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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 1580-1610
Ricci, Matteo. Le lettere dalla Cina, 1580-1610. Con appendice di documenti inediti. (Macerata : F. Giorgetti, 1913).
Publication / Ricc1
2 1580
Osório, Jerónimo. The history of the Portuguese during the reign of Emmanuel ; containing all their discoveries, from the coast of Africk to the farthest parts of China ; their battles by sea and land, their sieges, and other memorable exploits ; with a description of those countries, and a particular account of the religion, government, and customs of the natives ; including also, their discovery of the Brazils, and their wars with the Moors. Written originally in Latin by Jerome Osorio. Now first transl. into English by James Gibbs. Vol. 1-2. (London : A. Millar, 1752). Übersetzung von Osório, Jerónimo. De rebus Emanuelis Regis Lusitaniae. (Colonia : Agrippina, 1580).
Publication / Oso1
3 1583-1584
Ruggieri, Michele ; Ricci, Matteo. Bai gao xian Maliya tian zhu sheng mu. (Zhaoqing ? : [s.n.], 1583 od. 1584). [Abhandlung über Theologie].
Publication / Rugg10
4 1584
Ricci, Matteo. Yu di shan hai quan tu. (Shiuhing [Zhaoqing] : [s.n.], 1584). [Erste Version seiner Weltkarte in Chinesisch auf Holzdruck. Er hatte Kenntnis der chinesischen Karte Gu jin xing sheng zhi tu, sowie der Karten von Abraham Ortelius und Gerard Mercator].
Publication / Ricc2
5 1584
Ruggieri, Michele. Tian zhu sheng jiao shi lu. (Tianzhu : [s.n.], 1584). [Erster chinesischer Katechismus].
Publication / Rugg1
6 1585
Gonzàles de Mendoza, Juan. Historia de las cosas más notables, ritos y costumbres del gran reyno de la China, sabidas assi por los libros de los mesmos Chinas, como por relacion de religiosos y otras personas que an estado en el dicho reyno. Hecha y orenada por el muy R.P. maestro Fr. Ioan Gozalez de Mendoça de la orden de S. Agustin, y penitenciario appostolico a quien la Magestad Catholica embio con su real carta y otras cosas para el rey de aquel reyno el año 1580. Al illustrissimo S. Fernando de Vega y Fonseca del consejo de su Magestad y su presidente en el real de las Indias. Con un itinerario del nueuo mundo. (Roma : Bartholome Grassi, 1585).
= Gonzáles de Mendoza, Juan. The historie of the great and mightie kingdome of China, and the situation thereof : togither with the great riches, huge citties, politike gouernement, and rare inuentions in the same. Translated out of Spanish by R. Parke. (London : Printed by I. Wolfe for Edward White, 1588).
Gonzáles de Mendoza, Juan. Histoire du grand royaume de la Chine situé aux Indes orientales. (Paris : Perier, 1588).
Auftrag von Papst Gregor XIII. trägt Gonzáles de Mendoza das vorhandene Wissen über Geschichte, Geographie, Verfassung, Administration des Königreichs China, sowie Buchdruck und chinesische Schrift zusammen und verfasst damit eines der wichtigsten frühen Chinabücher. Als Quellen benutzte er Berichte von Martin de Rada, Gaspar da Cruz und Bernardino Escalante. Er selbst war nie in China].
Publication / Gonz1
7 1585
Poza, Andrés de. Hydrografia la mas curiosa que hasta aqui ha salido a luz, en que de mas de vn derrotero general se ensena la nauegacion por altura y derrota y la del Este Oeste, con la graduacion de los puertos y la nauegacion al Catayo por cinco vias diferentes. (Bilbao : Impresso con priuilegio real por Mathias Mares, 1585). [Über Navigation, über fünf verschiedene Seewege nach China].
Publication / Poza1
8 1585-1595
Mercator, Gerard. Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura. (Dvisbvrgi : Clivorvm, 1585-1595). [Enthält] : Asia ex magna orbis terre descriptione Gerardi Mercatoris desumpta studio et industria G.M. lunioris und Mercator, Gerhard ; Hondius, Jodocus. Asiae nova descriptio. [Enthält eine Asienkarte mit China].
Publication / MerG1
9 1586
Zanetti, Francesco. Avvisi del Giapone de gli anni M.D. LXXXII., LXXXIII. et LXXXIV : con alcuni altri della Cina dell' LXXXIII. et LXXXIV. (Roma : Per Francesco Zanetti, 1586).
Publication / ZanF1
10 1586
Fróis, Luis. Fernere Zeitung ausz Japon, desz dwsz zwey vnnd achtzigsten, drey vnd achtzigsten, vnd vier vnd achtzigsten Jars ; sampt langstgewünschter frölicher Bottschafft, ausz der Haydnischen Landschafft China, desz 83. vnnd 84. Jars: Von dem daselbst angehenden Christenthumb. Gezogen ausz Briefen der Societet Iesv… (Dilingen : Getruckt durch Joannem Mayer, 1586).
