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Xiong, Foxi

(Fengcheng, Jiangxi 1900-1965 Shanghai) : Dramatiker, Theater Direktor

Name Alternative(s)

Xion, Fuxi


Index of Names : China / Literature : China / Literature : China : Drama and Theatre / Periods : China : People's Republic (1949-) / Periods : China : Republic (1912-1949)

Chronology Entries (8)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1924 Xiong, Foxi. Qing chun di bei ai [ID D29967].
Zheng Zhenduo schreibt im Vorwort : "Although we have translated some plays of Bernard Shaw and Chekhov, they are unfortunately hard to perform on the Chinese stage, and when they are performed a majority at least of the audience are unable to understand them. The failure of the attempt at Mrs Warren's profession in Shanghai can be cited as an example. Therefore at this time there is really a need to disseminate comparatively successful popular plays."
  • Document: Davis, A.R. Out of Uncle Tom's cabin, Tokyo 1907 : a preliminary look at the beginnings of the spoken drama in China. In : Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia ; vol. 6, no 1-2 (1968-1969). (Stowe5, Publication)
  • Person: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
  • Person: Shaw, George Bernard
  • Person: Zheng, Zhenduo
2 1928 Xiong, Foxi. Dan chun zhu yi. In : Foxi lun ju. (Beijing : Pu she, 1928). [On drama].
Er schreibt : "We need to learn how to be economical in the theatre business. First, the play has to be shortened. Second, we should avoid frequent scene changes. Third, the number of characters should be minimized. The reason that Shakespeare's plays are not suitable for our stage is not because the themes are outdated, but because these plays involve frequent scene changes and come with a long list of dramatic persons."
  • Person: Shakespeare, William
3 1929 Aufführung von Lun Qun gui = Gengangere von Henrik Ibsen durch die Beijing yi shu xue yuan (National Beijing Academy of Arts) unter der Regie von Xiong Foxi.
According to Xiong's comments, the performance was successful in terms of its stage technique. Even though this was a commercial performance, the cast was composed of student actors, all up to professional standard. Xiong's interpretation of the play, particularly on the point of heredity, is illuminating and it gives the audience a sense of how to approach the play.
  • Document: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China 1908-1997 : a critical-annotated bibliography of criticism, translation and performance. (Hong Kong : Chinese Univesity Press, 2001). S. 208. (Ibs1, Publication)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
4 1929 Xiong, Foxi. Lun Qun gui [ID D26238].
Xiong schreibt : "Ibsen thinks that all those people opposing Nora are ghosts. The corrupt ideas and false morals are also ghosts. Although Mrs. Alving has fulfilled her duties as a good wife and mother, she ruins her life. For fear that the hypocritical and corrupt power will spread, Ibsen advocates a thorough clearance and thus brings out the problem of heredity in Ghosts. By the heredity of syphilis Ibsen implies that social corruption and hypocrisy can also pass to the next generation.
Ghosts is a great tragedy of world significance, but it is not a Greek tragedy. Nor is it a Shakespearean tragedy. It is a modern tragedy. The classical tr4agedies are not free from the tricks of fighting and killing, just as in the works of the Greeks and Shakespeare. Only in a modern tragedy is this changed. There is no fighting or death. To the modern dramatists, death is not miserable. Real tragedy lies in the state of 'being neither able to die, nor able to live'. Therefore on the modern stage there is seldom 'death'. We find only inner conflicts, psychological wars, and spiritual battles and miseries that make people 'being neither able to laugh nor able to cry'. Psychological depiction is an essential element in modern tragedy. Ghosts is the first one of this kind.
Ibsen likes to criticize and argue, but he talks in a reasonable way and never says anything redundant. Every sentence has a meaning and every word is necessary. There is plenty of dialogue in Ghosts, but none of it is nonsense. Here lies both the weakness and strength of Ibsen. Yet on the modern stage too much dialogue is really boring, discusting and makes people sleep. Especially in China, people do not like plays with too much dialogue. Our audience need to think and need patience when they watch Ghosts.

