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Chronology Entries (29)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1596-1597 Elizabeth I. schickt drei Schiffe nach China und gibt Benjamin Wood einen Brief an den Kaiser mit. Die Schiffe erleiden Schiffbruch im Golf von Martaban, Burma.
  • Document: The vision of China in the English literature of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Ed. by Adrian Hsia. (Hong Kong : Chinese University press, 1998).
    [Enthält] :
    Qian, Zhongshu. China in the English literature of the seventeenth century. In : Quarterly bulletin of Chinese bibliography ; vol. 1 (1940).
    Fan, Cunzhong. The beginnings of the influence of Chinese culture in England. In : Wai guo yu ; no 6 (1982).
    Chen, Shouyi. John Webb : a forgotten page in the early history of sinology in Europe. In : The Chinese social and political review ; vol. 19 (1935-1936).
    Qian, Zhongshu. China in the English literature of the eighteenth century. In : Quarterly bulletin of Chinese bibliography ; vol. 2 (1941).
    Chen, Shouyi. Daniel Defoe, China's severe critic. In : Nankai social and economic quarterly ; vol. 8 (1935).
    Fan, Cunzhong. Chinese fables and anti-Walpole journalism. In : The review of English studies ; vol. 25 (1949).
    Fan, Cunzhong. Dr. Johnson and Chinese culture. In : Quarterly bulletin of Chinese bibliography ; vol. 5 (1945).
    Chen, Shouyi. Oliver Goldsmith and his Chinese letters. In : T'ien hsia monthly ; vol. 8 (1939).
    Chen, Shouyi. Thomas Percy and his Chinese studies. In : The Chinese social and political science review ; vol. 20 (1936-1937).
    Fan, Cunzhong. William Jones's Chinese studies. In : The review of English studies ; vol. 22 (1946).
    Chen, Shouyi. The Chinese garden in eighteenth century England. In : T'ien hsia monthly ; vol. 2 (1936).
    Chen, Shouyi. The Chinese orphan : a Yuan play. In : T'ien hsia monthly ; vol. 4 (1936). [Ji, Junxiang. Zhao shi gu'er].
    Hsia, Adrian. The orphan of the house Zhao in French, English, German, and Hong Kong literature. In : Comparative literature studies ; vol. 25 (1988). [Ji, Junxiang. Zhao shi gu'er]. S. 220. (Hsia8, Publication)
  • Person: Elizabeth I.
  • Person: Wood, Benjamin
2 1719 Careri, Gemelli. Giro del mondo del dottor D. Gio. (Venezia : Presso G. Malachin, a spese di G. Maffei, 1719).
3 1773 Der Qianlong shi san pai di tu erscheint in Kupferstich.
4 1884 William Dean kehrt nach Amerika zurück.
5 1892-1913 Guido Amedeo Vitale ist, nach seinen Chinesisch-Studien am Istituto universitario orientale in Neapel, Sekretär-Dolmetscher der italienischen Legation in Beijign.
  • Document: Bertuccioli, Giuliano. Sinology in Italy 1600-1950. In : Europe studies China : papers from an International conference on the history of European sinology. Ed. by Ming Wilson & John Cayley. (London : Han-shan Tang, 1995). (Euro1, Publication)
6 1896-1900 Claude Maxwell MacDonald ist Gesandter der der britischen Gesandtschaft in Beijing.
7 1896-1914 John Fryer ist Louis Agassiz Professor of Oriental Languages and Literature an der University of California, Berkeley.
8 1907-1922 Cora E. Simpson ist Gründering und Leiterin der Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, Magaw Memorial Hospital in Fuzhou (Fujian).
9 1908 XV. Congrès international des orientalistes = International Congress of Orientalists in Kopenhagen.
10 1909-1931 Joseph Mullie ist als Missionar in Chengde (Hebei) tätig.
11 1912 XVI. Congrès international des orientalistes = International Congress of Orientalists in Athen.
12 1922 Cora E. Simpson ist Generalsekretärin der Nurses Association of China.
13 1927 Ch'en Shou-yi promoviert in Comparative Literature an der University of Chicago.
14 1927 Chen Shih-chuan beendet seine Studien an der Central University in Nanjing und graduiert an der Guo li zhong yang da xue (National Central University) in Zhongli, Taiwan.
  • Document: Yu, Yih-hsien. Two Chinese philosophers and Whitehead encountered. In : Journal of Chinese philosopphy ; vol. 32, no 2 (2005). [Betr. Chen Shih-chuan]. (ChS1, Publication)
  • Person: Chen, Shih-chuan
15 1931-1956 Joseph Mullie ist Professor für Chinesisch und Linguistik am theologischen Seminar in Louvain.
  • Document: Aubin, Françoise. In memoriam : le R.P. Henry Serruys (Ssu lü-ssu), CICM (10 juillet 1911-16 août 1983) : erudit sino-mongolisant. In : Monumenta serica ; vol. 36 (1984-1985). (Aub2, Publication)
  • Person: Mullie, Joseph
16 1935 XIX. Congrès international des orientalistes = International Congress of Orientalists in Rom.
17 1937-1938 Chen Shih-chuan studiert Griechisch am Corpus Christi College der Oxford University.
18 1938-1939 Chen Shih-chuan studiert an der University of London.
19 1947 Sidney Shapiro kommt in Shanghai an.
20 1948 XXI. Congrès international des orientalistes = International Congress of Orientalists in Paris.
21 1954 XXIII. Congrès international des orientalistes = International Congress of Orientalists in Cambridge.
22 1960 Chen Shih-chuan promoviert an der University of Washington, Seattle.
23 1962 Albert E. Dien promoviert in Chinese an der University of California, Berkeley.
24 1963 Sidney Shapiro wird chinesischer Bürger.
25 1967 XXVII. Congrès international des orientalistes = International Congress of Orientalists in Ann Arbor, Mich.
26 1969 Hung-nin Samuel Cheung erhält den M.A. der The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Person: Cheung, Hung-nin Samuel
27 1973 Jonathan Goldstein promoviert an der University of Pennsylvania.
28 1974-2000 Hung-nin Samuel Cheung ist Dozent, dann Professor of Chinese Language and Literature an der University of California, Berkeley.
  • Person: Cheung, Hung-nin Samuel
29 18??-1909 Pierre Hoang ist als Missionar in Nanjing tätig.

Sources (194)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1569 Cruz, Gaspar da. Tractado em que los Portugueses hazen e los Reinos y Provincias del Oriente, y de la noticis que se tiene de las grandezas del reino de la China. (Sevilla ? [s.n.], 1569). [Grundlage für Juan Gonzáles de Mendozas Historia de las cosas más notables... von 1585]. Publication / Cruz1
  • Cited by: Walravens, Hartmut (Wal, Person)
  • Person: Cruz, Gaspar da
  • Person: Gonzáles de Mendoza, Juan
2 1570 Ortelius, Abraham. Theatrum orbis terrarum. (Antverpiae : Apud Aegid. Coppenium Diesth, 1570). [Enthält die Karten] : Chinae, olim Sinarum regions ; Asiae nova descriptio. [Die erste separate China-Karte Europas]. Publication / Ort1
  • Cited by: Foss, Theodore N. A Western interpretation of China : jesuit cartography. In : East meets West : the jesuits in China, 1582-1773. Ed. by Charles E. Ronan and Bonnie B.C. Oh. (Chicago : Loyola University Press, 1988). (Foss1, Published)
3 1578 Best, George. Captain [Martin] Frobisher's first voyage : a true report of such things as happened in the second voyage of Captain Frobisher, pretended for the discovery of a new passage to Cataya, China, and the East Indies, by the north-west. Ann. Dom. 1577. The third voyage of Captain Frobisher, pretended for the discovery of Cataya. By Meta incognita, anno Dom. 1578. ([S.l : s.n.], 1578). [Enthalten in] : Pinkerton, John. General collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world ; many of which are now firs translated into English ; digested on a new plan. (London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1808-1814), vol. 12 (1812). Publication / Best1
4 1614 Ricci, Matteo ; Li, Zhizao. Tong wen suan zhi. (Beijing : [s.n.], 1614). Übersetzung von Clavius, Christophorus. Epitome arithmeticae practicae. (Romae : Ex typographia Dominici Basae, 1583). In : Li, Zhizao. Tian xue chu han. Vol. 1-6. (Taibei : Taiwan xue sheng shu ju, 1965). [Mathematische Abhandlung, die Matteo Rucci Li Zhizao diktiert hat].
