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Wordsworth, William

(Cockermouth 1770-1850 Ambleside) : Dichter


Index of Names : Occident / Literature : Occident : Great Britain

Chronology Entries (5)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1923 Tian, Han. Mi'erdun yu Zhongguo [ID D26345].
Tian Han schreibt : "When the storm overwhelms everything, strong weeds are desired. When the nation suffered civil unrest, loyal men are wanted. It is only natural that Wordsworth conjured Milton, because England was mired in corruption. Now allow me to recount concisely Milton's life and the relation of the man of his time. I hope that Milton's spirit, which has exerted gread remedial influences on England, might also cure today's China... to promote his idea of the three liberties, namely, religious liberty, domestic libery, and individual liberty. Domestic liberty also inclues the freedom of marriage, of education, and of expression. The three liberties are the foundation to ensure one's happiness as a member of the society. In the subsequent decade, apart from a few sonnets, Milton dedicated his pen solely to the struggle of political, religious liberty and justice. At the time, he gave up his ambition in writing a great national epic, since his aspiration for literary creativity has yielded to his concern for the troubled time !"

Huang Chia-yin : In the beginning, Tian Han quoted Wordsworth's sonnet London (1802), in which the poet invoked the spirit of Milton to save England out of political corruption and chaos. He created an analogy between the political scene in Wordsworth's England and that in the early 20th-century China, stressing the severity of corruption and turmoil in both cases. Drawing on the precedence of Wordsworth's invocation, Tian suggested Milton's potential contribution as an inspiration to China for political and social reforms.
Tian's declineation foregrounded Milton's participations in the political scene and left his literary career in the background. Although starting out with a literary ambition, hoping to compose a grand English heroic verse, Milton devoted himself to political writings when the time and the nation called for his contribution. In defense of 'liberty' against tyranny of the monarchy, he wrote abundantly in prose.
In Tian's construction, Milton was an unselfish poet who places the nation and the people before himself. In peaceful time, he prepared himself to be a national poet and to create narrative poetry that reflected the spirit of the nation. In troubled time, he willingly sacrificed his personal goals and devoted himself to defend freedom and justice for the people. He considered liberty the foundation of human society, the basis of all happiness. Only when religious liberty, domestic liberty, and individual liberty werde proteced could one live happily and freely as a member of the society.
2 1980 Yang, Zhouhan. Guan yu ti gao wai guo wen xue shi bian xie zhi liang de ji ge wen ti [ID D26474].
Yang schreibt : "We often treat writers and literary schools as if they are sharply divided and share nothing in common, as if they belong to different classes. This is simply not true in reality. Take 'active' and 'passive' Romanticism as an exemple : the two have something in common both in class status and ideology and in cultural background. Wordsworth, for instance... it is true, dropped out of the struggle for fear of the Jacobin dictatorship, but Napoleon's war of invasion was also one of the causes for his disappointment. On the other hand, even the 'active' Romantic poets differed. Some literary histories describe Byron's motive force as pride and Shelley's as love. Perhaps that was what was meant by Marx's alleged remark, that Shelley would have become a revolutionary, Byron a reactionary. Byron is a complicated character. That is why literary histories have always given him both praise and censure. Starting from the Soviet literary histories, there has been a tendendy [in China] to cover up Byron's faults and publicize his merits. Generally speaking, Byron should be considered progressive, but we have not done enough research into his motive for joining the progressive trend."
3 1981 Zheng, Min. Yingguo lang man shi ren Huazihuasi de zai ping jia [ID D26489].
Chu Chih-yu : Zheng Min made the first attempt to rehabilitate Wordsworth. Although she still used a Marxist approach, the critic discussed with an attention to detail the poet's artistic achievements rarely found in discussions of Byron.
4 1999 Ge, Guilu. William Wordsworth and his romanticism in China after the establishment of New China. In : Journal of Ningxia University (Jan. 1999).
Abstract : The founding of the People's Republic of China marked the beginning of a new historical period in our country, but no new opportunities are presented for Wordsworth. New China's study of foreign literature is influenced and limited by the Soviet Union (1917-1990), which puts undue emphasis on politics, such as political attitude of author, political, social and historic significance of works, so Wordsworth and his works repeatedly came under attack. In 1980's, China's study of Wordsworth entered a new stage, especially in 1990's, Wordsworth and his works are gradually understood and embraced by more and more China's readers.
5 2004 Wordsworth, William. A translation into Chinese of William Wordsworth's "The prelude" (1850). Transl. by Aixue Wang.[ID D26378].
China, Wordsworth's poems are famous for their description of nature and rural life as well as philosophical contemplation. A Chinese translation of The Prelude is certainly significant and to be welcomed. The translator should be commended for his hard work, learning, and linguistic skills. On the whole, the translation is quite smooth and relatively faithful to the original. The translator has tried to render the poem into Chinese as elegantly and artistically as he possibly can.
This book is the first Chinese translation of William Wordsworth's The Prelude. The translation is faithful to the original in form by rendering each line of ten syllables painstakingly into ten Chinese characters. (English and facing Chinese translation) William Wordsworth's The Prelude is an extremely long poem and one of the important works in the history of English literature. It was originally conceived as an appendix, and then as a prologue, to a great poem to be titled, The Recluse or Views of Nature, Man, and Society, which Wordsworth had planned to compose but never completed. In China, Wordsworth's poems are famous for their description of nature and rural life as well as philosophical contemplation. A Chinese translation of The Prelude is certainly significant and to be welcomed. The translator should be recommended for his hard work, learning, and linguistic skills. On the whole, the translation is quite smooth and relatively faithful to the original. The translator has tried to render the poem into Chinese as elegantly and artistically as he possibly can. Since the original was written in blank verse, and in iambic pentameter, the translator apparently tried to preserve the meter in the entire Chinese translation. He also made effort in rhyming occasionally.

