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Cheng, Fangwu

(Xinhua, Hunan 1897-1984) : Dichter, Schriftsteller, Dramatiker, Literaturtheoretiker


Index of Names : China / Literature : China / Periods : China : People's Republic (1949-) / Periods : China : Republic (1912-1949)

Chronology Entries (3)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1923 Cheng, Fangwu. On translating poetry [ID D38993].
… Translating a poem involves verbal transfer from one language to another. Yet because a poem as a totality has to be translated, a crucial point is that the end product should be a poem too. Some may translate a poem word by word, write out the lines separately and call it a translated poem. However, such a translation is only a translation of words, not a translation of a poem… A translated poem should be faithful to its original. A poem, in general terms, is made up of three components : content, emotion and form…
Thus, an ideal rendition of a poem should : 1) be a poem, 2) transmit the emotions of the original, 3) convey its content, and 4) retain its form… When translating a poem, a translator should lose himself in his objects, the poet ; he should merge with the poet as one person. He then expresses his simmering emotions with all his strength and honesty. Once when translation Shelley's poems, Guo Moruo said, 'To translate Shelley's poems is to turn me tino Shelley and Shelley into me'…
  • Document: Chan, Leo Tak-hung. Twentieth-century Chinese translation theory : modes, issues and debates. (Amsterdam : John Benjamins, 2004). (Benjamins translation library ; vol. 51).
    Table of contents :
    PART I
    1. The traditional approach: Impressionistic theories 3
    2. "Modern" theories of the 1920s and 30s 15
    3. Theories from a postcolonial perspective 29
    4. End of the century: The impact of "new theories" 43
    References for Chapters 1-4 6o
    A. Responses to Yan Fu 67
    1. Yan Fu: "Preface to Tianyanlun (Evolution and ethics)" (1901)
    Tr. C. Y. Hsu 69
    2. Zheng Zhenduo: "How to translate literary texts" (1921)
    Tr. Leo Chan 72
    3. Bian Zhilin: "Literary translation and sensitivity to language" (1983)
    Tr. Gilbert Fong 74
    4. Ye Weilian: "Debunking claims of Xin, Da and Ya" (1994)
    Tr. Ye Weilian 77
    Notes to Articles 1-4 89
    B. Spiritual resonance 91
    5. Chen Xiying: "On translation" (1929)
    Tr. Chapman Chen 93
    6. Zeng Xubai: "Spirit and fluency in translation" (1929)
    Tr. Chapman Chen 98
    7. Fu Lei: "Preface to the retranslation of Pere Goriot" (1951)
    Tr. May Wong 102
    8. Qian Zhongshu: "The translations of Lin Shu" (1963)
    Tr. George Kao 104
    Notes to Articles 5-8 115
    C. Art vs. science 121
    9. Zhu Guangqian: "On translation" (1944)
    Tr. Leo Chan 123
    10. Fu Lei: "Fragments of my translation experience" (1957)
    Tr. Leo Chan 126
    11. Huang Xuanfan: "Review of Si Guo's Studies of Translation" (1974)
    Tr. Matthew Leung 129
    12. Huang Xuanfan: "Translation and linguistic knowledge" (1974)
    Tr. Matthew Leung 134
    13. Jin Di: "The debate of art vs. science" (1987)
    Tr. Priscilla Yip 141
    Notes to Articles 9-13 147
