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Zhu, Naichang

(um 1987)


Index of Names : China

Bibliography (6)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1987 [Mansfield, Katherine]. Mansifei'erde duan pian xiao shuo san pian. Zhu Naichang ping zhu. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1987). (Xian dai Ying wen xuan ping zhu ; 2).
[Enthält] :
Yuan you hui. Übersetzung von Mansfield, Katherine. The garden party. Pt. 1-3. In : Saturday Westminster gazette ; vol. 59, nos 8917, 8923 (4, 11 Febr. 1922) ; Weekly Westminster gazette ; vol.1, no 1 (18 Febr. 1922).
Ta de di yi ge wu hui. Übersetzung von Mansfield, Katherine. Her first ball. In : Sphere ; vol. 87, no 1140A (28 Nov. 1921). 她的第一个舞会
Borui'er xiao jie. Übersetzung von Mansfield, Katherine. The young girl. In : Athenaeum ; no 4722 (Oct. 1920). 勃瑞尔小姐
Publication / Mans38
  • Cited by: Kirkpatrick, B.J. A bibliography of Katherine Mansfield. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1989). (Mans10, Published)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Mansfield, Katherine
2 1992-1999 Ying mei duan pian xiao shuo shang xi. Zhu Naichang bing zhu. Vol. 1-2. (Taibei : Shu lin chu ban you xian gong si, 1992-1999). (Ying you cong shu ; 45, 52). [Text in English ; commentary and annotation in Chinese].
[Enthält] :
Vol. 1
Bierce, Ambrose. An occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. In : The San Francisco examiner (1890).
Faulkner, William. A rose for Emily. In : Forum ; vol. 83, no 4 (April 1930).
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Young Goodman Brown. In : New England magazine ; April 1 (1835).
Joyce, James. Araby. In : Joyce, James. Dubliners. (London : G. Richards, 1914).
Lawrence, D.H. The horse dealer's daughter. In : The English review ; April (1922).
Updike, John. A & P. In : The New Yorker ; July 22 (1961).
Vol. 2
Mansfield, Katherine. The wind blows. In : Bliss and other stories. (London : Constable, 1920).
Mansfield, Katherine. The singing lesson. In : Sphere ; vol. 85, no 1109 (April 1921).
Mansfield, Katherine. The garden party. Pt. 1-3. In : Saturday Westminster gazette ; vol. 59, nos 8917, 8923 (4, 11 Febr. 1922) ; Weekly Westminster gazette ; vol.1, no 1 (18 Febr. 1922).
Mansfield, Katherine. Her first ball. In : Sphere ; vol. 87, no 1140A (28 Nov. 1921).
Mansfield, Katherine. Miss Brill. In : Athenaeum ; no 4726 (26 Nov. 1920).
Publication / Mans110
  • Cited by: Kirkpatrick, B.J. A bibliography of Katherine Mansfield. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1989). (Mans10, Published)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Bierce, Ambrose
  • Person: Faulkner, William
  • Person: Hawthorne, Nathaniel
  • Person: Joyce, James
  • Person: Lawrence, D.H.
  • Person: Mansfield, Katherine
  • Person: Updike, John
3 1993 [Woolf, Virginia]. Mei li jia ren Oulanduo. Weijiniya Wu'erfu yuan zhu ; Zhu Naichang yi. (Taibei : You shi wen hua shi ye gong si, 1993). (You shi dian ying guang chang ; 3). Übersetzung von Woolf, Virginia. Orlando : a biography. (London : Hogarth Press, 1928).
Publication / Woolf33
4 1993 [Cooper, James Fenimore]. Da di ying hao : zui hou de Moxigan ren. Kubai yuan zhu ; Zhu Naichang yi. (Taibei . Ye qiang chu ban Taibei xian xin dian shi, 1993). (Dian ying xiao shuo ; 5). Übersetzung von Cooper, James Fenimore. The last of the Mohicans. (Philadelphia : H.C. Carey & I. Lea, 1826).
大地英豪 : 最後的莫西干人
Publication / CooJ2
5 1993 [Hwang, David Henry]. Hu die jun. Daiwei Hengli Huang zhu ; Zhu Naichang yi. (Taibei : Yous hi wen hua shi ye gong si, 1993). (You shi dian ying guang chang ; 4). Übersetzung von Hwang, David Henry. M. Butterfly. (New York, N.Y. : New American Library, 1989).
Publication / Hwa1
6 2000 [Bagnold, Enid]. Yi bei shang de shou. Bagenuoerde ; Zhu Naichang, Zhu Haihong yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yuan dong chu ban she, 2000). [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
Publication / BagE1