Publication / Ricc-Li, -Clav1
  • Cited by: Handbook of christianity in China. Ed. by Nicolas Standaert. (Leiden : Brill, 2001). (Handbook of Oriental studies ; vol. 15, 1-2). (Sta, Published)
  • Person: Clavius, Christophorus
  • Person: Li, Zhizao
  • Person: Ricci, Matteo
5 1620 Pinto, Fernão Mendez. Historia oriental de las peregrinaciones de Fernan Mendez Pinto portvgves, a donde se escriven muchas, y muy estrañas coasas que vio, y oyò en los reynos de la China, Tartaria, Sornao, que vulgarmente se Ilama Siam, Calamiñam, Peguu, Martauan, y otros muchos de aquellas partes orientales, de que en estas nuestras de Occidente ay muy poca, o ninguna noticia. Casos famosos, a contecimientos admirables leyes, gouierno, trages, religion, y costumbres de aquellos gentiles de Asia. Trad. de portvgves en castellano por Francisco de Herrera Maldonado. (Madrid : Tomás de Junta, 1620).

Pinto, Fernão Mendez. The voyages and adventures of Ferdinand Mendez Pinto, a Portugal during his travels for the space of one and twenty years in the kingdoms of Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchinchina, Calaminham, Siam, Pegu, Japan, and a great part of the East-Indies. With a relation and description of most of the places thereof; their religion, laws, riches, customs, and government in the time of peace and war. Where he five times suffered shipwrack, was sixteen times sold, and thirteen times made a slave. Written originally by himself in the Portugal tongue, and dedicated to the Majesty of Philip King of Spain. Done into English by H.C. Gent. (London : Printed by J. Macock, for Henry Herringman, at the sign of the Blew-Anchor in the Lower-Walk of the New-Exchange, 1663).
Publication / PintF1
6 1625 Waymouth, George. The voyage of captaine George Weymovth, intended for the discouerie of the North-west passage toward China. (London : [s.n.], 1625). [Bericht seiner Suche im Auftrag der East India Company nach einer Nord-westlichen Verbindung mit dem Osten 1602]. Publication / Waym1
7 1666 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm. Dissertatio de arte combinatoria : in qua ex arithmeticae fundamentis complicationum ac transpositionum doctrina novies praeceptis exctruitur, & usus ambarum per universum scientiarum orbem ostenditur ; nova etiam artis meditandi, seu logicae investionis semina sparguntur ; praefixa est synopsis totius tractatus, & additamenti loco demonstratio existentiae Dei ad mathematicam certitudinem exacta. (Lipsiae [Leipzig] : Fick & Seubold, 1666). Leibniz widmet sich der Erforschung des "arithmetischen" Dreiecks und legt damit den Grundstein für die spätere Infinitesimalrechnung. Erste Erwähnung von China durch Leibniz. Publication / LG1
  • Cited by: Internet (Wichtige Adressen werden separat aufgeführt) (Int, Web)
8 1668 Wilkins, John. Essay towards a real character and philosophical language. (London : Printed for Sa. Gellibrand and for John Martyn, 1668), eine Abhandlung, die von der chinesischen Schrift inspiriert ist. Publication / Wilk1
  • Cited by: Gernet, Jacques. Die chinesische Welt : die Geschichte Chinas von den Anfängen bis zur Jetztzeit. 3. Aufl. - Frankfurt a.M. : Insel Verlag (1983). Übersetzung von : Gernet, Jacques. Le monde chinois. (Paris : A. Colin, 1972). (Collection Destins du monde). (Ger, Published)
9 1682 Cleyer, Andreas. Specimen medicinae sinicae, sive Opuscula medica ad mentem Sinensium, continens I. De pulsibus libros quatuor è sinico translatos. II. Tractatus de pulsibus ab erudito europaeo collectos. III. Fragmentum operis medici ibidem ab erudito europaeo conscripti. IV. Excerpta literis eruditi europaei in China. V. Schemata ad meliorem praecedentium intelligentiam. VI. De indiciis morborum ex linguae coloribus & affectionibus : com figuris aeneis & ligneis. (Francofurti : Sumptibus Joannis Petri Zubrodt, 1682). Übersetzung von Ji, Eshi. Tai su mo jue, das erste Buch über die chinesische Pulslehre in der Medizin, mit Informationen von Philippe Couplet. Publication / Cley1
  • Cited by: Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. Hrsg. von Friedrich-Wilhelm Bautz ; fortgeführt von Traugott Bautz. (Herzberg : BBKL, 1990-).
    http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/. (BBKL, Web)
10 1683 Müller, Andreas. Anderer Theil des Catalogi der sinesischen Bücher bey der churfürstl. brandenburgischen Bibliothec zu Cölln an der Spree anno 1683. (Cölln an der Spree : Druckts Georg Schultze, 1683). Erster europäischer Bücherkatalog chinesischer Bücher. Publication / Müll8
  • Cited by: Walravens, Hartmut (Wal, Person)
11 1692 Avril, Philippe. Voyage en divers états d'Europe et d'Asie : entrepris pour découvrir un nouveau chemin à la Chine : contenant plusieurs remarques curieuses de physique, de geographie, d'hydrographie & d'histoire : avec une description de la grande Tartarie, & des differens peuples qui l'habitent. (Paris : Chez Claude Barbin, Jean Boudot, George & Louis Josse, 1692).
Philippe. Travels into divers parts of Europe and Asia, undertaken by the French King's order to discover a new way by land into China : containing many curious remarks in natural philosophy, geography, hydrology and history : together with a description of Great Tartary and of the different people who inhabit there. (London : Printed for Tim. Goodwin, 1693).
Publication / Avri1
12 1697 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm. Novissima sinica : historiam nostri temporis illustrata in quibus de christianismo publica nunc primum autoritate propagato missa in Europam relatio exhibetur, deqve favore sicentiarum europaearum ac morbius gentis & ipsius praesertim monarchae, tum & de bello Sinensium com Moscis ac pace constituta, multa hactenus ignota explicantur. (Hannover : Nicolaus Förster, 1697). 2. Aufl. (Hannover : Nicolas Förster, 1699).
: Der grösste Teil des Buches besteht aus Auszügen der Schriften und Briefe der Jesuitenmissionare in China. Weitere Quellen sind die Werke von Martino Martini.
Kircher, Athanasius. Kircher, Athanasius. China illustrata [ID D1712].
Ricci, Matteo ; Trigault, Nicolas. De christiana expeditione [ID D1652].
Soares, José. Libertas Evangelium Christi annunciandi et propagandi in Imperio Sinarum solenniter declarata, anno Domini 1692. [Bericht über das Toleranzedikt zur Missionserlaubnis in China von Kaiser Kangxi].
Bouvet, Joachim. Icon regia monarchae sinarvm nvnc regnantis.
Verbiest, Ferdinand. Auszug aus Astronomia Europaea [ID D1719].
Leusden, Johann. De successu evangelii apud Indos Occidentales.
Grimaldi, Claudio Filippo. Antworten auf die Liste der Fragen über China von Leibniz, Brief von 1695.
Thomas, Antoine. Brief über die Förderung des Christentums durch den Hof in Beijing.
Gerbillon, Jean-François. Auszug eines Briefes über den chinesisch-russischen Krieg und den Friedensschluss.
Beschreibung des Weges der russischen Gesandtschaft nach China (1693-1695).
Erwähnung der 1625 aufgefundenen Stele von Xi'an.
Die 2. Aufl. enthält Bouvait, Joachim. Portrait historique de l'Empereur de Chine [Kangxi].
Publication / LG2
  • Cited by: Das Neueste über China : G.W. Leibnizens Novissima sinica von 1697 : Internationales Symposium, Berlin 4. bis 7. Okt. 1997. Wenchao Li, Hans Poser (Hrsg.). (Stuttgart : Steiner, 2000). (Studia Leibnitiana supplementa ; vol. 33). [Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz]. (LiPos1, Published)
  • Person: Bouvet, Joachim
  • Person: Gerbillon, Jean-François
  • Person: Grimaldi, Claudio Filippo
  • Person: Kangxi
  • Person: Kircher, Athanasius
  • Person: Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
  • Person: Leusden, Johann
  • Person: Martini, Martino
  • Person: Ricci, Matteo
  • Person: Soares, José
  • Person: Thomas, Antoine
  • Person: Trigault, Nicolas
  • Person: Verbiest, Ferdinand
13 1716 The English pilot. (London : R. and W. Mount, and T. Page, 1716). [Schiffskarte des Indischen und Atlantischen Ozeans, sowie des chinesischen Meeres]. Publication / Ep1
14 1737 Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'. Nouvel atlas de la Chine, de la Tartarie chinoise et du Thibet : contenant les cartes générales & particulieres de ces pays, ainsi que la carte du royaume de Corée ; la plupart levées sur les lieux par ordre de l'empereur Cang-Hi avec toute l'exactitude imaginable, soit par les PP. Jésuites missionaires à la Chine, soit par des Tartares du tribuanl des mathématiques, & toutes revûës par les mêmes peres. (La Haye : H. Scheurleer, 1737). [Dieser Atlas ist als Begleitwerk von Jean-Baptiste Du Haldes Description... konzipiert worden].
