# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2000 |
[Cook, Vivian ; Newson, Mark]. Qiaomusiji de pu bian yu fa jiao cheng. Ning Chunyan dao du. (Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 2000). (Dang dai guo wai yu yan xue yu ying yong yu yan xue wen ku). Übersetzung von Cook, Vivian ; Newson, Mark. Chomsky's universal grammar : an introduction. (Oxfrod : Blackwell, 1996). 乔姆斯基的普遍语法敎程 |
Publication / Chom17 |
2 |
2000 |
Bei, Dao [Beidao]. Unlock poems. Transl. by Eliot Weinberger and Iona Man-Cheong. (New York, N.Y. : New Directions Publ. Corp., 2000). (New Directions paperbook ; 901). |
Publication / Bei1 |
3 |
2000 |
Zhao, Yiheng. Towards a modern Zen theatre : Gao Xingjian and Chinese theatre experimentalism. (London : School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 2000). |
Publication / GaoX16 |
4 |
2000 |
Gao, Xingjian. The case for literature. Transl. from the Chinese by Mabel Lee. (Stockholm : Nobel Foundation, 2000). [Essays]. |
Publication / GaoX17 |
5 |
2000 |
Gao Xingjian. Tuschmalerei 1983-1993. Morat-Institut für Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft. (Freiburg : Modo, 2000). [Katalog der Ausstellung 15.12.2000-14.1.2001]. |
Publication / GaoX18 |
6 |
2000 |
Gao, Xingjian. Die Busstation : lyrische Komödie aus dem Alltag in einem Aufzug. Aus dem Chinesischen übers. von Anja Gleboff. (Berlin : Henschel, 2000). Übersetzung von Gao, Xingjian. Che zhan. In : Shi yue : wen xue shuang yue kan ; no 3 (1983). |
Publication / GaoX20 |
7 |
2000 |
Leung, Ping-kwan [Liang, Bingjun]. Von Politik und den Früchten des Feldes : Gedichte. Aus dem Chinesischen und mit einem Nachw. Von Wolfgang Kubin. (Berlin : DAAD, Berliner Künstlerprogramm, 2000). |
Publication / LiaB4 |
8 |
2000 |
Shen, Shixi. The seventh hound. Painter Gao Rongsheng ; transl. by Cheng Qian. (North Bingzhou : Hope Publ. House, 2000). (Series of masterpeices of Chinese Children's Literature ; 2). Übersetzung von Shen, Shixi. Di qi tiao lie gou. (Taiyuan : Xi Wang chu ban she, 1998). 第七条猎狗 |
Publication / SheS1 |
9 |
2000 |
Tie, Ning. The bathing women. Transl. by Hongling Zhang and Jason Sommer. (London : Blue Door, 2000). Übersetzung von Tie, Ning. Da yu nü. (Shenyang : Chun feng wen yi chu ban she, 2000). 大浴女 |
Publication / TieN2 |
10 |
2000 |
Xi, Xi. Flying carpet : a tale of Fertillia : a novel. Transl. into English by Diana Yue. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 2000). Übersetzung von Xi, Xi. Fei zhan. (Taibei : Hong fan, 1996). 飛氈 |
Publication / XiXi1 |
11 |
2000 |
Yang, Lian. Yi. Transl. from the Chinese by Mabel Lee. (Los Angeles : Sun and Moon Press, 2000). [Gedichte in Englisch und Chinesisch]. |
Publication / YangL10 |
12 |
2000 |
Zhang, Ailing. Traces of love and other stories. Ed. by Eva Hung. (Hong Kong : Research Centre for Translation, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000). (Renditions paperbacks). [Enthält] : Shan, Tam Pak. Chronology. Reflections. Transl. by Janice Wickeri. Shutdown. Transl. by Janet Ng with Janice Wickeri. Great felicity. Translated by Janet Ng with Janice Wickeri. Steamed osmanthus flower, Ah Xiao's unhappy autumn. Translated by Simon Patton . Traces of love. Translated by Eva Hung. Stale mates. Written in English by Eileen Chang. |
Publication / ZhaA4 |
13 |
2000 |
Chang, Ta-chun [Zhang, Dachun]. Wild kids : two novels about growing up. Transl. from the Chinese by Michael Berry. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2000). (Modern Chinese literature from Taiwan). Übersetzung von Zhang, Dachun. Ye hai zi. (Taibei : Lian he wen xue chu ban she, 1996). 野孩子 [Enthält] : My kid sister. Wild child. |
Publication / ZhaDa3 |
14 |
2000 |
Scarpari, Maurizio. Splendours of ancient China. (London : Thames & Hudson, 2000). |
Publication / Scar12 |
15 |
2000 |
Samarani, Guido. La Cina verso il 2000 : potere politico e trasformazioni economico-sociali. (Venezia : Cafoscarina, 1994). |
Publication / Sama7 |
16 |
2000 |
Su, Tong. Spiriti senza pace. Trad. di Rosa Lombardi. (Milano : Feltrinelli, 2000). (I narratori). Übersetzung von Su, Tong. Sui wa. (Nanjing : Jiangsu wen yi chu ban she, 1997). 碎瓦 |
Publication / SuT9 |
17 |
2000 |
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Anna Kalienina. Tuo'ersitai yuan zhu ; Fei Ruming gai xie ; Chen Lin cha tu. (Hefei : Anhui shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2000). (Wai guo wen xue ming zhu shao nian du ben). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886). 安娜卡列尼娜 |
Publication / Tol27 |
18 |
2000 |
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Annuo Kalienina. Yu Yizhong zhu shi. (Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she, 2000). (E yu wen xue ming zhu cong shu). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. (Moskva : Tip. T. Ris, 1877-1878). = Anna Karenina. (Claremont : Joshua James Press, 1877). = Anna Karenina : Roman. (Berlin : R. Wilhelmi, 1885). = Anna Karenine. (Paris : Hachette, 1886). 安娜卡列尼娜 |
Publication / Tol30 |
19 |
2000 |
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Liefu Tuo'ersitai tong hua quan ji. Li Xiaofan zhu bian. (Huhehaote : Nei Menggu ren min chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie tong hua da xi). [Übersetzung der vollständigen Märchen von Tolstoy]. 列夫托尔斯泰童话全集 |
Publication / Tol96 |
20 |
2000 |
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Tuo'ersitai fu yin shu. Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Bai Ruoxue yi. (Taibei :Jiu jing chu ban she gu fen you xian gong si, 2000). (Zong jiao ; 2). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Kratkoe izlozhenie Evangheliia. (1883). = (Genève : M. Elpidine, 1890). = The gospel in brief. (Croydon : Brotherhood Publ. Co.; London : Walter Scott, 1896). 托爾斯泰福音書 |
Publication / Tol146 |