    D. The language of translation 151
    14. Qu Qiubai: "On translation - A letter to Lu Xun" (1931)
    Tr. Yau Wai Ping 153
    15. Lu Xun: "A reply to Qu Qiubai" (1931)
    Tr. Leo Chan 158
    16. Qu Qiubai: "Again on translation - A reply to Lu Xun" (1932)
    Tr. Yau Wai Ping 162
    17. Fu Lei: "Letter to Lin Yiliang on translation" (1951)
    Tr. Sara Ho 168
    18. Yu Guangzhong: "Translation and creative writing" (1969)
    Tr. Leo Chan 173
    Notes to Articles 14-18 175
    E. Literal translation vs. sense-translation 179
    19. Liang Shiqiu: "On Mr. Lu Xun's 'Stiff translation"' (1929)
    Tr. Evangeline Almberg 181
    20. Lu Xun: "'Stiff translation' and the class nature of literature" (1930)
    Tr. Leo Chan 184
    21. Ye Gongchao, "On translation and language reform" (1931)
    Tr. Rachel Lung 188
    22. Mao Dun: "Literal translation, smooth translation, and distorted
    translation" (1934)
    Tr. Leo Chan 192
    23. Ai Siqi: "On translation" (1937)
    Tr. John Lai 195
    Notes to Articles 19-23 198
    F. The untranslatability of poetry 201
    24. Mao Dun: "Some thoughts on translating poetry" (1922)
    Tr. Brian Holton 203
    25. Cheng Fangwu: "On translating poetry" (1923)
    Tr. May Wong 208
    26. Bian Zhilin: "Translation and its positive/negative impact on
    modern Chinese poetry" (1987)
    Tr. Kellj Chan 211
    27. Gu Zhengkun: "On multiple complementary norms and the
    translation of poetry" (1990)
    Tr. Julie Chiu 214
    Notes to Articles 24-27 220
    G. Translation theory for China 223
    28. Dong Qiusi: "On building our translation theories" (1951)
    Tr. Tan Zaixi 225
    29. Luo Xinzhang: "Chinese translation theory, a system of its
    own" (1984)
    Tr. Tan Zaixi 230
    30. Liu Miqing: "The basic paradigm of Chinese translation
    theory" (1990)
    Tr. Han Yang 236
    31. Sun Zhili: "Some thoughts on building our nation's translation
    theory" (1998)
    Tr. Han Yang 240
    32. Lin Zhang: "On theories in translation studies" (1998)
    Tr. Leo Chan 244
    Notes to Articles 28-32 246
    H. Creativity and translation 249
    33. Zheng Zhenduo: "Virgins and matchmakers" (1921)
    Tr. Rachel Lung 251
    34. Guo Moruo: "Letter to Zheng Zhenduo" (1921)
    Tr. Rachel Lung 252
    35. Mao Dun: "The 'matchmaker' and the 'virgin"' (1934)
    Tr. Laurence Wong 254
    36. Fang Ping: "Miscellaneous thoughts on translation" (1995)
    Tr. Orlando Ho 257
    37. Xu Yuanchong: "Verbal translation and literary translation" (1995)
    Tr. Orlando Ho 261
    38. Xu Jun and Yuan Xiaoyi: "For the sake of our common cause" (1995)
    Tr. Orlando Ho 264
    Notes to Articles 33-38 268
    Index 271 S. 208-209. (ChanL1, Publication)
2 1924 Guo Moruo schreibt an Cheng Fangwu : Wir sind in der Zeit der grossen Revolution der Menschheit geboren... Ich bin jetzt ein radikaler Anähnger des Marxismus geworden. Der Marxismus ist für die Zeit, in der wir leben die einzige Erlösung... Ich habe mein früheres Denken, das tief im Individualismus wurzelte, ganz verändert.... Meine Auffassung von Literatur hat sich ebenfalls geändert... Die Literatur von heute ist unsere Literatur, die wir jetzt den Weg der Revolution gehen.