Publication / Anvi-Du H1
  • Person: Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'
  • Person: Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste
15 1745 Thomas, Pascoe. A true and impartial journal of a voyage to the South-seas, and round the globe, in His Majesty's ship the Centurion, under the command of commodore George Anson : together with some historical accounts of Chili, Peru, Mexico, and the empire of China : to which is added, a large and general table of longitudes and latitudes. By Pascoe Thomas, teacher of the mathematics on board the Centurion. (London : S. Birt, 1745). Publication / Thom1
16 1757 Chambers, William. Designs of Chinese buildings, furniture, dresses, machines, and utensils : engraved by the best hands, from the originals drawn in China. (London : Publ. for the Author, 1757). [Standartwerk zur Chinarezeption in Europa]. Publication / Cham1
17 1762 [Noble, Charles Frederick.] A voyage to the East Indies in 1747 and 1748 : containing an account of the islands of St. Helena and Java ; of the city of Batavia ; of the government and political conduct of the Dutch ; of the empire of China, with particular description of Canton. (London : T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1762). [Guangzhou (Guangdong)]. Publication / Nobl1
18 1762 Percy, Thomas. Miscellaneous pieces relating to the Chinese. Vol. 1-2. (London : Printed for R. and J. Dodsley, 1762).
[Enthält] :
Vol. 1 : A dissertation on the language and characters of the Chinese. Rules of conduct, by a Chinese author. Translated from the French of P. Parrenin. The little orphan of the House of Chao : a Chinese tragedy. Translated from the French version, published in the grand folio edition of P. du Halde's Description de l'Empire de la Chine, &c. Paris 1735. tome 3. [Übersetzung von Ji, Junxiang. Zhao shi gu er].
Vol. 2 : Authentic memoirs of the Christian church in China. from the German of J.L. de Mosheim. Of the art of laying out gardens among the Chinese. By Mr. Chambers, architect. A description of the Emperor's garden and pleasure houses near Peking. From the French of Frere Attiret, Jesuit. A description of the solemnities observed at Peking on the Emperor's mother entering on the sixtieth year of her age. From the French of P. Amyot, Jesuit.
Vol. 2 : http://www.archive.org/details/miscellaneouspie02perciala.
. 3-4 : http://books.google.com/books?id=kl8iAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover
Publication / PerT2
19 1770 Gaubil, Antoine ; Guignes, Joseph de. Le Chou-king, un des livres sacrés des Chinois, qui renferme les fondements de leur ancienne histoire, les principes de leur gouvernement & de leur morale ; ouvrage recueilli par Confucius. On y a joint un Discours préliminaire, qui contient des recherches sur les tems antérieurs à ceux dont parle le Chou-king, & une notice de l'Y-king, autre livre sacré des Chinois. Traduit & enrichi de notes, par feu le P. Gaubil, missionnaire à la Chine. Revu & corrigé sur le texte chinois, accompagné de nouvelles notes, de planches gravées en taille-douce & d'additions tirées des historiens originaux, dans lesquelles on donne l'histoire des princes omis dans le Chou-king. Par M. Joseph de Guignes. (Paris : N.M. Tilliard, 1770).
[Enthält] : Prémare, Joseph Henri-Marie de. Recherches sur les tems antérieurs à ceux dont parle le Chou-king, & sur la mythologie chinoise ; Visdelou, Claude de. Notice du livre chinois nommé Y-king. [Shu jing, Yi jing].
Publication / Gaub-Guig-Prém-Visd1
  • Person: Gaubil, Antoine
  • Person: Guignes, Joseph de
  • Person: Prémare, Joseph Henri-Marie de
  • Person: Visdelou, Claude de
20 1775 Benoist, Michel. Qing Qianlong nei fu yu tu. Atlas 1773 in Kupfer gestochen und 1775 gedruckt, er basiert auf der Karte Huang yu quan lan tu von 1717. Auch bekannt unter den Namen Jesuiten-Atlas, Qianlong shi san pai tong ban di tu, Da Qing yi tong yu tu. (Beijing : Beiping gu gong bo wu yuan, 1932). Die topographischen Aufnahmen wurden von 1756-1759 gemacht. Publication / Ben1
21 1775 La Pérouse, Jean-François de. Carte des déclinaisons et inclinaisons de l'aiguille aimantée rédigée d'après la table des observations magnétiques faites par les voyageurs depuis l'année 1775. (Paris : [s.n.], 1788). Die 3. Karte enthält den Weg den Küsten des Indischen Ozeans entlang, zum Kap der Guten Hoffnung bis China. Publication / LaP2
22 1778-1779 Leont'ev, Aleksej. Kitaiskoe ulozhen'ie : Perevel sokrashchenno sManzhurskago na Ross'iiskoi iazyk kolleg'ii Inostrannykh diel ma'iorskago ranga. Bd. 1-2 in 1 Bd. (Sanktpeterburgie : Pri Imperatorskoi Akadem'ii Nauk, 1778-1779).[Das chinesische Gesetzbuch]. Publication / LA2
23 1790 Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourgignon d'. Atlas général de la Chine, de la Tartarie chinoise, et du Tibet : pour servir aux différentes descriptions et histoires de cet empire. (Paris: Dezauche, ca. 1700). [Überarbeitete Auflage des Nouvel atlas de la Chine... von 1737]. Publication / Anvi1
24 1795 Anderson, Aeneas. A narrative of the British embassy to China, in the years 1792, 1793, and 1794 ; containing the various circumstances of the embassy, with accounts of customs and manners of the Chinese ; and a description of the country, towns, cities, &c &c. (Philadelphia : Printed by T. Dobson ; London : Printed for Vernor and Hood ; Printed for J. Debrett ; New York, N.Y. : Printed by T. and J. Swords for Rogers and Berry ; Dublin : Printed by William Porter ; Basil : J.J. Tourneisen, 1795). =
Anderson, Aeneas. Erzählung der Reise und Gesandtschaft des Lord Macartney nach China und von da zurück nach England in den Jahren 1792 bis 1794. Aus dem Englischen, mit Anmerkungen und Zusätzen. (Erlangen : Walther, 1795).
[Bericht über die britische Gesandschaftsreise von 1792-1794]. [Vermutlich ist Anderson nicht der Autor].
Publication / Ande1
25 1796 Winterbotham, William. An historical, geographical, and philosophical view of the Chinese empire : comprehending a description of the fifteen provinces of China, Chinese Tartary, tributary states, natural history of China, government, religion, laws, manners and customs, literature, arts, sciences, manufactures, & c. In two volumes by W. Winterbotham ; to which is added, a copious account of lord Macartney's embassy, compiled from original communications. (London printed ; Philadelphia re-printed for Richard Lee : Dunning, Hyer, and Palmer, printers, 1796).
Publication / Wint1
26 1800 Turner, Samuel. An account of an embassy to the court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet ; containing a narrative of a journey through Bootan, and part of Tibet. By Samuel Turner ; to which are added, views taken on the spot, by Samuel Davis, and observations botanical, mineralogical, and medical, by Robert Saunders. (London : Sold by G. and W. Nicol, 1800).
Turner, Samuel. Gesandtschaftsreise an den Hof des Teshoo Lama durch Bootan und einen Theil von Tibet. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von M.C. Sprengel. (Hamburg : Benjamin Gottlob Hoffmann, 1801). [Bericht der Erneuerung des Kontakes zwischen England und Tibet 1783].
Publication / Turn1
27 1804 Shaler, William. Journal of a voyage between China and the north-western coast of America, made in 1804. (Claremont, Calif. : Saunders Studio Press, 1935).
Publication / Shal1
28 1809 Montucci, Antonio. Remarques philologiques sur les voyages en Chine de M. de Guignes. (Berlin : L'auteur, 1809). [Chrétien Louis Joseph de Guignes].
Publication / Mont4
  • Person: Guignes, Chrétien Louis Joseph de
  • Person: Montucci, Antonio
29 1810 Görres, Joseph von. Mythengeschichte der asiatischen Welt. Bd. 1-2. (Heidelberg : Mohr und Zimmer, 1810). Bd. 1 : Hinterasiatische Mythen. Bd. 2 : Vorderasiatische Mythen. Publication / GörJ1
30 1812 Morrison, Robert. Horae sinicae : translations from the popular literature of the Chinese. (London : Printed for Black and Parry by C. Stower, 1812). [Übersetzungen chinesischer Volksliteratur].
Publication / Morr1
31 1815 Morrison, Robert. A grammar of the Chinese language. (Serampore : Printed at the Mission-Press, 1815).
