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Prusek, Jaroslav

(Prag 1906-1980 Prag) : Professor für Sinologie, Oriental Institute, Universität Prag, Gründer der Prague School of Sinology


Index of Names : Occident / Sinology and Asian Studies : Europe : Czechoslovakia

Chronology Entries (10)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1928-1929 Jaroslav Prusek studiert bei Bernhard Karlgren in Göteborg.
  • Document: Palát, Augustin. On the history of Czech sinology from the end of the 19th century to the present. In : Europe studies China [ID D7559]. (Euro2, Publication)
2 1930-1932 Jaroslav Prusek studiert bei Gustav Haloun in Halle und bei Erich Haenisch in Leipzig.
  • Document: Palát, Augustin. On the history of Czech sinology from the end of the 19th century to the present. In : Europe studies China [ID D7559]. (Euro2, Publication)
3 1932-1934 Jaroslav Prusek hält sich in China, meistens in Beijing auf. Er trifft Bing Xin, Guo Moruo, Hu Shi, Qi Baishi, Shao Lizi und Shen Congwen.
  • Document: Palát, Augustin. On the history of Czech sinology from the end of the 19th century to the present. In : Europe studies China [ID D7559]. (Euro2, Publication)
4 1934-1937 Jaroslav Prusek hält sich mit einem Stipendium in Tokyo auf.
  • Document: Palát, Augustin. On the history of Czech sinology from the end of the 19th century to the present. In : Europe studies China [ID D7559]. (Euro2, Publication)
5 1937 Jaroslav Prusek kehrt nach Prag zurück und ist Lektor während des Sommers an der University of California, Berkeley.
  • Document: Palát, Augustin. On the history of Czech sinology from the end of the 19th century to the present. In : Europe studies China [ID D7559]. (Euro2, Publication)
6 1945-1953 Jaroslav Prusek ist Leiter und Professor für Sinologie, Faculty of Philosophy des Department of Far Eastern Studies, Karls Universität Prag.
  • Document: Palát, Augustin. On the history of Czech sinology from the end of the 19th century to the present. In : Europe studies China [ID D7559]. (Euro2, Publication)
7 1945 Jaroslav Prusek gründet die Czechoslovak-China Society.
8 1950 Jaroslav Prusek organisiert und leitet eine kleine Delegation nach China. Kauf und Geschenk von 50‘000 chinesischen Büchern.
9 1953-1971 Jaroslav Prusek ist Direktor des Oriental Institute der Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.
  • Document: Palát, Augustin. On the history of Czech sinology from the end of the 19th century to the present. In : Europe studies China [ID D7559]. (Euro2, Publication)
10 1969 Jaroslav Prusek erhält den Ehrendoktor der Universität Stockholm.
  • Document: Palát, Augustin. On the history of Czech sinology from the end of the 19th century to the present. In : Europe studies China [ID D7559]. (Euro2, Publication)

