# | Year | Text | Linked Data |
1 | 1892 |
Thanos Kalamidas : Beardsley took a trip to Paris in 1892 and encountered Toulouse-Lautrec, an admirer and lover of Eastern art, introducing Beardsley to a style that he quickly evolved. In his drawings and illustrations you can see and feel the strokes of the ink and his emphasized grotesque approach to his characters ; you can see his fears and agonies, yet also feel his deep knowledge in Chinese ink drawings and his respect for the style. The peacock in his painting The Peacock Skirt, a strong element in Chinese art, can be seen from the woman's dress, the background and in the wreath. The final element of the Chinese influence can also be seen in the mystic symbolic writing in the painting's top-right corner. Beardsley is one of the best representatives of the Chinese style. All the porcelain or decorations elements are connected with this style. He was adapting the Chinese thought behind the actual ink strokes to his work. |
2 | 1923 |
Yu, Dafu. Ji zhong yu 'Huang mian zhi' de ren wu [ID D27660]. [Abhandlung über englische Autoren des The yellow book]. Yu Dafu traced the rise and fall of The yellow book and regarded the aestheticism of Wilde as a conscious reaction against the obstinate traditions in Victorian England. He believed, that Aubrey Beardsley was responsible for the reputation of this magazine. His special beautiful technique and imagination were unprecedented and the nudes in his paintings were appealing for they carried a message of nonconformity. |
3 | 1929 |
Lu, Xun. Lu Xun lun mei shu. (Dalian : Da zhong shu dian, 1948). [Lu Xun on arts]. 魯迅論美術 Lu Xun published a catalogue of twelve paintings by Aubrey Beardsley (Biyazili hua xuan. (1929). Beardsley's paintings were introduced in an organized and focused manner, not just reproduced separately as illustrations. According to Lu Xun, Beardsley was the most widely known painter in black-and-white painting and greatly influenced Chinese modern art. Unique in the unstable society of 1890s, Beardsley was incomparable in the area of decorative arts and a pioneer of xin de yi shu [new art] during fin-de-siècle. In Beardsley's paintings, the folly and ugliness of the upper class and people indulging in sensual pleasures are often shown. Therefore, he was regarded as an indecent and offensive artist by some of his contemporaries. This painter, seen through the eyes of Lu Xun and others, was a talented and artistic rebel who was the spokesperson for uninhibited beauty and desires. |
# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1929 |
[Beardsley, Aubrey]. Biyazilai hua xuan. Zhao Huashe xuan yin. (Shanghai : He ji jiao yu yong pin she, 1929). (Yi yuan zhao hua ; 1, 4). [Gesammelte Malerei von Beardsley]. 比亚茲莱畫選 |
Publication / BeaA2 | |
2 | 1946 |
[Wilde, Oscar]. Shalemei. Wang'erde zhu ; Piyasilai [Aubrey Beardsley] hua ; Hu Shuangge yi. (Shanghai : Xing qun chu ban gong si, 1946). Übersetzung von Wilde, Oscar. Salomé : drame en un acte. (Paris : Librairie de l'art indépendant, 1893). = Salome : a tragedy in one act. (London : E. Mathews & John Lane ; Boston : Copeland & Day, 1894). [Uraufführung Théâtre de l'oeuvre, Paris, 1896]. 莎樂美 |
Publication / WilO68 | |
3 | 1956 |
[Beardsley, Aubrey]. Biyazilai hua ji. Zhang Wang bian. (Shenyang : Liaoning hua bao she, 1956). [Ausgewählte Malerei von Beardsley]. 比亚兹莱装饰画 |
Publication / BeaA3 |
# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1923 | Yu, Dafu. Ji zhong yu 'Huang mian zhi' de ren wu. In : Chuang zao zhou bao ; no 20-21 (1923). The yellow book. (London : E. Mathews & J. Lane, 1894-1897). [Abhandlung über englische Autoren des The yellow book]. | Publication / WilO51 |
2 | 1929 |
Hao, Wen [Shao Xunmei]. Biyazilü shi hua ji. (Shanghai : Jin wu shu dian, 1929). [Poems and drawings from Aubrey Beardsley]. 琵亚词侣诗画集 |
Publication / BeaA1 |
3 | 1946 |
Ye, Lingfeng. Du shu sui bi. (Shanghai : Shanghai za zhi gong si, 1946). [Abhandlung über Marcel Proust, André Gide, James Joyce, John Dos Passos, Aubrey Beardsley, Oscar Wilde]. 讀書嫈筆 |
Publication / Prou40 | |
4 | 1988 |
Ma, Fenglin. Biyazilai de yi shu shi jie. Ma Fenglin bian zhu. (Changsha : Hunan mei shu chu ban she, 1988). [Abhandlung über die Malerei von Aubrey Beardsley]. 比亞兹萊的藝術世界 |
Publication / BeaA4 | |
5 | 2013 |
Kalamidas, Thanos. Aubrey Beardsley and Chinoiserie in the West. http://gbtimes.com/life/aubrey-beardsley-and-chinoiserie-west. |
Publication / BeaA5 |