Bibliography (11)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1930 [Wordsworth, William]. Xiu xiang hui tu tian yu hua tan ci xiao shuo. Tao Zhenhuai zhuan. Vol. 1-10. (Shanghai : Shanghai jin zhang tu su ju, 1930). Übersetzung von Wordsworth, William. The prelude, or Growth of a poet's mind : autobiographical poem. (London : E. Moxon, 1850).
繡像繪圖天雨花 彈詞小說 [30]卷
Publication / Word7
2 1960 Shi jie qi da ming zuo jia lun. Meng Zhideng yi. (Taibei : Taibei xian yong he zhen, 1960).
[Enthält Kommentare über] :
Tuo'ersitai = Leo Tolstoy
Qi da ming zuo jia wei Bailun = George Gordon Byron
Manshufeier = Katherine Mansfield
Huazihuasi = William Wordsworth
Mobosang = Guy de Maupassant
Gongsidang = Benjamin Constant
Hekesilei = Thomas Henry Huxley
Qiaoyishi = James Joyce
Publication / Tol122
3 1984 [Wordsworth, William]. Huacihuasi shi xuan. Huacihuasi zhu ; Li Guangpu yi. (Taibei : Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan, 1984). (Ren ren wen ku ; 2546-2547). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Gedichte von Wordsworth].
Publication / Word2
4 1986 [Wordsworth, William]. Huazihuasi shu qing shi xuan. Huang Gaoxin yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1986). [Übersetzung der Gedichte von Wordsworth].
Publication / Word3
5 1986 Yingguo hu pan san shi ren xuan ji. Huazihuasi deng zhu ; Gu Zixin yi. (Changsha : Hunan ren min chu ban she, 1986). (Shi yuan yi lin). [Übersetzung von Gedichten von William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey].
Publication / Word9
6 1990 [Wordsworth, William]. Hu pan shi hun : Huazihuasi shi xuan. Yang Deyu yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1990). [Übersetzung der Gedichte von Wordsworth].
湖畔诗魂 : 华兹华斯诗选
Publication / Word1
7 1991 [Wordsworth, William]. Huazihuasi shu qing shi xuan. Xie Yaowen yi. (Shanghai : Yilin chu ban she, 1991). [Übersetzung der Gedichte von Wordsworth].
Publication / Word4
8 1996 [Wordsworth, William]. Huazihuasi shu qing shi xuan. Yang Deyu yi. (Changhsha : Hunan wen yi chu ban she, 1996). [Übersetzung der Gedichte von Wordsworth].
Publication / Word5
9 1999 [Wordworth, William]. Xu qu huo yi wei shi ren xin ling de cheng zhang. Huazihuasi ; Ding Hongwei yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo dui wai fan yi chu ban gong si, 1999. (Yingguo wen xue jing dian wen ku). [Übersetzung der Gedichte von Wordsworth].
Publication / Word8
10 2000 [Wordsworth, William]. Yingguo lang man zhu yi wu da jia shi xuan. Huazihuasi ; Li Changzhi yi. (Chongqing : Chongqing chu ban she, 2000). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Gedichte von Wordsworth].
Publication / Word10
11 2004 Wordsworth, William. A translation into Chinese of William Wordsworth's "The prelude" (1850). Transl. by Aixue Wang. (Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, 2004). (Chinese studies ; vol. 35). Übersetzung von Wordsworth, William. The prelude, or Growth of a poet's mind : autobiographical poem. (London : E. Moxon, 1850). Publication / Word19