Publication / Morr6
32 1816 Morrison, Robert. Dialogues and detached sentences in the Chinese language ; with a free and verbal translation in English. Collected from various sources, designed as an initiatory work for the use of students of Chinese. (Macao : Printed at the Honorable East India Company's Press by P.P. Thoms, 1816). Publication / Morr10
33 1817-1822 The Indo-Chinese gleaner : containing miscellaneous communications on the literature, history, philosophy, mythology & c. of the Indo-Chinese nations. [Ed. by William C. Milne (1)]. (Malacca : Mission Press, 1817-1822). Periodical / Miln2
34 1821 Tulisen. Narrative of the Chinese embassy to the Khan of the tourgouth tartars, in the years 1712, 13, 14, & 15 ; by the Chinese ambassador, and published, by the Emperor's authority, at Pekin. Transl. from the Chinese, and accompanied by an appendix of miscellaneous translations, by Sir George Thomas Staunton. (London : J. Murray, 1821).
Publication / Tuli-Stau1
35 1821 Braam Houckgeest, Andreas Everard van. Icones plantarum spontè Chinâ nascentium. (London : J.H. Bohte, 1821). [Abhandlung über Botanik]. Publication / Braa2
36 1824 Cochrane, John Dundas. Narrative of a pedestrian journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary : from the frontiers of China to the Frozen sea and Kamtchatka, performed during the years 1820, 1821, 1822, and 1823. (Philadelphia : H.C. Carey, & I. Lea, and A. Small ; New York, N.Y. : Collins & Hannay ; London : J. Murray, 1824).
J[ohn] Dundas. Fussreise durch Russland und die sibirische Tartarey, und von der chinesischen Grenze nach dem Eismeer von Kamtschatka. (Wien : Strauss ; Jena : Bran, 1825).
[Cochrane hat nie chinesischen Boden betreten. Er bewegt sich nur entlang der chinesischen Grenze, auf sibirischer und russischer Seite].
Publication / Coch1
37 1824- Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1-20 (1834-1863) ; N.S. vol. 1-27 (1864-1990) ; 3rd ser. vol. 1 (1991)-. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press for the Royal Asiatic Society, 1834-). Früher : Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1-3 (1824-1835). (London : Royal Asiatic Society, 1824-1835). Publication / Roy1
38 1831 Neumann, Charles Fried. [Neumann, Karl Friedrich]. Translations from the Chinese and Armenian. With notes and illustrations. Vol. 1-3. (London : Printed for the Oriental Translation Fund, 1831). (Oriental Translation Fund ; vol. 18). Übersetzung von Yuan, Yonglun. Jing hai fen ji ; Zhuhong. Sha mi lü yi yao lüe ; Vahram. Chronicle of the Armenian kingdom in Cilicia during the times of the crusades (1831).
Publication / Neum-Yuan-Zhuh1
39 1834 Lindsay, Hugh Hamilton. Report of proceedings on a voyage to the northern ports of China in the ship Lord Amherst. (London : B. Fellowes, 1834). [Bericht über seine Reise als Kapitän der 'Amherst'].
Publication / Lind1
  • Cited by: Broomhall, A.J. Hudson Taylor & China's open century. (Sevenoaks, Kent : Hodder and Stoughton, 1981). Book 1 : Barbarians at the gates. (Bro1, Published)
40 1834 Berghaus, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm. Atlas von Asia. (Gotha : J. Perthes, 1832-1843). [Enthält] : Die chinesische Küste der Provinz Kuang-tung, zu beiden Seiten des Meridians von Macao. [Guangdong]. Publication / BerH1
41 1835-1860 Gabet, Joseph ; Huc, Evariste [Régis]. Lettres de Chine et d'ailleurs 1835-1860. Ed. établie par Jacqueline Thévenet ; introd. de Martine Raibaud. (Paris : Les Indes savantes, 2005). [Darin enthalten sind Reisebriefe von 1844-1846]. Publication / Gab10
42 1840 Hall, Basil. Narrative of a voyage to Java, China, and the great Loo-choo island. (London : E. Moxon, 1840). [Ryukyu].
Publication / Hall1
43 1841 Davis, John Francis. Sketches of China : partly during an inland journey of four months, between Peking, Nanking, and Canton ; with notices and observations relative to the present war. Vol. 1-2. (London : C. Knight & Co., 1841). [Beijing ; Nanjin ; Guangzhou (Guangdong)].
Publication / Davi6
44 1845 Peters, John R. Miscellaneous remarks upon the government, history, religions, literature, agriculture, arts, trades, manners and customs of the Chinese. As suggested by an examination of the articles comprising the Chinese Museum, in the Marlboro chapel, Boston. (Boston : Eastburn's Press, 1845).
Publication / PetJ1
45 1847 Heath, Leopold George. Hong Kong &c. as seen from the anchorage. Drawn by Lieut. L.G. Heath of H.M.S. Iris, 1846. (London : Hydrographic Office of the Admirality ; sold by R.B. Bate, 1847). Publication / HeaL1
46 1851 Prinsep, Henry. Tibet, Tartary and Mongolia : their social and political conditions, and the religion of Boodh, as there existing. Comp. from the reports of ancient and modern travellers, especially from M. [Evariste Régis] Huc's reminiscences of the recent journey of himself and M. [Joseph] Gabet. (London : W.H. Allen, 1851).
Publication / Prin1
47 1852 Fortune, Robert. A journey to the tea countries of China ; including Sung-Lo and the Bohea hills ; with a short notice of the East India company's tea plantations in the Himalaya mountains. (London : John Murray, 1852). Publication / Fort3
48 1852 Munger, James F. Two years in the Pacific and Arctic oceans and China ; being a journal of every day life on board ship, interesting information in regard to the inhabitants of different countries, and the exciting events peculiar to a whaling voyage. (Vernon, N.Y. : J.R. Howlett, printer, 1852). Publication / Mung1
49 1856 [Milner, Thomas]. Da Yingguo zhi. Mu Weilian [William Muirhead] yi.Vol. 1-2. (Jiangsu Songjiang : Shanghai mo hai shu yuan, 1856). Übersetzung von Milner, Thomas. The history of England : from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the year A.D. 1852. (London : The Religious Tract Society, 1853).
Publication / Muir-Miln1
50 1859 Tronson, John M. Personal narrative of a voyage to Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, Tartary, and various parts of coast of China : in H.M.S. Barracouta [1854-1856]. (London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1859). [Besuch der Häfen von Hong Kong und Shanghai].
Publication / Thro1
51 1859 Edkins, Joseph. The religious condition of the Chinese : with observations on the prospects of christian conversion amongst that people. (London ; New York : Routledge, Warnes & Routledge, 1859).
Publication / Edki6
52 1859 Wylie, Alexander ; Li, Shanlan. Tan tian. (Shanghai : Mo hai huo zi ban yin, Xianfeng ji wei, 1859). Übersetzung von Herschel, Wilhelm. Über den Bau des Himmels : Abhandlungen über die Struktur des Univerums und die Entwicklung der Himmelskörper : 1784-1814. (Dresden : Arnold, 1826).
Publication / Wyli-Li, -Hers1
53 1861 Lockhart, William. The medical missionary in China : a narrative of twenty years' experience. (London : Hurst and Blackett, 1861).
Williem. Der ärztliche Missionär in China. Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Hermann Bauer. (Würzburg : [s.n.], 1863).
Publication / Lock1
54 1862 Wolseley, Garnet [Joseph]. Narrative of the war with China in 1860 ; to which is added the account of a short residence with the Tai-ping rebels at Nankin and a voyage from thence to Hankow. (London : Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1862). [Nanjing ; Hankou (Hubei)].
Publication / Wols1
55 1863 Fortune, Robert. Yedo and Peking : a narrative of a journey to the capitals of Japan and China. (London : J. Murray, 1863). [Beijing]. Publication / Fort6
56 1865 Rennie, D[avid] F[ield]. Peking and the Pekingese during the first year of the British embassy at Peking. Vol. 1-2. (London : J. Murray, 1865). [Beijing].
Publication / Renn1
57 1868 Collingwood, Cuthbert. Rambles of a naturalist on the shores and waters of the China sea : being observations in natural history during a voyage to China, Formosa, Borneao, Singapore, etc., made in her Majesty's vessels in 1866 and 1867. (London : J. Murray, 1868). Publication / Coll1
58 1870 Lawrence, James B. China and Japan, and a voyage thither : an account of a cruise in the waters of the East Indies, China, and Japan. (Hartford : Press of Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1870). Publication / Lawr1
59 1870 Williamson, Alexander. Journeys in north China, Manchuria, and eastern Mongolia ; with some account of Corea. (London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1870). [Enthält] : Edkins, Joseph. Peking. [Beijing].
Band 1: https://archive.org/stream/journeysinnorth00willgoog#page/n6/mode/2up.
2: https://archive.org/stream/journeysinnorth00oxengoog#page/n6/mode/2up.
Publication / Will10
60 1871 Whyte, William Athenry. A land journey from Asia to Europe : being an account of a camel and sledge journey from Canton to St. Petersburg through the plains of Mongolia and Siberia. (London : S. Low, Son, and Marston, 1871).
