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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2004
After the rush : regulation, participation, and Chinese communities in Australia, 1860-1940. Ed. by Sophie Couchman, John Fitzgerald & Paul Macgregor. (Kingsbury, Vic. : Otherland Literary Journal, 2004). (Otherland literary journal ; no 9).
Publication / Fit7
2 2004
[Derrida, Jacques]. Husai'er « Ji he xue de qi yuan » yin lun. Yake Delida yuan zhu ; Fang Xianghong fan yi. (Nanjing : Nanjing da xue chu ban she, 2004). (Dang dai xue shu leng jing yi contg. Jing dian bu yi xi lie). Übersetzung der Einfühung von Husserl, Edmund. L’origine de la géométrie. Trad. et introd. Par Jacques Derrida. (Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1962). (Epiméthée : essais philosophiques).
Publication / Huss26
3 2004
Ni, Liangkang. Xian xiang xue de shi ji : dui Husai'er "Luo ji yan jiu" de li jie yu si kao. (Guangzhou : Guangdong ren min chu ban she, 2004). [Abhandlung über Logische Untersuchungen von Edmund Husserl].
现象学的始基 : 对胡塞尔逻辑研究的理解与思考
Publication / Huss39
4 2004
China's campaign to 'open up the West' : national, provincial and local perspectives. Ed. by David S.G. Goodman. (London : Cambridge University Press, 2004). (The China quarterly ; special issue, 178).
Publication / GoD21
5 2004
Ou, Liren. Xin yang de lei bi : Bate shen xue yu quan shi xue zhong de xiu zheng yu dian fu. (Hong Kong : Wen zi shi wu chu ban she, 2004). (Zhuang xiang = Retractatio ; 1). [Abhandlung über die Theologie von Karl Barth].
信仰的類比 : 巴特神學與詮釋學中的修正與顛覆
Publication / BarK12
6 2004
Chen, Ruiwen. Aduonuo mei xue lun : ping lun, mo ni yu fei tong yi xing : Essay on Adorno's aesthetics : critique, minesis and non-identity. (Taibei : Zuo an wen hua, 2004). (Zuo biao = Coordince ; 40).
阿多諾美學論 : 評論模擬與非同一性
Publication / Ado2
7 2004
Sun, Bin. Shou hu ye kong de xing zuo : mei xue wen ti zhong de T.W. Aduonuo. (Shanghai : Fudan da xue chu ban she, 2004). (Shanghai shi she hui ke xue bo shi wen ku). [Abhandlung über die Philosophie von Theodor W. Adorno].
守护夜空的星座 : 美学问题中的T.W.阿多诺
Publication / Ado14
8 2004
[Arendt, Hannah ; Blücher, Heinrich]. Hanna Alunte / hai yin li xi bu lu xi er shu xin ji. Keleer ; Sun Ailing, Zhao Weiwei yi. (Guiyang : Guizhou ren min chu ban she, 2004). Übersetzung von Arendt, Hannah ; Blücher, Heinrich. Hannah Arendt / Heinrich Blücher : Briefe 1936-1968. Hrsg. und mit einer Einf. von Lotte Köhler. (München : Piper, 1996).
Publication / AreH14
9 2004
[Hansen, Phillip Birger]. Li shi, zheng zhi yu gong min quan : Arendt zhuan. P. Hansen zhu ; Liu Jialin yi. (Nanjing : Jiangsu ren min chu ban she, 2004). (Xian dai si xiang yi cong. Di san ji). Übersetzung von Hansen, Phillip Birger. Hannah Arendt : politics, history and citizenship. (Cambridge : Polity Press ; Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1993). (Key contemporary thinkers).
历史政治与公民权 : 阿伦特传
Publication / AreH20
10 2004
[Honig, Emily]. Subei ren zai Shanghai, 1850-1980. Han Qilan zhu ; Lu Minghua yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, 2004). (Shanghai shi yan jiu yi cong. = Series of translation concering Shanghai history). Übersetzung von Honig, Emily. Creating Chinese ethnicity : Subei people in Shanghai, 1850-1980. (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 1992).
苏北人在上海, 1850-1980
Publication / HonH2
11 2004
Yang, Liansheng [Yang, Lien-sheng]. Hafo yi mo : Yang Liansheng shi wen jian. Jiang Li bian. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 2004).
哈佛遗墨 : 杨联陞诗
Publication / YanL16
12 2004
Schirokauer, Conrad ; Clark, Donald N. Modern East Asia : a brief history. (South Melbourne : Thomson/Wadsworth, 2004).
Publication / Schir6
13 2004
The minor arts of daily life : popular culture in Taiwan. Ed. by David K. Jordan, Andrew D. Morris, and Marc L. Moskowitz. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawaii Press, 2004).
Publication / JorD4
14 2004
Zhou, Ning. Shi ji Zhongguo chao. (Beijing : Xu yuan chu ban she, 2004). (Zhongguo xing xiang : xi fang de xue shuo yu chuan shuo = Western images of China ; 3). [Betr. Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste. Description géographique, historique, chronologique, politique et physique de l'empire de Chine].
Publication / DuH3
15 2004
[Le Comte, Louis]. Zhongguo jin shi bao dao, 1687-1692. Li Ming zhu ; Guo Qiang, Long Yun, Li Wei yi. (Zhengzhou : Da xiang chu ban she, 2004). (Guo jia Qing shi bian zuan wei yuan hui, bian yi cong kan). Übersetzung von Le Comte, Louis. Nouveaux mémoires sur l'état de la Chine. Par le P. Louis Le Comte de la compagnie de Jesus, Mathématicien du Roy. Vol. 1-3. (Paris : Chez Jean Anisson, 1696-1698).
中国近事报道, 1687-1692
Publication / LeC11
16 2004
Laing, Ellen Johnston. Selling happiness : calendar posters and visual culture in early twentieth-century Shanghai. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawai'i Press, 2004).
Publication / Lai2
17 2004
Laing, Ellen Johnston ; Liu, Helen Hui-ling. Up in flames : the ephemeral art of pasted-papersculpture in Taiwan. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2004).
Publication / Lai6
18 2004
Needham, Joseph. General conclusions and reflections. With the collab. of Kenneth Girdwood Robinson, Ray Huang. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004). (Science and civilisation in China ; vol. 7, pt. 2).
Publication / Nee51
19 2004
[Huang, Ray]. Da li shi bu hui wei suo. Huang Renyu zhu. (Duilin : Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2004). [Geschichte China 20. Jh.].
Publication / HuaR9
20 2004
Transnationalism and the Chinese press. Bryna Goodman, guest editor. (Hong Kong : Chinese University Press, 2004). (China review ; vol. 4, no 1).
Publication / GooB2

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