# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
1999 |
Yang, Lian. Where the sea stands still : new poems. Transl. by Brian Holton. (Newcastle upon Tyne : Bloodaxe Books, 1999). |
Publication / YangL5 |
2 |
1999 |
Huang, Weiping. Melancholie als Geste und Offenbarung zum Erzählwerk Zhang Ailings. (Bern : Lang, 1999). (Schweizer asiatische Studien. Monographien ; Bd. 40). Diss. Univ. Bern 1999. |
Publication / ZhaA3 |
3 |
1999 |
Zhu, Tianwen. Notes of a desolate man. Transl. by Howard Goldblatt and Sylvia Li-chun Lin. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1999). (Modern Chinese literature from Taiwan). Übersetzung von Zhu, Tianwen. Huang ren shou ji. (Taibei : Shi bao wen hua chu ban qi ye you xian gong si, 1994). 荒人手記 |
Publication / ZhuT1 |
4 |
1999 |
Yu, Dafu. La roccia dipinta : novelle. A cura di Mario Sabattini. (Venezia : Cafoscarina, 1999). (Cina e altri orienti ; 9). [Enthält] : Nostalgia (Huai xiang bing zhe). Notti inebrianti di primavera (Chung feng chen zui de wan shang). Un freddo pomeriggio (Qing leng de wu hou). |
Publication / SabM2 |
5 |
1999 |
Tamburello, Adolfo. Guida breve al mondo del buddhismo. (Napoli : Cuzzolin, 1999). (Pari e dispari ; 9). |
Publication / Tamb3 |
6 |
1999 |
Yu, Hua. Cronache di un venditore di sangue. Trad. di Maria Rita Masci. (Torino : Einaudi, 1999). (I coralli ; 102). Übersetzung von Yu, Hua. Xu Sanguan mai xue ji. (Nanjing : Jiangsu wen yi chu ban she ; Xianggang : Bo yi chu ban ji tuan you xian gong si, 1996). 許三觀賣血記 |
Publication / MasM25 |
7 |
1999 |
Ai, Qing. La mangiatoia. Trad. e cura di Anna Bujatti. (Novara : Interlinea, 1999). (Nativitas ; 17). |
Publication / AiQ11 |
8 |
1999 |
Ai, Qing. Morte di un nazareno. Trad. a cura di Anna Bujatti. (Novara : Interlinea, 1999). (Passio ; 18). |
Publication / AiQ12 |
9 |
1999 |
Wang, Meng. Volete mettere la zuppa agropiccante ? Ed. italiana a cura di Fiorenzo Lafirenza. (Venezia : Marsilio, 1999). (Romanzi e racconti). |
Publication / WangM11 |
10 |
1999 |
Wang, Shuo. Metà fuoco, metà acqua : romanzo. Trad. di Rosa Lombardi. (Milano : Mondadori, 1999). (Scrittori italiani e stranieri). Übersetzung von Wang, Shuo. Yi ban shi hu yan, yi ban shi hai shui. (Beijing : Beijing shi fan da xue chu ban she, 1989). 一半是火焰一半是海水 |
Publication / WangS7 |
11 |
1999 |
Wang, Yinglin. Classico dei tre caratteri. A cura di Edoardo Fazzioli, Eileen Fazzioli. (Milano : La vita felice, 1999). (Civiltà antiche ; 2). [San zi jing]. |
Publication / WangY3 |
12 |
1999 |
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Ren wei shen me er huo. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Xu Haiyan yi (Taibei : Zhi wen, 1999). (Xin chao wen ku ; 366. Tuo'ersitai duan pian jie zuo xuan ; 1). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy]. 人為什麼而活 |
Publication / Tol105 |
13 |
1999 |
[Tolstoy, Leo]. San yin shi. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Geluobona [Dominic Groebner] hui tu ; Guo Enhui yi xie. (Xianggang : Shan bian chu ban she, 1999). (Da shi ming zuo hui ben). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Tri startsa. In : Niva ; no 13 (1886). = In : Tolstoy, Leo. Narodnyia legendy. (Moskva : Izd. Tva Rodnaia riech, 1916). = Tolstoy, Leo. The archbishop and the Three old men. Transl. by Rosamond Venning. (London : Eden, Remington & Co., 1893). 三隱士 |
Publication / Tol109 |
14 |
1999 |
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Sha zi Yifan. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Xu Haiyan yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen chu ban she, 1999). (Xin chao wen ku ; 367). [Übersetzung von Short stories von Tolstoy]. 傻子伊凡 |
Publication / Tol113 |
15 |
1999 |
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai de sang ge gu shi. Zhu Hui yi. (Chengdou : Sichuan ren min chu ban she, 1999). [Übersetzung von drei Erzählungen von Tolstoy]. 托尔斯泰的三个故事 |
Publication / Tol134 |
16 |
1999 |
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai jing xuan ji. Qian Shanxing bian xuan. (Jinan : Shandong wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Wai guo wen xue ming jia jing xuan shu xi). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Werke von Tolstoy]. 托尔斯泰精选集 |
Publication / Tol151 |
17 |
1999 |
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai si xiang xiao pin. Chen Jianhua bian. (Shanghai : Shanghai she hui ke xue yuan chu ban she, 1999). (Ming ren si xiang xiao pin cong shu). [Übersetzung von 55 Auszügen der Werke von Leo Tolstoy]. 托尔斯泰思想小品 |
Publication / Tol160 |
18 |
1999 |
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai yi ri yi shan. Liang Xiangmei yi. Vol. 1-4. (Taibei : Zhi wen chu ban she, 1999). (Xin chao wen ku ; 408-411). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Krug chtenia. (Moskva : Posrednik, 1910). = (New York, N.Y. : Izd. Obshchestvo "Vsemirnoe bratstvo", 1921). = Tolstoy, Leo. The pathway of life. Transl. by Archibald John Wolfe. (New York, N.Y. : International Book Publ. Co., 1919). = A calendar of wisdom : daily thoughts to nourish the soul. (New York, N.Y. : Scribner, 1997). [Geschrieben 1903-1910]. 托爾斯泰一日一善 |
Publication / Tol167 |
19 |
1999 |
Cao, Yongyang. Xin bian si de kuang wei. (Taibei : Zhi wen chu ban she, 1999). (Xin chao wen ku ; 268). [The experience of death by Leo Tolstoy]. 新編死的況味 |
Publication / Tol226 |
20 |
1999 |
Fang, Weijin ; Ye, Qin. Ai bi lian geng leng. (Beijing : Zhongguo dian ying chu ban she, 1999). [Abhandlung über Anna Karenina von Leo Tolstoy]. 爱比恋更冷 |
Publication / Tol239 |