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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2009
Ma, Junhong. Life and love : Thoreau's life philosophy on man and nature in the age of industrialization. In : Neohelicon ; vol. 36, no 2 (2009).
Publication / THD70
2 2009
Yu, Nick Rongjun. Cry to heaven : a play to celebrate one hundred years of Chinese spoken drama. Introd. and transl. by Shiao-ling Yu. In :
Asian theatre journal ; vol. 26, no 1 (2009). [Yutian, the third Chinese stage adaptation of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's cabin between 1907 and 2007].
Publication / Stowe4
3 2009
Tao, Jie. Uncle Tom's cabin : the first American novel translated into Chinese. In : Prospects ; vol. 18 (Oct. 2009).

Publication / Stowe35
4 2009
Miao, Miao. Through the Chinese lens : the poetic Mansfield and a novel nuance of her art . In : A hundred flowers blossoming: a collection of literary essays written by Chinese scholars. Yang, Xiao-ming, ed. (Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, 2009).
Publication / Mans9
5 2009
[Stevens, Wallace]. Zui gao xu gou bi ji. Shidiwensi ; Chen Dongbiao, Zhang Zao. (Shanghai : Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2009). Übersetzung von Stevens, Wallace. Notes toward a supreme fiction. (Cummington, Mass. : The Cummington Press, 1942).
Publication / SteW2
6 2009
Zuber, Devin. "Poking around in the dust of Asia" : Wallace Stevens, modernism, and the aesthetics of the East. In : Orient and Orientalisms in US-American poetry and poetics. Sabine Sielke, Christian Kloeckner (eds.). (Frankfurt a.M. : Land, 2009).
Publication / SteW12
7 2009
Park, Josephine Nock-Hee. The Orients of Gertrude Stein.
Publication / Stein9
8 2009
Jia, Pingwa. Geschichten vom Taibai-Berg moderne Geistererzählungen aus der Provinz Shaanxi. Hrsg. und kommentiert von Andrea Riemenschnitter. (Zürich : Lit, 2009).
Publication / Rie5
9 2009
Lie, Jianxi ; Ingham, Mike. The reception of Samuel Beckett in China. In : The international reception of Samuel Beckett. Ed. By Mark Nixon and Matthew Feldman. (London : Continuum, 2009).
Publication / Beck16
10 2009
Jin, Guanglan. East meets West : Chinese reception and translation of Virginia Woolf. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : Pro Quest, University Microfilms International, 2011). (Diss. Univ. of Rhode Island, 2009).
Publication / Woolf4
11 2009
Liang, Yuanyuan. Stylistic and thematic significance of 'time' in Mrs. Dalloway. [Novel by Virginia Woolf]. In : A hundred flowers blossoming. Yang Xiao-ming, ed. (Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, 2009).
Publication / Woolf6
12 2009
Liu, Siyuan ; Wetmore, Kevin J. Modern Chinese drama in English : a selective bibliography. In : Asian theatre journal ; vol. 26, o 2 (2009).
Publication / LiuS3
13 2009
The Columbia anthology of modern Chinese drama. Ed. by Xiaomei Chen. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2009).
[Enthält] :
Hu, Shi. The greatest event in life. = Zhong shen da shi (1919).
Hong, Shen. Ya ma chao. = Zhao yan wang (1922).
Tian, Han. The night a tiger was captured. = Huo hu zhi yi ye (1921).
Ouyang, Yuqian. After returning home. = Hui jia zhi hou (1922).
Ding, Xilin. The wasp. = Yi zhi ma feng (1923).
Ding, Xilin. Oppression. = Ya po (1926).
Bai, Wei. Breaking out of the pagoda. = Da chu you ling ta (1928).
Cao, Yu. Thunderstorm. = Lei yu (1933).
Li, Jianwu. It's only spring. = Zhe bu guo shi chun tian (1934).
Xia, Yan. Under Shanghai eaves. = Shanghai wu yan xia (1937).
Wu, Zuguang. Returning from a stormy night. = Feng xue ye gui ren (1942).l
Lao, She. Teahouse. = Cha guan (1958).
Tian, Han. Guan Hanqing. = Guan Hanqing (1958-1961).
Chen, Yun. The young generation. = Nian qing de yi dai (1963).
Weng, Ouhong ; A, Jia. The red lantern. = Hong deng ji (1964).
Gao, Xingjian. Bus stop. = Che zhan (1983).
Li, Longyun. Man and the wilderness. = Huang yuan yu ren (1988).
Yang, Limin. Geologists. = Di zhi shi (1995).
Shen, Lin ; Huang Jisu, Zhang, Guangtian. Che Guevara. = Qie Gewala (2000).
Lai, Shengchuan. Secret love in peach blossom land. = An lian tao hua yuan (1986).
Chan, Anthony. Metamorphosis in the moonlight under the stars. = Xing guang xia de tui bian (1986).
Chan, Joanna. Grown ourselves with roses. = Hua jin gao lou (1988).
Publication / ChenXi1
14 2009
London, Jack. The Asian writings of Jack London : essays, letters, newspaper dispatches, and short fiction.With an introductory analysis by Daniel A. Métraux. (Queenston, Ont. : Edwin Mellen Press, 2009).
Publication / Lond1
15 2009
Métraux, Daniel A. Jack London and the yellow peril. In : Education about Asia ; vol. 14, no 1 (2009).
Publication / Lond2
16 2009
Death of a Salesman in Beijing [Arthur Miller].
Publication / MillA1
17 2009
Hao, Ruijuan. Edgar Allan Poe in contemporary China. In : The Edgar Allan Poe review ; vol. 10, no 3 (2009).
Publication / Poe2
18 2009
Fang, Wenkai. Fu gu : Huosang tan tao quan li yun zuo ji zhi de wu tai. In : Wai guo wen xue yan jiu ; vol. 6 (2009). [The Blithedale, a stage for Hawthorne to explore the working system of power].
福谷 : 霍桑探讨权力运作机制的舞台
Publication / HawN78
19 2009
[Malmqvist, Göran]. Wo de lao shi Gao Benhan : yi wei xue zhe de xiao xiang. Ma Yueran zhu ; Li Zhiyi yi. (Chanchun : Jilin chu ban ji tuan you xian ze ren gong si, 2009) [Biographie von Bernhard Karlgren].
我的老师高本汉 : 一位学者的肖像
Publication / Malm49
20 2009
Walravens, Hartmut. Vasilij Pavlovic Vasil'ev (1818-1900) : zu Leben und Werk des russischen Sinologen :
Publication / Wal41

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