# | Year | Text | Linked Data |
1 | 1960 |
50th anniversary of Mark Twain's death. Meeting in Beijing. Lao She spoke on 'Mark Twain – the man who exposed U.S. $ Imperialism'. Lao She concluded that Twain was a significant, outstanding satirist and realist, not the harmless 'humorist' described by those critics who had been 'bribed' by the Wall Street. Zhou, Jueliang. 'On Mark Twain's work and thought'. Yuan Kejia presented an introduction to The man that corrupted Hadleyburg. These articles reflected the Chinese scholars' movement away from Soviet influences and towards the work of progressive British and American scholars. Reprints of the translations The adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Life on the Mississippi and The adventures of Tom Sawyer by Zhang Yousong. |
2 | 1964 |
Yuan, Kejia. Bailun he Bailun shi ying xiong [ID D26472]. Yuan schreibt über Byron's Childe Harold : "After the first six pages [of Canto I], as soon as Childe Harold enters Napoleon-occupied Spain, the author kicks out Childe Harold and steps forward. The listlessness, boredom of the young aristocrat a moment ago is replaced by the fiery enthusiasm of a democratic combatant. In the second canto, [Byron] censures the English plunder of the Greek relics, attacks religious superstition, eulogizes the Albanian fighters, and expresses his discontent with Greek submission to Turkish rule, he does this all by himselb. He does not even allow Childe Harold to get a work in edgeways." Chu Chih-yu : Yuan applied a more eclectic approach, dividing Byronic rebellion in two aspects, the progressive and the passive. He observed that after the French Revolution, there appeared in Europe a wave of bourgois national and democratic revolutions. He considered these revolutions progressive and believed that the Byronic heroes' pursuit of individual freedom, dignity, happiness, and liberation coincided with the ideal of freedom and democracy which the democratic classes were striving for, and that, in terms of historical materialism, it was in keeping with the historical trend. The passive side of the Byronic hero to which he referred was mainly his melancholy and despair. Yuan found two different kinds of rebellion in Childe Harold : Childe Harold's ennui and escapism and Byron's direct call to the oppressed people to drive out the invaders. Ye Zi accused Yuan of 'objectively propagating bourgeois ideology'. Yuan replied : While obliged to admit that individualism was the core of bourgeois ideology. He insisted on the separability of bourgeois revolutionary thought from bourgeois individualism, especially in the case of Byron. Luo Li criticized Yuan mainly out of political considerations. He wrote : "Comrade Yuan's refusal to acknowledge the bourgeois individualistic nature of Byron's works disminishes the line of demarcation between proletarian and bourgeois ideology, which is very harmful to the present struggle to promote proletarian ideology and eliminate bourgeois ideology." |
3 | 1964 |
Yuan, Kejia. Ying mei yi shi liu xiao shuo ping shu [ID D30387]. Tao Jie : The essay makes a careful study of The sound and the fury and As I lay dying by William Faulkner, Ulysses by James Joyce and To the lighthouse and The waves by Virginia Woolf. In the concluding section, Yuan Kejia labels the stream-of-consciousness fiction as "a literary product of the declining bourgeoisie in the West", and mentions As I lay dying and its interior monologues as a good example of "the psychological reflection of the declinging bourgeoisie that is divorced from reality and therefore afraid of confronting it". He severely criticizes stream-of-consciousness novelists for writing about "dreams, sex, madness, and nonconsciousness" which "are but expressions of the perverted psychology and low taste of a decadent class" and which have "power to corrupt the people's minds and their militant will." Despite the political jargon, Yuan makes a correct and objective interpretation of The sound and the fury and As I lay dying. Some of his arguments – such as the stream of consciousness as the best technique to depict the spiritual decadence of the Compsons ; the decline of the Compsons as represented by Benjy's idiocy, Quentin's suicide, and Jason's greed ; the complexity of psychological reaction to experience as reflected in the different characters in As I lay dying ; Addie's distress about the disjunction between words and reality and Anse's belief in abstraction – are still valid twenty-five years