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Introduction to Tolstoy, L.N. [Tolstoy, Leo]. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii [ID D36346].
"Tolstoy's interest in Confucius can apparently be explained chiefly by the fact that the teaching of the Chinese philosopher was devoid of all that is vague, transcendental and miraculous. He was not interested in abstract problems or questions of religious metaphysics, but concentrated himself exclusively on the problem of practical morality and the fundamentals of human society. The high humaneness, and the doctrine of self-negation and love for others, which mark the teaching of Confucius, closely approached the ideas on these subjects held by Tolsoy himself."
[Lao Tzu. Tao te ching] : "In this book, Tolstoy was especially attracted by the preaching of bodily abstinence and of spiritual self-perfection which should form the basis of human life."

Mentioned People (1)

Tolstoy, Leo  (Jasnaja Poljana 1828-1910 Astapowo) : Schriftsteller


Literature : Occident : Russia

Documents (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1950 Bodde, Derk. Tolstoy and China. With the collaboration of Galia Speshneff Bodde. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1950). S. 63, 68. Publication / Bod12
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Kitaiskaya mudrost. (1884). [Unifinished fragment]. [Chinese wisdom]. (Tol7, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Kak zhivut kitaitsy. (Moskva : Posrednika, 1889). [How the Chinese live. From G. Eugène Simon]. (Tol5, Publication)
  • Source: Müller, F. Max. The religions of China. In : Nineteenth century ; vol. 48 (1900).
    I : Confucianism.
    II : Taoism.
    III : Buddhism and christianity. (MülF1, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Poslaniye k kitaitsam. (1900). [Epistle to the Chinese]. (Tol9, Publication)
  • Source: Boulanger, Pavel Aleksandrovich. Zhizn' i uchenie Konfutsiia. So stat'eigr. L.N. Tolstogo [Leo Tolstoy]. (Moskva : Posredika, 1903). [2nd ed. 1911]. [The life and teaching of Confucius. With an essay by Leo Tolstoy]. (Tol10, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Pismo k kitaitsu ; Kitaiskaya mudrost : mysli kitaiskikh myslitelei. (Moscrow : Posrednik, 1907). [Letter to a Chinese ; Chinese wisdom : the thougths of Chinese thinkers].
    [Enthält] : The books of Confucius, The great learning, Laozi The book of the way and truth]. (Tol8, Publication)
  • Source: Laotse [Laozi]. Izrecheniya kitaiskovo mudretsa Laotze. [Selected by] Leo Tolstoy. (Moscow : Posrednik, 1910).
    [Enthält] : Tolstoy, Leo. O suschnosti ucheniya Laotze. [On the essence of Laozi's techings]. Gorbunov-Posadov, Ivan. O mudretse Laotze. [About the sage Laozi]. (Tol4, Publication)
  • Source: Boulanger, Pavel Aleksandrovich. Zamechatelnyie mysliteli vsekh vremyon i nardov : miti, kitaiski filosof : ucheniye o vseobshchei lyubvi. [Ed. by] Leo Tolstoy. (Moscow : Posrednik, 1910) [2nd ed. 1911]. [Remarkable thinkers of all times and peoples : Mo Ti, a Chinese philosopher : the Doctrine of universal love]. (Tol11, Publication)
  • Source: Tolstoy, Leo. Surratskaya kofeinaya ; Kitaiski mudrets Laotze. Ed. by Paul Birukoff. (Moscow : ID. Sytin Co., 1911). [The Coffee-House of Surat ; The Chinese sage Laozi]. (Tol6, Publication)
  • Source: Konishi, D.P. Lao-si, Tao-te-king : ili pisaniye o nravstvennosti. [Ed. by] Leo Tolstoy ; [with a note by] S.N. Durylin. (Moscow : [s.n.], 1913). [Laozi, Dao de jing : or the Scripture of morality]. (Tol12, Publication)
  • Person: Bodde, Derk
  • Person: Tolstoy, Leo