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A, Ying

(1900-1977) : Schriftsteller

Name Alternative(s)

Qian, Xingcun
Qian, Qianwu


Index of Names : China

Chronology Entries (3)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1928 Qian, Xingcun [A, Ying]. Eluosi wen xue man ping. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 19, no 1 (1928).
Enthält : [On Arzybashev's Morning shadow].
"Artsybashev's description is a realistic reflection, a reflection of the literary trend that prevailed after the October Revolution. Sadness and despair reigned ; ghis is also a truthful reflection. A sense of despair and sadness also pervades the young Chinese following recent revolutionary events. It will ultimately be reflected in our own creative writings. For the time being, there is no need for such creations. For Artsybashev has already placed them before our eyes."
  • Document: Ng, Mau-sang. The Russian hero in modern Chinese fiction. (Hong Kong : The Chinese University Press, 1988). (SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture). S. 70-71. (Ng1, Publication)
  • Person: Artsybashev, Mikhail Petrovich
2 1956 A, Ying. Yibusheng di zuo pin zai Zhongguo [ID D26357].
A Ying schreibt : "For the purpose of commemorating Ibsen, a grand memorial ceremony was held in Beijing jointly by the Chinese People's Association for Foreign Cultural Exchanges, the Federation of Chinese Writers and Chinese Dramatists. A conference was also organized by the National Libraryof Beijing the the Peijing People's Cultural Centre. Meanwhile, there was an exhibition at the Nationa Library displaying pictures and books on Ibsen in different languages of the world. The People's Literature Publishing House reprinted the two-volume translation of Ibsen's works by Pan Jiaxun. Essays devoted to the memory of Ibsen appeared in many newspapers and journals. Such activities had never taken plac in China before.
Ibsen lived in the time when capitalism was developing. In his works a picture of the development of capitalism was provided. He was dissatisfied with the social phenomena of his time, and he, therefore, incisively exposed the dark sides of capitalist society. This was especially prominent in the third period of his works, which not only heightened Ibsen's reputation, but also exerted a great influence upon European literature. For instance, in The pilars of society, he unmasked the so-called pillars who were hypocrites and selfish. Ibsen purposedly mocked the socially superior and reputable classes which were expliting the masses. In A doll's hous, he again induced women to become independent persons, and not dolls. This play had a certain influence on the women who were fighting for their rights in Europe.
In his plays, a glimpse of the rebellious spirit against the society he lived in can be obtained. On the one hand, he coldly unravelled the ugliness of capitalist society. On the other, he also discovered that the labour movement and socialist movement in Scandinavia were about to develop. Hence, reflected in his later works is the idea that 'redemption of the world can only come from the labour classes'. From this idea sprang the six symbolist plays, among which were The lady from the sea and When we dead awaken.
Today the Chinese people begin to have a thorough understanding of Ibsen. We are no longer satisfied with the bourgeois viewpoints, prevalent in the May fourth period when Ibsen was introduced. Nor can we accept the anti-historical-materialistic view that Ibsen is greater than Shakespeare. Among those bourgeois critics, some have made much progress since and have obtained a new understanding of Ibsen ; yet there are sill some - for exemple Hu Shi, Lin Yutang and Luo Jialun - who have betrayed the Chinese people and Ibsen, and became the slaves of imperialism and counter-revolutionaires. Actually, even in the May fourth period, it had never occurred to them that the lasting brilliance of Ibsen as a great master of art lies chiefly in the fact that he was a patriot, in his unfailing effort in promoting world peace and welfare, and in his love of the cultural heritage of his home country. Through his works, he revealed without reservation the defects of capitalism and the corruption of the capitalists. It is for this reason that Ibsen will remain forever in the heart of the Chinese people."
  • Document: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China : reception and influence. (Urbana, Ill. : University of Illinois, Graduate College, 1984). Diss. Univ. of Illinois, 1984. S. 103-104, 110. (Ibs115, Publication)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
3 1956 A, Ying. Eluosi he Sulian wen xue zai Zhongguo. (1956). [Russian and Soviet literature in China]. [38168].
During the years of the War of Resistance against Japan and the War of Liberation in the struggle in the enemy's rear, the important spiritual sustenance (jingshen shiliang) in terms of literature was the translated literature of the Soviet war of defence. The dozens of volumes of Soviet Literature and Art (Sulian wenyi) and some separately published books became reading material that no intellectual in the Eighth and the Fourth armies could do without. Among them, A. Tolstoy's They Fought for the Motherland [the author was actually Mikhail Sholokhov; 1943], Simonov's Days and Nights [1943–44], Fadeev's The Young Guard [1945], Gorbatov's The Undefeatable [1943], Leonov's The Invasion [a play, 1942] and Simonov's Russian People [a play, same year], had a great effect helping us, in the rear, to persevere and trust in victory. Every one of these works’ heroes stood next to us as if alive, lived in our hearts and as a model encouraged each of us. However, in the rear one often had to move, and as people only had a single knapsack and it was difficult to carry these works around, many comrades had no choice but to cut off the books' borders and even do away with their covers ; having reduced their weight, they could then march with them.
  • Document: Gamsa, Mark. The reading of Russian literature of China : a moral example and manual of practice. (New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). S. 106. (Gam2, Publication)