Publication / Whyt1
61 1872 Medhurst, Walter Henry (2). The foreigner in far Cathay. (London : E. Stanford, 1872).
Publication / Medh13
62 1875 Margary, Augustus Raymond. Notes of a journey from Hankow to Ta-li Fu. (Shanghai : F. & C. Walsh, 1875). [Bericht seiner Reise von Hankou (Hubei), Hunan, Guizhou, Yunnan bis Yunnan].
Publication / Marg1
63 1876 Gordon, Thomas Edward. The roof of the world : being a narrative of a journey over the high plateau of Tibet to the Russian frontier and the Oxus sources on Pamir. (Edinburg : Edmonston and Doublas, 1876).
Publication / Gord1
64 1876 Margary, Augustus Raymond ; Alcock, Rutherford. The journey of Augustus Raymond Margary, from Shanghae to Bhamo, and back to Manwyne : from his journals and letters, with a brief biographical preface : to which is added a concluding chapter. With a portrait engraved by Jeens, and a route map. (London : Macmillan and Co., 1876). [Shanghai].
Publication / Marg-Alco1
  • Person: Alcock, Rutherford
  • Person: Margary, Augustus Raymond
65 1877 Yu, Pao-tchen. La piété filiale en Chine. [Traduit] par P[hilibert] Dabry de Thiersant. Ouvrage orné de vingt-cinq vignettes chinoises. (Paris : E. Leroux, 1877), Übersetzung eines Teils von Yu, Baozhen. Bo xiao tu shuo. Publication / Dabr-Yu, 1
66 1877 Martin, W.A.P. Gong fa bian lan. (Guangzhou : Guang xu yi mao, 1877). Übersetzung von Woolsey, Theodore Dwight. Introduction to the study of international law, designed as an aid in teaching, and in historical studies. (Boston and Cambridge : J. Munroe and company, 1860).
Publication / Mart-Wool1
  • Cited by: New terms for new ideas : Western knowledge and lexical change in late imperial China. Ed. by Michael Lackner, Iwo Amelung und Joachim Kurtz. (Leiden : Brill, 2001). (Sinica Leidensia ; vol. 52).
    http://www.wsc.uni-erlangen.de/newtsave.htm (2003). (New, Published)
  • Person: Martin, W.A.P.
  • Person: Woolsey, Theodore Dwight
67 1877 Baber, Edward Colborne. Report of journey through the province of Yunnan with Mr. Grosvenor. (Calcutta : Printed at the Foreign Dept. Press, 1877). Publication / Babe1
68 1877 Forsyth, Thomas Douglas. Ost-Turkestan und das Pamir-Plateau nach den Forschungen der britischen Gesandtschaft unter Sir T.D. Forsyth, 1873 und 1874. = Report of a mission to Yarkund in 1873, under command of Sir T.D. Forsyth... with historical and geographical information regarding the posssessions of the ameer of Yarkund. (Calcutta : [s.n.], 1875 ; Gotha : J. Perthes, 1877). [Bericht über eine wissenschaftliche Expedition in Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu und Pamir].
Publication / Fors1
69 1878 Anderson, John. Anatomical and zoological researches. (London : B. Quaritch, 1878). [Bericht seiner zoologischen Forschunge in Yunnan].
Publication / AndJ1
70 1885 Dechevrens, Marc. The typhoons of the Chinese seas in the year 1885 : essay on the atmospheric variations in the Far-East during january 1885. (Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, 1885). Publication / Dech7
71 1889 Bouinais, A[lbert Marie Aristide]. Souvenirs d'un voyage en 1887 de Hanoï à Pékin. (Rouen : E. Cagniard, 1889). [Beijing]. Publication / Boüi1
72 1891 Irgens-Bergh, Alfred von. Reise i fire verdensdele i aarne 1881 og 1882. (Kjobenhavn : E. Bergmanns, 1891). [Reise nach Ägypten, Palästina, Syrien, Klein-Asien, Griechenland, Türkei, Rumänien, Indien, China, Japan].
Publication / Irge1
73 1891 Rockhill, William Woodville. The land of the lamas : notes of a journey through China, Mongolia and Tibet. (London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1891). Publication / Rock1
74 1892 Fritz, Chester. China journey : a diary of six months in western inland China, 1917. (Seattle : School of International Studies, University of Washington, 1981). Publication / FritC1
75 1893 Simpson, A[lbert] B. Larger outlooks on missionary lands, descriptive sketches of a missionary journey through Egypt, Palestine, India, Burmah, Malaysia, China, Japan and the Sandwich islands. (New York, N.Y. : The Christian Alliance Publishing Co., 1893). Publication / Simp2
76 1893 Henry, Augustine. Notes on economic botany of China. (Shanghai : Presbyterian Mission Press, 1893). Publication / HenA1
77 1894 Rockhill, William Woodville. Diary of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892. (Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1894). [Bericht seiner zweiten Reise].
Publication / Rock2
78 1894 Fagg, John Gerardus. Forty years in South China : the life of Rev. John Van Nest Talmage. (New York, N.Y. A.D.F. Randolph & Co., 1894). Publication / Tal3
  • Person: Fagg, John Gerardus
  • Person: Talmage, John Van Nest
79 1895 [Mackenzie, Robert]. Tai xi xin shi lan yao. Richard Timothy, Cai Erkang yi. (Shanghai : Mei hua shu guan jiao yin, 1895). Übersetzung von Mackenzie, Robert. The 19th century : a history, the times of queen Victoria, & c. (London, New York : T. Nelson and Sons, 1880).
Publication / Rich-Cai,-Mack1
80 1899 Wei-hai-wei : map of the territory leased by China to Great Britain. (London : War Office, General Staff, Geographical Section, 1899). Karte der Pachtgebiete von Weihaiwei (Shandong). Publication / Weih1
81 1900 Madrolle, Claudius. Itinéraires dans l'ouest de la Chine, 1895, pour accompagner le journal de l'auteur dans son voyage au Iun-nan, au Tibet chinois et au Se-tchóuen. (Paris : A. Challamel, 1900). [Enthält Karten von Yunnan, Sichuan und Tibet].
Publication / Madr1
82 1901 George, Marian M. A little journey to China and Japan. (Chicago : A. Flanagan company, 1901).
Publication / Geor1
83 1902 Morgan, Christopher A. From China by rail : an account of a journey from Shanghai to London via the Trans-Siberian railways. (Edinburgh : Privately printed at the Ballantyne Press, 1902). Publication / Morg1
84 1902 Simi, Yadang [Smith, Adam]. Yuan fu. Yadang Simi zhu ; Yan Fu yi. Vol. 1-8. (Shanghai : Nanyang gong xue yi shu yuan, 1902). Übersetzung von Smith, Adam. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. (London : Printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1776).
Publication / Yan,-Smit1
85 1903 Friquegno, Jean-Baptiste..Chine méridionale et Tonkin. Par le capitaine Friquegnon ; Henry Barrère, éditeur. (Paris : Service géographique des colonies, 1903). Publication / BarH1
86 1903 Des Voeux, George William. My colonial service in British Guiana, St. Lucia, Trinida, Fiji, Australia, Newfoundland, and Hong Kong : with interludes. With portraits and illustrations. Vol. 1-2. (London : J. Murray, 1903). Publication / DesV1
87 1904 Geil, William Edgar. A yankee on the Yangtze : being a narrative of a journey from Shanghai through the Central kingdom to Burma. (London : Hodder and Stoughton ; New York, N.Y. : A.C. Armstrong and Son, 1904). [Yangzi].
Publication / Geil1
88 1905 Crosby, Oscar Terry. Tibet and Turkestan : a journey through old lands and a study of new conditions. (New York, N.Y. : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905).
Publication / Cros1
89 1905 Hagede [Haggard, H. Rider]. Ai ji jin ta pou shi ji. Lin Shu yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1905). Übersetzung von Haggard, H. Rider. Cleopatra : being an account of the fall and vengeance of Harmachis (the royal Egyptian), as set forth by his own hand. (London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1889).
Publication / Lin86
  • Cited by: Zhang, Juncai. Lin Shu ping zhuan. (Tianjin : Nankai & Daxue, 1992).
    林纾评传 (Lin1, Published)
  • Person: Haggard, H. Rider
  • Person: Lin, Shu
90 1907 Zhenkesi [Jenks, Edward]. She hui tong quan. Zhenkesi yuan zhu ; Yan Fu yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu, 1907). Übersetzung von Jenks, Edward. A history of politics. (London : J.M. Dent, 1900).
社會 通詮
Publication / Yan1
91 1907 Bruce, Clarence Dalrymple. In the footsteps of Marco Polo ; being an account of a journey overland from Simla to Peking. (Edinburgh and London : W. Blackwood and sons, 1907). [Beijing].
