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Legge, James

(Huntley, Schottland 1815-1897 Oxford) : Missionar London Missionary Society, Sinologe, Professor University of Oxford

Name Alternative(s)

Li Yage


Index of Names : Occident / Religion : Christianity / Sinology and Asian Studies : Europe : Great Britain

Chronology Entries (20)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1831-1835 James Legge studiert am King's College in Aberdeen.
  • Document: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Publication)
2 1835 James Legge promoviert am King's College in Aberdeen.
  • Document: Mapping meanings : the field of new learning in late Qing China. Ed. by Michael Lackner and Natascha Vittinghoff. (Leiden : Brill, 2004). (Sinica Leidensia ; vol. 64). (Mapp, Publication)
3 1835-1837 James Legge ist Lehrer am King's College in Aberdeen.
  • Document: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Publication)
4 1837-1839 James Legge studiert am Congregationalist Highbury Theological College in London.
  • Document: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Publication)
5 1839 James Legge heiratet Mary Isabella Morison.
6 1839 James Legge, William Charles Milne (2) und Benjamin Hobson verlassen London und gehen nach Malakka.
  • Document: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Publication)
  • Person: Hobson, Benjamin
  • Person: Milne, William Charles (2)
7 1840-1842 James Legge leitet für die London Missionary Society das Morrison College in Malakka.
  • Document: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Publication)
8 1843-1856 James Legge unterrichtet am Anglo-Chinese College in Hong Kong.
  • Document: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Publication)
9 1845 James Legge kehrt krankheitshalber nach Schottland zurück. (Wong
10 1846 James Legge reist nach England und stellt Alexander Wylie als Leiter der London Missionary Society Press in Shanghai an. Alexander Wylie lernt Drucker und Chinesisch.
11 1847-1856 James Legge kehrt nach Hong Kong zurück und unterrichtet am Anglo-Chinese College.
  • Document: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Publication)
12 1856-1860 James Legge übernimmt die Verantwortung der chinesischen und englischen Kapellen der London Missionary Society in Hong Kong und in den Aussenstationen Foshan und Boluo (Guangdong). Er beginnt an den Übersetzungen der chinesischen Klassiker zu arbeiten.
  • Document: Wong, Man Kong. British missionaries' approaches to modern China, 1807-1966 : a paper presented at ‚Missions, modernisation, colonisation and de-colonisation', seventh special session of the 19th International congress of historical sciences, Oslo University 2000.
    http://www.oslo2000.uio.no/program/papers/s7/s7-kwong.pdf. (Wong, Web)
13 1856 James Legge schliesst das Anglo-Chinese College in Hong Kong.
  • Document: Wong, Man Kong. British missionaries' approaches to modern China, 1807-1966 : a paper presented at ‚Missions, modernisation, colonisation and de-colonisation', seventh special session of the 19th International congress of historical sciences, Oslo University 2000.
    http://www.oslo2000.uio.no/program/papers/s7/s7-kwong.pdf. (Wong, Web)
14 1860-1873 James Legge distanziert sich von der London Missionary Society und ist für die Union Church tätig.
  • Document: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Publication)
15 1861 James Legge schreibt über Konfuzius : Ich bin ausserstande, ihn als einen grossen Mann anzusehen.
  • Document: Luo, Wei. "Fahrten bei geschlossener Tür" : Alfred Döblins Beschäftigung mit China und dem Konfuzianismus. (Frankfurt a.M. : P. Lang, 2003). (Europäische Hochschulschriften ; Reihe 1. Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, Bd. 1896). Diss. Beijing-Univ., 2003. S. 54-55. (Döb2, Publication)
16 1862 Wang Tao wird beschuldigt, einen Brief an die Taiping Rebellen geschickt zu haben und wird zum Tode verurteilt. Walter Henry Medhurst (2) gibt ihm Zuflucht im Britischen Konsulat in Shanghai bis zu seiner Ausreise nach Hong Kong. James Legge lädt ihn ein, ihm bei seinen Übersetzungen der Klassiker zu helfen und verschafft ihm eine Lehrstelle am Ying Hua College.
17 1867 Wang Tao verlässt China und hilft James Legge bei seinen Übersetzungen der chinesischen Klassiker.
18 1873 James Legge verlässt Hong Kong und kehrt über Shanghai, Yokohama und Amerika nach England zurück.
  • Document: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Publication)
19 1876-1897 James Legge ist Professor des neugeschaffenen Lehrstuhls für Chinesisch der University of Oxford.
  • Document: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Publication)
20 1893 James Legge ändert sein Urteil über Konfuzius und schreibt : Je mehr ich den Charakter und die Anschauungen des Konfuzius studiert habe, um so höher ist meine Achtung von ihm gestiegen. Er war ein grosser Mann, und sein Einfluss ist im Ganzen ein grosser Segen für die Chinesen gewesen, während seine Lehren wichtige Fingerzeige für uns selbst geben, die wir zur Schule Christi bekennen.
  • Document: Luo, Wei. "Fahrten bei geschlossener Tür" : Alfred Döblins Beschäftigung mit China und dem Konfuzianismus. (Frankfurt a.M. : P. Lang, 2003). (Europäische Hochschulschriften ; Reihe 1. Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, Bd. 1896). Diss. Beijing-Univ., 2003. S. 54-55. (Döb2, Publication)

