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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2009
Lau Leung Che, Miriam. Passing three hurdles : representations of Henrik Ibsen's Nora in twentieth century Chinese theatre
Web / Ibs112
2 2009
Lim, Walter S.H. John Milton, Orientalism, and the empires of the East in Paradise Lost. In : The English renaissance, orientalism, and the idea of Asia. Debra Johanya, Walter S.H., editors. (New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).
Publication / Milt3
3 2009
Nash, Paul. 'Mi Li' revisited : Horace Walpole and the idea of China. In : Journal for eighteenth-century studies ; vol. 32, issue 2 (2009).
Publication / Walp5
4 2009
Gwee, Li Sui. Westward to the Orient : the specter of scientific China in Francis Bacon's New Atlantis. In : The English Renaissance, Orientalism, and the idea of Asia. Debra Johanyak, Walter S.H. Lim, eds. (Houndmills, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).
Publication / Baco2
5 2009
Kim, Sungmoon. Self-transformation and civil society : Lockean vs. Confucian. In : Dao ; vol. 8, issue 4 (2009). [Der Artikel wurde nicht aufgenommen, da sich John Locke nicht mit China befasst hat].
Publication / Lock3
6 2009
Chen, Qi. Aristocracy for the common people : Chinese commodities in Oscar Wilde's aestheticism. In : Victorian network ; vol. 1, no 1 (2009).
Publication / WilO8
7 2009
Li, Kay. Saint Joan from a Chinese angle : Shaw and the last emperor Henry Pu-yi Aisin-Gioro. In : Shaw : the annual of Bernard Shaw studies ; vol. 29 (2009).
Publication / Shaw65
8 2009
Zhu, Xuefeng ; Liu, Haiping. Eugene O'Neill as traditional Chinese theatre : adapting 'Desire under the elms'. In : Theatre research international ; vol. 34 (2009).
Publication / One54
9 2009
Xin ren wen zhu yi si chao : Baibide zai Zhongguo. Duan Huaiqing bian ; Tang Yijie shu. (Nanchang : Jiangxi gao xiao chu ban she, 2009). (Shi ji de hui xiang. Wai lai si chao juan). [New humanism, Babbitt in China].
新人文主义思潮 : 白璧德在中国
Publication / Babb36
10 2009
Wang, Dave. Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Chinese civilization.
Publication / Frank22
11 2009
Liu, Haoming. 'Pharmaka' and 'volgar' eloquio' : speech and ideogrammic writing in Ezra Pound's Canto XCVIII. In : Asia major; 3rd ser. ; vol. 22, pt. 2 (2009).
Publication / Pou39
12 2009
Qian, Zhaoming. Against anti-Confucianism : Ezra Pound's encounter/collision with a Chinese modernist. In : Orient and Orientalisms in US-American poetry and poetics. Sabine Sielke, Christian Kloeckner (eds.). (New York, N.Y. : P. Lang, 2009). (Transcription ; vol. 4).
Publication / Pou63
13 2009
Williams, R. John. Modernist scandals : Ezra Pound’s translations of 'the' Chinese poem. In : Orient and Orientalisms in US-American poetry and poetics. Sabine Sielke, Christian Kloeckner (eds.). (New York, N.Y. : P. Lang, 2009). (Transcription ; vol. 4).
Publication / Pou79
14 2009
Ginsberg, Allen ; Snyder, Gary. The selected letters of Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder. Ed. by Bill Morgan. (Berkeley, Calif. : Counter Point, 2009).
Publication / Sny5
15 2009
Tan, Joan Qionglin. Han Shan, Chan buddhism and Gary Snyder's ecopoetic way. (Brighton : Sussex Academic Press, 2009).
Publication / Sny16
16 2009
Tsai, Robin Cheng-hsing. The ethics of translation : Gary Snyder and Chinese literature. In : Ariel ; vol. 40, no 2-3 (2009).

Publication / Sny25
17 2009
Lee, Jung H. The moral power of Jim : a Mencian reading of 'Huckleberry Finn'. In : Asian philosophy ; vol. 19, no 2 (2009).
Publication / Twa23
18 2009
Amano, Kyoko. Bret Harte's "The heathen Chinee" in Horatio Alger, Jr.'s Pacific series. In : The journal of popular culture ; vol. 42, no 2 (2009).
Publication / HarB9
19 2009
Yang, Jincai. Chinese projections of Thoreau and his "Walden's" influence in China. In : Neohelicon ; vol. 36 (2009).
Publication / THD13
20 2009
Dollar, J. Gerald. In wildness is the preservation of China : Henry Thoreau, Gao Xingjian, and Jiang Rong. In : Neohelicon, 36, no. 2 (2009).
Publication / THD52

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