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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2004
Buddhist scriptures. Ed. by Donald S. Lopez. (London : Penguin, 2004). (Penguin classics).
Publication / Lop21
2 2004
Hsia, C.T. C.T. Hsia on Chinese literature. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University, 2004). (Masters of Chinese studies ; vol. 1).
Publication / HsiC4
3 2004
[Lau, Joseph S.M.]. Zai du Zhang Ailing. Liu Shaoming, Liang Bingjun, Xu Zidong bian. (Xianggang : Niu jin da xue chu ban she, 2002). (Yue de Zhang Ailing shu xi ; 1). [Abhandlung über Zhang Ailing].
Publication / LauJ22
4 2004-2005
Early Medieval China : a special issue in honor of of the sixtieth birthday of David R. Knechtges. Ed. by Alan Berkowitz, Robert Joe Cutter and Lai Chiu-mi. Vol. 10-11, no 1-2 (2004-2005).
Publication / Cut5
5 2004
McRae, John R. Seeing through Zen : encounter, transformation, and genealogy in Chinese Chan buddhism. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2004).
Publication / McR3
6 2004
The Sutra of queen Srimala of the lion's roar. Transl. from the Chinese by Diana Y. Paul. The Vimalakirti sutra. Transl. from the Chinese by John R. McRae. (Berekeley, Calif. : Numate Center for Buddhist Translaton and Research, 2004). (BDK English tripitaka ; 20-1, 26-1).
Publication / McR6
7 2004
[Murphey, Rhoads]. Ya zhou shi. Luozi Mofei zhu ; Huang Lin yi. (Haikou : Hainan chu ban she, 2004). (Gu shen tu shu). Übersetzung von Murphey, Rhoads. A history of Asia. (New York, N.Y. : HarperCollins, 1992).
Publication / Murp12
8 2004
Nolan, Peter. Transforming China : globalization, transition, and development. (London : Anthem Press, 2004). (Anthem studies in political economy and globalization).
Publication / Nol10
9 2004
Nolan, Peter. China at the corssroads. (Cambridge : Polity, 2004).
Publication / Nol11
10 2004-
Monde chinois. No 1 (2004)-. (Paris : Institut Choiseul pour la politique internationale et la géoéconomie, 2004-).
Periodical / Mon
11 2004
Yip, Po-ching ; Rimmington, Don. Chinese : a comprehensive grammar. (London : Routledge, 2004).
Publication / Rim2
12 2004
The macroeconomics of poverty reduction : the case of China. Nathalie Bouche, Carl Riskin [et al.]. (Beijing : UNDP, Asia-Pacific Regional Programme, 2004).
Publication / Ris6
13 2004
Rossabi, Morris. Governing China's multiethnic frontiers. (Seattle, Wash. : University of Washington Press, 2004). (Studies on ethnic groups in China).
Publication / RosM5
14 2004
Rozman, Gilbert. Northeast Asia's stunted regionalism : bilateral distrust in the shadow of globalization. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004).
Publication / Roz7
15 2004
Schoppa, R. Keith. Twentieth century China : a history in documents. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004). (Pages from history).
Publication / SchoR5
16 2004
The poetry of Zen. Ed. and transl. by Sam Hamill and J.P. Seaton. (Boston, Mass. : Shambhala, 2004). (Shambhala library).
Publication / Sea13
17 2004
Shun, Kwong-loi ; Wong, David B. Confucian ethics : a comparative study of self, autonomy, and community. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004).
Publication / Shun2
18 2004
Faure, David ; Lee, Pui-tak. Economy. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University, 2004). (Documentary history of Hong Kong).
Publication / FauD4
19 2004
Traumatic memory in Chinese history. Ed. by Lynn A. Struve. (Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University Press, 2004).
Publication / Stru2
20 2004
The Qing formation in world-historical time. Ed. by Lynn A. Struve. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, Harvard University Asia Center, 2004). (Harvard East Asian monographs ; 234).
Publication / Stru7

1 2 ... 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 ... 2192 2193