He Chengzhou : On the occasion of the production of Ghosts Xiong published the essay Lun Qun gui. One central idea in that essay is that Ghosts is one of the greatest tragedies in the world, and a pioneering work of its kind in modern Drama.
Tam Kwok-kan : Xiong Foxi thinks that Ibsen used 'ghosts' as a metaphor for those people opposing Nora, as well as for corrupt ideas and false morals. Althought Mrs. Alving has fulfilled her duties as a good wife and mother, she ruins her life. For fear that the hypocritical and corrupt power will spread, Ibsen proposes a thorough clearance and thus brings ou the problem of heredity in Ghosts.
  • Document: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China : reception and influence. (Urbana, Ill. : University of Illinois, Graduate College, 1984). Diss. Univ. of Illinois, 1984. S. 171-173. (Ibs115, Publication)
  • Document: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China 1908-1997 : a critical-annotated bibliography of criticism, translation and performance. (Hong Kong : Chinese Univesity Press, 2001). S. 209. (Ibs1, Publication)
  • Document: He, Chengzhou. Henrik Ibsen and Modern Chinese Drama. (Oslo : Academic Press, 2004). Diss. Univ. of Oslo, 2001.
    http://www.ibseninchina.com.cn/wwwrootOriginal/Sample.pdf. S. 25. (Ibs25, Publication)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
5 1929 Xiong, Foxi. She hui gai zao jia de Yibusheng yu xi ju jia de Yibusheng [ID D26239].
He Chengzhou : Xiong's essay begins with a summary of the current conception of China's Ibsen : "We know Ibsen because he advocated women's liberation ; we agree with him because he called for social reforms ; we support him because he fought against all that he thought was false, rotten and insane ; we respect him because he propagated individualism."
In the rest of his essay, Xiong focuses on Ibsen's achievement and mentions specially the following three aspects : the structure of the 'well-made' play, the creative use of suggestion, and the reform of dramatic language.
6 1930 Performance of Ile by Eugene O'Neill in the Department of Drama, Beijing University under the direction of Xiong Foxi.
7 1933 Aufführung von Ai ren ru ji = Neighbourly love von Leonid Nikolaevich Andreyev in Dingxian (Hebei), in der Übersetzung von Shen Zemin unter der Regie von Xiong Foxi.
  • Document: Gamsa, Mark. The Chinese translation of Russian literature : three studies. (Leiden : Brill, 2008). (Sinica Leidensia ; vol. 90). S. 264. (Gam1, Publication)
  • Person: Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich
  • Person: Shen, Zemin
8 1962 Aufführung von Nora von Henrik Ibsen durch die Shanghai xi ju xue yuan (Shanghai Theatre Academy) in Shanghai unter der Regie von Xiong Foxi mit Cao Lei als Nora und An Zhenji als Helmer.
  • Document: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China 1908-1997 : a critical-annotated bibliography of criticism, translation and performance. (Hong Kong : Chinese Univesity Press, 2001). S. 203. (Ibs1, Publication)
  • Person: An, Zhenji
  • Person: Cao, Lei
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik

Bibliography (8)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1924 Xiong, Foxi. Qing chun di bei ai. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1924). [Vorwort von Zheng Zhenduo].
Publication / Xio1
2 1929 Xiong, Foxi. Lun Qun gui. In : Tianjin yi shi bao ; 24 Dec. (1929). [Über Gengangere = Gespenster von Henrik Ibsen].
Publication / Ibs80
  • Cited by: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China 1908-1997 : a critical-annotated bibliography of criticism, translation and performance. (Hong Kong : Chinese Univesity Press, 2001). (Ibs1, Published)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
3 1929 Xiong, Foxi. She hui gai zao jia de Yibusheng yu xi ju jia de Yibusheng. In : Tianjin yi shi bao ; 21 Dez. (1929). [Ibsen the social reformer and Ibsen the dramatist].
Publication / Ibs81
  • Cited by: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China 1908-1997 : a critical-annotated bibliography of criticism, translation and performance. (Hong Kong : Chinese Univesity Press, 2001). (Ibs1, Published)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
4 1938 Hsiung, Fo-hsi [Xiong, Foxi]. Chinesisches Bauernleben : drei Stücke aus dem chinesischen Landleben. Übersetzt von W[erner] Eichhorn. (Leipzig : O. Harrassowitz, 1938). (Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens. Supplement ; Bd. 18). Publication / Xion-Eich1
5 1941 Modern Chinese plays. Ed. and transl. by Ku Tsong-nee [Gu Zhongyi]. (Shanghai : Commercial Press, 1941).
[Enthält] :
Tian, Han. One evening in Soochow. = Suzhou ye hua (1929). 苏州夜话
Yu Shangyuan. The mutiny. = Bing bian (1925). 兵變
Ding, Xilin. The oppressed. = Ya po (1926). 压迫
Xiong, Foxi. The drunkard. = Zui le (1928).
Tian, Han. A West lake tragedy. = Hu shang de bi ju (1928).
Xiong, Foxi. The artist. = Yi shu jia (1928). 藝術家
Publication / KuT1
6 1980 Moderne Stücke aus China. Hrsg. von Bernd Eberstein. (Frankfurt a.M. : Suhrkamp, 1980).
Enthält : [Das Gewitter von Cao Yu, Der Pekingmensch von Cao Yu, Rückkehr nach Süden von Tian Han, Der Schlächter von Xiong Foxi, Das Teehaus von Lao She].
Publication / EberB1
7 1984 Hsiao, Ch'ien [Xiao, Qian]. Semolina and others. (Hong Kong : Joint Publ. Co., 1984). Übersetzung von Xiao, Qian. Zhen zhu mi ji qi ta.
[Enhält] : Semolina. The spinners of silk. The conversion. Scenes from the Yentang Mountains. The ramshackle car. Shanghai. Ibsen in China. The dragonbeards vs the blueprints.
[Enthält Übersetzungen] :
Kuo, Mo-jo [Guo Moruo]. Wang Zhaojun. (1923). In : Chuang zao yue kan ; vol. 2, no 2 (1924).
Tien, Han [Tian, Han]. The tragedy on the lake. = Hu shang de bei ju (1928).
Hsiung-Fo-his [Xiong, Foxi]. The artist. (1928). In : Foxi xi ju. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin xhu guan, 1938).
Publication / XiaQ2
8 1993 Elf chinesische Singspieltexte aus neuerer Zeit ; nebst zwei Dramen in westlicher Manier. Übersetzt von Alfred Forke ; bearbeitet und ergänzt von Martin Gimm. (Stuttgart : F. Steiner, 1993). (Übersetzungen chinesischer Dramentexte ; Bd. 3). [Texte von Yu Zhi, Gu Yiqiao, Xiong Foxi]. Publication / Fork-Gimm-Yu, -Gu, -