# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
1999 |
Riccardi, Andrea. Roma e Pechino : la svolta extraeuropea di Benedetto XV. A cura di Agostino Giovagnoli. (Roma : Studium, 1999). (Religione e società ; 33). |
Publication / RiccA1 |
2 |
1999 |
Gisondi, Francesco Antonio. Michele Ruggeri S.J : missionario in Cina, primo sinologo europeo e poeta "cinese" (Spinazzola 1543-Salerno 1607). (Milano : Jaca Book, 1999). |
Publication / Gis1 |
3 |
1999 |
Conforti, Guido Maria. Il beato Guido Maria Conforti arcivescovo-vescovo di Parma : omelie e lettere, la guerra e una sconfitta, lettere a clero e popolo, capitolo cattedrale e proposta di compromesso, attività catechistica :1917. Introduzione, cronografia, appendici e indici di p. Franco Teodori.(Roma ; Città del Vaticano : Libreria editrice vaticana, 1999). |
Publication / ConfG1 |
4 |
1999 |
Adige, Zorzi. La Chiesa nascosta : un viaggio nella Cina cattolica. (Milano : Baldini & Castoldi, 1999). |
Publication / Adi1 |
5 |
1999 |
In forma di parole : un'altra Cina : poeti e narratori degli anni novanta. A cura di Claudia Pozzana e Alessandro Russo. (Bologna : Associazione culturale, 1999). (Poetare e pensare). |
Publication / PozC1 |
6 |
1999 |
[Petöfi, Sandor]. Peiduofei shi xuan. Xing Wangsheng yi. (Jinan : Shandong da xue chu ban she, 1999). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Gedichte von Petöfi]. 裴多菲诗选 |
Publication / Petö5 |
7 |
1999 |
Facey, Albert. Xing yun de yi sheng. (Beijing : Hua xia chu ban she, 1999). Übersetzung von Facey, Albert. A fortunate life. (Melbourne : Penguin Books Australia, 1981. [Autobiographie]. 幸運的一生 |
Publication / Fac1 |
8 |
1999 |
Short, Philip. Mao : a life. (London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1999). [Mao Zedong]. . |
Publication / Short2 |
9 |
1999 |
Chen Hsi-yuan. Confucianism encounters religion : the formation of religious discourse and the Confucian movement in modern China. Diss. Harvard Univ., 1999. |
Publication / ChenH2 |
10 |
1999 |
Ling, Oi Ki. The changing role of the British protestant missionaries in China, 1945–1952. (Madison, N.J. : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1999). |
Publication / LingO1 |
11 |
1999 |
Liu, Lydia He. Translingual practice : literature, national culture, and translated modernity : China, 1900–1937. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1995). |
Publication / LiuL2 |
12 |
1999 |
Pepper, Suzanne. Civil war in China : the political struggle, 1945–1949. (Lanham, M.D. : Rowman and Littlefield, 1999). |
Publication / Pepp1 |
13 |
1999 |
Report of the Select Committee on U.S. security and military/commercial concerns with the People's Republic of China : hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, first session, on May 26, 1999. (Washington, D.C. : Congressional Sales Office, 1999). https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/105th-congress/house-report/851. PDF |
Publication / Rep11 |
14 |
1999 |
Cadonna, Alfredo. India, Tibet, China : genesis and aspects of traditional narrative. (Firenze : L.S. Olschki, 1999). (Orientalia Venetiana ; 7). |
Publication / Cado4 |
15 |
1999 |
Hürsch, Erhard. China 1963-1998 : der gewundene Weg von der Dritten zur Zweiten Welt. (München : Herbis, 1999). [Bildband]. |
Publication / Hürsch2 |
16 |
1999 |
Stein, Stephan. Zwischen Heil und Heilung : zur frühen Tradition des Yangsheng in China. (Uelzen : Med.-Literarische Verl.-Ges., 1999). |
Publication / SteinS1 |
17 |
1999 |
Lindegger, Peter. Zur Kosmologie der Tibeter. (Rikon : Tibet-Institut, 1999). |
Publication / LindPe3 |
18 |
2000 |
Bauer, Wolfgang. Tsingtau 1914 bis 1931 : japanische Herrschaft, wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und die Rückkehr der deutschen Kaufleute. (München : Iudicium, 2000). [Qingdao]. |
Publication / Bau 4 |
19 |
2000 |
Bieg, Lutz. Martin Gimm - unverbesserlich... In : Ad seres et tungusos : Festschrift für Martin Gimm zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 25. Mai 1995. Hrsg. Von Lutz Bieg, Erling von Mende und Martina Siebert. (Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2000). (Opera sinologica ; 11). |
Publication / Bie 1 |
20 |
2000 |
Hammer, Christine. In memoriam : Professor Helmut Martin (Ma Hanmao 1940-1999). In : EACS newsletter ; no 21 (2000). |
Publication / Ham |