Publication / Bruc1
92 1907 Garnett, W[illiam] J[eremiah]. Report of a journey through the provinces of Shantung and Kiangsu. (London : Printed for H.M. Stationery Office, by Harrison and Sons, 1907). [Shandong, Jiangsu]. Publication / Garn2
93 1907 Chine Haut-Yang-tse : entre Itchang et Suifou et ses affluents en amont de Tchong-king. (Paris : Service hydrographique de la marine, 1907). [Yangzi, Yichang (Hubei), Sichuan, Chongqing (Sichuan)]. Publication / Shm1
94 1909 Conger, Sarah Pike. Letters from China ; with particular reference to the empress Dowager and the women of China. (Chicago : A.C. McClurg & Co., 1909). Publication / Cong1
  • Cited by: Le voyage en Chine : anthologie des voyageurs occidentaux du Moyen âge à la chutte de l'empire chinois. Préf. de Ninette Boothroyd ; introd. par Muriel Détrie ; biographies des voyageurs, chronologie, bibliographie, glossaire, index géographique, index thématique établis par Ninette Boothroyd et Muriel Détrie ; cartes établies par Fernand Bunel. (Paris : Laffont, 1992). (Boot, Published)
95 1910 Lauterer, Joseph. China : das Reich der Mitte einst und jetzt ; nach seinen Reisen und Studien geschildert von Dr. Joseph Lauterer. Mit 154 Abbildungen nach chinesischen Originalen sowie nach photographischen Naturaufnahmen. (Leipzig : O. Spamer, 1910). Publication / Laut1
96 1910 Richard, Timothy. The New testament of higher buddhism. (Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1910). Publication / RT2
97 1911 Cordier, Georges. Un voyage à Yunnan-fou. Hanoï : Imprimerie d'Extrême-Orient, 1911. Publication / Cord3
98 1911 Taft, Marcus Lorenzo. Strange Siberia along the Trans-Siberian railway : a journey from the Great wall of China to the sky-scrapers of Manhatten. (New York, N.Y. : Eaton & Mains ; Cincinnati : Jennings & Graham, 1911). Publication / Taft1
99 1911 Laotse. Tao te king : das Buch des Alten vom Sinn und Leben. Aus dem Chinesischen verdeutscht und erläutert von Richard Wilhelm. (Jena : Diederichs, 1911). [Laozi. Dao de jing].
Publication / Wilh-Laoz1
100 1912-1921 Mule [Mill, John Stuart]. Mule ming xue. Mule zhu ; Yan Fu yi. Vol. 1-3. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1912-1921). Übersetzung von Mill, John Stuart. A system of logic, ratio cinative and inductive, being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation. (London : John W. Parker, West Strand, 1843).
Publication / Mill-Yan,1
101 1912 Dschuang Dsi. Das wahre Buch vom südlichen Blütenland : Nan hua dschen ging. Aus dem Chinesischen verdeutscht und erläutert von Richard Wilhelm. (Jena : Diederichs, 1912). [Zhuangzi. Nan hua zhen jing].
Auszüge : http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/buch/1327/1.
Publication / Wilh-Zhua1
102 1913 Crow, Carl. The travelers' handbook for China. (Shanghai : Hwa-Mei Book Concern, 1913). [Neuaufl. 1933]. Publication / Crow1
103 1915 Russell, Nellie Naomi. Gleanings from Chinese folklore, by Nellie N. Russell, with some of her stories of life in China, to which are added memorial sketches ofthe author from associates and friends. Comp. by Mary H. Porter. (New York, N.Y. ; Chicago, Ill. : Fleming H. Revell Company, 1915).
Publication / RussN1
104 1919 Gaunt, Mary. A broken journey : wanderings from the Hoang-ho to the island of Saghalien and the upper reaches of the Amur river. (London : T.W. Laurie, 1919). [Huanghe].
Publication / Gaun1
105 1920 Cordier, Henri. Histoire générale de la Chine et de ses relations avec les pays étrangers depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu'à la chute de la dynastie Mandchoue. (Paris : P. Guethner, 1920).
Publication / Cord5
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
106 1921 Liu, Jielian [Liu, Zhi]. The Arabian prophet : a life of Mohammed from Chinese and Arabic sources : a Chinese-Moslem work. Transl. by Isaac Mason. (Shanghai : Commercial Press, 1921). Übersetzung von Liu, Zhi. Tian fang xing li. 天方性理 Publication / Liu,6
107 1921 [Wilde, Oscar]. Shalemei. Tian Han yi. (Shanghai : Zhonghua shu ju, 1921). Übersetzung von Wilde, Oscar. Salomé : drame en un acte. (Paris : Librairie de l'art indépendant, 1893). = Salome : a tragedy in one act. (London : E. Mathews & John Lane ; Boston : Copeland & Day, 1894). [Uraufführung Théâtre de l'oeuvre, Paris 1896].
Publication / Tia1
108 1923 Gregory, J[ohn] W[alter]. To the alps of Chinese Tibet : an account of a journey of exploration up to and among the snow-clad mountains of the Tibetan frontier. (London : Seeley, Service & Co., 1923). Bericht seiner Reise bon Burma durch Süd-West China und Tibet. Publication / Greg1
109 1924 [Butler, Rosa Kate Smith]. Missions as I saw them : an account of a visit to the important centres of the United Methodist Missionary Society in China & Africa ; with an interesting description of many of the places passed through & incidents of the journey both grave & gay. By Mrs. Thomas Butler. (London : Seeley, Service & Co., 1924).
Publication / Butl1
110 1924 Licent, Emile. Voyage aux terrasses du Sang kan ho, à l'entrée de la plaine de Sining hien, septembre 1924. (Sieh hien, Ho kien fou : Imprimerie de la Mission du Tcheu ly S.E., 1924). [Xining (Qinghai)]. Publication / Lice1
111 1924 Buxton, Leonard Halford Dudley. The eastern road. (London : K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. ; New York, N.Y. : E.P. Dutton & Co., 1924), Bericht seiner Reise 1922 über China, Beijing und die Mongolei. Publication / Buxt1
112 1925 Gundert Wilhelm. Der Schintoismus im japanischen Nô-Drama. (Tokyo : Verlag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde, 1925). Diss. Univ. Hamburg, 1925. Publication / GUW1
113 1926 Holitscher, Arthur. Das unruhige Asien : Reise durch Indien, China, Japan. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1926). Bericht seiner Weltreise im Auftrag des Fischer-Verlages 1925, mit der Transsibirischen Eisenbahn und per Schiff nach Ägypten, Palästina, Ceylon, Indien, China und Japan. Publication / Holi1
  • Cited by: Wang, Liying. Erfahrungen im Reich der Mitte : deutsche Reiseberichte über China in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. (Münster : LIT, 2002). (Schriftenreihe der Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ; Bd. 14). Diss. Univ. Konstanz, 2001. (Wan, Published)
114 1932 Quennell, Peter. A superficial journey through Tokyo and Peking. (London : Faber and Faber, 1932). [Beijing]. Publication / Quen1
115 1932 Benoist, Michel. Qing Qianlong nei fu yu tu. Atlas 1773 in Kupfer gestochen und 1775 gedruckt, er basiert auf der Karte Huang yu quan lan tu von 1717. Auch bekannt unter den Namen Jesuiten-Atlas, Huang yu quan tu, Qianlong shi san pai tong ban di tu, Huang yu quan lan tu, Da Qing yi tong yu tu. (Beijing : Beiping gu gong bo wu yuan, 1932). Publication / Ben2
116 1933 Crow, Carl. Handbook for China (including Hong Kong) by Carl Crow, with ten maps and plans. 5th ed., rev. throughout. (Hong Kong : Kelly & Walsh, 1933). [1. Aufl. The travelers' handbook for China. (Shanghai : Hwa-Mei Book Concern, 1913).] Publication / Crow2
117 1933-1949 Lindenstraus, Jerry. Eine unglaubliche Reise : von Ostpreussen über Schanghai und Kolumbien nach New York : jüdische Familiengeschichte 1929-1999. Hrsg. von Erhard Roy Wiehn. (Konstanz : Hartung-Gorre, 1999). [Darin enthalten ist sein Bericht über das Exil in Shanghai]. Publication / Lind-Wieh1
118 1934 Kaulback, Ronald. Tibetan trek. (London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1934). Bericht über seine Reise mit Francis Kingdon Ward von Assam nach Tibet und Burma. Publication / Kaul1
119 1935 Rosenkranz, Gerhard. Der Heilige in den chinesischen Klassikern. (Leipzig : J.C. Hinrichs, 1935). Diss. Univ. Heidelberg, 1935. Publication / Rose1
  • Cited by: Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. Hrsg. von Friedrich-Wilhelm Bautz ; fortgeführt von Traugott Bautz. (Herzberg : BBKL, 1990-).
    http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/. (BBKL, Web)
120 1937 Crow, Carl. Master Kung : the story of Confucius. (London : H. Hamilton, 1937). = Crow, Carl. Konfuzius : Staatsmann, Heiliger, Wanderer. Autorisierte Übersetzung aus dem Amerikanischen von Richard Hoffmann. (Berlin : P. Zsolnay, 1939). Publication / Crow3
121 1937 Younghusband, Francis Edward. The heart of a continent, commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of his journey from Peking to India by way of the Gobi desert and Chinese Turkestan, and across the Himalaya by the Mustagh pass. (London : J. Murray, 1937). [Beijing].
