing de xue ye deng. Yu Ning yi. Übersetzung von London, Jack. The white silence. In : Overland monthly ; vol. 33 (Febr. 1899). 寂静的雪野等
Vol. 11 : Danbosi zhi meng deng. Xu Tianhong yi. Übersetzung von London, Jack. The dream of debs. In : International socialist review ; Jan. (1909). 但勃斯之梦等
Vol. 12 : Te xie, zheng lun, sui bi, za wen. Wang Wei yi. [Non-fiction works of London]. 特写政论随笔杂文等
Publication / Lond28