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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2004
Klein, Lucas. Original / translation : the aesthetic context of Kenneth Rexroth's translations of Du Fu and Li Qingzhao. (2004). [The article contains descriptions of the poems I pass the night at General Headquarters, To the tune 'Plum Blossoms Fall and Scatter', To the tune 'The Honor of a Fisherman'.]
Publication / Rex12
2 2004
Meng, Hao-jan [Meng, Haoran]. The mountain poems of Meng Hao-jan. Transl. by David Hinton. (New York, N.Y. : Archipelago Books, 2004).
Publication / Hint12
3 2004
Gimpel, Denise. Ruritanien in China : zur Übersetzung von Anthony Hopes "The prisoner of Zenda". In : Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung ; Bd. 28 (2004).
Publication / Hope2
4 2004
Notable relatives : Dr. Albert Menzo Dunlap.
Publication / DunA2
5 2004
Gier, Nicholas F. Whitehead, Confucius, and the aesthetics of virtue. In : Asian philosophy, vol. 14, no 2 (2004).
Publication / WhiA45
6 2004
Levering, Miriam. Jack Kerouac in Berkeley : reading The Dharma Bums as the work of a Buddhist writer. In : Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies ; 3rd series, no. 6 (Fall 2004).
Publication / Kero4
7 2004
Ciarla, Roberto ; Salviati, Filippo. Sulla via di Tianjin : mille anni di relazioni tra Italia e Cina : italiani in Cina ambasciatori di amicizia e di cultura : Pechino, Istituto italiano di cultura, 5 dicembre 2004-18 gennaio 2005. (Roma : IsIAO, 2004).
Publication / Cia9
8 2004
Smarani, Guido. La Cina del Novecento : dalla fine dell'Impero a oggi. (Torino : Einaudi, 2004). (Biblioteca di cultura storica ; 253).
Publication / Sama2
9 2004
Yu, Hua. Le cose del mondo sono fumo. A cura di Maria Rita Masci. (Torino : Einaudi, 2004). (L'Arcipelago Einaudi ; 50). Übersetzung von Yu, Hua. Shi shi ru yan. In : Shou huo ; 5 (1988). 世事如烟
Publication / MasM6
10 2004
Chekhov well remembered in Chinese plays. In : China daily (2004) :
Publication / Chek2
11 2004
Ribou, Marie-Hélène de. Les tapisseries de Beauvais. In : Kangxi, empereur de Chine : 1662-1722 : la cité interdite à Versailles. (Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux, 2004).
Publication / Rib2
12 2004
Chan, Leo Tak-hung. Twentieth-century Chinese translation theory : modes, issues and debates. (Amsterdam : John Benjamins, 2004). (Benjamins translation library ; vol. 51).
Table of contents :
1. The traditional approach: Impressionistic theories 3
2. "Modern" theories of the 1920s and 30s 15
3. Theories from a postcolonial perspective 29
4. End of the century: The impact of "new theories" 43
References for Chapters 1-4 6o
A. Responses to Yan Fu 67
1. Yan Fu: "Preface to Tianyanlun (Evolution and ethics)" (1901)
Tr. C. Y. Hsu 69
2. Zheng Zhenduo: "How to translate literary texts" (1921)
Tr. Leo Chan 72
3. Bian Zhilin: "Literary translation and sensitivity to language" (1983)
Tr. Gilbert Fong 74
4. Ye Weilian: "Debunking claims of Xin, Da and Ya" (1994)
Tr. Ye Weilian 77
Notes to Articles 1-4 89
B. Spiritual resonance 91
5. Chen Xiying: "On translation" (1929)
Tr. Chapman Chen 93
6. Zeng Xubai: "Spirit and fluency in translation" (1929)
Tr. Chapman Chen 98
7. Fu Lei: "Preface to the retranslation of Pere Goriot" (1951)
Tr. May Wong 102
8. Qian Zhongshu: "The translations of Lin Shu" (1963)
Tr. George Kao 104
Notes to Articles 5-8 115
C. Art vs. science 121
9. Zhu Guangqian: "On translation" (1944)
Tr. Leo Chan 123
10. Fu Lei: "Fragments of my translation experience" (1957)
Tr. Leo Chan 126
11. Huang Xuanfan: "Review of Si Guo's Studies of Translation" (1974)
Tr. Matthew Leung 129
12. Huang Xuanfan: "Translation and linguistic knowledge" (1974)
Tr. Matthew Leung 134
13. Jin Di: "The debate of art vs. science" (1987)
Tr. Priscilla Yip 141
Notes to Articles 9-13 147
D. The language of translation 151