Bibliography (18)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1841 Legge, James. A lexilogus of the English, Malay, and Chinese languages ; comprehending the vernacular idioms of the last in the Hok-keen and Canton dialects. (Malcca : Printed at the Anglo-Chinese College Press, 1841). Publication / Leg3
2 1843 The rambles of the emperor Ching Tih in Këang Nan : a Chinese tale. Transl. by Tkin Shen ; with a preface by James Legge. Vol. 1-2. London Longman, 1843. [Zhengde].
Publication / Leg12
3 1850 Legge, James. An argument for Shang-te as the proper rendering of the words Elohim and Theos, in the Chinese language ; with strictures on the essay of bishop Boone in favour of the term shin, etc., etc. (Hong Kong : Printed at the Hong Kong Register Office, 1850). Publication / Leg2
  • Cited by: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Published)
4 1852 Legge, James. The notions of the Chinese concerning God and spirits : with an examination of the defense of an essay, on the proper rendering of words Elohim and Theos, into the Chinese language, by William J. Boone. (Hongkong : Printed at the Hongkong Register Office, 1852).
Publication / Leg5
  • Person: Boone, William Jones
5 1856 Legge, James. Zhi huan qi meng shu ke. (Hong Kong : Ying Hua shu yuan, 1856). Übersetzung von Baker, Charles. Graduated reading : comprising a circle of knowledge : in 200 lessons. (London : T. Varty, Educational Repository, 1848). [Die chinesische Übersetzung wird von der London Missionary Society in den Schulen Chinas verwendet].
Publication / Legg-Bake1
6 1859 Legge, James. The land of Sinim : a sermon preached in the Tabernacle, Moorfields, at the sixty-fifth anniversary of the London Missionary society. (London : John Snow, 1859). Publication / Leg1
  • Cited by: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Published)
7 1861-1872 The Chinese classics ; with a translation, critical and exegetial notes, prolegomens, and copious indexes. Translated by James Legge. Vol. 1-5. (Hong Kong : At the Author's ; London : Trübner, 1861-1872). Vol. 1 : Confucian analects [Lun yu] ; The great learning [Da xue] ; The doctrine of the mean [Zhong yong]. Vol. 2 : The works of Meng-tzu [Mengzi]. Vol. 3 : Shoo king or the book of historical documents [Shu jing]. Vol. 4 : The She king or the book of poetry [Shi jing]. Vol. 5 : The Ch'ung ts'ew with the Tso chuen. [Chun qiu ; Zuo zhuan].
Publication / Legg1
8 1866 Legge, James. Three weeks on the West River of Canton. Compiled from the journals of Dr. Legge, Dr. Palmer, and Tsang Kwei-Hwan. (Hongkong : De Souza, 1866). [Bericht der Bootsreise 1864 von Guangzhou nach Wuzhou].
Publication / Leg11
9 1867 Legge, James. The life and teachings of Confucius : with explanatory notes. (Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1867). (The Chinese classics ; vol. 1).
Publication / Legg12
10 1867 Confucius and the Chinese classics : readings in Chinese literature : selections from [James] Legge's translation of the Four books, and from various other sources. Ed. and compiled by Rev. A.W. Loomis. (San Francisco : A. Roman & Co., 1867). [Si shu].
Publication / Loom7
11 1877-1878 Legge, James. Imperial confucianism. Pt. 1-4. In : The China review ; 6 (1877-1878). Publication / Leg7
  • Cited by: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Published)
12 1877 Legge, James. Confucianism in relation to christianity : a paper read before the Missionary conference in Shanghai, on may 11th, 1877. (Shanghai : Kelly and Walsh ; London : Trübner, 1877).
Publication / Leg8
  • Cited by: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Published)
13 1882-1899 The sacred books of China : the texts of confucianism. Translated by James Legge. Vol. 1-4. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1882-1899). Pt. 1 : The Shû king ; The religious portions of the Shih king ; The Hsiâo king. Pt. 2 : The Yi king. Pt. 3-4 : The Li ki. [Shu jing ; Shi jing ; Xiao jing ; Yi jing ; Li ji]. Publication / Legg5
14 1886 Legge, James. A record of buddhistic kingdoms : being an account by the Chinese monk Fa-hien of his travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 389-414) in search of the buddhist books of discipline. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1886). [Faxian].
Publication / Leg6
  • Cited by: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Published)
  • Person: Faxian
15 1888 Legge, James. The Nestorian monument of Hsi-an fu in Shen-hsi, China, relating to the diffusion
of christianity in China in the seventh and eight centuries with the Chinese text of the
inscription, a translation, and notes and a lecture on the monument with a sketch of subsequent
christian missions in China and their present state
. (London : Trübner, 1888). [Xi'an
Publication / LJ1
16 1888 Legge, James. Christianity in China : nestorianism, roman catholicism, protestantism / christianity in China : a rendering of the nestorian tablet at Si-an-fu to commemorate christianity. (London : Trübner, 1888). [Xi'an]. Publication / Leg4
  • Cited by: Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. (Gir1, Published)
17 1888 Legge, James. The Nestorian monument of Hsi-an fu in Shen-hsi, China : relating to the diffusion of Christianity in China in the seventh and eighth centuries : with the Chinese text of the inscription, a translation, and notes, and a lecture on the monument, with a sketch of subsequent Christian missions in China and their present state. (London : Trübner & Co., 1888). Publication / Leg9
18 1891 The sacred books of China : the texts of taoism. Transl. by James Legge. Vol. 1-2. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1879-1894). Pt. 1 : The Tâo teh king : the writings of Kwang-taze : books I-XVII. Pt. 2 : The writings of Kwang-taze : books XVIII-XXXIII : the Thâi-shang, tractate of actions and their retributions : appendixes I-VIII. [Laozi. Dao de jing ; Zhuangzi ; Tai shang gan ying pian].
Publication / Legg2

