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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2007
Fauduet, Louise. Napoléon François Libois : http://theses.enc.sorbonne.fr/document1082.html.
Publication / Lib10
2 2007
Yeh, Wen-hsin. Shanghai splendor : economic sentiments and the making of modern Chine, 1843-1949. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2007).
Publication / YehW3
3 2007
Arelli, Francesco d'. La Cina in Italia : una bibliografia dal 1899 al 1999. (Roma : Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, 2007). (Repertoria ac bibliographica ; vol. 2).
Publication / AreF1
4 2007
Miscellanea di studi in memoriam di Piero Corradini. A cura di Chiara Silvi Antonini. (Roma : Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2007).
Publication / Corr4
5 2007
Zheng, Kelu. 20 shi ji wai guo wen xue shi = A history of world literature in the 20th century. Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Fudan da xue chu ban she, 2007). (Wai guo wen xue xi lie jiao cai).
20 世纪外国文学史
Publication / ZheK3
6 2007
[Rolland, Romain]. Luoman Luolan du shu sui bi. Zheng Kelu yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai san lian shu dian, 2007). (Shi jie ming ren shu hua xi lie). [Übersetzung ausgewählter essays von Romain Rolland].
Publication / ZheK7
7 2007
[Truffaut, François]. Xiqukeke yu Telüfu dui hua lu. Fulangsuowa Telufu zhu ; Zheng Kelu yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai ren min chu ban she, 2007). Übersetzung von Truffaut, François. Hitchcock / Truffaut. Avec la collab. de Helen Scott. (Paris : Gallimard, 1993). [Entretiens Truffaut avec Hitchcock].
Publication / ZheK8
8 2007
Schuessler, Axel. ABC etymological dictionary of old Chinese. (Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press, 2007). (ABC Chinese dictionary series).
Publication / SchuA1
9 2007
Masini, Federico. Zhang Tongbing, Bai Hua, Liang Dongmei : impariamo il cinese : corso di lingua per studenti italiani. (Milano : Hoepli, 2007).
Publication / MasF6
10 2007
Lanciotti, Lionello. Ieri : la Cina. (Roma : Settimo siglio, 2007). (Orientalia ; 5). [Artikel aus Il giornale d'Italia 1957-1958].
Publication / Lanc7
11 2007
Passioni d'Oriente : eros ed emozioni nelle civiltà asiatiche, sezione Asia orientale : atti del convegno, Roma "La Sapienza", 29-31 maggio 2003. A cura di Paolo Santangelo. (Pisa : Accademia editoriale, 2007). (Rivista degli studi orientali).
Publication / San13
12 2007
Liu, Siyuan. Adaptation as appropriation : staging Western drama in the first Western-style theatres in Japan and China. In : Theatre journal ; vol. 59, no 3 (2007).
Publication / LiuS10
13 2007
Xie, Shaobo. Displacement, transformation, hybridization : translation and Chinese modernity. In : Neohelicon ; vol. 34 (2007).
Publication / XieS1
14 2007
Song, Xuezhi ; Xu, Jun. Sartre studies in China : from the new period to the new century. Wu Gang yi. In : Frontiers of literary studies in China ; vol. 1, no 2 (2007).
Publication / Sar5
15 2007
Wu, Gefei. Sartre's encounter with China : discovery and reconstruction of the human paradigm in new-era Chinese literature. In : Primerjalna knjizevnost, Ljubljana ; vol. 30, no 1 (2007).
Publication / Sar100
16 2007
Fleury, Hsiao Yuan. Héritage intellectuel de Romain Rolland en Chine. In : Europe : revue littéraire mensuelle ; année 85, no 942 (2007).
Publication / Rol6
17 2007
Davies, Gloria. Habermas in China : theory as catalyst. In : The China journal ; no 57 (2007).
Publication / Hab3
18 2007
Wilson, Francis. The dar side of utopia : misanthropy and the Chinese prelude to Defoe's lunar journey. In : Comparative critical studies ; vol. 4.2 (2007).
Publication / DefD3
19 2007
Watt, James. Thomas Percy, China, and the Gothic. In : The eighteenth century ; vol. 48, no 2 (2007).
Publication / PerT5
20 2007
Müller-Wolff, Susanne. Ein Landschaftsgarten im Ilmtal : die Geschichte des herzoglichen Parks in Weimar. (Köln : Böhlau, 2007). (Schriftenreihe des Freundeskreises Goethe-Nationalmuseum ; Bd. 3).
Publication / MülS1

1 2 ... 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 ... 2192 2193