14. Qu Qiubai: "On translation - A letter to Lu Xun" (1931)
Tr. Yau Wai Ping 153
15. Lu Xun: "A reply to Qu Qiubai" (1931)
Tr. Leo Chan 158
16. Qu Qiubai: "Again on translation - A reply to Lu Xun" (1932)
Tr. Yau Wai Ping 162
17. Fu Lei: "Letter to Lin Yiliang on translation" (1951)
Tr. Sara Ho 168
18. Yu Guangzhong: "Translation and creative writing" (1969)
Tr. Leo Chan 173
Notes to Articles 14-18 175
E. Literal translation vs. sense-translation 179
19. Liang Shiqiu: "On Mr. Lu Xun's 'Stiff translation"' (1929)
Tr. Evangeline Almberg 181
20. Lu Xun: "'Stiff translation' and the class nature of literature" (1930)
Tr. Leo Chan 184
21. Ye Gongchao, "On translation and language reform" (1931)
Tr. Rachel Lung 188
22. Mao Dun: "Literal translation, smooth translation, and distorted
translation" (1934)
Tr. Leo Chan 192
23. Ai Siqi: "On translation" (1937)
Tr. John Lai 195
Notes to Articles 19-23 198
F. The untranslatability of poetry 201
24. Mao Dun: "Some thoughts on translating poetry" (1922)
Tr. Brian Holton 203
25. Cheng Fangwu: "On translating poetry" (1923)
Tr. May Wong 208
26. Bian Zhilin: "Translation and its positive/negative impact on
modern Chinese poetry" (1987)
Tr. Kellj Chan 211
27. Gu Zhengkun: "On multiple complementary norms and the
translation of poetry" (1990)
Tr. Julie Chiu 214
Notes to Articles 24-27 220
G. Translation theory for China 223
28. Dong Qiusi: "On building our translation theories" (1951)
Tr. Tan Zaixi 225
29. Luo Xinzhang: "Chinese translation theory, a system of its
own" (1984)
Tr. Tan Zaixi 230
30. Liu Miqing: "The basic paradigm of Chinese translation
theory" (1990)
Tr. Han Yang 236
31. Sun Zhili: "Some thoughts on building our nation's translation
theory" (1998)
Tr. Han Yang 240
32. Lin Zhang: "On theories in translation studies" (1998)
Tr. Leo Chan 244
Notes to Articles 28-32 246
H. Creativity and translation 249
33. Zheng Zhenduo: "Virgins and matchmakers" (1921)
Tr. Rachel Lung 251
34. Guo Moruo: "Letter to Zheng Zhenduo" (1921)
Tr. Rachel Lung 252
35. Mao Dun: "The 'matchmaker' and the 'virgin"' (1934)
Tr. Laurence Wong 254
36. Fang Ping: "Miscellaneous thoughts on translation" (1995)
Tr. Orlando Ho 257
37. Xu Yuanchong: "Verbal translation and literary translation" (1995)
Tr. Orlando Ho 261
38. Xu Jun and Yuan Xiaoyi: "For the sake of our common cause" (1995)
Tr. Orlando Ho 264
Notes to Articles 33-38 268
Index 271
Publication / ChanL1
13 2004
Fan, Fa-ti. British naturalists in Qing China : science, empire, and cultural encounter. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2004).
Publication / FanF1
14 2004
Adshead, Samuel Adrian Miles. T'ang China : the rise of the East in world history. (Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004).
Publication / Ads5
15 2004
Leurquin, Jules. "C'est de Chine que je t'écris..." : Jules Leurquin, consul de France dans l'Empire du milieu au "temps des troubles" : (1909-1945). Boris Martin. (Paris : Seuil, 2004).
Publication / Leur1
16 2004
Lu, Suping They were in Nanjing : the Nanjing massacre witnessed by American and British nationals. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 2004).
Publication / LuS2
17 2004
Père Francis Lebreton : http://www.ville-martigneferchaud.fr/FCKeditor/UserFiles/Pere-Francis-Lebreton-missionnaire.pdf.
Publication / Lebr1
18 2004
Die Beziehungen zwischen China und Österreich / Botschaft der Volksrepublik China in der Republik Österreich : http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/ce/ceat/det/zagx/t104642.htm.
Publication / Öster3
19 2004
Australian Dictionary of Evangelical Biography : http://webjournals.ac.edu.au/ojs/index.php/ADEB.
Publication / ADEB
20 2004
Hultvall, John. Mission and change in Eastern Turkestan :

John Mission and revolution in Central £Asia :
Publication / Hult1

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