# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2003 |
Gao, Xingjian. Il libro di un uomo solo. Trad. dal cinese di Alessandra C. Lavagnino. (Milano : Mondolibri, 2003). Übersetzung von Gao, Xingjian. Yi ge ren de sheng jing. (Taibei : Lian jing chu ban shi ye gong si, 1999). 一個人的聖經 |
Publication / Lav3 |
2 |
2003 |
Writing and materiality in China : essays in honor of Patrick Hanan. Ed. by Judith T. Zeitlin & Lydia H. Liu ; with Ellen Widmer. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Asia Center for Harvard-Yenching Institute, 2003). (Harvard-Yenching Institute monograph series ; 58). |
Publication / WidE10 |
3 |
2003 |
Lukin, Alexander. The bear watches the dragon : Russia's perceptions of China and the evolution of Russian-Chinese relations since the eighteenth century. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 2003). |
Publication / LukA1 |
4 |
2003 |
Cody, Jeffrey W. Striking a harmonious chord : foreign missionaries and Chinese-style buildings, 1911-1949. http://corbu2.caed.kent.edu/architronic/PDF/v5n3/v5n3_03.pdf. |
Publication / Cody1 |
5 |
2003 |
Ernest Colville Collins Wilton : https://www.dnw.co.uk/auction-archive/special-collections/lot.php?specialcollection_id=185&lot_id=89390. |
Publication / WiltE1 |
6 |
2003 |
La lettre de FranceChine : http://france.chine.free.fr/fichiers/lettresep2003.html. |
Publication / France3 |
7 |
2003 |
Inventory to the James B. Webster papers, 1894-2003 : http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf696nb1gb/entire_text/. |
Publication / WebJ1 |
8 |
2003 |
Bickers, Robert. Empire made me : an Englishman adrift in Shanghai. (London : A. Lane, 2003). |
Publication / BickR5 |
9 |
2003 |
Wang Shu : https://www.perlentaucher.de/buch/wang-shu/maos-mann-in-bonn.html. |
Publication / WangS2 |
10 |
2003 |
The history of the relations between the Low Countries and China in the Qing era (1644-1911). Ed. by W.F. Vande Walle ; co-editor, Noël Golvers (Leuven : Leuven University Press : Ferdinand Verbiest Foundation, 2003). (Louvain Chinese studies, 14). [Enthält] : I. Some lesser Known Contributions of Ferdinand Verbiest Verbiest, Spathar and Chrysanthos: The Spread of Verbiest's Science to Eastern Europe - E. Nicolaïdis An Evaluation of F. Verbiest's Account of his Journey to Manchuria in 1682, its Errors and Problems - T. Pang II. Antoine Thomas and the Society of Jesus in China Antoine Thomas's and George David's Maps of Asia - E. Lo Sardo The Role of Antoine Thomas, SJ, (1644-1709) in Determining the Terrestrial Meridian Line in Eighteenth-Century China - J.W. Witek Antoine Thomas, SJ, and his Mathematical Activities in China: A Preliminary Research through Chinese Sources - Han Qi Thomas and Tournon - Mission and Money - Cl. von Collani François Noël, SJ, and the Chinese Rites Controversy - P. Rule Deux Lazaristes, originaires de la région de Chimay, émissaires de Louis XVI à la cour impériale de Pékin: 1785-1812 - M.-J. Ghislain III. Dutch Qing Connections Missionaries, the Low Countries and their Dependencies, as Described in Xie Sui's Manchu "Pictures of Tribute-Bearers" - G. Stary Qing Dynasty China in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Literature: 1644-1700 - E. van Kley The Dutch Foundations of the Gützlaff Mission in China: 1823-1851 - J.G. and R.G. Lutz Missionary Relations between the Dutch East Indies and China: 1807-1942 - K. Steenbrink Shandong Missions and the Dutch Connection: 1860-1919 - R.G. Tiedemann IV. Scheut in China The Spread of the CICM Mission in the Apostolic Vacariate of Central Mongolia (1865-1911): a General Overview - S. Lievens "The Most Unfruitful Mission in the World" CICM Fathers Frans and Jozef Hoogers in Xinjiang: 1895-1922 - B. Gorissen Virgins in Central Mongolia - R. Renson The Religious Case of Fengzhen District. Reclamation and Missionary Activities in Caqar during the Late Qing Dynasty - P. Taveirne V. Belgium and Chinese Modernization Belgian Treaties with China and Japan under King Leopold I - W.F. Vande Walle Sino-Belgian Relations during the Reign of Leopold II: A Brief Historical Account Based on Chinese Documents - Lin Jinshui The Bejing-Hankou Railroad and Commercial Development in North China, 1905-1937: A Case-Study of the Impact of Belgian Investment in China - Chang Jui-te Les étudiants chinois en Begique de 1900 à 1940 - Cl. Soetens |
Publication / Walle1 |
11 |
2003 |
Kuzay, Stefan. The colloquial text collection of the Finish sinologist Hugo Lund In : Studia orientalia ; 97 (2003). https://journal.fi/store/article/view/41633. |
Publication / Lund2 |
12 |
2003 |
China-Australia. Compiled by State Council Information Office of People's Republic of China ; chief advisor : Zhao Qizheng ; chief editor : Guo Changjian. (Beijing : China Intercontinental Press, 2003). |
Publication / ChiAus |
13 |
2003 |
Ho, Peng Yoke. Chinese mathematical astrology : reaching out for the stars. (London : RoutledgeCurzon 2003). |
Publication / HPY2 |
14 |
2003 |
Kalvadona, Dana. Asijske divadlo na konci milenia. (Praha : Academia, 2003). [Artikel-Sammlung über Theater der Jahre 1961-2001]. |
Publication / Kalv7 |
15 |
2003 |
Studia Sinica et Tibetica : dedicated to Josef Kolmas to his 70th birthday. Ed. by Lygzima Chalupkova. (Praha : Academia Publ. House, 2003). (Archiv orientalni ; vol. 71, no 3 (2003). |
Publication / Kolm2 |
16 |
2003 |
Bien, Gloria |
Publication / Bien |
17 |
2003 |
Bergère, Marie-Claire |
Publication / BerM |
18 |
2003 |
Madsen, Richard. Catholic revival during the Reform era. In : China Quarterly ; vol. 174, no. 2 (June 2003). https://www.jstor.org/stable/20059004?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents. |
Publication / Mad7 |
19 |
2003 |
Hirsch, Klaus. Richard Wilhelm : Botschafter zweier Welten : Sinologe und Missionar zwischen Europa und China. (Frankfurt a.M. : Verlag für interkulturelle Kommunikation, 2003). |
Publication / WIR24 |
20 |
2003 |
Fiedeler, Frank. Yin und Yang : das kosmische Grundmuster in der Kultur Chinas. Kreuzlingen : Diederichs, 2003). (Diederichs gelbe Reihe China, Nr. 174). |
Publication / Fied5 |