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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2004
Chang, Shuei-may. Casting off the shackles of family : Ibsen's Nora figure in modern Chinese literature, 1918-1942. (New York, N.Y. : P. Lang, 2004). (Studies on themes and motifs in literature ; vol. 31).
Publication / Ibs111
2 2004
Wordsworth, William. A translation into Chinese of William Wordsworth's "The prelude" (1850). Transl. by Aixue Wang. (Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, 2004). (Chinese studies ; vol. 35). Übersetzung von Wordsworth, William. The prelude, or Growth of a poet's mind : autobiographical poem. (London : E. Moxon, 1850).
Publication / Word19
3 2004
Han, Jiaming. Beyond ideology and utopia. [Robinson Crusoe von Daniel Defoe und Gulliver's travels von Jonathan Swift].
Web / DefD2
4 2004
Gálik, Márian. Influence, translation, and parallels : selected studies on the Bible in China. With an introd. by Irene Eber. (Sankt Augustin : Monumenta Serica Institute ; Nettetal : Steyler, 2004). (Collectanea serica).
Publication / Gal12
5 2004
Dalporto, Jeannie. The succession crisis and Elkanah Settle's 'The conquest of China by the Tartars'. In : The eighteenth century ; vol. 45, issue 2 (2004).
Publication / SetE2
6 2004
Chan, Leo Tak-hung. The poetics of recontextualization : intertextuality in a Chinese adaptive translation of The picture of Dorian Gray. In : Comparative literature studies ; vol. 41, no 4 (2004).
Publication / WilO3
7 2004
Xu, Xiaoqun. Cosmopolitanism, nationalism, and transnational networks : the Chenbao Fujuan, 1921-1928. In : The China review ; vol. 4, no 1 (2004). [Betr. Bertrand Russell].
Publication / Russ44
8 2004
Grange, Joseph. John Dewey, Confucius, and global philosophy. (Albany, N.Y. : State University of New York Press, 2004). (SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture).
Publication / DewJ178
9 2004
Tan, Sor-hoon. China's pragmatist experiment in democracy : Hu Shih's pragmatism and Dewey's influence in China. In : The range of pragmatism and the limits of philosophy. Ed. by Richard Shusterman. (Oxford : Blackwell, 2004).
Publication / DewJ184
10 2004
Ong, Chang Woei. Babbitt in China : 'Which West are you talking about ?' : Critical review : a unique model of conservatism in modern China. In : Humanitas ; vol. 17, no 1-2 (2004).
Publication / Babb22
11 2004
Bai, Liping. Babbitt in China : Babbitt's impact in China : the case of Liang Shiq8iu. In : Humanitas ; vol.l7, no 1-2 (2004).
Publication / Babb23
12 2004
Wu, Xuezhao. Babbitt in China : The birth of a Chinese cultural movement : letters between Babbitt and Wu Mi. In : Humanitas ; vol.l7, no 1-2 (2004).
Publication / Babb24
13 2004
Zhu, Shoutong. Babbitt in China : Chinese reactions to Babbitt : admiration, encumbrance, vilification. In : Humanitas ; vol.l7, no 1-2 (2004). http://www.nhinet.org/babbitt2.htm.
Publication / Babb25
14 2004
[Babbitt, Irving]. Wen xue yu Meiguo de da xue. Ouwen Baibide zhu ; Zhang Pei, Zhang Yuan yi. (Ouwen Baibide wen ji yi cong). (Beijing : Beijing da xue chu ban she, 2004). Übersetzung von Babbitt, Irving. Literature and the American college : essays in defense of the humanities. (Boston : H. Mifflin, 1908).
Publication / Babb32
15 2004
Zhang, Zao. Auf die Suche nach poetischer Modernität : die neue Lyrik Chinas nach 1949. Diss. Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 2004.
Publication / ZhanZ1
16 2004
Cheng, Aimin. Thoreau's Walden in the Global Community. In : The Concord Saunterer (2004).
Publication / THD54
17 2004
Jiang, Hong. Kaiselin Mansifei'erde zuo pin zhong de mao dun shen fen. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2004). [Abhandlung über Katherine Mansfield].
Publication / Mans122
18 2004
Yang, Jincai. Suoluo de dun shi yu rushi shi qing huai. In : Nanjing she hui ke xue ; vol. 12 (2004). [Henry David Thoreau's social withdrawal and political concerns]
Publication / THD77
19 2004
He, Chengzhou. Beikete de yuan xi ju yan jiu. In : Dang dai wai guo wen xue ; no. 3 (2004). [A probe into Samuel Beckett's meta-theatre].
Publication / Beck42
20 2004
Meyers, Jeffrey. Somerset Maugham : a life. (New York, N.Y. : Knopf, 2004). Kap. Malaya and China, 1919-1921.
Publication / Maug5

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