# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
1999 |
[Macdonald, Ross]. Dong xiang fei ba. Maitangna zhu ; Huang Cuihua yi. (Taibei : Yuan liu, 1999). (Mou sha zhuan men dian ; 33). Übersetzung von Macdonald, Ross. The moving target. (New York, N.Y. : A.A. Knopf, 1949). 動向飛靶 |
Publication / MacR2 |
2 |
1999 |
[Miller, Arthur]. Tui xiao yuan zhi si. Ase Mile zhu ; Ying Ruocheng yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo dui wai fan yi chu ban gong si, 1999). Übersetzung von Miller, Arthur. Death of a salesman. (New York, N.Y. : Viking Press, 1949). [Erstaufführung Morosco Theatre, Broadway, Febr. 10, 1949]. 推销员之死 |
Publication / MillA10 |
3 |
1999 |
[Miller, Henry ; Belmont, George]. Mian dui yi wei chao qi de ming ren. Beiermeng zhu ; Chen Cangduo yi. (Taibei : San chong shi, 1999). Übersetzung von Miller, Henry ; Belmont, Georges. Face to face with Henry Miller : conversations with Georges Balmont. (London : Sidgwick & Jackson, 1971). 面對一位超奇的名人 |
Publication / MillH5 |
4 |
1999 |
[Milne, A.A.]. Bai mu sen lin de yi tian. (Taibei : Quan mei, 1999). Übersetzung von Milne, A.A. Happy days. Written by Sarah Willson. (Los Angeles, Calif. : Mouse works, 1998). (Gian lift the flaps). Adaptation von Milne, A.A. Winnie-the-Pooh. (London : Methuen, 1926). 百畝森林的一天 |
Publication / MilA1 |
5 |
1999 |
[Milne, A.A.]. E meng bu ke pa. Kathleen W. Zoehfeld ; ill. by Robbin Cuddy. (Xianggang : Xin y wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 1999). (Xiao xiong Weini sheng huo xi lie). Übersetzung von Milne, A.A. Pooh's bad dream. (New York, N.Y. : Disney Press, 1998). Adaptation von Milne, A.A. Winnie-the-Pooh. (London : Methuen, 1926). 噩梦不可怕 |
Publication / MilA6 |
6 |
1999 |
[Milne, A.A.]. Pei wo kan yi sheng. Kathleen W. Zoehfeld ; ill. by Robbin Cuddy. (Xianggong : Xin ya wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 1999). (Xiao xiong Weini sheng huo xi lie). Übersetzung von Milne, A.A. Pooh plays doctor. (New York, N.Y. : Disney Press, 1997). Adaptation von Milne, A.A. Winnie-the-Pooh. (London : Methuen, 1926). |
Publication / MilA12 |
7 |
1999 |
[Milne, A.A.]. Shang xue zhen you qu. Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld ; ill. by Robbin Cuddy. (Hong Kong : Sun Ya, 1999). (Xiao xiong Weini sheng huo xi lie). Überswetzung von Milne, A.A. Pooh's first day of school. (New York, N.Y. : Disney Press, 1997). Adaptation von Milne, A.A. Winnie-the-Pooh. (London : Methuen, 1926). 上学真有趣 |
Publication / MilA15 |
8 |
1999 |
[Milne, A.A.]. Tiao tiao hu bu fu shu. (Hong Kong : Sun Ya, 1999). (Kuai le de xiao xiong Weini). Übersetzung von Milne, A.A. Tiggers hate to lose. (New York, N.Y. : Disney Press, 1999). Adaptation von Milne, A.A. Winnie-the-Pooh. (London : Methuen, 1926). |
Publication / MilA18 |
9 |
1999 |
[Milne, A.A.]. Wan pi di tiao tiao hu = Hun bi de tiao tiao hu. Adapted by Isabel Gaines. (Xianggang : Xin ya wen hua shi ye you cian gong si, 1999). (Kuai le de xiao xiong wei ni). (Disney's Winnie the Pooh first readers). Übersetzung von Milne, A.A. Bounce, tigger, bounce. Adapted by Isabel Gaines. (New York, N.Y. : Disney Press, 1998). Adaptation von Milne, A.A. Winnie-the-Pooh. (London : Methuen, 1926). 婚必的跳跳虎 |
Publication / MilA22 |
10 |
1999 |
[Milne, A.A.]. Weini de mi tang shu. Adapted by Isabel Gaines ; ill. by Nancy W. Stevenson. (Hong Kong : Sun Ya, 1999). Übersetzung von Milne, A.A. Pooh's honey tree. (New York, N.Y. : Disney Press, 1998). (Disney's Winnie the Pooh first readers). Adaptation von Milne, A.A. Winnie-the-Pooh. (London : Methuen, 1926). 維尼與蜜糖樹 |
Publication / MilA24 |
11 |
1999 |
[Milne, A.A.]. Xiao xin mo sheng ren. Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld ; ill by Robbin Cuddy. (Xianggong : Xin ya wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 1999). Übersetzung von Milne, A.A. Don't talk to strangers, Pooh! (New York, N.Y. : Disney Press, 1998). Adaptation von Milne, A.A. Winnie-the-Pooh. (London : Methuen, 1926). |
Publication / MilA25 |
12 |
1999 |