  • Document: Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig. Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur : die 3000jährige Entwicklung der poetischen, erzählenden und philosophisch-religiösen Literatur Chinas von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. (Bern ; München : Scherz, 1990). S. 515. (SH5, Publication)
  • Person: Guo, Moruo
3 1936 Cheng Fangwu schreibt in Zhongguo xin wen xue da xi [ID D11406] : Eine ideale Gedichtübersetzung müsste erstens selbst ein Gedicht sein, zweitens das Gemüt (qing xu) und drittens den Inhalt des Originals vermitteln, viertens sich die ursprüngliche Gestalt aneignen... Um in einer Übersetzung ein Gedicht zu schaffen bzw. das Gemüt des Originals zu vermitteln, können unter Umständen geringfügige Veränderungen in Inhalt und Gestalt verziehen werden, denn Poesie ist etwas, was über dem Inhalt steht, so dass wir das Nebensächliche nicht mit dem Westentlichen verwechseln dürfen.
  • Document: Fernöstliche Brückenschläge : zu deutsch-chinesischen Literaturbeziehungen im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. von Adrian Hsia und Sigfrid Hoefert. (Bern : P. Lang, 1992). (Euro-sinica ; Bd. 3). S. 79. (Hsia3, Publication)

Bibliography (3)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1923 Cheng, Fangwu. On translating poetry.
In : Chan, Leo Tak-hung. Twentieth-century Chinese translation theory : modes, issues and debates. (Amsterdam : John Benjamins, 2004).
Publication / ChenF1
  • Cited by: Chan, Leo Tak-hung. Twentieth-century Chinese translation theory : modes, issues and debates. (Amsterdam : John Benjamins, 2004). (Benjamins translation library ; vol. 51).
    Table of contents :
    PART I
    1. The traditional approach: Impressionistic theories 3
    2. "Modern" theories of the 1920s and 30s 15
    3. Theories from a postcolonial perspective 29
    4. End of the century: The impact of "new theories" 43
    References for Chapters 1-4 6o
    A. Responses to Yan Fu 67
    1. Yan Fu: "Preface to Tianyanlun (Evolution and ethics)" (1901)
    Tr. C. Y. Hsu 69
    2. Zheng Zhenduo: "How to translate literary texts" (1921)
    Tr. Leo Chan 72
    3. Bian Zhilin: "Literary translation and sensitivity to language" (1983)
    Tr. Gilbert Fong 74
    4. Ye Weilian: "Debunking claims of Xin, Da and Ya" (1994)
    Tr. Ye Weilian 77
    Notes to Articles 1-4 89
    B. Spiritual resonance 91
    5. Chen Xiying: "On translation" (1929)
    Tr. Chapman Chen 93
    6. Zeng Xubai: "Spirit and fluency in translation" (1929)
    Tr. Chapman Chen 98
    7. Fu Lei: "Preface to the retranslation of Pere Goriot" (1951)
    Tr. May Wong 102
    8. Qian Zhongshu: "The translations of Lin Shu" (1963)
    Tr. George Kao 104
    Notes to Articles 5-8 115
    C. Art vs. science 121
    9. Zhu Guangqian: "On translation" (1944)
    Tr. Leo Chan 123
    10. Fu Lei: "Fragments of my translation experience" (1957)
    Tr. Leo Chan 126
    11. Huang Xuanfan: "Review of Si Guo's Studies of Translation" (1974)
    Tr. Matthew Leung 129
    12. Huang Xuanfan: "Translation and linguistic knowledge" (1974)
    Tr. Matthew Leung 134
    13. Jin Di: "The debate of art vs. science" (1987)
    Tr. Priscilla Yip 141
    Notes to Articles 9-13 147
    D. The language of translation 151
    14. Qu Qiubai: "On translation - A letter to Lu Xun" (1931)
    Tr. Yau Wai Ping 153
    15. Lu Xun: "A reply to Qu Qiubai" (1931)
    Tr. Leo Chan 158
