# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2003 |
Qin, Haiying. Segalen et la Chine : écriture intertextuelle et transculturelle. (Paris : L'Harmattan, 2003). |
Publication / Seg40 |
2 |
2003 |
Daniel, Yvan. Paul Claudel et l'Empire du Milieu. (Paris : Les Indes savantes, 2003). |
Publication / Clau24 |
3 |
2003 |
Rossabi, Morris. A history of China. (Oxford : Blackwell, 2003). |
Publication / RosM6 |
4 |
2003 |
Daniel, Yvan. "Oriens nomen ejus" (Zach. VI, 12) : les spiritualités asiatiques dans la pensée et l'oeuvre religieuse de Paul Claudel. In : Bulletin de la Société Paul Claudel ; no 171 (Oct. 2003). |
Publication / Clau28 |
5 |
2003 |
[Schiffrin, Harold Z.]. Ge ming xian qu : Sun Zhongshan zhuan. Shifulin zhu. (Changchun : Shi dai wen yi chu ban she, 2003). Übersetzung von Schiffrin, Harold Z. Sun Yat-sen : reluctant revolutionary. (Boston : Little, Brown, 1980). 革命先驱 : 孙中山传 |
Publication / SchiH8 |
6 |
2003 |
Faure, David. Colonialism and the Hong Kong mentality. (Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, Centre of Asian Studies, 2003). |
Publication / FauD3 |
7 |
2003 |
Hong Kong : a reader in social history. Ed. by David Faure. (Hong Kong : Oxford University Press, 2003). (Xianggang du ben xi lie). |
Publication / FauD7 |
8 |
2003 |
Ling, Mengchu. In the inner quarters : erotic stories from Ling Mengchu's Two slaps. Transl. by Lenny Hu ; in collab. with R.W.L. Guisso. (Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2003). |
Publication / GuiR5 |
9 |
2003 |
Terrill, Ross. The new Chinese empire, and what it means for the United States. (New York, N.Y. : Basic Books, 2003). |
Publication / Ter8 |
10 |
2003 |
Ding, Bangxin [Ting, Pang-hsin]. Yi bai nian qian de Suzhou hua = The Suzhou dialect at the beginning of the twentieth century. (Shanghai : Shanghai jiao yu chu ban she, 2003). 一百年前的蘇州話 |
Publication / Ting14 |
11 |
2003 |
Shao nian shi wu er shi shi. Ding Bangxin [Ting Pang-hsin] [et al.] zhu. (Taibei : Zheng zhong shu ju gu fen you xian gong si, 2003). (Zheng zhong jing dian xi lie. Sheng huo lie zhuan ; EB9). [Biographien von Taiwan]. 少年十五二十時 |
Publication / Ting18 |
12 |
2003 |
Van de Ven, Hans J. War and nationalism in China, 1925-1945. (London : RoutledgeCurzon, 2003). (RoutledgeCurzon studies in the modern history of Asia ; 10). |
Publication / Ven4 |
13 |
2003 |
Zhongguo xi ju shi tu jian. = Pictorial handbook of the history of Chinese drama. [Co-ed. of translation Judith T. Zeitlin]. (Beijing : Ren min yin yue chu ban she, 2003). 中国戏剧史图鉴 |
Publication / Zeit7 |
14 |
2003 |
Mercury rising : featuring contemporary poetry from Taiwan. Frank Stewart, editor ; Arthur Sze, Michelle Yeh, feature ed. ; photograph by Sergio Goes. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawai'i Press, 2003). (Manoa (Honolulu, Hawaii ; 1989) ; 15.1). |
Publication / Yeh5 |
15 |
2003 |
Heissig, Walther. Motive und Analysen mongolischer Märchen. (Wiesbaden : O. Harrassowitz, 2003). (Asiatische Forschungen ; Bd. 146). |
Publication / HeiW18 |
16 |
2003 |
Nani, Leone. Lost China : the photographs of Leone Nani. Ed. by Clara Bulfoni and Anna Pozzi. (Milan : Skira, 2003). |
Publication / Nani1 |
17 |
2003 |
Zheng, Kelu. Faguo wen xue shi = L'histoire de la littérature française. (Shanghai : Shanghai wai yu jiao yu chu ban she, 2003). 法囯文学史 |
Publication / ZheK10 |
18 |
2003 |
[Hugo, Victor]. Bei can shi jie. Yuguo zhu ; Zheng Kelu yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 2003). Übersetzung von Hugo, Victor. Les misérables. Vol. 1-5. (Paris : Pagnerre, 1862). 悲惨世界 |
Publication / ZheK15 |
19 |
2003 |
Reflections on Asia : essays in honour of Enrica Collotti Pischel. Ed. by Alessandra Cristina Lavagnino, Corrado Molteni, Francesco Montessoro. (Milano : Franco Angeli, 2003). |
Publication / Pis3 |
20 |
2003 |
Li, Ruru. Shashibiya : staging Shakespeare in China. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 2003). |
Publication / Shak8 |