Publication / Youn1
122 1938 Reynolds, Stephen. The voyage of the New Hazard to the Northwest coast, Hawaii and China, 1810-1813. (Salem : Peabody Museum, 1938).
Publication / Reyn1
123 1940 Cressy-Marcks, Violet. Journey into China. (London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1940), Bericht ihrer Reise durch Yunnan. Publication / Cres1
124 1945 Nelson, Daniel. Journey to Chungking. (Minneapolis, Minn. : Augsburg Publishing House, 1945). [Chongqing (Sichuan)].
Publication / Nels1
125 1947 Johnston, George Henry. Journey through tomorrow. (Melbourne, F.W. Cheshire Pty, 1947). Bericht über seine Reise durch Indien, China, Tibet, Burma und Japan. Publication / John17
126 1949 Wheeler, W. Reginald. Flight to Cathay : an aerial journey to Yale-in-China. (New Haven, Conn. : [s.n.], 1949). [Bericht über die Yale Mission in Changsha, Hunan]. Publication / Whee1
127 1953 Wu, John C.H. The interior carmel : the threefold way of love. (New York : Sheed & Ward, 1953), eine Abhandlung über die Liebe im Christentum. Publication / Wu, 13
128 1953-1998 China news analysis. (Hong Kong : China News Analysis, 1953-1993 ; Taiwan : Furen University, 1994-1998). Gegründet von László Ladány.und Jesuiten in Hong Kong. Periodical / Ladá2
129 1954 Garland, Margaret. Journey to new China. With a foreword by Ormond Wilson. (Christchurch, N.Z. : Caxton Press, 1954). Publication / Garl1
130 1954 Patterson, George N. Journey with Loshay. (London : Faber and Faber ; New York, N.Y. : Norton, 1954), Bericht über Tibet. Publication / Patt1
131 1954 Latourette, Kenneth Scott. A history of modern China. (London : Penguin Books, 1954). Publication / Lato15
132 1955 Cameron, James. Mandarin red : a journey behind the 'bamboo curtain'. (London : M. Joseph, 1955). [Bericht seiner Reise 1954, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shenyang, Shanghai, Chongqing, Wuhan, Changsha]. Publication / Came1
133 1955 Ennin. Diary : the record of a pilgrimage to China in search of the law. Translated from the Chinese by Edwin O. Reischauer. (New York, N.Y. : Ronald Press, 1955). Publication / ReiE6
134 1957 Eskelund, Karl. De rode mandariner. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1957).
Eskelund, Karl. Der rote Mandarin : eine Reise durch das China Mao Tsetung's. (Flensburg : C. Wolff, 1959). [Mao Zedong].
Publication / Eske1
135 1957 Matthias, Leo L. China auf eigenen Wegen : Ergebnis einer Reise. (Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1957). Publication / Matt1
136 1957 Minney, R[ubeigh] J[ames]. Next stop - Beijing : record of a 16'000 mile journey through Russia, Siberia, and China. (London : G. Newnes, 1957). [Bericht seiner Reise 1956 auf Einladung des chinesischen Schriftstellerverbandes, Beijing, Mandschurei, Shanghai, Hangzhou]. Publication / Minn1
137 1957 Winnington, Alan. Tibet : record of a journey. (New York, N.Y. : International Publishers, 1957). [Bericht seiner Reise 1955 als Korrespondent des Daily Worker, Chengdu, Tibet, Xigaze, Gyangze, Yadong].
Winnington, Alan. Tibet : ein Reisebericht. (Berlin : Verlag Volk und Welt, 1960).
Publication / Winn1
138 1957 [Petersen, Jan. Und ringsum Schweigen]. Yang Yi [Ouyang Shan] yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai xin wen yi, 1957). Übersetzung von Petersen, Jan. Und ringsum Schweigen : Erzählungen aus der deutschen Widerstandsbewegung 1933/35. (Berlin : Dietz, 1949). Publication / PetJ2
  • Cited by: Zhang, Yi. Rezeptionsgeschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur in China von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. (Bern : P. Lang, 2007). (Deutsch-ostasiatische Studien zur interkulturellen Literaturwissenschaft ; Bd. 5). (ZhaYi2, Published)
  • Person: Ouyang, Shan
  • Person: Petersen, Jan
139 1958 Erkes, Eduard. Gelber Fluss und Grosse Mauer : Reise durch Chinas Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. (Leipzig : F.A. Brockhaus, 1958). [Huanghe]. Publication / ErE17
140 1958 Faure, Lucie Meyer. Journal d'un voyage en Chine. (Paris : R. Julliard, 1958). Publication / Faur1
141 1959 Blofeld, John. The wheel of Life : the autobiography of a Western buddhist. (London : Rider, 1959) Publication / Blof2
142 1960 Wollaston, Nicholas. China in the morning : impressions of a journey through China and Indo-China. (London : J. Cape, 1960). [Bericht seiner Reise 1958, Guangzhou, Beijing, Datong, Xi'an, Chongqing]. Publication / Woll1
143 1961 Wolf, Richard. Drache und Lotos : kleine Reise in China. (Stuttgart : Kreuz-Verlag, 1961). Publication / Wolf3
144 1962 Reifler, Erwin. The Chinese-English machine translation project : final report to the National
Science Foundation
. Vol. 1-2. (Seattle : Washington State University, Department of Far
Eastern and Slavic Languages and Literature, 1962).
Publication / REI2
145 1965 Myrdal, Jan ; Kessle, Gun. Chinese journey. Photographs by Gun Kessle, text by Jan Myrdal. (London : Chatto & Windus, 1965). Publication / Myrd-Kess1
146 1965 Grantham, Alexander. Via ports : from Hong Kong to Hong Kong. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 1965). [Autobiographi]. Publication / Grant1
147 1967 Moravia, Alberto. La rivoluzione culturale in Cina : ovvero Il convitato di pietra. (Milano : V. Bompiani, 1967).
Moravia, Alberto. Die Kulturrevolution in China : eine Reise durch das China von heute. (München : Desch, 1968). [Bericht über seine Reisen in China, literarische Auseinandersetzung mit den kulturellen, sozialen und politischen Verhältnissen].
Publication / Mora1
148 1970 Cameron, Nigel. Barbarians and mandarins : thirteen centuries of Western travelers in China. (New York, N.Y. : Walker/Weatherhill, 1970). Publication / CamN2
149 1972 Snow, Edgar. The long revolution. (New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1972).
Snow, Edgar. Die lange Revolution : China zwischen Tradition und Zukunft. (München : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1975).
Publication / Sno25
150 1973 Galbraith, John Kenneth. A China passage. Illustrated with photos by Marc Riboud, and endpaper map by Samuel H. Bryant. (Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1973). [Bericht seiner Reise 1972 auf Einladung der Chinesischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Hong Kong, Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou].
Galbraith, John Kenneth. China : Impressionen einer Reise. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Norbert Wölfl. (München : Droemer- Knaur, 1973).
