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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 1555-1615
Barros, João de. Decadas da Asia. (1555, 1563, 1615). In : Aa, Pieter van der. Naaukeurige versameling der gedenk-waardigste zee en lang-reysen na Oost en West-Indiën. (Leyden : Pieter van der Aa, 1707).
Publication / Barr-Aa, 2
2 1561
Pereira, Galeote. Algumas cousas sabidas da China. [(Goa, Indien : Jesuitenseminar, 1561)]. = Pereira, Galeote. Algumas cousas sabidas da China. Introdução, modernização do texto e notas de Rui Manuel Loureiro. (Lisboa : Commissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, Ministério de Educação, 1992). [Bericht seiner Reise von Portugal nach Indien 1534, Malakka 1539, der Küste Chinas entland 1547, von Siam 1548 nach China, Zhejiang und Fujian. 1549 werden er und sein Schiff in Quanzhou (Fujian) gefangengenommen ; er kann fliehen].
Publication / Pere1
3 1567
Ortelius, Abraham. Asiae orbis partium maximae nova descriptio. (Venice : Donatus Bertelli, 1567), eine Asienkarte mit China.
Publication / Vat4
4 1569
Cruz, Gaspar da. Tractado em que los Portugueses hazen e los Reinos y Provincias del Oriente, y de la noticis que se tiene de las grandezas del reino de la China. (Sevilla ? [s.n.], 1569). [Grundlage für Juan Gonzáles de Mendozas Historia de las cosas más notables... von 1585].
Publication / Cruz1
5 1570
Cruz, Gaspar da. Tractado em que se co[n]tam muito por este[n]so as cousas da China, co[m] suas particularidades, [e] assi do reyno dormuz. (Evora : Em casa de Andre de Burgos, 1570).
Publication / Cruz2
6 1570
Cartas qve os padres e irmaos da Companhia de Iesus, que andao nos reynos de Iapao escreuerao aos da mesma Companhia da India, e Europa, des do anno de .1549. ate o de .66.: Nellas se conta o principio, socesso, e bodade da Christadade daquellas partes, e varios costumes, e idolatrias da gentilidade. (Em Coimbra: Em casa de Antonio de Maris, 1570). Das erste Buch, das chinesische Zeichen enthält.
Publication / Car2
7 1570
Clavius, Christophorus. In sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarivs. (Romae : Apud Victorium Helianum, 1570). [Astronomisches Werk, das für die Chinamission von grosser Bedeutung ist].
Publication / Cla7
8 1570
Ortelius, Abraham. Theatrum orbis terrarum. (Antverpiae : Apud Aegid. Coppenium Diesth, 1570). [Enthält die Karten] : Chinae, olim Sinarum regions ; Asiae nova descriptio. [Die erste separate China-Karte Europas].
Publication / Ort1
9 1573
Costa, Manuel da ; Maffei, Giovanni Pietro. Rerum a Societate Jesu in Oriente gestarum volumen : in quo haec ferme continentur : de rebus indicis ad annum usque a Deipara Virgine MDLXVIII. Commentarius Emmanuelis Acostae Lusitani, recognitus, et latinitate donatus. (Neapoli : Apud Horatium Saluianum, 1573). [Die ersten chinesischen Zeichen von 1570 werden wieder verwendet].
Publication / Cos1
10 1574
Costa, Manuel da ; Maffei, Giovanni Pietro. Rerum a Societate Jesu in Oriente gestarum volumen : continens historiam iucundam lectu omnibus Christianis, praesertimijs, quibus vera religio est cordi : in qua videre possunt, quomodo nunquam deus ecclesiam suam deserat, & in locum deficientium a vera fide, innumeros alios in abditissimis etiam regionibus substituat : nunc pluribus ultra omnes editiones priores locupletatum, ut sequens pagella demonstrat. (Coloniae : Apud Geruinum Calenium, & haeredes Iohannis Quentel, 1574). [Die ersten chinesischen Zeichen von 1570 werden wieder verwendet].
Publication / Cos2
11 1575
Thevet, André. La cosmographie universelle. Ill. de diverses figures des choses plus remarquables veuës par l'auteur. T. 1-4. (Paris : G. Chaudière, 1575). [Enthält Angaben über China].
