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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2008
Cohen, Myron L.
Publication / Coh
2 2008
Coble, Parks M.
Publication / CobP
3 2008
Cohen, Paul A.
Person / CohP
4 2008
William Lancelot Holland (1907-2008) : In : H-Asia ; Aug. 12 (2008).
Web / HolW
5 2008
Wilkinson, Endymion
Person / WilkE
6 2008
Obituary of Antonio S. Cua : http://iscp-online.org/Cua%20Passes%20Away.htm.
Web / Cua1
7 2008
Cooper, Eugene
Publication / Coop
8 2008
Croizier, Ralph C.
Person / CroR
9 2008
Des Forges, Roger V.
Person / DesF
10 2008
Di Cosmo, Nicola
Person / DiCo
11 2008
Riemenschnitter, Andrea
Person / Rie
12 2008
Marchal, Kai. Annäherung an ein 'Anti-Europa' : Anmerkungen zur Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit chinesischer Philosophie in Deutschland :
Web / Heid8
13 2008
[Heidegger, Martin]. Lu biao. Mading Haidege yuan zhu ; Sun Zhouxing yi zhe. (Taibei : Shi bao wen hua chu ban qi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 1998). (Jin dai si xiang tu shu guan xi lie ; 41). Übersetzung von Heidegger, Martin. Wegmarken. (Frankfurt a.M. : Klostermann, 1967).
Publication / Heid22
14 2008
Wittern, Christian
Person / Wit
15 2008
Dien, Albert E.
Person / Dien
16 2008
National Library of Australia news ; vol. 19, no 2 (2008) : http://www.nla.gov.au/pub/nlanews/2008/dec08/dec08news.html.
. Fang Zhaoying].
Web / NLAN
17 2008
Dittmer, Lowell
Publication / Dit
18 2008
Duara, Prasenjit
Person / Dua
19 2008
Dunstan, Helen
Person / Dun
20 2008
Society for the Study of Early China
Organisation / SSEC

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