Publication / Galb-Ribo-Brya1
151 1973 Max, Alfred. La Chine comme si voux y étiez, des paysans pilotes embrigadés de Tatchaï aux miracles inexpliqués de l'acupuncture : un récit de voyage heure par heure au pays de Mao. (Paris : Gallimard, 1973). Publication / Max,1
152 1973 Sun, Ruth Q. A China journey. (Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1973). Publication / Sun,3
153 1973 Peoples of the earth. Vol. 1-20. (Danbury, Conn. : Danbury Press, 1973). Vol. 13 : China (including Tibet), Japan and Korea. [Ed. by Hugh Baker]. Publication / Bak3
154 1975 Chao, Yuen Ren [Zhao, Yuanren]. Autobiography : first 30 years, from 1892-1921. (Ithaca, N.Y. : Spoken Language Services, 1975). (Life with chaos ; vol. 2). Publication / ZY1
155 1976 Irving, Esther Bertha. Journey into China. (Foxton : Peacestar Publications, 1976). Publication / Irvi1
156 1978-1981 Needham, Joseph. The shorter Science and civilisation in China : an abridgement of Joseph Needham's original text. [ed. by] Colin A. Ronan. Vol. 1-5. (Cambridge ; New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press, 1978-1995). Publication / Nee32
157 1979 Blofeld, John. Taoism : the quest for immortality. (London : Allen & Unwin, 1979). Publication / Blof4
158 1979 Ryga, George. Beyond the crimson morning : reflections from a journey through contemporary China. (Toronto : Doubleday Canada ; Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1979. Publication / Ryga1
159 1980 Tang, Xianzu. The peony pavilion = Mu dan ting. Translated by Cyril Birch. (Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University Press, 1980). (Chinese literature in translation). [2nd ed. Translated with a new preface by Cyril Birch ; introduction to the second edition by Catherine Swatek. (Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University Press, 2002)]. Publication / Bir10
160 1981 Snow, Edgar. Edgar Snow’s China : a personal account of the Chinese revolution. Compiled from the writings of Edgar Snow by Lois Wheeler Snow. (New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1981). Publication / Sno5
161 1981-2000 Music from the Tang court : transcribed from the original, unpublished, Sino-Japanese manuscripts, together with a survey of relevant historical sources (both Chinese and Japanese). With editorial comments by Laurence Picken, with Rembrandt F. Wolpert [et al.]. Vol. 1-7. (London : Oxford University Press, Music Department, 1981-2000). Publication / Pick6
162 1984 Shambaugh, David L. The making of a premier : Zhao Ziyang's provincial career. (Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, 1984). (A Westview replica edition). Publication / Sha17
163 1984 Li, Bai. Poems. Translations by Elling Eide. (Lexington, Ky. : Anvil Press, 1984). [Enthält] : Tunes from the T'ang. Transcribed and arranged by Laurence Picken. [Li Bo]. Publication / Pick9
164 1985 Levenson, Claude B. Le chemin de Lhassa : un voyage au Tibet. (Paris : Lieu commun, 1985). [Bericht ihrer Reise 1984]. Publication / Leve1
165 1985 Pan, Lynn. Into China's heart : an emigré's journey along the Yellow river. (New York, N.Y. : Weatherhill, 1985). Publication / Pan,2
166 1986 Mitchell, Ken. Through the Nan da gate : a China journey. (Saskatoon, Sask. : Thistledown Press, 1986). Publication / Mitc1
167 1986 Introduction to Ch'ing documents. Compiled by Philip A. Kuhn and John K. Fairbank ; with the assistance of Beatrice S. Bartlett and Chian Yung-chen. Vol. 1-2. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University, John King Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, 1986).
Vol. 1 : Introduction, vocabulaires, and notes. [Rev. ed. (1993)]. Vol. 2 : Chinese texts. Pt. 1 : The rebellion of Chung Jen-chieh. [Rev. ed. with Ju Deyuan (2005)]. [Qing ; Zhong Renjie].
Publication / Fai33
168 1987 Lloyd, Sarah. Chinese characters : a journey through China. (London : Collins, 1987). [Bericht ihrer Reise 1984, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Yunnan, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Shuliang, Xinjiang]. Publication / Lloy1
169 1987 Sinclair, Kevin. The Yellow river : a 5000 year journey through China. (Los Angeles, Calif. : Knapp Press, 1987). [Huanghe]. Publication / SincK1
170 1987 Li, Huang. Xue dun shi you ji. (Taibei : Zhongguo qing nian dang zhong yang dang bu ying xing, 1987). [Bericht über seine Reise nach Amerika 1967-1970, Europa 1978 und nach Lateinamerika].
Publication / LiH7
171 1989 Kaminski, Gerd ; Unterrieder, Else. Wäre ich Chinese, so wäre ich Boxer : das Leben an der k. und k. Gesandtschaft in Peking in Tagebüchern, Briefen und Dokumenten. (Wien : Europaverlag, 1989). (Berichte des Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes für China- und Südostasienforschung ; Nr. 28), Quellen über die Gesandtschaft der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie. Publication / Kami-Unte1
172 1990 Cordell, Michael ; Solness, Peter. Red express : the greatest rail journey : from the Berlin wall to the Great wall of China. Text by Michael Cordell ; photographs by Peter Solness. (New York, N.Y. : Prentice Hall Press, 1990). Bericht über ihre Reise per Bahn durch Ost-Europa, Russland und China. Publication / Cord-Soln1
173 1991 Fetherling, George. Year of the horse : a journey through Russia & China. (Toronto : Stoddart, 1991). [Bericht seiner Reise 1990 im Auftrag der Zeitung The Whig-Standard, Russland, Manzhouli (Mongolei), Chongqing, Yichang, Shanghai]. Publication / Feth1
174 1991 Steele, Philip. Journey through China. (Mahwah, N.J. : Troll Associates, 1991). [Landeskunde für Kinder]. Publication / Stee2
175 1991 Shambaugh, David. Beautiful imperialist : China perceives America, 1972-1990. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1991). Publication / Sha18
176 1992 Le Master, J.R. Journey to Beijing. (Lewiston, N.Y. : Mellen Poetry Press, 1992). Publication / Le M1
177 1993 Jenkins, Alfred Lesesne. Country, conscience, and caviar : a diplomat's journey in the company of history. (Seattle, Wash. : Book Partners, 1993). Publication / Jenk1
178 1993 Pan, Lynn. Tracing it home : a Chinese journey. (New York, N.Y. : Kodansha International, 1993). Publication / Pan,3
179 1995 Hardy, Justine. The ochre border : a journey through the Tibetan frontierlands. (London : Constable, 1995). Publication / Hard1
180 1995 Levenson, Claude B. Kailash, joyau des neiges : carnet de voyage au Tibet. (Genève : Olizane, 1995). Publication / Leve2
181 1996 Winchester, Simon. The river at the center of the world : a journey up the Yangtze and back in Chinese time. (New York, N.Y. : H. Holt, 1996). [Bericht seiner Reise 1995, Yangzi, Tibetisches Hochland]. Publication / Winc1
182 1996 Rankin, Jerry. A journey of faith and sacrifice : retracing the steps of Lottie Moon. Written by Jerry Rankin ; photography by Don Rudledge ; foreword by Dellana O'Brien. (Birmingham, Ala. : New Hope, 1996). Publication / Rank-Rudl1
183 1996 Farnsworth, Robert M. From vagabond to journalist : Edgar Snow in Asia, 1928-1941. (Columbia, Mo. : University of Missouri Press, 1996). Publication / Sno1
184 1997 Brackenbury, Wade. Yak butter & black tea : a journey into forbidden China. (Chapel Hill, N.C. : Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1997). Publication / Brac1
185 1997 Dolphin, Laurie. Our journey from Tibet : based on a true story. By Laurie Dolphin ; photographs by Nancy Jo Johnson ; with a letter from His Hiliness the Dalai Lama and an afterword by Rinchen K. Choegyal. (New York, N.Y. : Dutton Children's Books, 1997). Publication / Dolp-John1
186 1998 Harvey, John. I drove to China : an incredible overland journey. (Monrovia, Calif. : Travel Adventure press, 1998). Publication / Harv1
187 1998 Jess, Denise. Inside the Great wall : a journey to the Middle kingdom : an interactive curriculum unit for social studies. (Madison, Wisc. : Demco, 1998). Publication / Jess2
188 1998 Raphaël, Maja. Une saison à Pékin. (La Tour d'Aigues : Aube, 1998). [Beijing]. Publication / Raph1
189 2005 Birch, Cyril. Chinese communist literature. (New York, N.Y. : Praeger, 1963). (Praeger publications in Russian history and world communism ; no 131). Publication / Bir9
190 1998 Yuan dao : tracing dao to its source. Translated by D.C. Lau and Roger T. Ames ; with an introduction by Roger T. Ames. (New York, N.Y. : Ballantine Books, 1998). [Huai nan zi]. Publication / Ames33
191 2002 Bogeli [Pollard, Samuel]. Zai wei zhi de Zhongguo. Bogeli [et al.] zhu ; Dong Renda, Dong Min fan yi zhu shi. (Kunming : Yunnan min zu chu ban she, 2002. Übersetzung von Pollard, Samuel. In unknown China : a record of the observations, adventures and experiences of a pioneer missionary during a prolonged sojourn amongst the wild and unknown Nosu tribe of western China. (London : Seeley, Service & Co., 1921). Publication / Poll5
192 2005 Jullien, François. Nourrir sa vie : à l'écart du bonheur. (Pairs : Ed. du seuil, 2005). Publication / Jul23
193 2005 Power shift : China and Asia's new dynamics : proceedings from the conference "China and Asia : towards a new regional order". Ed. by David Shambaugh. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2005). Publication / Sha19
194 2005 Elliott, Jeannette Shambaugh ; Shambaugh, David. The odyssey of China's imperial art treasures. (Seattle, Wash. : University of Washington Press, 2005). Publication / Sha20
  • Person: Elliott, Jeannette Shambaugh
  • Person: Shambaugh, David