[Milne, A.A.]. Xiao ying xiong Weini. Isabel Gaines ; ill. by Studio Orlando. (Xianggang : Xin ya wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 1999). Übersetzung von Milne, A.A. Pooh's hero party. (New York, N.Y. : Disney Press, 1999). Adpatation von Milne, A.A. Winnie-the-Pooh. (London : Methuen, 1926). 小英維尼的 |
Publication / MilA27 |
13 |
1999 |
[Milne, A.A.]. Xiao xiong Wenni Pu. A.A. Mi'eren zhu ; Li Dianru yi. (Haikou : Nan hai chu ban gong si, 1999). (Shi jie er tong wen xue ming zhu). Übersetzung von Milne, A.A. Winnie-the-Pooh. (London : Methuen, 1926). 小熊温尼菩 |
Publication / MilA29 |
14 |
1999 |
[Milne, A.A.]. Xun zhao fu huo dan. (Hong Kong : Sun Ya, 1999). Übersetzung von Milne, A.A. Pooh's Easter egg hunt. By Isabel Gaines ; Ill. by Studio Orlando. (New York, N.Y. : Disney Press, 1999). Disney's Winnie the Pooh first readers). Adaptation von von Milne, A.A. Winnie-the-Pooh. (London : Methuen, 1926). |
Publication / MilA31 |
15 |
1999 |
[Mitchell, Margaret. Piao. Magelite Miqie'er ; Huang Jianren yi. (Guilin : Lijiang chu ban she, 1999). Übersetzung von Mitchell, Margaret. Gone with the wind. (New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1936). 飘 |
Publication / Mit10 |
16 |
1999 |
Wang, Shouren ; Wu, Xinyun. Xing bie, zhong zu, wen hua : Tuoni Molisen yu er shi shi ji Meiguo hei ren wen xue. (Beijing : Beijing da xue chu ban she, 1999). [Abhandlung über Toni Morrison]. 性別种族文化 : 托妮莫里森与二十世纪美国黑人文学 |
Publication / MorT6 |
17 |
1999 |
[Nabokov, Vladimir]. Fang shou. Nabokefu ; Chen Lanlan, Yue Chong yi. (Changchun : Shi dai wen yi chu ban she, 1999). Übersetzung von Sirin, V. [Nabokov, Vladimir]. Zashchita Luzhina. In : Sovremennye zapiski (1930). = (Berlin : Knigoizdatel'stvo "Slovo", 1930). = Nabokov, Vladimir. The defense. (New York, N.Y. : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1964). 防守 |
Publication / Nab2 |
18 |
1999 |
[Nabokov, Vladimir]. Nabokefu xiao shuo quan ji. Mei Shaowu deng yi. Vol. 1-4. (Changchun : Shi dai wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Ju jiang cong shu). 纳博科夫小说全集第二辑 Vol. 1 : Wei an de huo. Mei Shaowu yi. Übersetzung von Nabokov, Vladimir. Pale fire : a novel. (New York, N.Y. : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1962). 微暗的火 Vol. 2 : Jue wang. Chang Li, Che Zhenhua yi. Übersetzung von Nabokov, Vladimir. Otchayanie. In : Sovremennye zapiski (1934). = (Berlin : Petropolis, 1936). = Nabokov, Vladimir. Despair. (London : John Long, 1937). = (New York, N.Y. : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1965). 绝望 Vol. 3 : Fang shou. Chen Lanlan, Yue Chong yi. Übersetzung von Sirin, V. [Nabokov, Vladimir]. Zashchita Luzhina. In : Sovremennye zapiski (1930). = (Berlin : Knigoizdatel'stvo "Slovo", 1930). = Nabokov, Vladimir. The defense. (New York, N.Y. : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1964). 防守 Vol. 4 : Zhan shou de yao qing. Cui Hongguo, Jiang Lizhu yi. Übersetzung von Nabokov, Vladimir. Priglashenie na kazn. In : Sovremennye zapiski, 1935-1936. = (Paris : Impr. L. Beresniak, 1938) = Nabokov, Vladimir. Invitation to a beheading. (New York, N.Y. : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1959). 斩首的邀请 |
Publication / Nab4 |
19 |
1999 |
[Nabokov, Vladimir]. Jue wang. Nabokefu zhu ; Chang Li, Che Zhenhua yi. (Changchun : Shi dai wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Ju jiang cong shu ; 5, 2. Nabokefu xiao shuo quan ji). Übersetzung von Nabokov, Vladimir. Otchayanie. In : Sovremennye zapiski (1934). = (Berlin : Petropolis, 1936). = Nabokov, Vladimir. Despair. (London : John Long, 1937). = (New York, N.Y. : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1965). 绝望 |
Publication / Nab8 |
20 |
1999 |
[Nabokov, Vladimir]. Wei an de huo. Nabokefu zhu ; Mei Shaowu yi. (Changchun : Shi dai wen yi chu ban she, 1999). Ju jiang cong shu. Nabokefu xiao shuo quan ji ; 2). Übersetzung von Nabokov, Vladimir. Pale fire : a novel. (New York, N.Y. : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1962). 微暗的火 |
Publication / Nab17 |