Secondary Literature (2)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2002 Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. Publication / Gir1
  • Source: Legge, James. An argument for Shang-te as the proper rendering of the words Elohim and Theos, in the Chinese language ; with strictures on the essay of bishop Boone in favour of the term shin, etc., etc. (Hong Kong : Printed at the Hong Kong Register Office, 1850). (Leg2, Publication)
  • Source: Legge, James. The land of Sinim : a sermon preached in the Tabernacle, Moorfields, at the sixty-fifth anniversary of the London Missionary society. (London : John Snow, 1859). (Leg1, Publication)
  • Source: Legge, James. Imperial confucianism. Pt. 1-4. In : The China review ; 6 (1877-1878). (Leg7, Publication)
  • Source: Legge, James. Confucianism in relation to christianity : a paper read before the Missionary conference in Shanghai, on may 11th, 1877. (Shanghai : Kelly and Walsh ; London : Trübner, 1877).
    http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/100320724. (Leg8, Publication)
  • Source: Legge, James. A record of buddhistic kingdoms : being an account by the Chinese monk Fa-hien of his travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 389-414) in search of the buddhist books of discipline. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1886). [Faxian].
    https://archive.org/details/recordofbuddhist00fahsuoft. (Leg6, Publication)
  • Source: Legge, James. Christianity in China : nestorianism, roman catholicism, protestantism / christianity in China : a rendering of the nestorian tablet at Si-an-fu to commemorate christianity. (London : Trübner, 1888). [Xi'an]. (Leg4, Publication)
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Girardot, Norman J.
2 2005 Hon, Tze-ki. Constancy in change : a comparison of James Legge's and Richard Wilhelm's interpretations of the Yijing. In : Monumenta serica ¸vol. 53 (2005).
Publication / HonT1
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Hon, Tze-ki
  • Person: Wilhelm, Richard