later. Although the author criticizes Faulkner for making Dilsey "more slavish than rebellious" and remarks that "it is incredible that this old woman should be so hardworking and so devoted to the white masters that have been exploiting her for years, he stresses the fact that "Faulkner took part in the 1951 campaign to protect a black man called Willie McGee and denounced the racists in the South in 1955 and opposed segregation in American schools", to show that Faulkner was not so "reactionary" as James Jyce or so "conservative" as Virginia Woolf. Jin Di : Yuan criticized Ulysses by James Joyce for its 'nihilist, philistine and pornographic tendencies', and denied its artistic values as well. |
# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1957 |
[Blake, William]. Bulaike shi xuan. Bulaike zuo ; Yuan Kejia yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1957). [Übersetzung der Gedichte von Blake]. 布莱克詩选 |
Publication / Blak1 | |
2 | 1957 | Yang, Shuo. A thousand miles of lovely land. Transl. by Yuan Ko-chia [Yuan Kejia]. (Peking : Foreign Languages Press, 1957). Übersetzung von Yang, Shuo. San qian li jiang shan. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1953). 三千里江山 | Publication / YangS10 | |
3 | 1959 |
[Burns, Robert]. Pengsi shu qing shi xuan. Wang Zuoliang, Yuan Kejia yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1959). [Übersetzung von ausgewählten Gedichten von Burns]. 彭斯抒情詩選 |
Publication / Burns4 | |
4 | 1964 | Yuan, Kejia. Bailun he Bailun shi ying xiong. In : Guang ming ri bao ; 12. Juli (1964). [Byron and Byronic heores]. | Publication / Byr78 |
5 | 1979 | [Eliot, T.S.]. Chuang qian chen jing. Yuan Kejia yi. In : Wen xue ping lun cong kan. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue, 1979). Übersetzung von Eliot, T.S. Morning at the window. In : The Egoist (1917). = In : Eliot, T.S. Poems. (New York, N.Y. : A.A. Knopf, 1920). | Publication / Eliot56 |
6 | 1980-1985 |
Wai guo xian dai pai zuo pin xuan. Yuan Kejia, Dong Hengxun, Zheng Kelu xuan bian. Vol. 1-4. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen yi chu ban she, 1980-1985). [Übersetzungen ausländischer Literatur des 20. Jh.]. 外国现代派作品选 Vol. 1 : [Modern literature]. [Enthält] : Biao xian zhu yi. [Expressionism]. 表现主义 Wei lai zhu yi. [Futurism]. 未来主义 Vol. 2 : Yi shi liu. [Stream of consicousness]. 意识流 Chao xian shi zhu yi. [Surrealism]. 超现实主义 Cun zai zhu yi. [Extistentialism]. 存在主义 [Enthält : Übersetzung von Woolf, Virginia. The mark on the wall und Auszüge aus Mrs. Dalloway.] Vol. 3 : Huang dan wen xue [Absurd literature]. 荒诞文学 Xin xiao shuo. [The new novel]. 新小说 Kua diao de yi dai. [Beat generation]. 垮掉的一代 Hei se you mo. [Black humor]. 黑色幽默 Vol. 4 : [Modern literature]. |
Publication / YuanK2 |
7 | 1980-1985 |
[Yeats, W.B.]. Shi qi shou. Yezhi ; Yuan Kejia yi. [Seven poems]. In : Wai guo xian dai pai zuo pin xuan. Vol. 1 [ID D16726]. 诗七首 |
Publication / YuanK2.5 |
8 | 1980-1985 |
Elytis, Odysseas. Ying xiong de wang ge ; Shi er shou. Ailidisi ; Li Yeguang yi / Yuan Kejia yi. [Poems]. In : Wai guo xian dai pai zuo pin xuan. Vol. 2 [ID D16726]. 英雄的挽歌 /诗二首 |
Publication / YuanK2.38 |
9 | 1980-1985 |
Williams, William Carlos. Shi xuan. Weiliansi ; Yuan Kejia yi. [Übersetzung von Gedichten von Williams]. In : Wai guo xian dai pai zuo pin xuan. Vol. 4 [ID D16726]. 诗选 |
Publication / YuanK2.79 |
10 | 1980-1985 |
Lowell, Robert. Shi er shou. Luoweier ; Yuan Kejia yi. [Übersetzung von zwei Gedichten von Lowell]. In : Wai guo xian dai pai zuo pin xuan. Vol. 4 [ID D16726]. 诗二首 |
Publication / YuanK2.80 |
11 | 1980-1985 |
Hughes, Ted. Shi qi shou. Xiusi ; Yuan Keijia yi. [Übersetzung von sieben Gedichten von Hughes]. In : Wai guo xian dai pai zuo pin xuan. Vol. 4 [ID D16726]. 诗七首 |
Publication / YuanK2.84 |
12 | 1981 |
[Burns, Robert]. Pengsi shi chao. Yuan Kejia yi. (Shanghai : Yi wen chu ban she, 1981). [Übersetzung von Gedichten von Burns]. 彭斯诗钞 |
Publication / Burns3 | |
13 | 1991 |
Ou Mei xian dai shi da liu pai shi xuan. Yuan Kejia zhu bian. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen yi chu ban she, 1991). [Übersetzungen von europäischer und amerikanischer Lyrik des 19. und 20. Jh.]. 欧美现代十大流派诗选 |
Publication / YuanK1 | |
14 | 1998 |
[Sidney, Philip]. Wei shi bian hu. Xideni ; Yuan Kejia yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1998). (Wai guo wen yi li lun cong shu). Übersetzung von Sidney, Philip. An apologie for poetrie. (London : Printed by James Roberts for Henry Olney, 1595). 为诗辩护 |
Publication / SidP1 |