# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2007 |
Du, Lan. Fu'ertai shi dai. (Beijing : Dong fang chu ban she, 2007). (Ming ren yu shi dai). [Abhandlung über Voltaire]. 伏尔泰时代 |
Publication / Volt37 |
2 |
2007 |
Ye, Xiao. Zi you Zhongguo : Fu'ertai, Aitianpu lun "Zhongguo li yi zhi zheng". (Beijing : Qun yan chu ban she, 2007). [Abhandlung über Christentum, Missionen, Konfuzianismus, Voltaire, Etiemble]. 自由中国 : 伏尔泰艾田蒲论中国礼仪之争 |
Publication / Volt58 |
3 |
2007 |
Hershatter, Gail. Women in China's long twentieth century. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California, 2007). |
Publication / HerG2 |
4 |
2007 |
[Hevia, James L.]. Yingguo de ke ye : 19 shi ji Zhongguo de di guo zhu yi jiao cheng. He Weiya zhu ; Liu Tianlu, Deng Hongfeng yi. (Beijing : She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she, 2007). Übersetzung von Hevia, James L. English lessons : the pedagogy of imperialism in nineteenth-century China. (Durham, N.C. : Duke University Press, 2003). 英国的课业 : 19世纪中国的帝国主义教程 |
Publication / Hev6 |
5 |
2007 |
[Hymes, Robert P.]. Dao yu shu dao : Song dai yi lai de dao jiao, min jian xin yang he shen ling mo shi. Hanmingshi zhu ; Pi Qingsheng yi. (Nanjing : Jiangsu ren min chu ban she, 2007). (Hai wai Zhongguo yan jiu cong shu). Übersetzung von Hymes, Robert P. Way and byway : taoism, local religion, and models of divinity in Sung and modern China. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002). 道与庶道 : 宋代以来的道教民间信仰和神灵模式 |
Publication / Hym6 |
6 |
2007 |
[Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat de]. Lun fa de jing shen. Mengdesijiu zhu ; Shen Lin yi. (Beijing : Beijing chu ban she, 2007). (Jing dian tong du). Übersetzung von Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat de. L'esprit des lois. Vol. 1-2. Dalemberg. (Genève : Barrillot, 1748). = Vol. 1-3. Nouv. éd., rev. & augmentée par l'auteur, & de son Éloge par M. Dalemberg. (Amsterdam : Par la Compagnie, 1758). 论法的精神 |
Publication / Mon10 |
7 |
2007 |
Teiwes, Frederick C. ; Sun, Warren. The end of the Maoist era : Chinese politics during the twilight of the Cultural revolution, 1972-1976. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 2007). |
Publication / Tei4 |
8 |
2007 |
Knight, Nick. Rethinking Mao : explorations in Mao Zedong's thought. (Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, 2007). |
Publication / Kni5 |
9 |
2007 |
China-Japan relations in the twenty-first century : creating a future past ? Ed. by Michael Heazle, Nick Knight. (Cheltenham : E. Elgar, 2007). |
Publication / Kni7 |
10 |
2007 |
Shu xue qiang sheng ban. Ji chu ban. Kua guo yu yan jiao liu shi yan xue yuan zhu ; Ye Weiwen yi. (Taibei : Tian xia yuan jian chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 2007). (Ke xue tian di ; 97). Übersetzung von Who is Fourier ? : a mathematical adventure. Transnational College of LEX ; transl. by Alan Gleason. (Boston, Mass. : Language Research Foundation, 1995). [Charles Fourier]. 數學嗆聲班基礎班 |
Publication / FouC5 |
11 |
2007 |
Kinkley, Jeffrey C. Corruption and realism in late socialist China : the return of the political novel. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2007). |
Publication / Kink5 |
12 |
2007 |
Translating feminisms in China : a special issue of gender & history. Ed. by Dorothy Ko and Wang Zheng. (Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2007). |
Publication / KoD6 |
13 |
2007 |
Ko, Dorothy. Chan zu : "jin lian chong bai" sheng ji er shuai de yan bian. (Taibei : Zuo an wen hua, 2007). (Zuo biao ; 97). Übersetzung von Ko, Dorothy. Cinderella's sisters : a revisionist history of footbinding. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2005). (Philip E. Lilienthal Asian studies imprint). 纏足 : 金蓮崇拜盛極而衰的演變 |
Publication / KoD8 |
14 |
2007 |
Bailey, Alison. China : people, place, culture, history. Alison Bailey, Ronald Knapp [et al.]. (London : DK Publishing, 2007). |
Publication / Kna18 |
15 |
2007 |
[Huang, Ray]. Huang Renyu quan ji. Vol. 1-14. (Beijing : Jiu zhou chu ban she, 2007). [Werke]. 黃仁宇全集 |
Publication / HuaR14 |
16 |
2007 |
Lary, Diana. China's Republic. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007). (New approaches to Asian history). |
Publication / Lary3 |
17 |
2007 |
China at war : regions of China, 1937-1945. Ed. by Stephen R. MacKinnon, Diana Lary, and Ezra F. Vogel. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2007). |
Publication / Lary5 |
18 |
2007 |
The Chinese state at the borders. Ed. by Diana Lary. (Vancouver, B.C. : UBC Press, 2007). (Contemporary Chinese studies). |
Publication / Lary7 |
19 |
2007 |
Approches critiques de la mythologie chinoise. Sous la direction de Charles Le Blanc et Rémi Mathieu. (Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2007). (Sociétés et cultures de l'Asie). |
Publication / LeB6 |
20 |
2007 |
Le Blanc, Charles. Profession, sinologue. (Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2007). |
Publication / LeB8 |