Bibliography (8)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1930 A, Ying. Wen yi pi ping ji. (Shanghai : Shen zhou guo guang she, 1930). [Abhandlung über Henri Barbusse].
Publication / BarH3
2 1931 Qian, Xingcun [A, Ying]. Anteliefu ping zhuan. (Shanghai : Wen yi shu ju yin xing, 1931). [Einzige vollständige Studie über Leonid Nikaloevich Andreyev].
Publication / And63
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich
3 1932 [Gorky, Maksim]. Lao dong de yin yue. Gao'erji jie zuo ; Qian Qianwu [A, Ying] bian. (Shanghai : He zhong shu dian, 1932). [Über Musik].
Publication / Gork107
4 1937 [Gorky, Maksim]. Mu qin de jie hun. Gao'erji zhu ; Qian Qianwu [A Ying] yi. (Shanghai : Long hu shu dian, 1937). Übersetzung von Gorky, Maksim. Mat'. (Berlin : Ladyschnikow, 1907). = Mother. (New York, N.Y. : D. Appleton and Co., 1907). = Comrades. (London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1907). = La mère : roman. (Paris : F. Juven, 1907).
Publication / Gork126
5 1947 [Gorky, Maksim]. Gao'erji ming zhu jing xuan. Qian Qianwu [A Ying] xuan yi. (Shanghai : Xin lu shu ju, 1947). [Übersetzung ausgewählter Werke von Gorky].
Publication / Gork65
6 1948 [Gorky, Maksim]. Wo de jiao yu. Gao'erji zhu ; Qian Qianwu [A Ying] yi. (Shanghai : Xin lu shu ju, 1948). Übersetzung von Gorky, Maksim. Moi universitety. (Berlin : Verlag Kniga, 1923). = My universities. In : Autobiography of Maxim Gorky : My childhood ; In the world ; My universities. (New York, N.Y. : Citadel Press, 1919). = Souvenirs de ma vie literaire. (Paris : Kra, 1923).
Publication / Gork159
7 1956 A, Ying. Yibusheng di zuo pin zai Zhongguo. In : Wen xue cong bao ; no 17 (1956). [Ibsens Werke in China].
易卜生 迪作品 在中國
Publication / Ibs121
  • Cited by: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China : reception and influence. (Urbana, Ill. : University of Illinois, Graduate College, 1984). Diss. Univ. of Illinois, 1984. (Ibs115, Published)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
8 1956 A, Ying. Eluosi he Sulian wen xue zai Zhongguo. (1956). In : A Ying quan ji ; vol. 2. [Russian and Soviet literature in China]. Publication / AY1
  • Cited by: Gamsa, Mark. The reading of Russian literature of China : a moral example and manual of practice. (New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). (Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history). (Gam2, Published)