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Clavius, Christophorus

(Bamberg 1538-1612 Rom) : Jesuit, Astronom, Gelehrter, Lehrer von Matteo Ricci

Name Alternative(s)

Clavius, Christoph


Astronomy and Astrology / History : China - Europe : Germany / Index of Names : Occident / Religion : Christianity

Bibliography (5)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1570 Clavius, Christophorus. In sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarivs. (Romae : Apud Victorium Helianum, 1570). [Astronomisches Werk, das für die Chinamission von grosser Bedeutung ist]. Publication / Cla7
  • Cited by: Claudia von Collani (Col, Person)
2 1603 Ricci, Matteo. Gelei guo li li shu. ([S.l. : s.n.], 1603). Übersetzung von Clavius, Christophorus. Iosephi Scaligeri Elenchvs, et castigatio calendarii Gregoriani. (Romae : Aloysium Zannettum, 1595). Publication / Ricc-Clav1
3 1607 Xu, Guangqi ; Ricci, Matteo. Ji he yuan ben. (Beijing : [s.n.], 1607). Übersetzung von Clavius, Christophorus. Euclidis Elementorum Libri XV Accessit XVI de Solidorum Regularium Cuiuslibet Intra Quodlibet Comparatione, Omnes Perspicuis Demonstrationibus, Accuratisque Scholiis Illustrati, ac Multarum Rerum Accessione Locupletati. (Rome : V. Accoltum, 1574). Übersetzung der ersten sechs Bücher ; eine Grundlage der Geometrie von Euklid. In : Li, Zhizao. Tian xue chu han. Vol. 1-6. (Taibei : Taiwan xue sheng shu ju, 1965).
Publication / Xu, -Ricc-Clav1
  • Cited by: Handbook of christianity in China. Ed. by Nicolas Standaert. (Leiden : Brill, 2001). (Handbook of Oriental studies ; vol. 15, 1-2). (Sta, Published)
  • Cited by: Statecraft and intellectual renewal in late Ming China : the cross-cultural synthesis of Xu Guangqi (1562-1633). Ed. by Catherine Jami, Peter Engelfriet, and Gregory Blue. (Leiden : Brill, 2001). (Sinica Leidensia ; vol. 50). (Jami2, Published)
  • Person: Euklid
  • Person: Ricci, Matteo
  • Person: Xu, Guangqi
4 1607 Ricci, Matteo ; Xu, Guangqi. Ce liang fa yi. ([S.l. : s.n.], 1607). Übersetzung von Clavius, Christophorus. Geometria practica. (Romae : ex typographia Aloisij Zannetti, 1604). [Abhandlung über die Methode des Messens in der Mathematik, die Xu Guangqi Li Zhizao diktiert hat]. In : Li, Zhizao. Tian xue chu han. Vol. 1-6. (Taibei : Taiwan xue sheng shu ju, 1965).
Publication / Xu, -Li, -Clav1
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Cited by: Handbook of christianity in China. Ed. by Nicolas Standaert. (Leiden : Brill, 2001). (Handbook of Oriental studies ; vol. 15, 1-2). (Sta, Published)
  • Person: Li, Zhizao
  • Person: Ricci, Matteo
  • Person: Xu, Guangqi
5 1614 Ricci, Matteo ; Li, Zhizao. Tong wen suan zhi. (Beijing : [s.n.], 1614). Übersetzung von Clavius, Christophorus. Epitome arithmeticae practicae. (Romae : Ex typographia Dominici Basae, 1583). In : Li, Zhizao. Tian xue chu han. Vol. 1-6. (Taibei : Taiwan xue sheng shu ju, 1965). [Mathematische Abhandlung, die Matteo Rucci Li Zhizao diktiert hat].
Publication / Ricc-Li, -Clav1
  • Cited by: Handbook of christianity in China. Ed. by Nicolas Standaert. (Leiden : Brill, 2001). (Handbook of Oriental studies ; vol. 15, 1-2). (Sta, Published)
  • Cited by: Library of Congress : http://catalog.loc.gov/. (LOC, Web)
  • Person: Li, Zhizao
  • Person: Ricci, Matteo