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“A true discourse of the late voyages of discouerie : for the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the Northweast, vnder the conduct of Martin Frobisher generall : deuided into three books : in the first wherof is shewed, his first voages : wherein also by the way is sette out a geographicall description of the worlde, and what partes thereof hauebin discouered by the nauigations of the Englishmen : also, there are annexed certayne reasons, to proue all partes of the worlde habitable, with a generall mappe adioyned : in the second, is set out his second voyage, with the aduentures and accidents thereof : in the thirde, is declared the strange fortunes which hapned in the third voyage, with a seuerall description of the country and the people ehere inhabiting ; with particular card therevnto adioyned of Meta Incognita, so farre forth as the secretes of the voyage may permit” (Publication, 1578)




Best, George. A true discourse of the late voyages of discouerie : for the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the Northweast, vnder the conduct of Martin Frobisher generall : deuided into three books : in the first wherof is shewed, his first voages : wherein also by the way is sette out a geographicall description of the worlde, and what partes thereof hauebin discouered by the nauigations of the Englishmen : also, there are annexed certayne reasons, to proue all partes of the worlde habitable, with a generall mappe adioyned : in the second, is set out his second voyage, with the aduentures and accidents thereof : in the thirde, is declared the strange fortunes which hapned in the third voyage, with a seuerall description of the country and the people ehere inhabiting ; with particular card therevnto adioyned of Meta Incognita, so farre forth as the secretes of the voyage may permit. (London : Imprinted by Henry Bynnyman, 1578). (Bes1)



Contributors (1)

Best, George  (1555 ca.-1584 bei einem Duell) : Englischer Schiffsoffizier, Leutnant von Martin Frobisher


Travel and Legation Accounts