    16. Qu Qiubai: "Again on translation - A reply to Lu Xun" (1932)
    Tr. Yau Wai Ping 162
    17. Fu Lei: "Letter to Lin Yiliang on translation" (1951)
    Tr. Sara Ho 168
    18. Yu Guangzhong: "Translation and creative writing" (1969)
    Tr. Leo Chan 173
    Notes to Articles 14-18 175
    E. Literal translation vs. sense-translation 179
    19. Liang Shiqiu: "On Mr. Lu Xun's 'Stiff translation"' (1929)
    Tr. Evangeline Almberg 181
    20. Lu Xun: "'Stiff translation' and the class nature of literature" (1930)
    Tr. Leo Chan 184
    21. Ye Gongchao, "On translation and language reform" (1931)
    Tr. Rachel Lung 188
    22. Mao Dun: "Literal translation, smooth translation, and distorted
    translation" (1934)
    Tr. Leo Chan 192
    23. Ai Siqi: "On translation" (1937)
    Tr. John Lai 195
    Notes to Articles 19-23 198
    F. The untranslatability of poetry 201
    24. Mao Dun: "Some thoughts on translating poetry" (1922)
    Tr. Brian Holton 203
    25. Cheng Fangwu: "On translating poetry" (1923)
    Tr. May Wong 208
    26. Bian Zhilin: "Translation and its positive/negative impact on
    modern Chinese poetry" (1987)
    Tr. Kellj Chan 211
    27. Gu Zhengkun: "On multiple complementary norms and the
    translation of poetry" (1990)
    Tr. Julie Chiu 214
    Notes to Articles 24-27 220
    G. Translation theory for China 223
    28. Dong Qiusi: "On building our translation theories" (1951)
    Tr. Tan Zaixi 225
    29. Luo Xinzhang: "Chinese translation theory, a system of its
    own" (1984)
    Tr. Tan Zaixi 230
    30. Liu Miqing: "The basic paradigm of Chinese translation
    theory" (1990)
    Tr. Han Yang 236
    31. Sun Zhili: "Some thoughts on building our nation's translation
    theory" (1998)
    Tr. Han Yang 240
    32. Lin Zhang: "On theories in translation studies" (1998)
    Tr. Leo Chan 244
    Notes to Articles 28-32 246
    H. Creativity and translation 249
    33. Zheng Zhenduo: "Virgins and matchmakers" (1921)
    Tr. Rachel Lung 251
    34. Guo Moruo: "Letter to Zheng Zhenduo" (1921)
    Tr. Rachel Lung 252
    35. Mao Dun: "The 'matchmaker' and the 'virgin"' (1934)
    Tr. Laurence Wong 254
    36. Fang Ping: "Miscellaneous thoughts on translation" (1995)
    Tr. Orlando Ho 257
    37. Xu Yuanchong: "Verbal translation and literary translation" (1995)
    Tr. Orlando Ho 261
    38. Xu Jun and Yuan Xiaoyi: "For the sake of our common cause" (1995)
    Tr. Orlando Ho 264
    Notes to Articles 33-38 268
    Index 271 (ChanL1, Published)
2 1927 Deguo shi xuan. Guo Moruo, Cheng Fangwu yi. (Shanghai : Chuang zao she, 1927). [Ausgewählte Gedichte aus Deutschland]. Darin enthalten sind Gedichte von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich von Schiller, Heinrich Heine, Theodor Storm und Nikolaus Lenau.
Publication / Goe24
  • Cited by: Yip, Terry Siu-han. Test and contexts : Goethe's works in Chinese translation prior to 1985. In : Asian and African studies ; 6 (1997). (Yip1, Published)
  • Person: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
  • Person: Guo, Moruo
  • Person: Heine, Heinrich
  • Person: Lenau, Nikolaus
  • Person: Schiller, Friedrich von
  • Person: Storm, Theodor
3 1935-1936 Zhongguo xin wen xue da xi. Zhao Jiabi zhu bian. Vol. 1-10. (Shanghai : Liang you tu shu gong si, 1935-1936). [Enthält] : Cheng, Fangwu. Shi de fang yu zhang. [Umfassende Anthologie neuer chinesischer Literatur ; Zur Verteidigung der Poesie].
Publication / ZhaoJ1