Publication / Frois1
11 1587
Pires, Tomé. Sommario di tutti li regni, città, & populi orientali, con li traffichi & mercantie, chei iui si trouano, cominciando dal mar rosso fino alli popoli delle China. Tradotto dalla lingua Portuguese nella Italiana. In : Ramusio, Giovanni Battista. Delle navigationi et viaggi. 4a ed. (Venezia : Giunti, 1587). = Pires, Tomé ; Rodrigues, Francisco. The Suma oriental of Tomé Pires : an account of the East, from the Red Sea to Japan, written in Malacca and India in 1512-1515; and, The book of Francisco Rodrigues, rutter of a voyage in the Red Sea, nautical rules, almanack and maps, written and drawn in the East before 1515. Tomé Pires; Francisco Rodrigues, rutter of a voyage in the Red Sea, nautical rules, almanack and maps, written and drawn in the East before 1515. (London : The Hakluyt Society, 1944). (Works issued by the Hakluyt Society., 2nd ser ; no. 89 - 90). [Beschreibung von Indien und Malakka. Die Angaben über China sind aus zweiter Hand].
Publication / Pire-Ramu1
12 1588
Candish, Thomas [Cavendish, Thomas]. Certain notes or references taken out of the large map of China. In : Hakluyt's principal navigations ; vol. 11 (1588). [Liste von chinesischen Provinzen].
Publication / Cand1
13 1589
Martinez, Pedro. Sendtschreiben auss den weitverhümpten Landschafften China, Japon un[d] India, dess sechs vnnd achtzigisten, vnnd siben vnd achtzigisten Jahrs : sampt angehenckter Erzehlung eines mercklichen Schiffbruchs, wie in andern schreiben dess P. Petri Martonez an den ehrwürdigen P. General der Societet Iesv den 9 Decembris, Anno 1586 gethan, vermeldet wirdt. [Hrsg. von Christoph Rosenbusch]. (Dilingen : Johannem Mayer, 1589).
Avvisi della Cina et Giapone, del fine dell'anno 1586. (1588).
Publication / MartP1
14 1589
Hakluyt, Richard. The principall nauigations, voiages and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer land, to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500. yeeres: deuided into three seuerall parts, according to the positions of the regions wherunto they were directed. ... Whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the earth. By Richard Hakluyt Master of Artes, and student sometime of Christ-church in Oxford. (London : By George Bishop and Ralph Newberie, 1589).= Hakluyt, Richard. The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the English nation, made by sea or ouer-land, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1500. yeeres : deuided into three seuerall volumes, according to the positions of the regions, whereunto they were directed. By Richard Hakluyt, master of artes, and sometime student of Christ-church in Oxford. [Enlarged ed.]. Vol. 1-3. (London : George Bishop, Ralph Newberie, and Robert Barker, 1598-1600).
[Enthält] : An excellent treatise of the kingdome of China and of the estate and government thereof in Latin.
Publication / Hakl1
15 1589
Gonzàlez de Mendoza, Juan. Ein neuwe, kurze, hochwarhafftige Beschreibung dess Königreichs China : in hispanischer Sprach beschrieben, und nunmehr in hoch teutssch gebracht von Johann Kellner. (Franckfurt am Mayn : Sigmund Feyrabend, 1589).
Publication / Gonz3
16 1590
Sande, Duarte de. De missione legatorum Iaponensium ad Romanam Curiam ; rebusq in Europa, ac toto itinere animaduersis dialogus, ex ephemeride ipsorum legatorum collectus, & in sermonem Latinum versus. ([Macao] In Macaensi portu Sinici regni : In domo Societatis Iesu cum facultate Ordinarij, & Superiorum, 1590). [Vorwort : Valignano, Alessandro. Visitator Societatis Iesu in provincia Orientali (1589). Eines der ersten Werke in Latein, das in Macao gedruck wird].
Publication / SanDu1
17 1590
Marlowe, Christopher. Tamburlaine the Great : who, from a Scythian shephearde, by his rare and woonderfull conquests, became a most puissant and mightye monarque, and for his tyranny, and terrour in warre, was tearmed, The scourge of God : devided into two tragicall discourses. (London : Printed by Richard Jhones, 1590). (Three centuries of drama, English, 1516-1641). [Uraufführung 1987 in London].
Publication / Marl2
18 1590
An excellent treatise of the kingdome of China, and of the estate and gouernement thereof. Printed in Latine at Macao ... 1590, and written dialogue-wise. The speakers are Linus, Leo, and Michael. (Macao : [s.n.], 1590).
Publication / ExTre1
19 1590-1634
Bry, Theodor de. De Bry's collection of great and small voyages (grands et petits voyages). Collected and engraved by Theodor and Johann Theodor de Bry and Mathew Merian. [Enthält] : Huang Ming yi tong fang yu bei lan. Karte in Part 12 (1628). [Matthäus Merian].
Publication / Bry1
20 1591-1592
Botero, Giovanni. Delle relationi universali. Vol. 1-2. (Roma : 1. Ferrari, 2. Fasciotto, 1591-1592). [Enthält Eintragungen über China].
Publication / BotG1

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