# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2003 |
Santangelo, Paolo. Sentimental education in Chinese history : an interdisciplinary textual research on Ming and Qing sources. (Leiden : Brill, 2003). (Sinica Leidensia ; vol. 60). |
Publication / San21 |
2 |
2003 |
Vallina, Agustin Udias. Searching the heavens and the earth : the history of Jesuit observatories. (Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2003). (Astrophysics and space science library ; vol. 286). |
Publication / Vall1 |
3 |
2003 |
[Shakespeare, William]. Andongni yu Keliaopeitela. Weilian Shashibiya zhu ; Fang Ping yi. (Taibei : Mu ma wen hua chu ban, 2003). Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William. Antony and Cleopatra. In : Shakespeare, William. Comedies, histories, & tragedies. Published according to the true originall copies. (London : Printed by Isaac Jaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623). [Geschrieben um 1607]. 安東尼與克莉奧佩特拉 |
Publication / Shak40 |
4 |
2003 |
[Shakespeare, William]. Cuo jin cuo jue. Weilian Shashibiya zhu ; Fang Ping yi. (Taibei : Mu ma wen hua chu ban, 2003). Xin Shashibiya quan ji xi lie. Xi ju ; 4). Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William. The comedy of errors. In : Shakespeare, William. Comedies, histories, & tragedies. Published according to the true originall copies. (London : Printed by Isaac Jaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623). [Geschrieben um 1591]. 錯盡錯絶 |
Publication / Shak51 |
5 |
2003 |
[Shakespeare, William]. Licha san shi. Weilian Shashibiya zhu ; Fang Ping yi. (Taibei : Mu ma wen hua chu ban, 2003). (Xin Shashibiya quan ji xi lie. Li shi ju ; 7). Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of King Richard the third : Containing his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence: the pittiefull murther of his iunocent [sic] nephewes: his tyrannicall vsurpation: with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserued death. As it hath beene lately acted by the Right honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. (London : Printed by Valentine Simmes [and Peter Short], for Andrew Wise, dwelling in Paules Chuch-yard [sic], at the signe of the Angell, 1597). [Geschrieben um 1593]. 利查三世 |
Publication / Shak93 |
6 |
2003 |
[Shakespeare, William]. Lukelisi shi zhen ji ji qi ta. Weilian Shashibiya zhu ; Fang Ping, Tu An, Tu Di yi. (Taibei : Mu ma wen hua chu ban, 2003). (Xin Shashibiya quan ji. Xi lie ; 40). Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William. Lucrece = The rape of Lucrece. (London : Printed by Richard Field, for Iohn Harrison, and are to be sold at the signe of the white Greyhound in Paules Churh-yard [sic], 1594). 魯克麗絲失貞記及其他 |
Publication / Shak99 |
7 |
2003 |
[Shakespeare, William]. Peilikelisi. Weilian Shashibiya zhu ; Fang Ping, Zhang Chong yi. (Taibei : Mu ma wen hua chu ban, 2003). Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William. The late, and much admired play, called Pericles, Prince of Tyre : with the true relation of the whole historie, aduentures, and fortunes of the said prince : as also, the no lesse strange, and worthy accidents, in the birth and life, of his daughter Mariana ; as it hath been diuers and sundry times acted by his Maiesties seruants, at the Globe on the Banck-side. (London : Imprinted by William White and Thomas Creede for Henry Gosson, and are to be sold at the signe of the Sunne in Pater-noster Row, 1609). [Geschrieben um 1607]. 佩里克利斯 |
Publication / Shak122 |
8 |
2003 |
[Shakespeare, William]. Xin bai lin. Weilian Shashibiya zhu ; Fang Ping, Zhang Chong yi. (Taibei : Mu ma wen hua chu ban, 2003). (Xin Shashibiya quan ji xi lie. Chuan qi ju ; 35). Übersetzung von Hawkins, William. Cymbeline : a tragedy, altered from Shakespeare. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. (London : Printed for James Rivington and James Fletcher, 1859). 辛白林 |
