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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2007
Pearce, Nick. A life in Peking : the Peabody albums. In : History of photography ; vol. 31, no 3 (2007).
Publication / Pea1
2 2007
Murray, Julia K. Mirror of morality : Chinese narrative illustration and confucian ideology. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawaii Press, 2007).
Publication / MurrJ4
3 2007
Nolan, Peter. WTO, globalization, and Coca-Cola and the transformation of the Chinese business system. (Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007).
Publication / Nol2
4 2007
Nolan, Peter. Integrating China : towards the coordinated market economy. (London : Anthem Press, 2007). (Anthem studies in development and globalization).
Publication / Nol4
5 2007
[Claudel, Paul]. Ren shi dong fang. Bao'er Keluodai'er zhu ; Xu Zhimian yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai ren min chu ban she, 2007). Übersetzung von Claudel, Paul. Connaissance de l'Est. (Paris : Mercure de France, 1900).
Publication / Clau5
6 2007
Laurence Picken. In : The Independent 31 march 2007
Web / Pick2
7 2007
Laurence Picken. In : Times online 24 march 2007 : http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article1560431.ece.
Web / Pick3
8 2007
China's rise and the balance of influence in Asia. Ed. by William W. Keller and Thomas G. Rawski. (Pittsburgh, Penn. : University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007).
Publication / RawT3
9 2007
Poor, Robert. Harrie A. Vanderstappen (1921-2007). In : Orientations ; vol. 38, no 4 (2007).
Publication / VaH6
10 2007
Rossabi, Morris. Mongols and global history. (New York, N.Y. : W.W. Norton, 2007).
Publication / RosM10
11 2007
Schoppa, R. Keith. East Asia : identities and change in the modern world, 1700-present. (Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007).
Publication / SchoR4
12 2007
Faure, David. Emperor and ancestor : state and lineage in South China. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2007).
Publication / FauD5
13 2007
Yu, Pauline. "Your alabaster in this porcelain" : Judith Gautier's "Le livre de jade". In : PMLA : Publication of the Modern Language Association of America ; vol. 122, no 2 (2007). = Yu, Pauline. Travels of a culture : Chinese poetry and the European imagination. In : Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society ; vol. 151, no 2 (2007).
Publication / GauJ6
14 2007
Jullien, François. Chemin faisant : connaître la Chine, relancer la philosophie. (Paris : Seuil, 2007). (L'ordre philosophique).
Publication / Jul34
15 2007
[Terrill, Ross]. Mao Zedong. Luosi Teli'er zhu ; Hu Weixiong, Zheng Yuchen yi. (Taibei : Bo ya shu wu you xian gong si, 2007). Übersetzung von Terrill, Ross. Mao : a biography. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Row, 1980).
Publication / Ter20
16 2007
[Ting, Pang-hsin]. Li shi ceng ci yu fang yan yan jiu = Chinese dialects and historical strata. Ding Bangxin zhu bian. (Shanghai : Shanghai jiao yu chu ban she, 2007).
Publication / Ting9
17 2007
[Tsien, Tsuen-hsuin]. Liu Mei za yi : liu shi nian lai Meiguo sheng huo de hui gu. Qian Cunxun zhu. (Taibei : Zhuan ji wen xue chu ban she gu fen you xian gong si, 2007). (Zhuan ji xi lie ; 11). [Biographie von Tsien Tsuen-hsuin].
留美雜憶 : 六十年來美國生活的回顧
Publication / TsiT4
18 2007
[Van de Ven, Hans J.] Zhongguo de min zu zhu yi he zhang zheng (1925-1945). Fang Dewan zhu ; Hu Yunhuan yi. (Beijing : Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian shu dian, 2007). Übersetzung von Van de Ven, Hans J. War and nationalism in China, 1925-1945. (London : RoutledgeCurzon, 2003). (RoutledgeCurzon studies in the modern history of Asia ; 10).
中国的民族主义和战争 (1925-1945)
Publication / Ven5
19 2007
Zhang, Longxi. Unexpected affinities : reading across cultures. (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2007). (Alexander lectures).
Publication / ZhaL13
20 2007
China's reforms and international political economy. Ed. by David Zweig and Chen Zhimin. (London : Routledge, 2007). (Routledge studies. China in transition ; 27).
Publication / ZD8

1 2 ... 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 ... 2192 2193