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“The popularity of Jane Eyre in China” (Publication, 2011)




Wu, Qinghong ; Huang, Lu. The popularity of Jane Eyre in China. In : Literature compass ; vol. 8, issue 8 (2011). [In der Datenbank wurden nur Daten bis 2000 aufgenommen].
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1741-4113.2011.00816.x/full. (Bron1)




Literature : Occident : Great Britain / References / Sources

Chronology Entries (9)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1917 Lin Deyu made a brief introduction of the Sisters Brontë in an article about Western women novelists.
2 1935-2000 Charlotte Brontë in China allgemein.
Wu Qinghong ; Huang Lu : The reason that Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë becomes a masterpiece of world literature is closely related to the Gothic techniques of Charlotte Brontë. She uses Gothic tradition to make the novel enveloped in somber, horrible, misery and bitter color, which arouses the horror and compassion of readers and increases the effect of the work. Gothic techniques highlight the personality of characters, glamorize the horrible atmosphere, deepen the theme of the work, thereby, make the work show unusual and unfailing artistic charm.
Some of the critics just discuss the religious and cultural factors of the novel. Most critics like to reinterpret Jane Eyre from the feminist perspective. They assert that Jane Eyre embodies the ideal of feminism which proclaims that women are born to be equal with men and encourages women to achieve their independence and freedom by subverting the patriarchy and by establishing an equitable world.
It is believed that the first Chinese readers of Jane Eyre were those who studied in the schools sponsored by Christian missionaries or those who went to Western countries at the end of the 19th century.
Soon after the translated version of Jane Eyre aroused immediate attention from Chinese critics. They all agreed, that Charlotte Brontë had originality and uniqueness, a vivid realistic description of life. Brontë was deemed to 'have too many desires and romantic ideas' and 'was determined to describe the social reality'.
The Chinese translators' efforts are obviously of great significance, since most of the readers only read the translated Chinese versions.
Until the beginning of the 20th century, young people still could not base their marriage on love, but on parent's decision under the constraints of the feudal social system in China ; women had no say at home, let alone in society ; the Chinese cultural tradition advocates collectivism instead of individualism ; under the extreme leftist communalists' political control in 1950s and 1960s, people could hardly maintain their personalities. When they finally come across Jane Eyre's story of romantic love, personal struggle in life and unique development of personality, they cannot suppress their emotion any more. They admire Jane's courage for pursuit of love and happiness, and wish to follow her example. Though the heroine Jane Eyre is a British girl, she has virtues which are in accordance with traditional Chinese ethics. Chinese people cherish friendship and will risk their lives for the sake of their friends. They are told by Confucius, one should show their love, benevolence, sympathy, charity, humanity and kindness to every human being. Jane's clear love and hatred, her fight against John Reed's violent tyrannies, and her aversion straight to Aunt Reed all prove she is a benevolent person. Though she is poor, she has a noble soul of self-respect, self-confidence and self-reliance. She behaves just as Chinese people usually believe : one should sometimes restrain their love for some moral considerations. After she inherits a large sum of money, she shares with her cousins. She certainly reminds Chinese people of their true hero who 'neither riches nor honors can corrupt him ; neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve from principle ; and neither threats nor forces can subdue him'.
3 1955 Commemoration of the centennial death of Charlotte Brontë. A Chinese magazine published the memorial articles from The Marxist quarterly (London), which remarked that Brontë 'might unconsciously turned out to be the representatives of thousands and millions of the unfortunate and the oppressed.
4 1958 Zhang, Xuexin. Lun xia lü di Bolangte de Jian Ai [ID D27992].
Sammlung von drei Artikeln von Professoren der Beijing-Universität und einer chinesischen Übersetzung eines russischen Vorwortes zur englischen Ausgabe von Jane Eyre von Charlotte Brontë 1958.
The basis tone oft he pamphlet was to criticize the capitalist social ideology conveyed in the novel in case that the Chinese readers may be corrupted and distracted from the socialist construction : 'It is hard for our generation to comprehend the happiness of love which the writer described in the novel. We are used to connecting the personal happiness with the collective and the whole society'. Jane Eyre could never find the right way to solve female problems completely for she did not devot herself into the course of working people.
5 1962 Xu, Guozhang. Ying yu. Vol. 1-2. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1962). [English textbook].
[Enthält eine Adaptation des ersten Kapitels von Jane Eyre von Charlotte Brontë].
Note : "Jane Eyre is a long novel which is quite successful in description of Jane Eyre's childhood. The heroine had a strong character in the beginning, but she gradually gave up her rebellion against feudel sexual discrimination and depended on the landlord Mr. Rochester by willingly being his wife".
6 1979 Wai guo ming zuo jia zhuan. Zhang Yinglun zhu bian [ID D14449].
Zhu Hong praised Charlotte Brontë for creating a new type of heroine who is a low born orphan but capable of the most sincere, delicate, and passionate emotions utterly distinct from the affected bourgeois ladies in popular novel ; yet at the same time, she also criticized Jane's
Victory, all the faborable outcomes for her, and the coincidences in the latter half of the novel as utter clichés of vulgar bourgesois novels.
7 1979 Film : Jane Eyre von Charlotte Brontë unter der Regie von Delbert Mann in China.
People were moved by the theme of love and humanity especially after they had long been taught to sacrifice their personal feeling fort he causes of proletariat revolution. Some influential newpapers and magazines published reader's reviews.
8 1987 Workshop über Jane Eyre von Charlotte Brontë und Wuthering Heights von Emily Brontë in Shanghai mit 37 Vertretern von über 10 chinesischen Universitäten.
9 1999 Guang ming ri bao ; 24 Sept. (1999).
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë was voted one of the top 50 books that have moved the People's Republic.

Sources (4)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1925 [Brontë, Charlotte]. Chong guang ji. Zhou Shoujuan yi. (Shanghai : Da dong shu ju, 1925). Adaptation einer Kurzfassung von Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre : an autobiography. Vol. 1-3. (London : Smith, Elder, 1847). [= Jian Ai].
Publication / Bron6
  • Cited by: Internet (Wichtige Adressen werden separat aufgeführt) (Int, Web)
  • Person: Brontë, Charlotte
  • Person: Zhou, Shoujuan
2 1958 Zhang, Xuexin. Lun xia lü di Bolangte de Jian Ai. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1958). [Abhandlung über Jane Eyre von Charlotte Brontë].
Publication / Bron3
3 1987 Zhu, Hong. "Jian Ai" yu fu nü yi shi. In : Henan da xue xue bao ; vol. 5 (1987). [Artikel über Jane Eyre von Charlotte Brontë].
Publication / Bron77
4 1988 Han, Mingzhong. Nü quan zhu yi wen ping : "Feng nü ren" yu "Jian Ai". In : Wai guo wen xue yan jiu ; vol. 1 (1988). [Artikel über Jane Eyre von Charlotte Brontë].
Publication / Bron69

Cited by (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2000- Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich Organisation / AOI
  • Cited by: Huppertz, Josefine ; Köster, Hermann. Kleine China-Beiträge. (St. Augustin : Selbstverlag, 1979). [Hermann Köster zum 75. Geburtstag].

    [Enthält : Ostasieneise von Wilhelm Schmidt 1935 von Josefine Huppertz ; Konfuzianismus von Xunzi von Hermann Köster]. (Huppe1, Published)