Secondary Literature (8)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1946 Tao, Xiong. Fan jian die : san mu ju. (Shanghai : Wen jian tu shu gong si, 1946). [Abhandlung über Samuel Taylor Coleridge und William Wordsworth].
反間諜 : 三幕劇
Publication / Word14
2 1947 Li, Qi. Huacihuasi ji qi xu qu. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1947). [Biographie von William Wordsworth].
Publication / Word11
3 1972 Yue du fu dao : Huazihuasi de shi = A study guide to William Wordsworth's Ode : intimations of immortality. John J. Deeney, Pierre E. Demers zhu bian. (Taibei : Hong dao wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 1972). [Geschrieben 1807].
阅讀輔導 : 華滋華斯的詩
Publication / Word16
4 1981 Zheng, Min. Yingguo lang man shi ren Huazihuasi de zai ping jia. In : Nanjing da xue xue bao ; no 4 (1981). [Re-appraisal of the English Romantic poet William Wordworth]. Publication / ZheM1
5 1982 [Davis, Hunter]. Huazihuasi. Liang Shiqiu zhu bian ; Hangte Daiweisi zuo zhe ; Zhao Guomei yi zhe. (Taibei : Ming ren chu ban shi ye gu fen you xiang gong si, 1982). (Ming ren wei ren zhuan ji quan ji ; 58). Übersetzung von Davis, Hunter. William Wordsworth : a biography. (New York, N.Y. : Atheneum Press, 1980).
Publication / LiaS15
6 1984 Shi jiu shi ji Yingguo shi ren lun shi. Liu Ruoduan bian. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1984). (Wai guo wen yi li lun cong shu). [Übersetzung von Artikeln über William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats].
Publication / Word13
7 2000 Su, Wenjing. Huazihuasi shi xue. (Beijing : She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she, 2000). [Abhandlung über William Wordsworth].
Publication / Word17
8 2006 Yang, Liping. Translation, rewriting and the modernization of China. (Singapore : National University of Singapore, 2006). Diss. National Univ. of Singapore, 2006.
Publication / Hardy1
  • Source: [Shelley, Percy Bysshe]. Zhi yun que. Guo Moruo yi. In : Letter from Guo Moruo to Zong Baihua ; March 3 (1920). Übersetzung von Shelley, Percy Bysshe. To a skylark. In : Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Prometheus unbound. (London : C. and J. Ollier, 1820).
    之雲雀 (Shel32, Publication)
  • Source: [Shelley, Percy Bysshe]. [Sechs Gedichte]. Guo Moruo yi. In : Chuang zao ji kan (1922). (Shel31, Publication)
  • Source: Xu, Zhimo. Feilengcui di yi ye. (Shanghai : Xin yue shu dian, 1927). ["A night in Florence". Enthält Übersetzungen von drei Gedichten von Thomas Hardy : Cynic's epitaph, Fain heart in a railway train, The two wives].
    翡冷翠的一夜 (Hardy2, Publication)
  • Source: Xu, Zhimo. Tang mai shi Hadai. In : Xin yue yue kan ; no 1, March (1928). [Biographie von Thomas Hardy mit Übersetzungen seiner Gedichte].
    哈代 (Hardy3, Publication)
  • Source: Liang, Shiqiu. Tan Xu Zhimo. (Taibei : Yuan dong tu shu gong si, 1958).
    談徐志摩 (Hardy4, Publication)
  • Person: Dai, Wangshu
  • Person: Guo, Moruo
  • Person: Hardy, Thomas
  • Person: Hu, Shi
  • Person: Keats, John
  • Person: Shelley, Percy Bysshe
  • Person: Wen, Yiduo
  • Person: Whitman, Walt
  • Person: Xu, Zhimo
  • Person: Yang, Liping