Bibliography (24)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1937 Lu, Hsün [Lu, Xun]. Vrava : [Osm povidek]. (Praze : Lidova kultura, 1937). (Lidova knihovba ; 24). Publication / Prus21
2 1940 Prusek, Jaroslav. Sestra moje Cina. (Praha : Druzestevni prace, 1940). = Prusek, Jaroslav. My sister China. (Prague : Karolinum Press, 2002). [Berichte von seinem Aufenthalt in China 1932-1934]. Publication / Prus4
3 1940 Ciu, K'ung [Confucius]. Hovory Konfuciovy. Uvod napsal Jaroslav Prusek]. (Praze : Jan Laichter, 1940). (Otazky a nazory ; 77). [Lun yu]. Publication / Prus19
4 1947 Prusek, Jaroslav. Podivuhodne pribehy cinskych trzist'a bazaru. (Prague : F. Borovy, 1947). [Übersetzung von klassichen chinesischen Erzählungen]. Publication / Prus10
5 1947 Prusek, Jaroslav. O cinskem pisemnictvi a vzdelanosti. (Praze : Vydavatelstvo Druzstevni prace, 1947). (Svet ; 48). [Chinesische Literatur]. Publication / Prus12
6 1949 Kozeny strevic ; Draci plan : dve povidky kung-an ze stredoveke Ciny. Z cinskeho originalu prelozil Jaroslav Prusek. (Praha : Symposion, 1949). [Übersetzung von Erzählungen der Yuan- und Ming-Dynastie]. Publication / Prus11
7 1949 Prusek, Jaroslav. Cinsky lid v boji za svobodu. (Praha : Nase vojsko, 1949). [Geschichte Chinas]. Publication / Prus13
8 1949 Prusek, Jaroslav. Treti zpevy stare Ciny : parafraze stare cinske poesie. (Praze : Melantrich, 1949). (Edice poesie ; 62). [Übersetzung chinesischer Lyrik]. Publication / Prus15
9 1949 Sunzi. O umeni valecnem. Prelozili Jaroslav Prusek. (Praha : Nase Vojsko, 1949). (Ziva minulost ; 9). Publication / Prus17
10 1950 Mao, Dun. Serosvit. [Transl. by] Jaroslav Prusek. (Praha : Svoboda, 1950). Übersetzung von Mao, Dun. Zi ye. (Shanghai : Kai ming shu dian, 1933).
Publication / Prus16
11 1951 Lu, Sün [Lu, Xun]. Vrava ; Polni trava. Z cin. orig. Na-chan, Jie-cchao, prel., predml. Jaroslav Prusek. (Praha : Svoboda, 1951). (Knihovna Svobody ; 102). Publication / Prus20
12 1953 Prusek, Jaroslav. Literatura osvobozene Ciny a jeji lidove tradice. (Praha : Ceskoslovenske Akademie ved, 1953). = Prusek, Jaroslav. Die Literatur des befreiten China und ihre Volkstraditionen. (Prag : Artia, 1955). Publication / Prus1
13 1953 Prusek, Jaroslav. Eine neue Gesamtdarstellung der Geschichte Chinas. In : Orientalistische Literaturzeitung ; vol. 48, no 1-6 (1953). Publication / Prus22
14 1955 Pu, Songling. Zkazky o sesteru cest osudu. Z cinskeho originalu prelozil Jaroslav Prusek. (Praha : Statni nakl. krasne literatury, hudby a umeni, 1955). Publication / Prus18
15 1964 Studien zur modernen chinesischen Literatur. = Studies in modern Chinese literature. Ed. by Jaroslav Prusek. (Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, 1964).
[Enthält] :
Introduction / Jaroslav Prusek.
Kuo Mo-jo's autobiographical works / Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova.
The work of Lao She during the first phase of his career (1924 to 1932) / Zbigniew Slupski.
Pa Chin's novel "The family" / Oldrich Kral.
The stories of Ping Hsin / Marcela Bouskova.
The development of T'ien Han's dramatic writings during the years 1920-1937 / Jarmila Häringova.
Chao Shu-lis Roman "San-Li-wan" / Klaus Kaden.
Publication / Prus3
16 1966 Die Jadegöttin : zwölf Geschichten aus dem mittelalterlichen China. Auswahl, Nachwort, Anmerkungen und Textkontrolle von Jaroslav Prusek ; unter Mitarb. von Felicitas Wünschova ; aus dem Chinesischen übertr. von Liane Bettin und Marianne Liebermann. (Berlin : Rütten & Loehning, 1966). Publication / PruJ1
17 1967 Prusek, Jaroslav. The origins and the authors of the hua-pen. (Prague : Oriental Institute in Academia, 1967). (Dissertationes orientales ; vol. 14). Publication / Prus8
18 1967 Prusek, Jaroslav. Slovnik spisovatelu : Asia a Afrika. Vol. 1-2. (Praha : Odeon, 1967). [Literatur Asien und Afrika]. Publication / Prus14
19 1969 Prusek, Jaroslav. Three sketches of Chinese literature. (Prague : Oriental Institute in Academia, 1969). (Dissertationes orientales ; vol. 20). [Betr. Mao Dun, Yu Dafu, Guo Moruo]. Publication / Prus9
20 1970 Prusek, Jarolsav. Chinese history and literature : collection of studies. (Dordrecht : Reidel, 1970). Publication / Prus6
21 1971 Prusek, Jaroslav. Chinese statelets and the northern barbarians in the period 1400-300 B.C. (New York, N.Y. : Humanities Press, 1971). Publication / Prus7
22 1974 Prusek, Jaroslav. Dictionary of Oriental literatures. General editor Jaroslav Prusek. Vol. 1-3. (New York, N.Y. : Basic Books, 1974). Vol. 1 : East Asia. Publication / Prus2
23 1980 Prusek, Jaroslav. The lyrical and the epic : studies of modern Chinese literature. Ed. by Leo Ou-fan Lee. (Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University Press, 1980). (Studies in Chinese literature and society). Publication / LeeL6
24 1983 Palat, Augustin ; Prusek, Jaroslav. Il Medioevo cinese dalla dinastia Sung alla dinastia Yüan. [traduzione dall'inglese di Giannantonio Dal Pozzolo]. (Torino : Unione tipografico, 1983). (Società e costume ; 10). = Palat, Augustin ; Prusek, Jaroslav. Stredoveka Cina : spolecnost a zvyky v dobe dynastii Sung a Jüan. (Praha : DharmaGaia, 2001). Publication / Prus5

Secondary Literature (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1998 Galik, Marian. Jaroslav Prusek : a myth and reality as seen by his pupil. In : Asian and African studies ; vol. 7 (1998). Publication / Gal13
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Gálik, Marián