# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2009 |
Harrell, Stevan. G. William Skinner, 1925-2008). In : China quarterly ; 198 (2009). |
Publication / Skin |
2 |
2009 |
Merchants daugthers : women commerce, and regional culture in South China. Ed. by Helen F. Siu. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University press, 2009). |
Publication / Siu10 |
3 |
2009 |
Jullien, François. Les transformations silencieuses. (Paris : Ed. du Seuil, 2009). |
Publication / Jul32 |
4 |
2009 |
Jullien, François. L'invention de l'idéal et le destin de l'Europe. (Paris : Ed. du Seuil, 2009). (L'ordre philosophique). |
Publication / Jul35 |
5 |
2009 |
Early Chinese religion. Pt. 1, vol. 1-2. Ed. by Stephen F. Teiser. (Leiden : Brill, 2009). (Handbook of Oriental Studies = Handbuch der Orientalistik ; Sect. 4. China). |
Publication / Teis2 |
6 |
2009 |
Teiser, Stephen F. ; Stone, Jacqueline Ilyse. Readings of the Lotus sûtra. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2009). |
Publication / Teis5 |
7 |
2009 |
The Battle for China : essays on the history of the Sino-Japanese war. Mark Peattie, Edward Drea, and Hans van de Ven, eds. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2009). |
Publication / Ven7 |
8 |
2009 |
Wu, Yunming. Eternally in our memory : ethnographic photographs of Qiang-Tibetan culture from the northwestern region of Sichuan. Transl. by Judith T. Zeitlin. (Shanghai : Shanghai Music Publishing House, 2009). Übersetzung von Wu Yunming. Yong jiu de ji yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yin yue chu ban she, 2009). 永久的记忆 |
Publication / Zei6 |
9 |
2009 |
Huang, Xiang. A lifetime is a promise to keep : poems of Huang Xiang. Introd. and transl. by Michelle Yeh. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California, Institute of East Asian Studies, Center for Chinese Studies, 2009). (China research monographs ; no 63). |
Publication / Yeh3 |
10 |
2009 |
Chen, Tingxiang. The life style of Chinese scholars in the years of political turbulence : examinations of Li Sichun's "Jinling diary", Wu Mi's "Diary" and Hu Shi's "Diary". In : Frontiers of history in China ; vol. 4, no 2 (2009). |
Publication / ChenT2 |
11 |
2009 |
20 shi ji wai guo wen xue zuo pin xuan = Selected works of world literature in the 20th centry. Zheng Kelu bian xuan. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Fudan da xue chu ban she, 2009). (Fudan bo xue. Wai guo wen xue xi lie. "Bi jiao wen xue yu shi jie wen xue" yan jiu xi lie). |
Publication / ZheK4 |
12 |
2009 |
Zheng, Kelu. Ou mei wen xue ming zhu dao du. (Shanghai : Fudan da xue chu ban she, 2009). (Ming xiao ming shi ming ke). [Geschichte der europäischen und amerikanischen Literatur]. 欧美文学名著导读 |
Publication / ZheK5 |
13 |
2009 |
Chan, Sin-wai. A chronology of translation in China and the West : from the legendary period to 2004. (Hong Kong : The Chinese University Press, 2009). |
Publication / Chan |
14 |
2009 |
Schuessler, Axel ; Karlgren, Bernhard. Minimal old Chinese and later Han Chinese : a companion to Grammata serica recensa. (Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press, 2009). (ABC Chinese dictionary series). |
Publication / SchuA2 |
15 |
2009 |
[Santangelo, Paolo]. Zhongguo li shi zhong de qing gan wen hua : dui Ming Qing wen xian de kua xue ke wen ben yan jiu. Shihualuo zhu ; Lin Shuli, Xie Yan, Meng Zhuo yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 2009). (Shang wu yin shu guan hai wai Han xue shu xi). Übersetzung von Santangelo, Paolo. Sentimental education in Chinese history : an interdisciplinary textual research on Ming and Qing sources. (Leiden : Brill, 2003). (Sinica Leidensia ; vol. 60). 中国历史中的情感文化 : 对明清文献的跨学科文本研究 |
Publication / San27 |
16 |
2009 |
Huang, Alexander C.Y. A 'tender heir' to 'bear his memory' : Shakespeare's Sonnets in Taiwan. In : William Shakespeare's Sonnets for the first time globally reprinted : a quatercentenary anthology. Ed. by Manfred Pfister and Jürgen Gutsch. (Dozwil : Ed. Signathur, 2009). |
Publication / Shak26 |
17 |
2009 |
Huang, Alexander C.Y. Chinese Shakespeares : two centuries of cultural exchange. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2009). (Global Chinese culture). |
Publication / Shak36 |
18 |
2009 |
[Michaux, Henri]. Eguaduo'er. Mixiao ; Dong Qiang. (Shanghai : Shanghai ren min chu ban she, 2009). (Faguo shi ge yi cong). Übersetzung von Michaux, Henri. Ecuador : journal de voyage. (Paris : Editions de la Nouvelle revue française, 1929). 厄瓜多尔 |
Publication / MichH4 |
19 |
2009 |
Pollack, Rachel. La Chine en rose ? : Tel Quel face à la Révolution culturelle. http://www.dissidences.net/compl_vol8/Pollack.pdf |
Web / Bart4 |
20 |
2009 |
Xu, Xiaoya. Recherche esthétique sur la nature chez André Gide. In : Synergies : Chine ; no 4 (2009). http://ressources-cla.univ-fcomte.fr/gerflint/Chine4/xiaoya.pdf. |
Publication / Gide2 |