Publication / TheA2
12 1575
Barreto, Melchior Nuñes. Informacìon del reino de la China. Impresa en Coimbra, en lengua castellana, el año 1565 y reproducida, con algunas variantes, en Alcalá de Henares en 1575. (Coimbra : Sanz, 1575). Beschreibung seiner Reise in China 1551.
Publication / Barr10
13 1577
Escalante, Bernardino de. Primera historia de China. Comentada y publicada por Carlos Sanz. (Sevilla : En Casa de la biuda de Alonso Escrivano, 1577). = Escalante, Bernardino de. A discourse of the navigation which the Portugales doe make to the realmes and provinces of the east partes of the worlde, and of the knowledge that growes by them of the great thinges which are in the dominions of China. ... Translated out of Spanish into English, by J[ohn] Frampton. B.L. (London : T. Dawson, 1579). = Escalante, Bernardino de. An account of the empire of China. (Bad Mergentheim : Ascanio, 2008).
Publication / EscB1
14 1577
Escalante, Bernardino de. Discurso de la navegacion que los portugueses hazen á los reinos y provincias del Oriente, y de la noticia que se tiene de las grandezas del reino de la China. (Seuilla [Sevillia] : Alonso Escriuano, 1577).
Publication / EscB2
15 1577
The history of travayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes : as Moscouia, Persia, Arabia, Syria, Aegypte, Ethiopia, Guinea, China in Cathayo, and Giapan : with a discourse of the Northwest passage : in the hande of our Lorde be all the corners of the earth. Gathered in parte, and done into Englyshe by Richarde Eden. Newly set in order, augmented, and finished by Richarde Willes. (London : Richarde Iugge, 1577).
[Enthält] : Perera, Galeotto [Pereira, Galeote]. Certayne reportes of the prouince China. [Erster englischer Artikel über China].
Publication / Pere4
16 1577
Nicholas, Thomas. The strange and marueilous newes lately come from the great kingdome of Chyna : which adioyneth to the East Indya. Translated out of the Castlyn tongue, by T.N. (London : Thomas Gardyner and Thomas Dawson, 1577).
Publication / NicT1
17 1578
Best, George. Captain [Martin] Frobisher's first voyage : a true report of such things as happened in the second voyage of Captain Frobisher, pretended for the discovery of a new passage to Cataya, China, and the East Indies, by the north-west. Ann. Dom. 1577. The third voyage of Captain Frobisher, pretended for the discovery of Cataya. By Meta incognita, anno Dom. 1578. ([S.l : s.n.], 1578). [Enthalten in] : Pinkerton, John. General collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world ; many of which are now firs translated into English ; digested on a new plan. (London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1808-1814), vol. 12 (1812).
Publication / Best1
18 1578
Best, George. A true discourse of the late voyages of discouerie : for the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the Northweast, vnder the conduct of Martin Frobisher generall : deuided into three books : in the first wherof is shewed, his first voages : wherein also by the way is sette out a geographicall description of the worlde, and what partes thereof hauebin discouered by the nauigations of the Englishmen : also, there are annexed certayne reasons, to proue all partes of the worlde habitable, with a generall mappe adioyned : in the second, is set out his second voyage, with the aduentures and accidents thereof : in the thirde, is declared the strange fortunes which hapned in the third voyage, with a seuerall description of the country and the people ehere inhabiting ; with particular card therevnto adioyned of Meta Incognita, so farre forth as the secretes of the voyage may permit. (London : Imprinted by Henry Bynnyman, 1578).
Publication / Bes1
19 1579
Zhu, Siben. Guang yu tu quan shu. ([S.l.] : Qian Dai, 1579). Atlas von 1312, Grundlage für Martino Martinis Novus atlas sinensis.
Publication / Zhu,2
20 1579
[Polo, Marco]. The most noble and famous trauels of Marcus Paulus, one of the nobilitie of the state of Venice, into the East partes of the world, as Armenia, Persia, Arabia, Tartary, with many other kingdoms and prouinces, no lesse pleasant, than profitable, as appeareth by the table, or contents of this booke : most necessary for all sortes of persons, and especially for trauellers. Translated by John Frampton, from a Spanish translation of the Venetian version by Rodrigo Arcedia. (London : Printed by Ralph Newbery, 1579).
Publication / Polo3

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