# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2008 |
Feuchtwang, Stephan |
Person / FeuS |
2 |
2008 |
Falkenheim, Victor C. |
Person / Fal |
3 |
2008 |
Fitzgerald, John http://www.latrobe.edu.au/socsci/staff/fitzgerald/fitzgerald.html |
Person / Fitz |
4 |
2008 |
Friedman, Edward |
Person / Fri |
5 |
2008 |
Dittmer, Jörg. Jaspers' Achsenzeit und das interkulturelle Gespräch : Überlegungen zur Relevanz eines revidierten Theorems. http://www.chairete.de/Beitrag/TA/jaspers_achsenzeit.pdf. |
Web / Jas24 |
6 |
2008 |
Selden, Mark |
Person / Sel |
7 |
2008 |
Wohlfart, Günter |
Person / Wohl |
8 |
2008 |
Palpant, Pierre. La Chine ancienne. http://classiques.uqac.ca/classiques/chine_ancienne/auteurs_chinois.html. |
Web / Palp |
9 |
2008 |
Pong, David |
Person / Pong |
10 |
2008 |
Frodsham, John : http://www.murdoch.edu.au/vco/secretariat/records/foundation_professors.html. |
Web / Frod |
11 |
2009 |
Alchemists, mediums, and magicians : stories of taoist mystics. Transl. and ed. by Thomas Cleary. (Boston : Shambhala, 2009). |
Publication / Clea11 |
12 |
2009 |
Military culture in imperial China. Ed. by Nicola Di Cosmo. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2009). |
Publication / DiCo9 |
13 |
2009 |
Diasporic histories : archives of Chinese transnationalism. Deborah Madsen and Andrea Riemenschnitter, ed.. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 2009). |
Publication / Rie1 |
14 |
2009 |
Lu, Lu. Karl Jaspers aus chinesischer Sicht. In : "Wahrheit ist, was uns verbindet" : Karl Jaspers' Kunst zu philosophieren. Hrsg. von Reinhard Schulz, Giandomenico Bonanni, Matthias Bomuth. (Göttingen : Wallstein Verlag, 2009). |
Publication / Jas8 |
15 |
2009 |
Grant, Beata. Eminent nuns : women Chan masters of seventeenth-century China. (Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press, 2009). |
Publication / GranB4 |
16 |
2009 |
Engels, Friedrich. [Bibliographie]. In : WorldCat. Stand : Februar 2009. 468 Titel Primärliteratur. 366 Titel Sekundärliteratur. http://firstsearch.oclc.org/WebZ/FSQUERY?format=BI:next=html/records.html:bad=html/records.html:numrecs=10:sessionid=fsapp4-54271-fr5xz5p7-31n5ua:entitypagenum=3:0:searchtype=advanced |
Web / Eng3 |
17 |
2009 |
Marx, Karl. [Bibliographie]. In : WorldCat. Stand : Februar 2009. 1605 Titel Primärliteratur. 481 Titel Sekundärliteratur. http://firstsearch.oclc.org/WebZ/FSQUERY?format=BI:next= html/records.html:bad=html/records.html:numrecs=10:sessionid =fsapp4-54271-fr5xz5p7-31n5ua:entitypagenum=3:0:searchtype =advanced. |
Web / Marx23 |
18 |
2009 |
Wang, Dong. A mirror of the localization of Marxist philosophy in China : the development and ten main proceedings of Marxist philosophy at Peking University : http://www.phil.pku.edu.cn/zxm/pdf/spec19.pdf. |
Web / WanD1 |
19 |
2009 |
Möller, Peter. Marxistische Theorie und realsozialistische Praxis : http://www.philolex.de/pstalin3.htmc. |
Web / Marx28 |
20 |
2009 |
Chen, Wei. Elunte yu zheng zhi de fu gui = Hannah Arendt and the recovery of the political. (Beijing : Fa lü chu ban she, 2008). (Fa zheng si xiang wen cong; Fa xue xue shu). 阿伦特与政治的复归 |
Publication / AreH17 |