Publication / Shak202 |
9 |
2003 |
[Shakespeare, William]. Yadian ren Taimen. Weilian Shashibiya zhu ; Fang Ping yi. (Taibei : Mu ma wen hua chu ban, 2003). (Xin Shashibiya quan ji xi lie. She hui wen ti ju ; 31). Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William. Timon of Athens. In : Shakespeare, William. Comedies, histories, & tragedies. Published according to the true originall copies. (London : Printed by Isaac Jaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623). [Geschrieben um 1606]. 雅典人泰門 |
Publication / Shak206 |
10 |
2003 |
[Shakespeare, William]. Zi zuo zi shou. Weilian Shashibiya zhu ; Fang Ping yi. (Taibei : Mu ma wen hua, 2003). Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William. Measure for measure. In : Shakespeare, William. Comedies, histories, & tragedies. Published according to the true originall copies. (London : Printed by Isaac Jaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623). [Geschrieben um 1604]. 自作自受 |
Publication / Shak231 |
11 |
2003 |
Gorissen, Bert. "The most unfruitful mission in the world" : CICM fathers Frans and Jozef Hoogers in Xinjiang 1895-1922). In : The history of the relations between the low countries and China in the Qing era (1644-1911). Ed. by W.F. Vande Walle. (Leuven : Leuven University Press, 2003). |
Publication / Hoo1 |
12 |
2003 |
Fang, Karen. Empire, Coleridge, and Charles Lamb's consumer imagination. In : Studies in English literature 1500-1900 ; vol. 43, no 4 (2003). http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/studies_in_english_literature/v043/43.4fang.html. |
Publication / Lamb8 |
13 |
2003 |
Zhou, Xiaoliang. China's reception of Hume. http://bic.cass.cn/english/infoShow/Arcitle_Show_Forum 2_Show.asp?ID=287&Title=The+Humanities+Study&str Navigation=Home-%3EForum&BigClassID=4&SmallClassID=8. |
Web / Hum1 |
14 |
2003 |
Chen, Wendi. A Fabian socialist in socialist China. In : Shaw : the annual of Bernard Shaw studies ; vol. 23 (2003). [Betr. George Bernard Shaw]. |
Publication / Shaw8 |
15 |
2003 |
Xu, Yibao. Bertrand Russell and the introduction of mathematical logic in China. In : History and philosophy of logic ; vol. 24, issue 3 (2003). http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0144534031000117105. |
Publication / Russ42 |
16 |
2003 |
Tan, Sor-hoon. Confucian democracy : a Deweyan reconstruction. (Albany, N.Y. : State University of New York Press, 2003). (Suny series in Chinese philosophy and culture). |
Publication / DewJ146 |
17 |
2003 |
Ames, Roger T. Confucianism and Deweyan pragmatism : a dialogue. In : Journal of Chinese philosophy ; vol. 30, no 3-4 (2003). http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1540-6253.00128/pdf. |
Publication / DewJ195 |
18 |
2003 |
Grange, Joseph. John Dewey and Confucius : ecological philosophers. In : Journal of Chinese philosophy ; vol. 30, no 3-4 (2003). http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1540-6253.00129/pdf. |
Publication / DewJ196 |
19 |
2003 |
Ren wen zhu yi : quan pan fan si. Meiguo "ren wen" za zhi she, san lian shu dian bian ji bu bian ; duo ren yi. (Beijing : Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian shu dian, 2003). [Humanitas : rethinking it all : Irving Babbitt]. 人文主义 : 全盘反思 |
Publication / Babb31 |
20 |
2003 |
Zhang, Yuan. Cong "ren wen zhu yi" dao "bao shou zhu yi" : "Xue heng" zhong de Baibide. (Beijing : Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian shu, 2003). (San lian. Hafo Yanjing xue shu cong shu). [From humanism to conservatism : Irving Babbitt]. 从人文主义到保守主义 : 学衡中的白璧德 |
Publication / Babb37 |